OUTLINE OF JURISDICTIONS KDZ1-4499 America. North America KDZ1-999 General KDZ1101-1197 Organization of American States (OAS) KDZ2001-2499.2 Bermuda KDZ3001-3499 Greenland KDZ4001-4499 St. Pierre and Miquelon KG1-999 Latin America (General) KG3001-KGH9499 Mexico and Central America KG3001-3999 General KGA1-9000 Belize KGB1-9000 Costa Rica KGC1-9800 El Salvador KGD1-9990 Guatemala KGE1-9990 Honduras KGF1-9900 Mexico KGG1-9800 Nicaragua KGH1-8000 Panama KGH9001-9499 Panama Canal Zone KGJ1-KGZ499 West Indies. Caribbean Area KGJ1-999 General KGJ7001-7499 Anguilla KGK1-499 Antigua and Barbuda KGK1001-1499 Aruba KGL1-499 Bahamas KGL1001-1499 Barbados KGL2001-2499 Bonaire KGL3001-3499 British Leeward Islands (General) KGL4001-4499 British Virgin Islands (General) KGL5001-5999 British West Indies (General) KGL6001-6499 British Windward Islands (General) KGM0-499 Cayman Islands KGN1-9800 Cuba KGP1-499 Curaçao KGP2001-2499 Dominica KGQ1-9800 Dominican Republic KGR1-499 Dutch Leeward Islands (General) KGR1001-1499 Dutch West Indies (General) KGR2001-2499 Dutch Windward Islands (General) KGR3001-3499 French West Indies (General) KGR4001-4499 Grenada KGR5001-5499 Guadeloupe KGS1-9000 Haiti vii OUTLINE OF JURISDICTIONS West Indies. Caribbean Area - Continued KGT1-499 Jamaica KGT1001-1499 Martinique KGT2001-2499 Montserrat KGU1-499 Navassa Islands KGV1-8200 Puerto Rico KGW1-499 Saba KGW2001-2499 Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts), Nevis, and Anguilla KGW3001-3499 Saint Lucia KGW5001-5499 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines KGW7001-7499 Sint Eustatius KGW8001-8499 Sint Maarten KGX1-499 Trinidad and Tobago KGY1-499 Turks and Caicos Islands KGZ1-499 Virgin Islands of the United States KH-KHW South America (General) KH1-999 General KHA1-9800 Argentina KHC1-8200 Bolivia KHD1-9900 Brazil KHF1-9800 Chile KHH1-9900 Colombia KHK1-9990 Ecuador KHL1-9000 Falkland Islands KHM1-9000 French Guiana KHN1-9000 Guyana KHP1-9700 Paraguay KHQ1-9800 Peru KHR1-9000 South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands KHS1-9000 Surinam KHU1-9800 Uruguay KHW1-9900 Venezuela viii OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES KDZ-KH1 1 Bibliography KDZ-KH1 6 Official gazettes KDZ-KH1 8 Intergovennmental congresses KDZ-KH110 Treaties KDZ-KH1 17 Statutes KDZ-KH1 17 Law reports and related materials KDZ-KH1 25 Law dictionaries. Words and phrases KDZ-KH1 31 Judicial statistics KDZ-KH1 35 Directories KDZ-KH1 39 Trials KDZ-KH1 43 Legal research. Legal bibliography KDZ-KH1 58 The legal profession KDZ-KH1 68 Notarial law KDZ-KH1 76 History KDZ-KH1 83 Philosophy. Jurisprudence KDZ-KH1 86 Criticism. Law reform KDZ-KH1 110 Conflict of laws KDZ-KH1 125 Private law KDZ-KH1 127 Civil law KDZ-KH1 132 Persons KDZ-KH1 143 Domestic relations. Family law KDZ-KH1 171 Property. Real rights KDZ-KH1 184 Trusts and trustees KDZ-KH1 187 Succession upon death KDZ-KH1 200 Obligations KDZ-KH1 202 Contracts KDZ-KH1 221 Torts KDZ-KH1 231 Commercial law KDZ-KH1 233 Merchants KDZ-KH1 233.5 Auxiliaries and intermediaries of commerce KDZ-KH1 240 Commercial mandate and consignment KDZ-KH1 243 Commercial sale KDZ-KH1 250 Negotiable instruments. Titles of credit KDZ-KH1 260 Banking KDZ-KH1 274 Commercial loans and credit KDZ-KH1 282 Investments KDZ-KH1 285 Carriers. Carriage of goods and passengers KDZ-KH1 300 Insurance KDZ-KH1 320 Business associations. Commercial companies KDZ-KH1 351 Maritime law KDZ-KH1 352 Carriage by sea KDZ-KH1 366 Marine insurance KDZ-KH1 370 Maritime social legislation ix OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES Commercial law - Continued KDZ-KH1 382 Insolvency and bankruptcy KDZ-KH1 400 Intellectual property KDZ-KH1 401 Copyright KDZ-KH1 409 Industrial property KDZ-KH1 421 Unfair competition KDZ-KH1 430 Social legislation KDZ-KH1 432 Labor law KDZ-KH1 463 Social insurance KDZ-KH1 473 Public welfare. Public assistance. Public charities KDZ-KH1 480 Indians KDZ-KH1 495 Courts. Procedure KDZ-KH1 497 Court organization and procedure KDZ-KH1 503 Civil procedure KDZ-KH1 533 Public law KDZ-KH1 535 Constitutional law KDZ-KH1 545 Constitutional history KDZ-KH1 550 Constitutional principles KDZ-KH1 556 Structure of government KDZ-KH1 559 Individual and state KDZ-KH1 580 Church and state Organs of government KDZ-KH1 583 The people. Election law KDZ-KH1 593 The legislature KDZ-KH1 600 The executive branch KDZ-KH1 608 The judiciary. Judicial power KDZ-KH1 611 Local government KDZ-KH1 616 Civil service KDZ-KH1 621 Administrative law KDZ-KH1 623 Administrative organization KDZ-KH1 626 Administrative acts KDZ-KH1 628 Judicial functions. Remedies KDZ-KH1 634 Public property. Public restraints on private property KDZ-KH1 639 Water resources KDZ-KH1 647 Public land law KDZ-KH1 652 Regional and city planning. Zoning. Building KDZ-KH1 661 Public health. Sanitation. Environmental pollution KDZ-KH1 675 Medical legislation KDZ-KH1 680 Veterinary laws. Veterinary hygiene KDZ-KH1 687 Food. Drugs. Cosmetics KDZ-KH1 693 Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages. Liquor law KDZ-KH1 695 Public safety KDZ-KH1 698 Control of social activities x OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES KDZ-KH1 710 Education KDZ-KH1 720 Science and the arts. Research KDZ-KH1 735 Economic legislation KDZ-KH1 750 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law KDZ-KH1 752 Trade regulaton. Control of trade practices. Consumer protection Primary production. Extractive industries KDZ-KH1 765 Agriculture. Forestry. Rural law KDZ-KH1 803 Fisheries. Fishing industry KDZ-KH1 810 Mining. Quarrying. Oil and gas KDZ-KH1 827 Manufacturing industries KDZ-KH1 830 Food processing industries KDZ-KH1 836 Trade and commerce KDZ-KH1 855 Public utilities KDZ-KH1 861 Transportation and communication KDZ-KH1 894 Professions and occupations KDZ-KH1 900 Public finance KDZ-KH1 910 National revenue KDZ-KH1 911 Taxation KDZ-KH1 944 Tariff. Customs KDZ-KH1 950 State (provincial, etc.) and local finance KDZ-KH1 955 Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis KDZ-KH1 957 National defense. Military law KDZ-KH1 960 Criminal law and procedure KDZ-KH1 962 Criminal law KDZ-KH1 969 Criminal courts and procedure KDZ-KH1 986 Juvenile criminal law and procedure. Administration of juvenile justice xi OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES KDZ-KH2 1 Bibliography KDZ-KH2 16 Official gazettes KDZ-KH2 35 Statutes KDZ-KH2 70 Law reports and related materials KDZ-KH2 102 Law dictionaries. Words and phrases KDZ-KH2 104 Legal maxims KDZ-KH2 112 Judicial statistics KDZ-KH2 118 Directories KDZ-KH2 130 Trials KDZ-KH2 150 Legal research. Legal bibliography KDZ-KH2 206 The legal profession KDZ-KH2 241 Community legal services. Legal aid KDZ-KH2 250 Notarial law KDZ-KH2 272 Public registers KDZ-KH2 290 History KDZ-KH2 315 Philosophy. Jurisprudence KDZ-KH2 320 Criticism. Law reform KDZ-KH2 354 Conflict of laws KDZ-KH2 356 General principles and concepts KDZ-KH2 367 Concepts applying to several branches of the law KDZ-KH2 387 Private law KDZ-KH2 389 Civil law KDZ-KH2 449 Persons KDZ-KH2 480 Domestic relations. Family law KDZ-KH2 550 Property. Real rights KDZ-KH2 660 Trusts and trustees KDZ-KH2 670 Succession upon death KDZ-KH2 745 Obligations KDZ-KH2 822 Contracts KDZ-KH2 955 Quasi contracts. Restitution KDZ-KH2 965 Torts KDZ-KH2 1050 Commercial law KDZ-KH2 1065 Merchants KDZ-KH2 1081 Auxiliaries and intermediaries of commerce KDZ-KH2 1098 Commercial mandate and consignment KDZ-KH2 1103 Commercial sale KDZ-KH2 1130 Negotiable instruments. Titles of credit KDZ-KH2 1141 Banking KDZ-KH2 1171 Commercial loans and credit KDZ-KH2 1186 Investments KDZ-KH2 1195 Carriers. Carriage of goods and passengers KDZ-KH2 1211 Insurance KDZ-KH2 1295 Business associations. Commercial companies xii OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES Commercial law - Continued KDZ-KH2 1400 Maritime law KDZ-KH2 1402 Carriage by sea KDZ-KH2 1428 Marine insurance KDZ-KH2 1433 Maritime social legislation KDZ-KH2 1470 Insolvency and bankruptcy KDZ-KH2 1530 Commercial courts and procedure KDZ-KH2 1570 Intellectual property KDZ-KH2 1571 Copyright KDZ-KH2 1629 Industrial property KDZ-KH2 1675 Unfair competition KDZ-KH2 1775 Social legislation KDZ-KH2 1777 Labor law KDZ-KH2 1980 Social insurance KDZ-KH2 2040 Public welfare. Public assistance. Public charities KDZ-KH2 2200 Indians KDZ-KH2 2500 Courts. Procedure KDZ-KH2 2508 Court organization and procedure KDZ-KH2 2571 Civil procedure KDZ-KH2 2900 Public law KDZ-KH2 2902 Constitutional law KDZ-KH2 2919 Constitutional history KDZ-KH2 2929 Constitutional principles KDZ-KH2 2943 Structure of government KDZ-KH2 2972 Individual and state KDZ-KH2 3034 Church and state KDZ-KH2 3049 Organs of government KDZ-KH2 3050 The people. Election law KDZ-KH2 3070 The legislature KDZ-KH2 3120 The executive branch KDZ-KH2 3156 The judiciary. Judicial power KDZ-KH2 3180 Local government KDZ-KH2 3200 Civil service KDZ-KH2 3230 Administrative law KDZ-KH2 3232 Administrative organization KDZ-KH2 3240 Administrative acts KDZ-KH2 3358 Judicial functions. Remedies KDZ-KH2 3300 Public property. Public restraints on private property KDZ-KH2 3310 Water resources KDZ-KH2 3328 Public land law KDZ-KH2 3350 Regional and city planning. Zoning. Building KDZ-KH2 3400 Public health. Sanitation. Environmental pollution KDZ-KH2 3435 Medical legislation xiii OUTLINE OF SUBJECT DIVISION TABLES KDZ-KH2 3450 Veterinary laws. Veterinary hygiene KDZ-KH2 3470 Food. Drugs. Cosmetics KDZ-KH2 3490 Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages. Liquor law KDZ-KH2 3500 Public safety KDZ-KH2 3523 Control of social activities KDZ-KH2 3540 Education KDZ-KH2 3610 Science and the arts. Research KDZ-KH2 3700 Economic legislation KDZ-KH2 3729 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law KDZ-KH2 3731 Trade regulaton. Control of trade practices. Consumer protection Primary production. Extractive industries KDZ-KH2 3781 Agriculture. Forestry. Rural law KDZ-KH2 3900 Fisheries. Fishing industry KDZ-KH2 3920 Mining. Quarrying. Oil and gas KDZ-KH2 4000 Manufacturing industries KDZ-KH2 4020 Food processing industries KDZ-KH2 4060 Trade and commerce KDZ-KH2 4120 Public utilities KDZ-KH2 4160 Transportation and communication KDZ-KH2 4440 Professions and occupations KDZ-KH2 4550 Public finance KDZ-KH2 4574 National revenue KDZ-KH2 4578 Taxation KDZ-KH2 4801 Tariff.
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