The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk, Conn. , of South Norwalk, Conn. , la to milk-bot- tl milk-bot- tl aa proparad faralah eapa, plain, Maaufaetnras eappiag maeliiaaa: gaa-oli- waxad or priatod, at low pricaa aad la quaatitiaa aagtaaa aad motora; develops aad produeM to suit purahaaar. apaeial maehiaorj. Factory Opposite bait Norwalk R. R. Station. The Newtown Bee. Factory Opposite East Norwalk R. R. StaUon. VOLUME FRIDAY, MAY 1906. TEN PAGES. XXIX. NEWTOWN, CONN., 25, NUMBER 2i. TOWN TOPICS. The Melbourne Cancer Klark's Cure Co. AT LIBRARY CORNER. NEWTOWN IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Cold Water The Busy Store Ara apeclallata la the treatment and cure of TC THE U sneers, Tu mors and all HailgnantQrowthe by MANY GALLANT HEN WBNT the moat modern and scientific method NO FRONT FROM HERE. Paint Co. KNIFE. If you are a sufferer, do not hesitate to consult a Specialist who has made his rep- For Interior Work. utation by effecting CUKES. Examination with solemn round," ree. Clothes for riari "Glory guards the the resting place of the thousands of Reasons why it should be Sanatorium: 64 Bank our Nation's deadT""Snd "Memorial ' St., day" should lose none of its interest or usea: and 57 Derby Ave. , Derby, Ct. As a SPECIAL Who Is Hard meaning as the years ko by. one can it. Office hours: 7 to 9 ft. m., 12 to 2 p. m., 5 to 7 Dublic observance of the day has been Any apply . in. Telephone 3u7-1- 3. announced to take nlace in Newtown It works easy in all cases. TABLE LINEN J. W. Melbourne, M. D., Specialist. this year, and as in the preparation for It mixes thoroughly with cold to Please. sucn observance, tne principal or our High school, Prof Koss Jewell, has not water. SALE only tnrown himseii into tne worg, It retains its color for years. Hard-to-pleas- so doin&r. under e are the ones we want most to but in has enthused all It is the best Geraniums people him with a spirit of patriotism de- Disinfectant. Is now on. please, because they are the ones who most appreciate the serving our commendation, the writer It will not scale, chalk, neel. 10c features that make our so well worth while. The yields to the request to contribute. to blister, flake, rub or wash off Each clothing The Bee's columns in anticipation of You can find values here man who knows when he sees it should nearness or 01 It is than lead and oil always good tailoring take tne tne aay, sometning cheaper in line of merchandise. This JOHN RECK & SON, an to examine our new stock. historical interest in connection with paint. any 5 opportunity carefully Oak St., 985 Main St., Bridgeport. spring the same. Made from ure Cream Tartar is however, is of unusual interest. whose names have been an Grape of It chearjer than rnmmnn Those whitewash. Values are being offered which it New Sack to nounced as the speakers, will doubt will not Gray Suits, $15 $30 less give the origin ana object 01 "Me- In baking powder Royal is the standard, the Endorsed Architects. be possible to duplicate Protaaalonal Cardtw Bine $10 morial and this communication by in a whole Serges, to $25 day" of ; found the again year. If you Black can best serve the present purpose in powder highest reputation by visit us will Cheviots, $10 to $25 enlistments you regard it as a Big W. l. Bataxsrtatr, giving statistics regarding United States Government tests of ZIGLATZKI-MAR.K- ATToaKXT-iT-La- w, from Newtown in our country's serv- greatest S u.vent in rJargain giving. Booms 25 aad St, Baaford Bridgeport. ice during the war of- - the "Great Re- and Bldg, and a of soldier strength purity. bellion" also list the 110-1- Company, Office la Newtown open on Saturdays from It renders the food healthful and South Main St., Os. a. m. wo S.SW p. m. dead, buried in our Newtown ceme more palat- Waterbury. Also teries, so far as can be now obtained, Straw Hats, New Negligee Shirts, Light no record in the able and is most economical in practical use. AXBXBT L. SCHUYLER, M. complete having past TWKNTY-FOUliT- H D., Fancy Vests, etc. been kept. are sometimes to REG , CONN. VOL. The Store Co. PHT8IOIAN AND SURGEON. Housekeepers importuned TCnllotWl Busy AS TO ENLISTMENTS. Office oyer Newtown Savings Bank. FIRST, alum because are Husrh Dunn. Ann 11 noun: a w a. m., i-- p. m. buy powders they "cheap." '9 FairfleldiAve. aad Middle St., Office phone No. 10. The bombardment of Ft Sumpter, John H. Bumford, ' Sept. 20, " 29-- 5. Yet some the sold House phone (Sandy Hook) which was the Bunker Hill of the Civ- of cheapest made, powder are Bernard Kelly, 10, Honrs at house, p. m. il war, commenced at 4.30 a. m., April t Bridgeport, Conn. to consumers at the TWENTY-NINT- H 12, '61. On Monday, April 15, '61, highest price. (COLORED) REG., CONN. F. J. M. " Galx, D., President Lincoln issued a call for Housekeepers should and think. Is it VOL. Office la the Darld Beers Residence, three months' service of 75,000 volun- stop - Ely Seeley; in the Spanish-America- n teers. The first to call not better to chances TCnlfatAri- war, Willis Nowtowa Straet. response that buy the Royal and take no JohnJones, Dec. 1. "63 Hawley. - from Newtown came on April 24, '61, James " " In Taunton cemetery: Edwin Bene- OfBce Honrs: 8 to a. mM 1 to I and 7 to 8 p m when men. David O'Brien. the whose and are never Evans, 31, Charles Daniel three powder goodness honesty James Parker, Jan. 5, '64 diet, Butcher, Gregory, Thomas O'Brien and Edward Oarley ? Matthew William Maynard, George B. Camp, WaLTXB H. K.DIRNAN, were questioned Rigby, " " " Edward Gus- Dr enlisted, and mustered into the Allen Banks, " " " Taylor, Georga. Taylor, Pbtbiciak AND SuMKOX, Government service, May 11, '61, serv Is it an tavus Briscoe. ana were economy to spoil your digestion by James Adams, " In William -- ing three months, mustered Huntingtown cemetery: Hook, Conn. alum-phospha- te Jerome Brown, "4," " " Sandy out, August 11, '61. David O'Brien, or other adultered powder to " ' Fischer, Horace Gilbert, Ziba Glover 8-- Hiram Cornwall, Office Hours! B a, m.; 1 to MO and 8 p. m. was mustered in the ninth in War of 1812, Arthur Dlmon, Lem- 18-- a, save ? THIRTY-FIRS- T Telephonai Retrtment. September 27, '61, and a few pennies (COLORED) REG., CONN" uel Botsford. served until November 27, '62, when VOL. In Cold Spring cemetery: Elijah Dr B. R. Shopp, White Suits, he was irom disability. Nichols, George A. Bradley, Caleb discharged Enlisted: Davis. Thomas O'Brien in the ROYAL BAKING POWDER v Daintiest, "White "Waists, Ninth Connecticut Regiment, was CO., NEW YORK Asa Franklin, Dec. 22, '63 In Zoar cemetery: Charles Dayton, Wasbiagtoa Depot, Coaa. mustered in September 26, '61, and Incomplete list of the names of sol Martin Hook. died in November 16, '62. Should the time ever come when the service, Michael '65 L. diers buried in Newtown: Dr E. White Skirts, Edward Carley in the Ney, Jan. 27, Austin Peck, Aug. 25, In St Rose's G. P. Lillis. Newtown history will be compiled and Prank Judson, was Nelson J. Peck, " cemetery: doWh to one - Twelfth Connecticut Regiment, TENTH REG. CONN. VOL. P. " Dennis Haves. Andrew Eatran. Ber brought the present time, Dontlart. White Parasols. mustered in November 20, '61, pro- George Blakeslee, nard Casey, Martin Lillis, Col-- of it most interesting chapters will be 67 OBHTIR ST., BlTHIL, OO.IN. 23, Enlisted Charles Booth, " 29, '8 in serv- moted to Sergeant, January '63, Georee W. Ramsev. Sent. 15. '61 Jr., gan, Bernard Kelly. Newtown part the military Opposite M. B. Church. A stock in ladies' and misses' white ap- and was killed May 27, '63, Port Starr L. Booth, " 24, ice from the Colonial time of the 8.80 12 1 8. complete at Charles " " " in sandy hook cemetery: Frederick Omoe hours: to and to Hudson, La. This brief statement May, 9, George B. Camp, 24, French and Indian war of 1757 down that's desirable and worth but William Li. mo " 26. " B. " s WentzeLCharles, Roberts. Bene parel. Nothing having the first three enlistments Arthur. Henry Coger. 23, Cur-- to the close of the American concerning James D. Oct. S, " dict, Charles Sherman 1812, Spanish Dr P. A. Scott, what's here, and here at a that cannot be matched from Newtown is but cannot Hull, Truman Guernsey, 25, HoTfKwi TP rlnnnw Toman T Cnn..wi war of recent date. Newtown was price given, George Taylor, " 29, " Elam M. 10, be carried out in detail at this time in Tongue, Sept.11 credited with between two and three Damtlatt, for lowness. Thomas Johnson, Jan. 10, '65 James M. 11. In Newtown cemetery: George Lowia Bloek, Coaa regard to the others who followed in Beers, Blakeslee. Cant Julius Sanford. Nel hundred volunteers from April 24, Woodbury, Gustavus Briscoe, 11, to close of ad- Local 26--3. rapid succession. ELEVENTH REG. CONN. VOL. son Leonard J. 1861, the the war, and in Telephone. Long Distance, for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. uoaries Briscoe, Peck, Capt Wright, were New- Agency VOLUN-WA- B Marion Wheeler. Daniel B. dition, there very many CATALOGUE OF NEWTOWN Enlisted Newali Clark, " " Camp. town born who were credited to the DR. E. TEERS THE OF THE REBEL- - David JSeDt.
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