NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISS)ON Records Facilities Branch g, ) Ol.6 Phil IN THE NATTER OF: <f<CXl'X< i;.S a "~«,"t"i".a'Z.:!»gy («t;.~b.';) Canjuz. «jr.z.«.- 1 ~~ad 2) tj.'oai;e", «!os. o0-2'15 o«t-323 Place- ««VXliw 465.C'1 I 'Ca..t '.<3'd. Date- Pages '~b",!any 3.)7!) J-~u3 9 Iy7 Telechone: (202) 34747CO "ACE - FEDERAL REPORTERS) PiiC. OfjVcia1 R. porters. 444 North Ccpitcf Street V90306000 Wcshington, D.C. 20003. HAT!ONWIDECOVERAGE - DA(LY J 0 9463 Ilhl ~ ? Cl(2 30 7 ~ t UrjX'L'3."0 STz~'2l.',8 0"«'~IERXCd. ~ ) i<R33.oam tI dU('!~PE< Rv.'('U~l'VCR?Z COLL'4XSt>XO(< l t.i(,t „n t ('tpn mgbl ii Xn j:ne 1(lag~(" sr o f„ lt 4 t C Pi'CXPXC Cw3S ~ HLPCt'RXC CO.-lK<P 37ocke"- i-'.Os. 50-275 50-323 (Diablo Canyon Vni~s and. 2) CcLvaliez l(ool(1p San auis Bay Xnn, hvila iseacn, California. 'Tuesday, l3 Pe17ruary 1979 ~ Tile clearing 721 CAB 8Li)ove en~ihlGQ hla'tter was 1 reconve edp ptursuanh io ac~ journmenip at 8:30 a.m. I Pt I Y+XZAQ3."Pt(? i3Uvh"AS p Zsq. p Chai~i~ I ~ h AT.om7.c Satat..y ~a licensing Board.. OB (vXi~fih. 3" xhu4'.(.'XL'l p a'Lel(lb Qr o GitEut:6 0 o BRXGNA', <(.~t~<er ~ PPP1„2,RKr,C'PS: \ 1 On a~&el or. clpglicmt, > civic Gas G hlecfwic ColL133any: 21 th ~ I I dliVC(p 3~?ORTOHp ESq., 3216 do. TnircL Street,, l &homini p ~riz,ona 850' ~ h i "~ t 1 PHXS~ZP Cia)i", J'sq., Leg*3. lee(7artl(iaaf.p Pac5.Sic ~ t 1 Gas 5 Sl"-ctric Company, 77 peale Stree~, SRQ t'ane "disco p C&lÃro:-n7.a 94l06 a k~~?'('OL!I ii. PURBUSHp Hsg. p 3'egal i)egartmant p Pac ~ c Gas 6 alee'M ic CQLLljJAQ Y p 77 dsale Sv o p San =ra ciscop Ca'li "o..nia 94106 ~ ,0 h 94Ci4 ) «. <i l'i APP~i~KY4C1'S: (Continued) ',i O.a. b<~laalf of Joa.reh Xntszvenors: DMXD 8 ~ »L3"XSC~4'R„- llsu., Suite 602, 10?5 3.5t~a Stree', i4.L'f., ilasia~gton, 'D.C. MJ"PHH~H .'Q<XSYOVXCH, ~T"sg. q Center for Laà « «C t!ae Public Xntarestc 10203 San"a 'ionica dlvd.g 1 Los:angeles, California 90067. i« On bebop.f of mac i73'C Regulatory Staff: «g «t JshL~lS R. TOURY~~LUT'Za, 3:sq. „ iliDLC S'JiQ'aA9-'Rt, dsq. t and i~DINA1$ L<8t~CUL~«g Plsgl I Vff3.ce of 5xecuCLve ~ ~ / LegcQ, Director, U.S iCQcleer RegulBCorg i4as> in@ton, D.C. 20555. 'o>Nai.ssion, lf )J « ~ hk ~ r « -«p « i', C ~ « hh h ~ « ~ « « « ~ I ~ ~ I i h« ~ ~ 9465 2y'13/79 S'i3:~1 COi<"'4" ijTB I ? Durst" c: Cro."=8 !3cazD c)'GQ+~o "X & o Qi",4~t"QTi c67 9600 9706 C1=~~'QS 3 o HR11q JR. 3 Hztx.=!a z.'8 cDHi< LV. Diag;rct.Oh@ and Bib'..-t.agZa,a'r.y, Cia,X'erato Ao .'Ic>11: J;. td o3.o B't c 72 Og:"QQlhg Rt BlJ313 OgZPPllV g C1GZQQCB 9 ci 70 9470 h~11,Jr., {J.1 71 ~'*'aaz!;arl 72; ~ o X. 73" . 1 2.Q'-. QG - D ~ Hc11 8 0-'"~~sQDP ~Yc3.oxl, 9473 9700 ." 96 Z.Z.l07 r~K Q>V l; .rQil P8tl1.; t.|RQ 95>2 9596 c t o X. 108 cS'&PC Q.3. BQOQ. cl LXQo 37 'T t' Qt) li~S"Z" c ~ gZ'Om >rice! ~..iac"S Geaphys" t'a 1 ~'>82 9698 U!>ion ar ~ o .''4 ..c+:Ere Q f D:Ls')l c„< ~cziv~ 'gQ „USGS jR(ggo~s. 9 5 ~S GZ ZQPUBR.V 1979; 79-385 V o-'o aO Jo J.o I 1 9595 c3 cbg ';:2 H=-11 .Xagzan:.To. 16 9614 9698 At-p. 43 XQ".SWIG'c;Ol.8 107 (P~OQl.ZD.PQ) - 9632 9698 .A'o!>, c" 4n GGQG 1l.'".i Q PQUi1l= .~2t'2.P tZ'tt hB,i:c"-.'lGC1 9647 9698 L ctQ:LZl Iso'-~ ~ g5 :"ug o i~nor.". 9680 SeSS ng c ~ ll ~ ~ tl c't e ~ HQ tl ~ a c P, 9466 PROCPPiDXNGB ?4PB. BOLK1M: he'd like to begin. Klereupon, ~TH 'aM ALWAY GBMAP was recalled as a viitness d'or and on behalf o"" the Joint Xntervenors and, having been previously duly sworn, ~ias e=.~mined and testified fUrther as follows: Nhereupon„ CLARENCE''lo ELALLg J,Ro was cal..ed as a witness for and on behalf of the:3'oint Xnterven rs and, having been first duly swam, was e::amined I and test fied as zo ows: NR. PLZXSCHAEBR: ?ws. Bowers, X would also 13.k. ~ 0 3.nt educ Nz. Don Brown who is a g-adua+e student at QCLA 'giho w3 ll be ass3 s Qillg us this Korng1lg ope. ating the pro3ect ors . for. Dr Ha11 s presentationo M38. BOILERS: Thank you. B~d don't we have Dr. Jahns back with us also'R. PLHXSCEKER: X'd like to "tart the examina- tion this nnrning by passing out an echibit which X think vill be Xntervenors 2:0'.ibit'No. sl. This is the b" bliograph fcr .Dr 're}lce g Hall z Jr {<Thereupon the document referred to was marked for identification as Join t Xntervenors HxhibiC 7 . o ) NPJ3/Mb2 HR. PLr.XSCHAKBR: I'd like the xecord to reflect that I'z giving hree copies of Dr. Hall's bibliography to the reporter. (Distributing docuirants) DIECT E3GQCXNATXON BY NRo PLEXSClBZER Q Dr. Hall, befoxe we get into the substance of your testimony I would just like to run over some preliminary matters with you. And these have to do with your educa- tiona3. and your employment ezperience. You have before you a document which has been marked as Joint'Xntervenors4 Z~aibit No, 71. That is a copy of your bjbliogx'aphyo Could you brief3.y describe for us your educational expel.ence 2 (Nitness Hall) Nell, I have a Bachelor', 1~faster ' and a Ph D. degree fx om Stanfoxd ' ~ l University. I a registered gaow~gist in the State of California. I'e been a professox or assist~t professor at UCXA since 1956. I'm a professor of geology there now. I'e r cently served as Chaimmn of that department for four years, as well as having erved as the Department Chairman or Acting Chairman for the Depar~~ent of Geophysics and Space Physics fo some 5 t.ime. ~ 4 P Since 3.959 X have been worked in the San Luis 9468 NRD/wb3 Obispo County, San Luis area, and have put together over a period oz years a set of maps which are 1'sted here in the bib1iography. They- reflect work which covers approxi- mately one thousand sauare miles in this area. Q Kovr l note here that under your past employment that basically since about 1956 you have been at UCLA— A That's correct. --in the D partment of Geology. Yes. co Q ).'our publications are listed here on pages C"2, 3, 4 and 5 of the bibliog aphy. Do you have'any additions oz corrections co make to this particular biblio- graphy'A. PLHZSCEKKr",R: X would note for the record that page 3 of the bibliography is a bad Zero=, and what we ~zould propose to do is substitute for the record a better 'opy of page 3 at an approp iate time. HZTNHSS ELRLL: One correction would be on p ge C-5 where it says "Xn press: Geologic Map of the Santa Earia Valley Region," etc. That has now been pub- li hed, end that's Miscellaneous Pield Studies i~1ap HF-933, 1978 And the "ln preparation" citation there is'a publication which now app ars in a Special Report of the e Califor.".ih Division of Hines and Geology, Special Report 137, e 9469 3.973 o BY NBo PXZXSCHM(ER: And is that all the additions or corrections ~ .that you would note to Joint Xntervenors'>chibit 71? 4 ~ A Of published work, yes. i4R. FLHXGCHAKER: At this me we would 1'ke MRS. BONERS: Did you give a number.for that sp cial report? —the one that is listed as in preparation? RITNESS HML: Yes. 137. BONFBS" Thank yoll NR. PLEXSCHAKHR: At this time we'd offer into evidence Joint Xnte~enors'xhibit No. 71. HR. NORTON: I don'5 think E have any objection to Joint Xntervenozs'l going into evidence, but that isn't this bibliogr phy. 71 was, X think, marked earlier. Xt was something that had to do with Dr. Hemnark4s graph. X8.ink his should be Joint Xntezvenors'2. And X have no objection to it either. MH. FLZXSCHiGCHR: Okav. X may be one down in my marking of e.wibits here. Do you recall what. the Hemnark thing was? MP.. HOB'EON: Draft reports response spectra, combined translation and torsion for a traveling seismic wave. Xt was iden ified on 1/12/79o tk 9470 HP.. PnEXSCMHER: Okay. X agree. So let me make this correction for the:record: X've been r ferring to a document tha+'s entitle t "'Biography of Clarence A. Hall, Jr." as Joint Xntexvenors Exhibit 71, and X would like the record to be corrected to As Its reflect that this will be marked as Joint Xntezvenors'xhib'o, 72o ('@he eupon the document referred to, heretofore marked for identification as Join Xntervenors'r>ibit 71 was remarked for.
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