Going "south "of the border" April 11 election in city Lots of school activity Annual tax sale list { INSIDE: Page 3 B Page 2 A Page 4B Pages 12/ 13 B Critical Ovid-Elsie £**• ***»*.- millage vote scheduled Monday OVID - ELSIE — A "critical** ceed with the necessary planning vote on millage for 8 1/2 mills for next year's program, Beau- for operation of the Ovid-Elsie champ pointed out, Area Schools is scheduled for "Teachers must be hired or this Monday, Feb. 20. notified that their services will' The outcome will determine not be used by the school dis-j whether or not the school board trict for the 1967-68 school year. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1967 2 SECTIONS - so PAGES 10 CENTS •will have to cut personnel and It is also imperative that millage Vol. Ill, No. 43 programs, resulting in half-day is passed so that money can be sessions. borrowed in anticipation of taxes Although balloting on 8 1/2 so that we can finish this school mills is necessary, school offi­ year." cials say'it will mean an increase Minstrel | Names make news in mid-February 1967 of only five mills—or $5 per THERE WILL BE a deficit of $1,000 of state equalized valua­ between $75,000 and $85,000 at tion—on property in the district the end of this school year, Beau- show this Total mills would be 24. champ said. The situation devel­ oped when voters failed in Sep­ LAST YEAR THE district as­ tember to pass a four-mill pro­ sessed 19 "mills, but this year posal. All school personnel al­ weekend 2.0 mills of voted operational tax ready had been hired and were The St. Johns Lions Club's an­ expires and the debt retirement on the job under contracts that nual minstrel show,featuringlo- millage will be lowered from 8.5 must be paid. cal talent and professional enter­ last year to 7.0 this year. The increase in operations tainment, will bestagedthisFrl- School of ficials point to sever­ cost for the school district oc­ day and Saturday evenings in the al serious aspects of the dis­ curred, he said, because every­ high school auditorium. trict's financial crisis in urging thing needed to operate the Twenty separate numbers will a yes vote on the 8.5 mills. schools is higher,includingwag- be presented, including music by At present there is no voted es and salaries that were in­ the Lions chorus, tap dancing, operational millage for the dis­ creased just as they wereinpri- vocal solos, organ andpiano,mu>- trict and the millage received vate industry. sic, dancing and professional from the allocation board will not Teacher salaries, tor exam­ acts. allow the district to qualify for ple, increased from $587,086 in The professional act will be a full amount of state aid without 1965-66 to $706,188 in 1966-67. John Shirley and Bonnie, featur­ some additional voted operation­ Other salaries went up from ing comedy with a toy'balloon. al millage. $98,036 in 1965-66 to$115,185in The two performers are equally The loss could vary from a 1966-67. All other operational at home In the sophisticated WILLIAM MAYERS , RAYMOND J, TORPEY EDWARD T. MORTON DR WENDELL BASSETT ROBERT E. WALDRON minimum amount of $93,000 to costs rose from $186,532 to Playboy Clubs or playing at a Outstanding Farmer . Retires at Saylor-Beall New Plant Superintendent Lenten Speaker ' Speaker here Feb. 23 the total state aid of $61S,000. $257,049. church bazaar. If the minimum operational mil­ Total operational cost this ( ! ' lage to receive any state aid is school year will be about $1,- THEY HAVE BEEN featured Bill Mayers increased to nine mills by the 078,423 compared to $872,005 in home shows, sports shows, Torpey retires, Saylor-Beall Waldron Legislature, as many believe will the previous year. co-op meetings, convention ban­ ! be done, Ovid - Elsie stands to quets and almost every phase of ' ayiarded THE AMOUNT OF 8 1/2 mills to speak lose all state aid unless extra show business. They have ap­ for operations was recommend­ millage is voted. peared on the Ed Sullivan Show names new plant manager ed by a citizens committee which five times and toured Russia with OYF title here Feb. 23 studied the revenues and pro­ "ANY LOSS OF state aid due Sullivan in 1959. They have ap­ Raymond J. Torpey, plant Philadelphia. He'held the posi­ of manufacturing engineeringfor grams of the district. A number William C- Mayers, 34, Ben­ State Rep. Robert E. Waldron, to insufficient taxes being levied peared in 33 countries. gal Townsh'ip dairy farmer^ has manager at Saylor-Beall Corp. tions of staff engineer, chief in­ numerical control equipment dustrial engineer, plant superin­ 47j of Grosse Pointe, elected for school operation will place (See OVID-ELSIE, Page 4-A) John Shirley and Bonnie will been named Clinton County's in St. Johns since 1953, retired with the Carlton Machine Tool tendent and manufacturing su­ speaker of the Michigan House the board of education in appo­ appear twice on the Lions' min­ "Outstanding Ydung Farmer" for Wednesday but, following a vaca­ Co. in Cincinnati, tion, will remain with the firm perintendent of Nye Tool Division of Representativesthlsyear^wHI^* sition where they will have no strel show program. Other acts 1966-67. He and his wife, Jeanette, w^ll be the featured speaker at the an­ alternative but to cut programs in a part-time capacity as a con­ ,of Symington-Wayne, Corp. of Ft. be moving to St. Johns as soon JVett? voting include liighjinks by the end men, The St. Johns Jaycees, spon­ nual Lincoln Day Banquet spon­ and personnel,** school officials sultant to President Russell V. Wayne, Ind. as possible. They'have one mar­ Dirty Bird (Terry Lamer), Hu­ sors of the annual contest, pre- sored by the Clinton County Re­ said. Allman. Most recently he was manager. ried son. bert Dumphery (Wayne Hicks), . sented the "Outstanding 'Young publican Women Feb. 23. This would mean, they said, date for Everett Durkfather (Bob White), Farmer" award toMayers Tues­ Appointed to torpey'sposition The annual event is scheduled that children in the elementary Sam Rayhot (Dick Devereaux), day evening at Its OYF banquet as plant manager is Edward T. *• for the Masonic Temple at the school would' go to school one- irk L.V.J, (''censored") and Adams at the L&L Restadrarit. ' Morton, who most recently has west edge pf St* Johns, with a half dayj the^teapher would have : held a managerial, ppsitipn^with^ Collister C. Pool (Jerry .Stbne)r^- ••X~v.~- ". Profecli. Chairman. Shajfne, reception at 6:30 and-dinner at \ another group the other half-day. the "CarltonTMachirie Tb"6i~Go2'lfl" LAINGSBURG - Clinton Coun­ The Interlocutor will be Sarn Smith of the Jaycees said judges 7p.m.Ticketsareavaiiablefrom • s The junior high program would Cincinnati, Ohio. ty's lone independentruralschool Serrell, while Wanda Humphrey interviewed and recorded facts Mrs Larry Sexton or any member be cut to-four subjects only and district is ."involved in the newest will direct the Lions chorus and on seven young farmers around of the Republican Women's board students would attend school half — and probably the last — Shia­ Treva Hill will be pianist. the county. The judges picked TORPEY AND HIS wife plan to or the county committee. a day. wassee school reorganization Mayers, who lives at 4087 W. vacation during the next month The senior high school would vote March 14. CURTAIN TIME Friday and . Walker Road, as the top candi­ In Florida before he returns in REP. WALDRON, whose late have, to eliminate all extra-cur­ 'an advisory capacity to Saylor- * J The Bath 6 Frl (Collister) Saturday evenings will be 8 p.m. date, with Stanley Baird,31, of father-was a native of St. Johns,' ricular activities such as band, District, under the proposed plan in the high school auditorium. 2273 E. Howe Road, k-1 DeWitt;' Beall. He has been with the firm is now serving his seventh term athletics, debate, etc*'Students would unite with the Walters, Oc­ The program: and Velmar Green, 29, of Elsie 24 years, starting in early 1943 Lenten speaker in the Michigan House of Repre- " would be limited to four sub­ tagon and Laingsburg districts to ACT I — «Alabama Jubilee" as runners-up. in the inspection department. sentatives. He served last year jects and would attend school form an enlarged Laingsburg dis­ by the chorus; introduction of From there he moved up tonight Dr Wendell Bassett, Evangeli­ eryone in the" St. Johns are'S and as minority leader, the top GOP one-half day. trict. Only the voters in those end men; "Pretty Baby" by the MAYER'S NAME and quallfi" supervisor, day supervisor and cal United Brethren minister are sponsored by the following House position. This year as four present districts will vote chorus; tap dancing by the South­ cations will now be entered in to plant superintendent in 1951. presently serving, as executive* churches: First Congregational speaker he is in the top House "THESE DECISIONS would be on the proposal. ern Belles, Kathy Merignac, the State Jaycees' contest to He was named plant manager in secretary of the Michigan Coun­ Church, First MethodistCfiurch, position. 1953. difficult for any board of educa­ The recommendations were Peggy Jo Merignac and Lynda pick the outstanding young far­ cil of Churches, will" be the St. John's Episcopal Church, Previously he served as Wayne w tion to make," Sgpfc.
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