
April 28, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 10497 [From the Montclair Times, Apr. 10, 1969] Bringing this thesis to the level of the in­ VOID IF DETACHED dividual, it might be said that the selfish vom IF DETACHED individual who sees happenings only within Mayor Matthew G. Carter, in accepting the the sphere at hts own restricted area is likely HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. 1969 Distinguished Service A ward last week to become void since he has detached him­ OF NEW JERSEY from Bankers National Life Insurance Oom­ self from others in the community whose dif­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pany o! Montclair, delivered a brief but force­ fering viewpoints may well contain the solu­ ful address on the topic, "Void If Detached." tion to problems encountered by this icono­ Thursday, April 24, 1969 The Mayor noted that he, as an individual, clastic person seemingly so secure in the ivory Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, the town would be void if he were detached from his tower of self-love with which he has walled family and friends in the same manner that himself. of Montclair, a progressive suburban city most things in life are void 1f they are de­ 1n Nor would a discussion of a talk by an my district, is currently blessed by the tached from sockets or connections. He also ordained minister and a dedicated YMCA great leadership of its mayor, Matthew related the word "appliances" to characterize worker be complete without the statement Carter. Mayor Oarter was recently hon­ many of these things to the fact that we as that all of us live in nothing but a void if ored by the Bankers National Life In­ individuals are void if we do not apply our­ we remain detached from the all-knowing surance Co. of Montclair with i·ts 1969 selves. and all-loving presence of God. An extension of Mayor Carter's theme The Times extends its congratulations to distinguished service award. The follow­ might include the fact that Montclair as a Mayor Carter on this latest in a long list of ing editorial from the Montclair Times community would become a void if it were honors he has received in a past which ante­ states very clearly and eloquently the to be detached from the individuals and dates both his selection in 1968 as Mayor of ideals that have made Mayor carter such groups working for the betterment of the Montclair and his choice as a member of the a deserving recipient of this award: town. Board of Commissioners in 1964. HOUSE O ~F REPRESE.NTATIVES-Monday, April 28, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. PRESIDENT RENE BARRIENTOS GENERAL DE GAULLE The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, ORTUNO, OF BOLIVIA (Mr. HAYS asked and was given per­ D.D., offered the following prayer: <Mr. FASCELL asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 min­ Fear God and keep his command­ permission to address the House for 1 ute and to revise and extend his re­ ments; tor this is the whole duty of minute, to revise and extend his remarks marks.) man.-Ecclesiastes 12: 13. and include extraneous matter.) Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, I thought 0 God of love and Father of mercy, we Mr. FASCELL. Mr. Speaker, all of us, it might be worthy of comment to note rejoice and our hearts take courage I am certain, were shocked by the un­ that Mr. Nixon's recent trip to Europe when we realize that Thou art always timely death this past weekend of Presi­ to genuflect at the altar of General de with us, available for every need and dent Rene Barrientos Ortufio, of Bolivia. Gaulle was a wasted motion because the ready to help when we turn to Thee. According to news reports reaching French people finally caught up with Each day at this noontide moment of Washington, President Barrientos per­ De Gaulle and he is not there any more. prayer we seek Thy sustaining presence ished in the crash of a helicopter which because we are meeting problems beyond he was piloting himself. NEW LEFT NOTES our wisdom to solve and managing re­ Forty-nine years of age, the President sponsibilities beyond our strength to was a pilot and headed the Bolivian Air (Mr. CEDERBERG asked and was carry. Force before becoming President in 1964. given permission to address the House Give to our President, our Speaker, ev­ Elected to a 4-year term as constitu­ for 1 minute.> ery Member of this body, and those who tional President by an impressive ma­ Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Speaker, I work with them a clear sense of Thy jority in 1966, President Barrientos had placed two documents by the misnamed guiding spirit as they endeavor to master shown himself to be an able, energetic SDS--"Students for a Democratic So­ chief executive, committed to the imple­ ciety"-in the April 24 REcoRD. These the difficulties that beset our country. two documents are blueprints for the In all our efforts to do what is right mentation of fundamental economic and social reforms resulting from the 1952 creation of disorder on the college and good for all may we maintain a faith revolution in his country. campuses of our Nation as well as with­ that never falters, a courage that never During his tenure, President Barrien­ in the business and labor areas. fails, and a good will that never fades. tos overcame a number of serious and Today I am placing in the body of the Bless our Nation with Thy favor and disparate crises, including the difficulties RECORD an SDS document entitled "New make us ever eager to participate in the which arose from Communist guerrilla Left Notes,'' which was distributed at a adventure of leading man and nations insurgency led by Che Guevara, of Cuba. basketball game at East High School in into the glorious light and life of liberty. In the death of President Barrientos Denver, Colo., the last week of February In the Master's name we pray. Amen. his country has lost an able and dedi­ 1969. cated leader and the world indeed has The main titles of this document are: lost a man of vision. "Minimum Definition of Revolutionary As chairman of the Subcommittee on Organization"; Sex Relationship Inven­ THE JOURNAL Latin America, I join with other Mem­ tory," which is an obvious attempt to The Journal of the proceedings of bers of Congress and executive branch pollute the minds of these young peo­ Thursday, April 24, 1969, was read and officials in extending our condolences to ple; and "A Series of Formulas and approved. the Government and people of Bolivia. Techniques for Explosive, Incendiary Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the Devices.'' gentleman yield? I was pleased to note that our col­ Mr. FASCELL. I am glad to yield to league, the gentlewoman from Oregon MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the distinguished majority leader. <Mrs. GREEN) plans to call some of these A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I join with revolutionary leaders before her subcom­ Arrington, one of its clerks, announced the distinguished gentleman from Flori­ mittee. This organization and its aims that the Senate had passed without da in this note of sadness over the loss must be exposed. amendment a concurrent resolution of not only of a great Bolivian but a great I have written the Attorney General the House of the following title: American and a great man. I extend to requesting that he use whatever legal power he has available to curb this H. Con. Res. 216. Concurrent resolution ex­ his family, his country, and to both con­ tending to the Honorable Harry S. Truman, tinents in the Western Hemisphere and group's activities. 33d President of the United States, the best to all liberty-loving people my own con­ Also, I have suggested to the gentle­ wishes of Congress on the occasion of his dolences over his tragic death. man from Missouri <Mr. !CHORD), the 85th birthday. Mr. FASCELL. I thank the gentleman. chairman of the House Internal Security CXV-661-Part 8 10498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April 28, 1969 Committee, that this group should be the dramatizes the spirit with which it will in other educational areas? Fifth, is it subject of an investigation. strive to serve the vast Chicagoland in the national interest for the Federal metropolitan area. Government to help meet them? I am pleased to point out, Mr. Speak­ This is a pressing problem and I hope RATS AND REDTAPE er, that the Chicago area is served by that prompt action will be taken to ap­ (Mr. DICKINSON asked and was given four major daily newspapers who in prove the resolution to set up this select permission to address the House for 1 total provide coverage clearly surpassing committee. With the billions of dollars minute and to revise and extend his any other metropolitan region in the now being spent at the Federal level on remarks.) country. With the innovations com­ educational programs, this is an urgent Mr. DICKINSON. Mr. Speaker, those mencing this afternoon with the first matter which needs the immediate at­ of us who were in the House 2 years ago publication of Chicago Today, news­ tention of a thorough and exhaustive and participated in the "rat debates" paper readers of Chicagoland will bene­ study by a select committee. might be interested in the remarks that fit from even greater news service. appeared recently-as a matter of fact, The new Chicago Today will be a live­ in the April 23 issue of the Washington ly, diversified, eye-catching publication, DE GAULLE'S EXIT Daily News on the editorial page.
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