SUMMER VILLAGES OF LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY EAST AGENDA HOST VILLAGE - South View Saturday, October 17th,2A15 at g:00 a.m. LOCATION - Fallis Community Hall @un,tumnorthonRgeRd52(Fal|isStore)orgowestofDarwellonsH 633 until Rge Rd 52 and tum south) Members' Discussion Session - Summer Village Councils and Administrators only CALL TO ORDER/I NTRODUCTIONS 1. AdoptAgenda 2. Hon. Oneil Carlier - Minister of Agriculture & Forestry and MLA Whitecourt Ste. Anne: suspend agenda when he arrives or-€ 3. Adopt SVLSACE Minutes of June 6th, 2015 Adopt SVLSACE Financial Update {Jtla -t[r'4. I 5. LILSA Update 6. ALUS Update 7. Regional Emergency Services Committee Update 8. Revenue and Cost Sharing Study Committee Update 9. Watershed Meetings Update 10. 11. 12. 13. COFFEE BREAK * County representation to arrive 14 Committee Updates (a) Highway 43 East Waste Commission (b) Lac Ste. Anne Seniors Foundation (c) Physician Recruitment Committee (d) High Speed lnternet Committee (e) Lac Ste. Anne East End Bus Society (g) WILD Water Commission (h) (i) 15.Thank-you to host South View 16. Next meeting: February Oth, 2016 with Sunrise Beach as host 17. Adjourn MINUTES OF' TIIE SUMMER VILLAGES OF' LAC STE. AIINE COUNTY EAST REGULAR MEETING I{ELD ON SATURDAY, JUNE 6th, 2015 AT 9:00 A.M. HOSTED BY THE SUMMER VILLAGB OF' SILYER SANDS AT THE FALLIS HALL PAGE 1 Attendance Harrv Kassian Mayor Nakamun Park Bill Burell Councillor Nakamun Park Rob Kirk DepuW Mayor S ver Sands Dennis Evans CAO Birch Cove, Ross Haven. Val Ouentin Marlene Walsh Deputy Mavor Val Ouentin Paul Hanlan CAO/Admin. Sunset Point Betty Forfolow Deoutv Mavor Sunset Point Cornelia Helland Mayor Castle Island (Deputy Chair) Ann Momison Mayor Sunset Point Garth Ward Depu8 Mayor South Vierv Bob Lehman Mayor Val Quentin John Hellings Counc lor Sandy Beach Roger Montpellier Counc lor Val Ouentin Alice Solesbury Mayor Yellorvstone Brenda Shewaga Deputy Mayor Yellowstone Russ Purdy Deputy Mayor Yellowstone Mark Miller Councillor Nakamun Park Wendy Wildman CAO Sandy Beach, Silver Sands, South View, Sunrise Beach, Yellowstone Maureen Mazerolle Councillor S ver Sands Bemie Poulin Mayor S ver Sands (Chair) .Dwisht Moskalvk Administration SVLSACE Brian Johnson Deputy Mayor South View (arrived at 9:40 a.rn.) OneilCdrlier MLA Whitecourt Ste. Anne Bill Hegy Reeve Lac Ste. Anne Coungi (arrived at 10:00 a.m,) t\ IUINUTES OF THE SITMMER YILLAGES OF LAC STE. ANNE COI]NTY EAST REGULAR MEETING T{ELD ON SATUR}AY JTINE 6th,2015 AT 9:00 A.M. PAGE 2 Call to Order Chairman Poulin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a'm. Introductisns Introdttctions took place. (l) Adoption of the Agenda: Motion #12-15 Russ Purdy - that the agenda be approved with the following additions : Agenda (accepted as (8) Letter of Thanks to Ceorge VanderBurg Presented) (9) Fire Services Update (10) Highway 43 East Waste Comrnission ., appointment of a new representative ,, ,:., ., Carried. .. (2) Welcome of MLA OneilCarlier (Suspends agenda on arival): MLA Oneil Carlier Chairman Poulin welcomed the ne* MLA,for Whitecourt Ste. Anne and eongratulated Mr. Carlier on his election victory and recent appointment as ', Minister of ASricufture and Forestry' , , MLA Carlier introauceAnimse]f and guu" u'b,6drundown of the pressing issues highlighted in his new portfolio. MLA Carlier coufirmed that his constituency office is in Mayerthorpe but that it was still being set-up and not cu{r.e-ntl*i in operation; he'in'ilited anyone with comments, concerns and ., qubsticins,to,direct their cOrrespondence to his email at , pneil.Sarliql@asseurblv,ab.$A. Mr. Carlier noted he plans on attending our ,.: MLA Carlier leaves, fvf[A Cartier t6ft'the meeting at 9:05 a.m. themeeting.g:05:ejm.' ' r,,',, .r '' '' ' - (3j Minutesj'": ' :,i ..',a:a.. ''t,.. (b) LSA Seniors Foundation, line 2' ::':,, Motion#13-15 l,Bg,gtyForfylow*thatthe minutesoftheFebmdryT'h,20l5regularmeetingbe (approval of ,r.rapproved as amended, minutes) Carried' (4) Financial Update: Motion #14-15 Bill Burrell - accept the financial update as presented for information. (financial update) Carr ied.(u MINUTES OF THE SUMMER VILLAGES OF LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY EAST REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SATURDAY JUNE 6th,2015 AT 9:00 A.M. PAGE 3 Lake Quality (5) Lake Quality Management Sociery: Management Chairman Poulin reported the following: The socieff is looking at amending its bylaws/constitution to provide for the separation of the position of secretary-treasurer into trvo separate positions. There lvill be lake qualiry meetings on Saturday June 201r', 2015 at the Fallis Hall (highlighted by a discussion on blue green algae), and on Saturday July 18th,2015 (highlighted by a discussion on invasive weeds). There rvill also be an AGM meeiing held aithe Agriptex in Alberta Beach on August 22'd,2A15 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Chairman Poulin also made the assernbly aware fhe Alberla "lveed spot app" which helps identifu rveed speciesinoluding invasive and hazardous species that may be found in many of our member lakeshore communities' presented by Motion #15-15 {Lake Rob Kirk - that the Lake Qualif Managernent society report, as Qualif Management Chairman Poulin, be accepted for information. Report) Carried. WILD Water (6) WILD Water Colmission:. Commission Resulting from Guy Poirier's resignation from Council, he may no longer sit as representative for the'summer Villages on previotts committees, including the WILD'Water Commission. A new rep must be appointed to sit on the commission,board (the Summer Villages have two reps, Betty Forfylow is the other). Chairman Poulin called for nominations for the position of Summer Village Representative on tlre WILD Water Conrmission Board of Directors' Bob'Lehman nominated Roger Montpellier Chairman Poulin called for nominations a second time. : Chairman Poulin called for nominates a third time Roger Montpellier - 'Roger Montpellier was appointed a Summer Village Rep. for WILD Water. appointed second rep for WILD Regional Emergenoy (7) Regional Ernergency Managoment Services: Management Services Emergency Response (a) Emergency Response Plans: Plans Chairrnan Poulin and Wendy Wildman reported that curently the committee was looking at the viability of creating a very broad regiorral plan with very MINUTES OT' THE SUMMER VILLAGES OF LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY EAST REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SATURDAY JUNE 6th,2015 AT 9:00 A.M. PAGE 4 specific schedules to address the individual and unique concerns and conditions of each member municipality. It is anticipated that this regional plan will be administered and operated under a common director or Regional Manager. A sample motion for those municipalities interested in becoming a member of a regional agency is presented on page I 6 ofthe agenda; once passed a copy of the motion could be fonvarded to Wendy Wildman for collection. CPO Services (b) Cornmunity Peace Officer Services: Chairman Poulin and Wendy Wildman reported that the steering committee has been considering many options and they presented a cost breakdown estimates for the most viable options for providing a broader peace officer service, as discussed at the last steering committee meeting. It was suggested that all Summer Villages discuss these options at their respective Council levels and report back the options and breakdowns they most prefer and prepare to send a rep to a pre-committee meeting to cover any specific suggestions/concerns that arise from these discussion. The next meeting is scheduled for June l6'h, 2015 in Onoway. Chairman Poulin callbd for nomination for the Regional Emergency Management Services Committee Surnmer Village rep. Roger Montpellier nominated Bernie Poulin Chairman Poulin called for nominations a second time. Chairman Poulin called for nominations a third tirne. , Bernie Poulin - SV Bernie Poulin was appointed a summer village rep on the Regional Emergency rep on Regional Services Committee. Emergency Services Committee (Regional Emergency. by Chairman Poulin and Wendy Wildrnan be accepted for information. Management Discussion) Carried. Thank-You Letter (8) Thank-You Letter to George VanderBurg: Motion #17-15 (Draft Ann Morrison * that Chainnan Poulin draft a thank you letter for George a Thank-You Letter to VanderBurg highlighting the immense contribution he had in helping improve George VanderBurg) the viability of tlie summer villages in Whitecourt-Ste. Anne during his tenure as an MLA, on behalf of the SVLSACE' carried. f-"$ \./\ MINUTES Otr THE SUMMER VILLAGES OT LAC STB. ANNE COI]NTY EAST REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SATURI}AY JUNE 6th,2015 AT 9:00 A.M. PAGE 5 9) Fire Services UPdate: Fire Services UPdate Chairman Poulin reported that tlie Town of Onoway, Alberta Beach and the Summer Village of Silver Sands, South View and Yellowstone have all given notice to terminate their existing fire service agreements with Lac Ste. Anne County and lvere beginning new service contracts with Northlvest Fire Rescue, although discussion on separate mutuai aid agreements with Lac Ste. Anne county remain on the table. ,,,, .r.,, l Motion #18-15 (Fire Alice solesbury * that the Fire services upd4te,.as presented by chairman Services Discussion) Carried. I0) Highway 43 East Wastq.C.grymission: Representative Harry Kassian adviSed that with the resignation of Guy Poirier there is also a vacancy in the Highway 43 East Waste Commission Board. Chairman Poulin balled.fgl nomination for a second representative on the Highway 43 East WasteCommission Betry Forfylow nomindtgd Russ Purdy' ,C[ainnd;foulin called for nominations a second time. :, l .,Chairman Pbulin called for nomihations a third time. a second representative of the Highway 43 East Russ Purdy * .;,:;;;, Ruitp..Bidy''i;*:'a6pointed on behalf of the SVLSACE' Appointrnent'to " " ',,,Waste"d6itrmission, Highway 43 East WasF{ommission. .'1,. ,, Chainnan Poulin announced a break at i0:00 a.m. Brgak ,.. (10:00 a.m.) '. ,:t:.' Reconvene ehairman Poulin reconvened the meeting at 10:15 a.m' with County (10:15 a.m. - LSA Representative, Reeve Bill Hegy, now in attendance.
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