V 0 if WEATHER FORECAST TODAY Moderate it FOR I SUGAR. 96 Centrifu-- i trades and fair weather. jjafs. 3.96375 Per Ton but 24 hours' rainfall .00; $79,272. S3 Analysis temperature, max. 82, min Beets, 9s 3d; Per Ton. imum, 74 t $79.80. VOL. II., NO. 2? 78. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1904. TEN PAGES" Entered Jan 19, 190$, t Honolulu, Hawaii, a Second Clasa Matter, Under Act of Congress of Marcn S, 1878. OOTY WORTH HUGE M'CLELLA EARMY THOUSANDS TO FACE WITH CZAR'S MOVEMENT I. f Secured from the o Tammany Wants o r o Wreck on the o o o Younc Mayor o VII Shoals. o o o o to Lead. o o Capt. Weisbarth Made o o o o Croker Asked to Use Big Haul From o o .1 o o His Efforts For Vessel. o o o o Grover. o o J&d That He Miaht Now Uo o o o Fairbanks Has an Ovation in fter Lisianski Island Bird o o ' His Home State A New Skins. o o o o Tennis Champion. Sixty-tw- o days ago the small Inter o Island schooner Lavinia, owned and o (Associated Press Cablegrams.) o commanded by Captain Weisbarth, left NEW YORK, Junt 26. The Honolulu for French Frigate Shoals, o o Daily News, organ of Tammany IWith a crew of young and by o q natives o means of appliances secured specially 9 Hall, advocates McClellan for purpose, away o O or the Weisbarth sailed o X President. to "wreck" the French bark Connetable o de Richmont which has been stranded o TAMMANY MAN On the coral reef there for some months, o WANTS GROVER Old waterfronters regarded the ven o Ex-May-- ture as a foolhardy one. They were ?j LONDON, June 26. or i It: o jft ure that Weisbarth was wasting his o Van Wyck of New York is "i j; ' money proposed departure was ii : - and his 9 O here on a visit to Richard Croker lor some time the object of all ridicule o TROOPS CROSSING A PONTOON BRIDGE. whom he his in JAPANESE 6 is urging to use ? p.; on the wharves. Yesterday, with his 0 0OO00-000000-0-00-000000O000000-0- O0000"00000000000-000-0000- fluence in behalf of Grover Cleve- STlm looking- face tanned to almost the (ASSOCIATED PR 33 CABLE3KAU9.) land for the Democratic Presi- color of leather, Weisbarth entered o tr v.. S?ort again. His small vessel was load LIAOYANG, June 26. The armies of Kuroki and Oku con- 0 dential nomination. IK: d deeply. The skipper returned not ap- Iff- story booty front Kuropatkin in huge force. The tension is acute and the -- with a hard luck but with M C 5 5 ri m OVATION TO rom the Frenchman valued at thous PS ft-- ' proach of an important battle is rendered unavoidable by the prox- a FAIRBANKS ands of dollars. Pumps, windlasses, (7) Y L O cables, ropes, haws- - anchor, sail, wire of ilk tt 5: it n INDIANAPOLIS, June 26. rs, everything imity the rainy season. and about else under h Senator Fairbanks bad an ovation ii Jthe sun that is found on a well equip- - n l L ffs steel sailing vessel were stowed Stopped Japanese Column. b through Indiana, while en route ft Lm-inia'- s one hatch Pij! I n small an under the home. A monster non-partis- ..HI: and the wonder is that Weisbarth and 26. Gen. m ST. PETERSBURG, June Mistchenkos attacked the reception was given him at In- his small crew of natives were ever m & M able to take away such a large amount Japanese advance and stopped it. The Russian loss is seven killed H dianapolis. of stuff. One item of the Iavinia's cargo, anchor chains, is said to be of and fourteen wounded. PREPARING FOR " " such quantity and quality that it is n Ik CONVENTION worth about $4,500. This in - itself is m 5: pi 3xoty that pays the venture. Oku's Slow Advance. w. L it WASHINGTON, June 26. feu- away 0 m Weisbarth has been from Hono AS ft mm Congressman John, Sharp Wil- lulu about two months. He went down ST. PETERSBURG, June 26. Gen. Oku is advancing six & ft. m m to the Shoals in three days. His re miles daily and is ten miles distant from Kaichou. m m L m liams will be temporary chairman turn journey occupied eleven days. x of the National Democratic 1 Every hour and every minute of the MUKDEN, June 26. One hundred bandits under Japanese of 4 spent time that Weisbarth and his men j ficers attempted to dynamite a bridge over the Koulan river, 157 peared to have sunk, and one battleship of the Sevastopol type and on the Shoals was occupied in one cruiser of the Diana type were seen towed into port the next a NEW TENNIS m liard work. Around the dan- "in- miles northeast of Mukden. apparently seriously damaged. j gerous known as morning, CHAMPION If- reefs and small rocks Our destroyer, the Shirakumo's wardroom was damaged, three: the French Frigate Shoals the Lavi-aiia- 's AFTERNOON REPORT. wounded. The torpedo-boa- t; PHILADELPHIA, June 26. crew enjoyed unusually fine men killed, one surgeon and two men I: aft engine-roo- m but no casualties. it weather and this in a measure is ac TOKIO, June 25. The Japanese forces have routed a body of Chidori, received one shot at the iay Sutton of California has won torpedo-boat- s No. 65 were slightly damaged. No countable for the success of the ven- Russian cavalry northwest of Santaokow. Sixty Russian dead were The No. 64 and the womens national tennis other damage. TAKAJrIIRA. , ture. left on the field. cnampionsnip. DESTRUCTION BY JAPANESE. TACHEKIAO, June 25. The Japanese armies are within Captain Weisbarth went to the Shoals A LABOR UNION MURDER i 't twelve miles of Port Arthur. The entire Port Arthur population is it- armed with authority to send away any Japanese bird poachers who might said to be under arms to assist in repelling the attacking army. 'if.- e found there. But he had no chance WASHINGTON, June 25, 1904. (Associated Press Cablegram.) to exercise this authority as the Japa- To CONSUL, Honolulu: i havi- JAPANESE nese had deserted the place after Admiral Togo reports that he received a report from a picket- - SAN FRANCISCO, June 26. ng- massacred about all the birds that ship off Arthur by wireless telegraphy 11 a. m. 23d 1 ! portion of Pa- Port at June Gallagher, a striking stableman rendezvous in that the enemy's fleet had emerged from the port. cific ocean. Captain Weisbarth found that the last night killed Asmith, a non slaughter. Thereupon I advanced with all the fleet except those on special evidences of great The small " 1 duty. The enemy consisted of six battleships, five cruisers, and union man. ! Island on which he had previously met f 'V'. , with a Japanese bird poaching part- ourteen destroyers. They seemed to attempt to move southward ' P A 1 - 1 itas covered with the bones of thous-(Contlnu- ed at nightfall. They stayed outside of the pert that night. PERILS OF THE RAIL r on Pag 10.) Our destroyers and torpedo-boat- s attacked the enemy's fleet 1 i- outside the port. At least one battleship of the Peresviet type ap-- 1 (Associated Press Cablegram.)" o , ,r- - O o SAN FRANCISCO, June 26. o - w - In a collision on the Sierra rail- o way near Angels two were killed o o and several injured. o ON ROOSEVELT o , o TIP o '"i o - - WJ "V-- J"' ".;"-.C."i- CJ o LONDON', June 14. A feature of the t.- - - ..if Presidential situation which k 'iA'-?. - - r' American o ME1M-;,y--,- V i - o t3 is new to Enslish observers is describ- t o on the authority of "private advices J o fro:w America" that President I too? o velt aspires not only to the Presiden for the next four years, but to on o o-- D in IX S. o The Express explains that the present o O term is that of the late President M-c- ) ed in. lyos .Mr. "R Kiniey. so that if J- A PRESIDENTIAL GENERAL STALKENBERG. GENERAL KUROKI. GENERAL OKU. o ni7ri?nTr4 w - -' MrP.LELLAN. s o Roosevelt would actually serve only iu " " o OPPOSING GENERALS IN MANCHURIA. o two elected terms and it adds: "It is 1 POSSIBILITY. O000 CCK)0000000)0000'K)(0(00000000000000; his earnest wish to do so." wan.?! SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 26, 1904. 22 ' astonishing that Mr. Smith could have seen so much that was interesting to so a time. Herald. 7 AFTER SEVENTEEN DAYS him in short Jh Matinee Band Concert. SEDUCTION SALE i- - The Hawaiian Government band will ' p play three o'clock this afternoon at ; OF . HILO RISES Al 0 KICKS at Makee Island, Waikiki, as follows: PART L "The Old Hundred." Overture "Son and Stranger"........ Mendelssohn namele d Steel Ware Fantasia "vlematis" Kuhner uimjiikiaaMi. .xKmv.mux. H ILIT.--- llllli'lftllHITI Finally Discovers That it is Angry About a Grand Selection "II Trova tore". .Verdi Vocal Four American Songs Anndun cemetil in Advertiser's Story of the arr. by Berger Paragraph PART II. BERLIN KETTLES, Gray Enameled. Vocal Four Hawaiian Songs 2qts. 2 3qts. 4qts. 5qts. 6qts. Sqts. of Auctions Volcano Trip Ripvanwinkkville Wrath. arr. by Berger ioqts. Former Price 45c. 50c. 55c. 65c. 70c. SOc. $1.00 J1.2Q Selection "My Old Kentucky Home" .
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