NPS Form IOgOO OMS NO. 1W24601a (Ocr. 1990) United Statea Depattment of the Interior Natlonal Park Servlca National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This fmis for ur in nominating or requesting detetminations for individual pmpeRiM and districts. Sw inaruatoons in How to ComH the h'.bonal Re@'* d HlslMc H8ew &WbaWn FM~(National Register Bulletin 18A). Complete euh itom by marking "x" in the appmpnate box or by meting the information requoatad. Ifan item does tm appty to the pmpsny bring docummod, enter "MIA" for "not applicable." For lunnions. architoaural chMc&n. mrialr. and areas of signifkame, emer only uUgorisr and subcat~rloafm the inmwiona. Place adMlonal mnea and nanam items on cMtinuation sham (NPS Form 1&8ooa). Ura typewriter. word m,or mpuker. complae aU items. 1. Name of Prow historic name JOHN HANDLEY HIGH SCHOOL other names/site numb VDHR File No. 138-5001 2 Location &eet & number 425 Handley Boulevard not for publication W.4 City or town Winchester 0 vicinity N/A state Vi rainia Code- V A COUtlly Winrh~st~r code 840 zip code 22601 (Tnd~pepdPntCitv) 3. Statelfdm1 Agency CertHlcaUon the drugnaa authW under the N.Wml HLgoric Pnwcmntlon Act, amended. I henby cenny tha ttua nomination 0 nWra ~~~~ Of mi mom VIa dmmentation sDndards for npirUting pmpMllea in the National Register ot mamric and me Pmadursl and pmkabrul rrquimmm am fMk in 38 CFR Pan 80. In my opinion. the pmpew Bmw0 does~m&.ta~.~~~~egaterm~ I Rrnmnundthrtthhp~bao~aersd mcam 0 (PI 0 w.(0 .%a cominua~ons~ hx addition4 commama.) ent of Historic ~esokces- I In my opinion, th. pmp.ny mas 0 doer nn mom the N&nal Reglater cnlHia (C]Sea continuation sheet for addinional commma) SIau or W.nl .gmcy and bumu 4. National Perk Service Certification I hereby centty lks( the promIS: Signature of the Kwwr Oale of Actlon U entered in the ~aoa~egmer. 0 ~w cominu~l~nshea doly~nmedeligible for the Nwnd Reglster 0 Sea cont~nuat~onsheet. delernnned nneligible for the National Reglmer. remwed from the Natlonai Reg~aer otner. (explain J John Handlev Hi~hSchool City of Winchester, Virginia Name of Propeny bmYand State I. -,-"I.. Ownerahip of Pmm Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as .many boxer aa WPM (Check only om box) (Do not indude pnnousiy lined resources m the aunt.) 0 private 0 building(s) Contributing Noncontributing a public-local district 1 0 0 public-State 0 site buildings 1 0 public.Federal 0 structure sites 0 object 0 2 structures 2 3 Total Name of related rnultlple property llstlng Nurnbw of contributing resources previously lMed (Enter "NIA" if propew 1s naPM Ot a tnUItiple pmpeny listing.) In the Wonat Register N/ A 6. Functlon or Uw Hlstoric Fundons Current Functions (Enter cmgorirs tmm insmrclions) (Enter horn insmraions) )Education: School Recreation: Sports facility 7. Ddptton Archilectumt Cksiiieatlon Materials (Enter uugoned fmm lnatfuctions) (Enta utqpfiw fmm ~nsmraloru) N,=nr--1 foundation Concrete walls Brick Asphalt roof . other Wood NameDdptlon (Dernbe the hlaIoffi and cumtn condition of the pmwon one or mon comlnwtion shema.) dulln na~lureym~n xnool City of Winchester, Virginia Name d Pmpm bunv Ma Sme 8. statement of Significance Applicable National Register Gritha 'Areas of Significance (Mark "xu in one Or man box= lor th. CMqualifying !he pmperry (Entef calegonaa Im im) ror N.W Rsgrlw lWlQ.1 Grhitortctro a A Property is asCiatEd With events that have made Educarion a significant contribution to the bmad oatterns of~ ~ rsndscaoe-, Architecture our hiiry. B Properly is associated with the lives of pemns significanl in our past Ll C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or po-sses high artistic values. or represents a signifim and distrnguishable emwhose components lack Period of Significance indi~idualdistinction. 1916 - 1923 O D Properly has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerstions (MM "x" in aU the Wca (ha apply.) Slgnlflcant Dates '021-1923 Property is: A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. Significant Person B removed fmm its original location. ((hlI!Mle 11 CMsmn 0 is mukW above) C a birthplace or grave. Cultural AtfllloUon 0 D a cemetery. - a E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. U F a commemorative properly. a G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance McVBullder within the past 50 pats. McCornack, W.R. - Architect nlmsted Brothers - Landscape Architects (~iteth; bob;. ~UCW, and mcmw savcn uud in mngtms mrm on oru or rmn caxinuatbn -.I Previoua documentation on flle (NPS): Prlmaty location of addltlonal data. 0 preliminary determination of individual listing (36 13State Historic Presewation Office CFR 67) has bean requmed Other State agency previously listed in the Natlonal Reaister ~ a Federal agency 0 previously determined eligible by the- National Register 0 designated a National Historic Landmark b Other 0 recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of reposito~: # C1 recorded by Histor~cAmerican Engineering Record # John Handlev Hieh School City of Winchester, Virginia NM.ofPmpny CaUnN Md Slam 3m (41~1141~10t~ Lone hmng Nonnlng 4Mb W~IOIO~~IO~ Q ~n cormnuawn *ert Boundary JurWtcatlon , ' (€vWnvrhyth.bouaui.lmslrraedonaOnrin~~.) 11. Form Premed BY 11th Grade Students of John Handley High School/DHK Staff (see continuation *I?)shee John Handley High School 4/15/98 organization date 425 Handley Boulevard 540-662-3471 telephone dty or Winchester V A 22601 - state zip code . Additlonal Documcmttltlon Subrnft PI. follomnO nrmu mth the complm lonn: A US= map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Skaeh map for historic districts and pmperties having large acreage or numerous resources. Repmtmtah black and whb photographa of the property. name d of Trustees, The Handley Library street&number. inn E Pirrullv Street telephone 540-722-4885 PwwwodI R#ucllan *ot Thh lntmnaian is baing wII.Qld for BPPIIC.tlQU 10 the NWaReq~w 01 HhMnC Flam m mmku(. mu- nqund ta ~l"~~Or~N=ity"*m&iltblg.kl~pmpRI... ~m,$;~;snyk~wm= " - E.(hM.d Bud.n . PuWc.. npormng burdon tor thin mm is eammec~to awqe 18.1 houn per renpma indud~ngurn ta mimng i~~emhrino.ndmucll.ayl dd~andmmwun~~dnvisrrhgmetam.mmt~man.mgani1ngmhbutdm.r(lmmor~arpa of this form to th. ChW. Mmhiumiw S.mg Oivirion. ~usrulPM SWng,P.o. BOX 37127. Wnsnington. OC ~~11571m.and IMmce ot hianagamaa Md Budga. Wammk RWuniDns Pm~ecUl(I@uY)~s). Washingon. DC 20503. United States Department of the Interior National Park Sewice . National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet 7 1 John Handley High School Section number Page City of Winchester, Virginia SUMMARY DESCRIPTION John Handley High School is situated on a hill overlooking a broad park-like campus in a residential area southwest of the central business district of the city of Winchester, Virginia. Built 1921-1923, it is an impressive Neoclassical Revival brick building designed by Cleveland, Ohio, architect Walter R McCornack. The large rectangular school features a two-story, hip-roofed central block topped by a balustraded deck from which rises a three-stage wooden cupola. The front is dominated by a hexastyle pedimented portico with Corinthian columns. Flanking the central portico are long one- story brick wings fionted by Ionic-columned loggias. A wide brick-paved terrace, supported by brick arcades below, extends beyond the portico and classroom wings. More recent additions have been confhed to the rear of the original school building. The school grounds, a contributing site, were designed by the nationally known landscape architecture firm of Olmsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts in 1916. An athletic field, located in &ont of the school, is situated in a bowl-like arei with an oval track and two noncontributing stadiums; the south stadium was built in 1973 and the north stadium in 1981. Beyond the athletic field is an extensive grassy lawn flanked by double rows of oak trees. Facing Valley Avenue at the eastern extent of the lawn is a granite monument erected in 1968 to the memory of Judge John Handley, the school's benefactor. ARCEIITECTURAL ANALYSIS Located on a 40-acre tract of land bounded by Valley Avenue to the east, Jefferson Street to the south, Tennyson Avenue to the west, and Handley Boulevard to the north, John Handley High School is perched on a hill near the western limits of the property. The imposing Neoclassical Revival building overlooks a park-like campus that extends several hundred yards east to Valley Avenue. Mostly a grassy lawn, the campus is shaded by double rows of oak trees that hean impressive vista terminating in the west with the school building. The grounds were designed by Olmsted Brothers, a nationally known landscape architecture firm in Brookline, Massachusetts. The firm was hired by the Handley Board of Trustees to develop a landscape plan for the school in 1916. John Handley High School has little changed since it was completed in 1923. Except for interior modifications and modern rear additions, the school building retains much of its original integrity. Architect Walter R. McCornack's original renderings of the school currently hang in the principal's office (Photo 3). A comparison of the renderings and the school's appearance today (Photo 4) reveals that both are nearly identical. United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet John Handley High School Section number 7Page 7 City of Winchester, Virginia The school is a cornbition of architectural elements from the Neoclassical Revival and the Colonial Revival; both were popular styles for public buildings in the 1920s.
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