GSCAN-P—89-2 CA9200982 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA PAPER 89-2 RADIOGENIC AGE AND ISOTOPIC STUDIES: REPORT 3 1990 Entity, Mtnat and Cnargi*, Mint* M n**ouroaa Canada ftoaioweat Canada CanadS '•if S ( >* >f->( f STAFF, GEOCHRONOLOGY SECTION: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Research Scientists: Otto van Breemen J. Chris Roddick Randall R. Parrish James K. Mortensen Post-Doctoral Fellows: Francis 6. Dudas Hrnst Hegncr Visiting Scientist: Mary Lou Bevier Professional Scientists: W. Dale L<neridj:e Robert W. Sullivan Patricia A. Hunt Reginald J. Theriaul! Jack L. Macrae Technical Staff: Klaus Suntowski Jean-Claude Bisson Dianne Bellerive Fred B. Quigg Rejean J.G. Segun Sample crushing and preliminary mineral separation arc done by the Mineralogy Section GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA PAPER 89-2 RADIOGENIC AGE AND ISOTOPIC STUDIES: REPORT 3 1990 ° Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1990 Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Canada Kl A 0S9 and from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada Kl A 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L2A7 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1R8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-89/2E ISBN 0-660-13699-6 Price subject to change without notice Cover Description: Aerial photograph of the New Quebec Crater, a meteorite impact structure in northern Ungava Peninsula, Quebec, taken in 1985 by P.B. Robertson (GSC 204955 B-l). The diameter of the lake is about 3.4km and the view is towards the east-southeast. As outlined in a paper by J.C. Roddick in this publication, the age of the structure has been determined to be less than one million years old. This is the youngest impact structure known in Canada. CONTENTS R.R. PARRISH Introduction 3 R. J. THERIAULT Methods for Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses at the geochronology laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada J.C. RODDICK 40Ar-39Ar evidence for the age of the New Quebec Crater, northern Quebec. J.K. MORTENSEN AND J.C. RODDICK Miocene 40Ar-39Ar and K-Ar ages for basal'.ic volcanic rocks in southwestern Dawson map area, western Yukon Territory 23 J.K. MORTENSEN AND R.I. THOMPSON A U-Pb zircon — baddeleyite age for a differentiated mafic sill in the Ogilvie Mountains, west-central Yukon Territory 29 O. VAN BREEMEN, J.E. KING, AND W.J. DAVIS U-Pb zircon and monazite ages from plutonic rocks in the Contwoyto-Nose lakes map area, central Slave Province, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories 39 F.6. DUDAS, J.B. HENDERSON, AND J.K. MORTENSEN U-Pb ages of zircons from the Anton Complex, southern Slave Province, Northwest Territories 45 R.I. MACFIE, O. VAN BREEMEN, AND W.D. LOVERIDGE Late Archean U-Pb zircon age for the Clinton-Colden gabbro-anorthosite intrusion, eastern Slave Province, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories 49 R.A. FRITH AND O. VAN BREEMEN U-Pb zircon age from the Himag plutonic suite, Thelon Tectonic Zone, Churchill Structural Province, Northwest Territories 55 O. VAN BREEMEN, S.K. HANMER, AND R.R. PARRISH Archean and Proterozoic mylonites along the southeastern margin of Slave Structural Province, Northwest Territories 63 J.B. HENDERSON AND W.D. LOVERIDGE Inherited Archean zircon in the Proterozoic Thelon Tectonic Zone: U-Pb geochronology of the Campbell granite, south of McDonald fault, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories 71 P.A. HUNT AND H.V. ZWANZIG Pre-Missi granitoid domes in the Puffy Lake area, Kisseynew gneiss belt, Manitoba 77 W.D. SINCLAIR AND R.J. THERIAULT A Rb-Sr study of granitic rocks associated with the Fostung scheelite deposit, Espanola, Ontario 85 O. VAN BREEMEN AND A. DAVIDSON U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages from the Central Gneiss Belt, Ontario 93 M.L. BEVIER AND J.B. WHALEN U-Pb geochronology of Silurian granites, Miramichi Terrane, New Brunswick 101 J.B. WHALEN AND R. THERIAULT K-Ar and Rb-Sr geochronology of granites, Miramachi Terrane, New Brunswick 109 R.W. SULLIVAN AND C.R. VAN STAAL Age of a metarhyolite from the Tetagouche Group. Bathhursl, New Brunswick, from U-Pb isochron analyses of zircons enriched in common Pb 119 R.W. SULLIVAN. C.R. VAN STAAL AND J.P. LANGTON U-Pb zircon ages of plagiogranile and gabbro from the ophiolitic Deveraux Formation. Fournier Group, northeastern New Brunswick 123 G.D. JACKSON. P.A. HUNT, W.D. LOVER1DGE, AND R.R. PARR1SH Reconaissance geochronology of Baffin Island, N.W.T. 149 JR. HENDERSON AND J.C. RODDICK U-Pb age constraint on the Wage shear zone. District of Keewatin, N.W.T. 153 PA. HUNT AND J.C. RODDICK A compilation of K-Ar ages. Report 19 191 OTHER PUBLICATIONS CONTAINING GEOCHRONOLOGICAL DATA GENERATED BY THE GEOCHRONOLOGY SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA ERRATUM Paper 88-2, Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies: Report 2 Page 37, The correct citation of this paper is: van Staal, C.R., Langton, J.P., and Sullivan, R.W., A U-Pb zircon age for the ophio- litic Deveraux Formation, Elmtree Terrane, northeastern New Brunswick; in Radio- genic Age and Isotopic Studies: Report 2, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-2, p. 37-40, 1988. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION "Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies" is an annual collec- «Age radiometrique et etudes isotopiques» est une collection tion of reports presenting data from the Geochronology Sec- annuelle de rapports qui prescntent des donnees provenant tion of the Continental Geoscience Division. The main de la Section de la geochronologie de la Division geoscien- purpose of this collection is to make geochronological and tifique du continent. Le but principal de la collection est de- other radiogenic isotope data produced by the section avai- range les donnees geochronologiqucs et les aulres donnees lable promptly to the geological community. Reports make sur les isotopes radiogeniques produites par la section faci- full presentation of the data, relate these to field settings, lement accessibles a la collectivite du domaine geologique. and make comparatively short interpretations. Readers are On trouve dans ces rapports une presentation complete des cautioned that some data reported here are part of work in donnees, le lien qui existe entre ces dernieres et la situation progress, and more extensive publications may follow at a sur le terrain ainsi que des interpretations comparativement later date. Other geochronological and isotope data produ- courtes. Le lecteur doit toutefois savoir que certaines don- ced in the laboratory but published in outside journals or sepa- nees reproduites dans le present document originent de tra- rate GSC publications are summarized at the end of this vaux en cours et que des publications plus detaillees report. pourraient suivre. D'autres donnees geochronologiques et isotopiques produites au laboratoire, mais publiees dans des The first report describes Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd procedures revues exterieures ou dans d'autres publications de la CGC. currently in use at the laboratory in a manner similar to pre- sont resumees a la fin du present rapport. vious presentations for U-Pb, K-Ar, and Sm-Nd using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. Le premier rapport traite des methodes Rb-Sr et Sm-Nd 40Ar/31)Ar analyses have become well established, and three actuellement utilisees au laboratoire. d'une facon similairc papers contain these types of data, including that on the age aux presentations anterieures des methodes U-Pb, K-Ar et of the New Quebec Crater, shown as the cover photograph Sm-Nd par chromatographie liquide a haute pression. Les analyses for this volume. Several contributions summarize work in 40 W New Brunswick stemming from studies in part funded by Ar/ sont maintenant bien etablies et trois documents Mineral Development Agreements. Other papers dealing renferment des donnees en decoulant, y compris les donnees with studies in the northwest Canadian Shield, Baffin Island, sur I'age du cratere du Nouveau-Quebec montre en page cou- Ontario, and Yukon Territory complement mapping pro- verture. Plusieurs communications resument les travaux effectues au Nouveau-Brunswick et qui resultent des etudes grams of the division. financees en partie par les ententes d'exploitation minerale. The Geochronology Section depends not only on the D'autres, consacrees a des etudes menees dans le nord-ouest financial resources and scientific expertise of Continental du Boucliercanadien, dans Pile de Baffin, en Ontario et dans le territoire du Yukon completent les programmes de carto- Geoscience Division of which it is part, but also on other graphie de la division. groups within the Geological Survey. The Mineralogy Sec- tion of the Mineral Resources Division in particular provi- La Section de la geochronologie depend non seulement des us with mineral separations and rock powders, which des ressources financieres et des competences scientifiques are carefully and tediously prepared from generally large de la Division geoscientifique du continent, dont elle fait par- (10-30 kg) rock samples. For this we thank G. Gagnon, B. tie, mais aussi d'autres groupes de la Commission geologi- Machin, R. Christie, and R. Delabio. D. Walker and M. que. La Section de la mineralogie de la Division des Villeneuve provide us with very high quality scanning elec- ressources mineiales, en particulier, lui fournit des separa- tron photomicrographs of mineral grains for morphological tions de mineraux et des poudres de roches qui sont soigneu- studies. Some of these have been prominently displayed on sement et fastidieusement preparees a partir d'echantillons previous covers of this publication series. They, in addition generalement grands (de 10 a 30 kg). Les membres de la to A.
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