r WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST 2B, 196|^ PAOK THOtTV-TWO X vera ffe Dsllv Net PreM Run The Wehtlitr iHanct^eBt^r lEttfttins if^ralb W ar the Week Ended 1 1 ____ A. A n A A - ^ ^ Fereeaet of V.' 8 , Weather BhNM Angaot 11, 1965 II ■ .... will be sput bataraen tha aeboel 11 fl ■yatam, tha polloa dapartm^t About T omv Youths Get and tha park and raa dapart- 13,550 V iw iupivum S5-7ei partlnl etoaiing W M M mant. Member o t the Audit merrew, high in Me. Otno«n uid dlraotora of Omar Tha Tount Adulta CSub ataar- Boreeu of dnmlatton •hiina Club wlH matt at 8 to- Parking Lot Ing com m it^ , mMUpt last ManehattoT ' A City of VlUago Charm nlfht at tha home of the aao- The marriage of Mlse night at the Bast Side Reo, vot­ ra t^ , Raymond Bofua, 80 Bry­ Oonatance Robihaon Brand to ed Its appreciation to town and (ClasatOad Advsrtlsing an PSga M ) an Dr. Leonard Anthony Stepatka, both For Events school olflolals for granting per­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1965 PRICE SEVEN CENTS mission for u8e of tho high TOL, LKXXIV, NO. 271 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TyVO SECTIONS) of New Britain, was solemnised M m PrIaclUa Oibaon, diractor Tfha 17 to 91 aga group Young school fsolUUss, snd rsiUrstsd Saturday at Sacred Heart lU deslra to be sllowod the use o t tha Priacilla CHIbaon School ot AdulU a u b ^ has full and Church, New Britain. 1 of Keeney Annex for yesr-round Dlvtdenda paid from day Danca Arts, recently returned Imniadlata permission to use tha from an extenalve month tour The bride la the daughter of soUvltles. of dopoalt — 4 ttoaa paved parking raatrooms of the Oifant. She vlalted Japm, Mr. and Mrs. James Webb Plans are now 'balng nished yaar. Hony Kong: and Taiwan, For- Brand of 136 Green Rd., Man­ and coneesaioh stand at Man- for an outdoor danca tomorrow moaa, and obaerred many of chester. The bridegroom Is a chsator High School, at laaat night, to the music of volun­ teer orchestras, and further A t the beghintng of » ta m - All-Time Endurance Mark tha tradition^ dances In each son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph S. until the beginning of the 1986- araa. Zapatka of New Britain. plans will soon be announoed ary. April, duly and Ot- 88 school year. Given In marriage by her (or an indoor dsinoa, to he held tober. within the next two or three Tlw Rer. Dr. J. Manley Bhaw father, the bride wore a full- The permission was granted ator, and the Rev. Willard length gown of organza, dealgn- left night by Superintendent weeke. gg , both of South Methodist ed with cap sleeves of Belgian of Schools WiUlam Curtis. TTie Mancheiter Jayceee have nChurch, plan to attend the Boa-lace, bateau neckline and floor- TTie last obstaelo, use of the promised cupervleore for tomor­ length detachable cape train ot outdoor refreshment stand, was row night at tho opening ot the ton Area Pastors Assembly at high school grounds, but future Set by Cooper and Conrad Belgian lace. Her elbow-length removed when the Fire and Po­ Geneva Point, N.H., Auy. SO supervision have to he pro­ througli Sept. 8. Dr. Shaw will two-tiered veil of silk Illusion lice .Junior Athletic Association, ^ 1 1 serve as dean of the conference. was arranged from a pearl overseer of the concession, vided by the recreation depart­ crown, and she carried a cir­ agfeed to have one of Its mem- ment. cular bouquet of white Fuji bei'ii on hand during the hours Rec and Park Buperintondont The ladies of St. James will of operation. Horace Murphey has Issued a open the coming season with a State News The stand will be nui by the call for voluntear adult super­ P W lw l FaM Minor Problems Dim dinner meeting Monday, Sept. Miss Terry Treter of New visors. 18 at 8:80 p.m. at Garden Grove. Britain was maid of honor. She Young Adults, but always under ■I DiV « f DopooH the supervision of the rec and Reservations close Sept. 8 and wore a full-length gown of lime REfllkTRARS'START WORK High Speed may be made with Mrs. An­ green, fa.shloned with square park department and the aaeoc- Astronauts’ Elation drew Undberg, 83 Erie St. neckline, cap sleeves, fitted bod­ iatlon. PRENTISS, Miss. (AP) — ice, embroidered cummerbund School Attendance Supervisor Federal examiners began regis­ "ft ^ 2 and Watteau bock panel extend­ Robert Digan, advisor to the tering Negro voters .today In Auto W reck MANNED SPACE CENTER, Houston, Tex. (A P)— 2 ing from the neckline to the Young Adults Club, said today Jefferson Davis County, Miss. Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr. and Charles Conrad — after taking over temporary S A V I N G S f Public Records floor. Her matching headbow that the facllltlee will be utilised Jr. today broke the world space endurance record held has a circular face veil, and she statting tomorrow night and office apace by court order. Kills Three The registrars, unable to find Iv O A. TV by a Soviet cosmonaut, and soared on toward their Warrantee Deeds carried a cascade bouquet of through Sunday night. •, S f 1 < t \ I I ‘ » N An agreement has been reach­ anyone who would rent them Green Manor Estates Inc. to white and yellow carnations and TORRINGTON (AP) — eight-day goal. daisies. ed with Kenneth Smith, presi­ office space, set up shop in four The historic moment came at other experiments which r»> Myron I. Kalman and Mirlan R. rooms at the Magnolia Courts, Three persons were killed . Kalman, property on Scott Dr. Joseph P. Zapatka of New dent of the Fire and Police As­ 8:06 a.m. E8T. The astronauts quire maneuvering. sociation, to plan for the pur- the town's only mptol. about 2 a.m. today when Jarvis Enterprises Inc. to Da- Britain served as his brother's 1007 MAIN ST. — NEAR MAPLE ST. then had been in space 119 The ground also Indicated best man. Ushers were Airman ch ue of supplies for the Mrs. AJagene Allen, owner of their car veered across some concern about the buildup rid J. Goode and Mary E. refreshment sta ^ and to dele­ the motel was considering a BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY hours and six minutes, just shy of water in the fuel cell power Goode, property at 26 Kane Rd. S.C. Stephen J. Brand of Lack- Torringford St. and crash­ 5 land APB, Tex., and Gregory gate the task of its operation to court fight. However, she said of five days. system. The water Is produced Jarvis Enterprises Inc. to Jo­ OPEN TILL 4 PJS. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ed into a tree. I 6 J. Brand, of Manchester both the young adults. there appeared to be little But mingled with congratula­ as the hydrogen and oxygen seph Bernard (^esnel and Joan ITie responsibility for polic­ chance of throwing the reg­ The victims were Identified tory messages from the ground combine In the celle to create M. Quesnel, property on Kane brothers of the bride; and David THURSDAY NIGHT 6 to 8 O'CLOCK________ as Robert M. Yadach, 27, of 36 McKinnon of New Britain. ing, maintaining and supervts istrars out so she’ll put the mo­ was some serious talk about electricity. Rd. ing the high school facilities Hillside Ave., New Hartford, Mrs. Brand wore a parfalt tel up for sale. (AP Photo!ax) several problems, none serious, To conserve power. Cooper Peter Vitols and Shirley A. and Ralph Hewitt, 18, of 82 which began plaguing the and Conrad were told to etaut off pink draped chiffon dress with The party’s over for this handcuffed trio, awaiting a trip to the East Hamp­ Vltols to Jamea T. Morlarty frosted pink accessories. The South Main St., and Mrs. Edith spacecraft. all but critical systems. and Joan W. Morlarty, property bridegroom’s mother wore a ton, N. Y. police station. They were a part of a group arrested after officers Morlarty Nugent, 30, of 48 Like an aging automobile, Conrad may have won a dol­ at 16 Mai4>Ie St. crashed a wild party com post of 300 to 400 high school and college students. Centpr St., both of Wlnsted. Gemini 6 has been buildingbuildii up lar from his wife as a result of deep aqua draped chiffon drees the new space record. Attachment with matching accessories. Both V- Police said Yadach was the small, pesW problems. Com­ Wflhelm E. Hansen a ^ n s t driver of the convertible. It mand pilot (tooper(looper repoireported this In a poM over the control cen­ wore a white orchid on their ter, the conversation with cap­ R«ne J. Girardln, Eugenele Olrar- purse. Lorins phoio was traveling at a high rate of morning that he had lost use of din and Anita Girardln, parcels EYE SAVING AID FOR STUDENTS speed, they said. two of his 82 jet control thrust­ sule communicator Jamee A . on Kensington St. and Trotter A reception for about 116 MRS. LEONARD ANTHONY ZAPATKA Police Crash Party; d .c . subway Medical Examiner John ers. The mission control center McDlvitt went like this; was held in the Plaza Room of Bllnkoff said the men died of suspected valve clogging, and Conrad: “Say, Jbn, will you S t, 625,000. the Hotel America, Hartford. WASHINGTON (AP)— would be as teacher aides in the multiple Injuries and the enedneers were devising a series poas my wife a message? Tell Mrs.
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