YEMEN Yemen’s Tourism Wealth Excerpted from a speech by His Excellency Ali Abdullah Saleh, President, Republic of Yemen TOURISM IS CONSIDERED AN IM- I Promoting our desert, beaches, new hotels, and other portant resource and source of tourist-related amenities finances for Yemen, and we treat it As many tourists know, Yemen has a cultural and architec- as equally important as our fish tural diversity that dates back to prehistoric times. Our capital wealth. This is even more impor- city, Sana’a, is considered the birth place of one of the ancient tant for us than oil, because our oil international civilizations and a living museum of history; it is wealth could become exhausted home to some of the finest architectural art in the world. When one day, but the tourism and fish- we talk about Sana’a, we are talking about a city that is a source wealth sectors of our economy will of great pride to every Yemeni and Arab citizen, and to anyone never be exhausted, and with good who is interested in humanitarian heritage and truly unique leadership, will enable our country architectural construction. to endure. Insofar as investments in our tourism sector are con- The Ministry of Culture and cerned, we wish to encourage tourist parks, centers, and Tourism and our tourism agencies hotels. The country is now in the second stage of the restora- have the responsibility of imple- tion and renewal of the historic Cairo Castle in Taiz, which will menting promotional programs need facilities such as an open-air theater, different restaurants, H.E. Ali Abdullah Saleh that encourage tourism in Yemen a cultural museum, and a landmark that will show the inherited and, just like oil and fish wealth, we history of the Yemeni people and the engineering and architec- have to take care of our tourism wealth by promoting this activ- tural arts by which Yemen is distinguished. We would also like ity. We must especially ensure that there are no obstacles that to repair and restore all the historic castles and forts through- hinder this important sector of our economy. The government out the country. has adopted many measures to bolster tourism, including: I would like to praise the Ministry of Culture and Tourism I Applying a widespread security-network strategy in the for initiating new interest in Yemen’s culture and art, which led governorates and provinces to having Sana’a named as the capital of Arab culture in 2004. I Providing the proper atmosphere for tourism so that We are optimistic that this important designation will continue everyone involved shares the responsibility of making Yemen to focus attention on Yemen as one of the world’s showcase look better in the eyes of tourists countries.• Among the reasons tourists find Yemen so appealing are beautiful architectural sights like these. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 3 POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. LEADERS 77 YEMEN 2005: Year of Tourism Promotion By the Honorable Abdulkader Bagamal, Prime Minister, Republic of Yemen YEMEN’S HIGHER raising awareness among the public about ensure upgrades to the tourism infrastruc- Council for Tourism, of the importance of tourism. ture and improved tourist services. which I am chair, has In addition, the Council established The plan, endorsed in a meeting designated the year another task force, headed by the Deputy that I had moderated, authorizes the 2005 to be the “Year of Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, the Tourism Promotion Council to draft a Tourism Promotion.” Honorable Ahmed Mohammed Sofan, to new tourism budget and requires a 50 The Council has study the proposed plan and divide it into percent state contribution to promotion also established a task different sections, so that revisions can be funds. force headed by the made every three months. The Council The council took a number of mea- Hon. Abdulkader Minister of Culture and decided to refer its draft constitution to the sures aimed at dealing with situations Bagamal Tourism, the Honor- Cabinet for discussion and approval. detrimental to visitors, such as reducing able Khaled Alruwais- It is with great optimism that Yemen fees for entry visas for tourists by 50 per- han. The task force also includes members looks forward to continuing our work to cent. The Sana’a International Airport and from all agencies concerned with tourism, expand opportunities for tourists who visit some land ports of entry will also be as well as representatives from the private our country this year and in years to come. upgraded under the plan. sector, and will prepare draft resolutions The Higher Council of Tourism The council decided that tourism in to determine priorities for enhancing the approved in January the Tourism Promo- Yemen must be portrayed in a new and country’s tourism infrastructure and for tion Plan 2005, which is oriented to spectacular way.• Taking the Lead in Regional Reforms By the Honorable Dr. Abubaker A. Alqirbi, Minister of Foreign Affairs THE REGION OF THE genuine results in establishing a represen- facility to create opportunities for regional broader Middle East and tative, democratic political system, leading entrepreneurs, especially women. North Africa (BMENA) is the way in the Middle East. From its estab- Yemen believes there is an urgent now involved in steady lishment in May 1990, the Republic of need for countries in the region to step efforts to encourage Yemen has experienced successful parlia- forward and respond to homegrown aspi- open and inclusive dia- mentary, presidential, and local govern- rations for reforms, and to emerge as logue with its partners ment elections. More than 20 political par- effective partners in the global economy. in the G8 countries, in ties operate in the country, with hundreds The call for democratization and liberaliza- order to advance the of NGOs and dozens of independent tion should be part of our efforts to pur- Hon. Abubaker Alqirbi universal values of hu- newspapers. Because of this democratic sue a just and durable peace in the Middle man dignity, democracy, record, Yemen was chosen in Sea Island, East, through the implementation of the participation in civil society, economic together with Italy and Turkey, to design a Road Map and the establishment of an opportunity, and social justice. “democracy assistance dialogue” aimed at independent Palestinian state. The call for partnership for progress providing venues to encourage the grow- In Rabat, Yemen expressed its com- and a common future in the BMENA ing momentum for reforms in the region. mitment to democratic reforms and asked region at the Sea Island G8 summit in To that end, Yemen has expressed its the international community to allocate June 2004 is gaining momentum, and a intention to host – next June – the first financial resources for the initiatives follow-up process has taken place from joint meeting of willing governments and raised by BMENA countries, such as illiter- New York and Rome to Bahrain and civil society organizations, and hopes to acy eradication, entrepreneurship and Rabat. This led to the first Forum for the become the venue for the first regional business training, microfinance enterprise Future, convened on December 11, 2004, center for democratic dialogue. development, and tourism initiatives. where regional participants agreed to During the deliberations at Rabat, Yemen stressed the need to establish flex- expand their already-strong cooperation Yemen has presented a major initiative for ible mechanisms for dialogue, which will in support of the region’s reform efforts. small- and micro-enterprises develop- give participant countries the chance to Yemen has accumulated substantial ment, Strategy and Plan of Action, which share experiences and develop activities experience in adopting political and eco- received the support of the forum and will that will lead to a real regional partnership nomic reforms. The country has achieved be supported through the IFC financial for democratic and political reforms.• 78 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 3 YEMEN Yemen’s Development Potential By the Honorable Ahmed Mohammed Sofan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning THE REPUBLIC OF conditions to investment. An investment mercial Registration, Land Registration, Yemen sits at the south- law was issued in 1991 to create an institu- and the Commercial Companies Bill. western tip of the Ara- tional and legal infrastructure. The law is To improve the implementation of bian Peninsula and Asia clear and transparent, leaving no room for reforms, the government, through a overlooking the Bab Al any improvisation or disparity of treatment broad participatory process, drafted a Mandab Strait that con- among competitive projects. It has also comprehensive and long-term vision, in trols the entrance into provided a set of incentives – financial and addition to clear and specific policies, and the Red Sea. Yemen non-financial exemptions for investment committed to their implementation. also enjoys a coastal projects. The investment law has made Yemen’s Strategic Vision 2025 aims at strip spanning 2,500 sure that potential investors get sufficient improving human development and rais- Hon. Ahmed kilometers on the Red guarantees guarding them against nation- ing standards of living for all Yemenis. Mohammed Sofan Sea, the Gulf of Aden, alization, seizure of the project, imposition Within this context, Strategic Vision 2025 the Arabian Sea, and of project arrest, or freezing of project has targeted upgrading Yemen to match the Indian Ocean, with vast fish wealth and funds except through the judiciary system. the group of countries with mid-level marine life. The diversity of the landscape Moreover, the Republic of Yemen has human development, diversified econ- – ranging from highlands, lowlands, coasts, joined a number of regional and interna- omies, and comprehensive development. and desert – provides diverse climatic con- tional investment guarantee institutions in To obtain this target, Yemen has to ditions and varying temperatures.
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