¡MOV 8 * Î92Ê V- .l i I SMI it yViL - í u f ú i l t Y T h e La w r e n t ia n VOL. XLVI. Number 14. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Tuesday, November 6, 1928 HOOVER IS ENDORSED BY LAWRENCE STUDENTS Famous Tenor ¡RASMUSSEN TALKS ON “SPIRIT’‘Al’ Defeated Sings Friday Milwaukee Concern Wins Straw Vote By 4-1 Vote To Sell Viking Song Coach Given Play Tickets Edward Johnson Opens 1928-29 Count of 504-134 Is Result of Artist Series The Maesch-Trezise “ Viking Election Ry Madalyn Johnsen Song” has become so popular as a Big Ovation Put On Sale Herbert Hoover, Republican candi The famous self-made artist, Ed­ midwest football song that negoti­ date for president, received the en­ ward Johnson, who has created more ations for its distribution have Lack Real Pep On Lawrence Daily Rehearsals Are Set For dorsement of the Lawrence college operatie name roles than any tenor been concluded with the Specialty Campus, *4Razz” Says Pinal Week sfudent body at the straw* vote taken now before the public, will sing at Musit* company of Milwaukee. The By Francis Nemacheck in convocation Friday. Hoover led Lawrence memorial chapel next Fri­ Irving Zuelke music company of Tickets for “ The Poor Nut”, first Amidst a general round of enthusi­ over Alfred E. Smith, Democratic day evening, Nov. 9, to inaugurate Appleton, which published the Sunset players production of the asm, C’oach Clarence Rasmussen Fri­ nominee, by a margin of 504 to 134. the 1928-29 a rtist series. song, formerly had complete school year, which will be given in day evening presented his conception Norman Thomas, socialist candidate, The history of Edward Johnson's charge of its sale. the memorial chapel one week from of a real school spirit at a special received 51 votes, and one ballot was career is so full of the romantic glam­ tonight, on Nov. 13, have been placed convocation of students and faculty. cast for the prohibition candidate, our of achievement from humble be­ on sale and may be secured from any “ No greater game than football has William Varney. ginnings, that the American public member of the dramatic organiza­ ever been developed,“ the speaker The straw vote came as a climax not only acclaims him the world's 200 Expected At tion. said, “ and I feel that no greater one to the political forum which was held greatest tenor, but accords him a Work on jMilishing the lines of the ever will. Developing upon General on the cam{rus Tuesday, Wednesday full measure of hero worship. Alumni Gathering three act play is now progressing un­ Alleby’s famous statement, ‘Eng­ and Thursday of last week, during “ Eddie” Johnson began as thé der the direction of Miss Lucile Wel- Milwaukee Alumni Club To Hold land’s battles were won on the crieket which time student speakers present­ stubborn son of a Scotch hotel pro­ ty, advisor of Sunset players, and the Banquet On November 8 fields’, we might say that the great ed the platforms of the Republican, prietor in Guelph, Canada. He pro­ rehearsal schedule includes twice daily struggles of tomorrow are being de­ Democratic and Socialist parties. tested against his parents’ choice of apjiearanecs in the little theater. Approximately 200 alumni are ex­ cided today in our own country on the the law as a profession and his par­ Lines have been learned for the first The effect of Ervin Marquardt’s pected to attend the meeting of the football field.“ ents objected to singing as a career, and third acts, and considerable work speech, favoring the socialist cause, Milwaukee alumni club at its annual so he left Guelph for New York. Turning from generalities to foot­ has been put in on the track meet which opened the forum on Tuesday, banquet, which is to be held in the was seen in the fairly strong socialist He soon secured a position as choir ball u|m>ii the Lawrence campus, scene of the second act. Lorraine room of the Schroeder hotel boy in a Presbyterian church and de­ “ Razz” related several incidents The second act is unique in that an Herbert Hoover vote cast Friday. Marquardt’s speech Thursday evening, Nov. 8. voted his time to study. After a that had led him to believe there was important part of a track meet, the was considered one of the finest given Coach Clarence Rasmussen aud Dr. in convocation this year. short period of success in the United a lack of real school spirit in certain relay, is held on the stage for the J. S. Reeve, of Appleton, will be the States, he suddenly disappeared, quarters, which belief had been but benefit of the audience, and the “ poor Capcity Audience Arthur Mueller, all college elub principal speakers at the banquet and made his debut in Padua as the lead* strengthened by an article in a recent nut”, played by Charles Barnes, ’31, president, spoke Wednesday in favor Carl S. McKee will lead the singing. About three years later, in 1912, he issue of the Appleton Post-Crescent. is successful in his attem pt to win Hears Webb Debut of the Republican party and Herbert The banquet is one of the features ing character in “ Andrea Glienier”, Lauding the spirit of loyalty and fight for Lawrence college against Beloit. Hoover, while William Heerman which will attract Lawrence alumni followed by a stellar operatic career which his squad had shown, in refer­ All events in the play have been lo­ Organist Plays Entire Concert With closed the forum the following day during the state teachers’ convention. in Italy as Eduardo di Giovanni. His ence to the student body, the coach calized. Rheumatic Arm with an address for Alfred Smith aud Several hundred invitations have been Italian diction was so perfect that the said, “ Y'ou should feel the spirit of The production staff has completed the Democratic ideals. sent out for the event. patrons of “ La Scala“, the famous the team. It is one of the best gangs the painting of one set of scenes to In spite of a rheumatic pain in his The forum, which is the first of its th e a te r in Milan, thought he was a I have ever had, and I have confi­ be used in the play, and this staff will right, rtn, William C. Webb, F.R.C.O., kind ever held at Lawrence college, countryman. Mrs. Bertha Jacques dence in it. But our chances of vic­ also work on the erection of a set of professor of organ at the conservatory was sponsored by the student senate Since then English, Canadian, and To Talk Here Again tory or defeat are determined by the bleachers for use during the track of music, made his debut before a ca­ as another activity of the 1928-29 American music lovers have paid him blaze of spirit behind us. ’ * meet scene. Several members of the pacity American audience on Friday school year. Suggestions for holding homage. This is his eighth consecu­ Pointing out that there are three es­ champion track team of 1928, includ­ evening, Nov. 2, at the Methodist it were evolved in the senate meet­ Mrs. Bertha E. Jacques, of the Chi­ tive year with the Metropolitan opera sential elements to school spirit; a ing Arthur Mueller, ’29, Charles church. ings. aud were put into effect in an cago Society of Etchers, will lecture company, he has sung with the Ra- fighting team, a college, and a town, Wolf, ’30, and Ross Cannon, ’30, will effort to get the student voting popu­ in the little theatre, Thursday, Nov. Professor Webb, who had been un­ viitia opera company at Ravinia, 111., he said, “ I leave it to you, is it the be on hand to run in the relay and to lation of the college to the polls on 22, on the subject, “ Block P rin ts“ . able to practice for more than a half for two seasons, and prior to this con­ duty of the college to arouse the “ officiate” in the meet. The scene is hour at a time for the week preceding election day. Mrs. Jacques lectured at Lawrenee cert tour he joined the opera com­ town, or the town the college?” one of the funniest in the collegiate his concert, played the entire recital The vote was taken on sample bal­ last May on “ Etchings” and her panies of San Francisco and Los An­ Pointing to the fact that the fac­ coined v. of nearly two hour’s duration, with­ lots, distributed by ushers at the stu­ talk was given a great deal of fav­ geles, Calif. Herman Devries in writ­ ulty was as interested as the students out intermission. He concluded his dent convocation. orable comment by a capacity audi­ ing for the Chicago American says, in the activities of the college, as at­ S. A. I*. Serenade performance with Widor’s difficult ence. She is one of the country’s “ There are many reasons for Mr. tested by the attendance at the gath­ Sigma Alpha Iota, musical sorority, “ Toccata in F”, which requires an most distinguished artists and has Lawrenee Professors Johnson’s popularity and they are ering, the speaker said, “ You have serenaded all fraternity houses and unusual wrist dexterity and agility of done much in the past 30 years for the all legitimate.“ overlooked the fact that in your presi­ Brokaw and Ormsbv halls Thursday finger movement. Conduct Night Classes revival of the art of etching.
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