87 FULL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE SIAM SOCIETY. ON AUGUST 31ST 1937. Patron His Majesty King Prachatipok. Vice-P11tron H. R. H. Pt·ince Damrong Rajanubhab. Honorary President H. R H. Prince of Nagara Svarga. HoNORARY 1\'IEl\rBERR. H. H. H. the Prince o.f Jainarl. H. H. Prince Bidyalankammt E. C. Stuart Bnker 6 Httrold Rand, Norwood, London, Professor G. Cmdes Ecole Fnwc;aiHe d'Extremc-Ori cnt, Hanoi. Miss R S. Cole ... 2217 Jule Street, St. Joseph, 1\fo., U.S.A. ProfeHHor W. Crednm· KngllllnellcrHtrasRe 22, Munich, 38. Sir J. Cl'oHhy, K.B.K, c.I.I,, H. B. M. Minister, Bangkok. W. A. Uralmm Pltmh Mmwr, Pidclletrenthicle, near Dorchester. Count GyldmiRtolpe Hoyttl Natuml History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden. ,J. Homan van der Heiile Remmel, Holland. 0. Borlen KloRs ... 2 Holbein Honse, Slottno Square, London, S. W. ProrcAsor K. K uroita The Oriental Library, Tokyo. H. Parmentier Ecole Fmnc;ttise cl'Extremc-Orient, Hanoi. H. E. Bishop It. M. J·. Pen·oR Assumption CfLthedml, Bangkok. Dr. Malcolm Smith Lane End, Putney, London. Dr. Paul Tux en ... The University, Co}Jenhagen. Sir Walter Williamson, 0. Ilf. G. cjo Lloyd's Bank, 6 Pall Mall, London1 S. W, 1, 88 [VOL. XXX CmmERPONDING Mgl\mEns. C. J. Aagaanl "FrerleJ•ikshof ", Ebdsuml, ;rutland, Denmark. ProfesRor A. Cnbttton cjo 1-Gcolr, N ationalc des Ltmgucs Orientales, Paris. J. A. Cttble Golfers' Clnll, Whitehall Comt, London, S. W. l. W. H. S. Ladell :1 '!'he CloiHters, Gmnge Court Road, Harpenden, TiertR. H. S.le Ivby G SomCJ.'ROt A\'enue, Haynes Park, London, S. W. 20. J. Michell 2 Oakhill Hond, Beckenhnm, Kent. W. Nunu 5 Dover Street, London, W. l. P. Petitlmguenin ... 74 Rue St. L[Lzare, Pa,ris. Professor Conte F. L. Pnlle R Uni versitit, Bologna, Italy. C. A. S. Sewell ... Birchington, Kent. Dr. H. McC. Smith 1209 M. St. N. W., W11shington, D. C., U.S. A. H. Warington Smyth, c.M.G. Call1mnnsac, Falmouth, England. Ln~E MEMBEHs. E. W. Hutchinson Chiengnmi. Dr. E. R. James ... Httrvttrd University, Cttmbridge, Mass., U. S. A. Dr. A. F. G. Kerr Street Honse, Hayes, Kent, Englrtnd. ORDINARY MEMBERS.(l) Ang Kiauw Gonn cjo Kian Gwan Co., Ltd. Anusasna, Phya ... Petchaboon Palace. Anuvad Raksa, Phya Timber Hevenue Station, Palmampoh. Ariant Manjikun, Nai Department of Agriculture. Bailey, J. British ConRnl-General. Bain, W. Ohiengmai. Ballantyne, A. H. British Legation. Bangkok Christiltn College Pramuan Road. B11nque de l'Indochine OrientaJ Avenue. Becker, J. N. Fraser & Nea,ve, Ltd. __________ ........ _,., _________________ ------------ ------ -- ----- (l) All aclclresses ttre in Brtngkok unless otherwise stated, 1''1'. I j 89 RihlioLlti~tjll!' Hoynlt· du UaudHHlg·u I'll 110111penh. Hily, Ch. ~.l.inisLry of J tmtice. H,ii51'1illg. ( J. nhgl u11w;mvej 3 7, Oharlottenlund, Denmark. Borihal F:nril>lmnd, Ltlitng Di visirm of Archmology. Howes, J\1. [{. B. M.i 11 isLry of ,Ju;;tice. Brii,ndli, ll. hmte rest!Lnt, Lug;tno, Switzmhucl. BruokH, U. 1L Meklong Raihmy Co., Ltd. .RrmuJ, .1. l\lunttm Motor Boat Co., Ltd. Bw:llitli<Lll, A. H. Bomeo Co., Ltd., Ohicngnmi. Bm1my, .l. (lion. Editur) ... JYT.ini;;try of Jtmticc. C:difol'llin, 0JJivt.:t·Hity ul' ... Herkuluy, Cal., U.S. A. ();Ll!tbi;tHo, N. Dupttrtment of Public & Municipal Works. C;Lillln·itlg·u UJti\·t:n;iLy Lihmry Cattthridge, Englttnd. UtLntpus, Dr .• 1. ,), dn Pol'tugnu~u Cousnl. Clutkmpalli, Lnllllg' t\15:3 Pmu1tutn H.ontl. Uh11l'Ol.Hl UIHti, Ll, H. I I. Prinen H.oy1Ll Stn,te H11ilways. Chnry<Lk ul, LtliLilg' Sin,m Eioctric Corporation, Ltd. Uhoriu, (ltt'w. l'eru) L.A. Asstuuption College. UhriHtinmlult, I L ... Dnui:-;h UonHul-GeneraL Cull.ius, .Mrs. K 1'3tttltorll Hottel. Cm1snil dn:-1 H.ucht~n:hwl ,')eicmtiliqnuH tlu l'[lldoehint: 'Hanoi. Con!La:-1, W. British Consul, Chiengrnai. Da.ngei, Hielmrd ... PressgaKso 17/24, Vienna, IV. Dal'nplu.m Pitnk, Phya Forest Department. DavidsoJJ, D. M. N. Hcnnbay-Burmah 'l'rading Corporation, Ltd., Rangoon. DavicH, ,J, E. Ohulalongkorn University. Devawongsu, 11. H. Prince Bejrapmi Hoacl. Dlu111i Nivat, H. H. Prince (Viee-PrcHident) Bejrapmi Road. Dolbeare, F. R. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. DO .MI~li!BlmHlJl P [VOL. XXX Doll, W. A.M. Fimwcitt(Ad vi~:;er. Duphttre, L. UniverRity of Monti & Political ScienceH. Edkins, J. Ilougkoug & F:ilHtnglmi Ba.nk. Ellis, Dr. A. G. Ch ulalong k.om University. Fttcnlty of Arts & Sciences Cbulalougk.orn UniverHity. F. M. S. Musemns Kwtla Lumpur. Forno, K CorHo Gn.bbetti 9, 'Torino (107), Italy. French Legation, ... Bangkok. Fuhrhop, W. Wincbor & Co. Gairdner, K. G. W at Pratat, nettr Kam baeng Bejm. Garrett, H. B. 79, Freslrlield Rmtd, Kemp 'rown, Brighton England. Gee, C. D. V elmettd Cottage, Fleet, Hants. Georges-Picot, W. French Legation. Gerlach, Dr. H. .. German DispenHttry. German Club, The Satlwm Hoad. Gotschlich, Dr. E. Apothecaries Hall. Green, D. S. Division of Statistics. Grut, Commdr. W. L. Sinrn Electric Corporation, Ltd. Guehler, U. (Hon. Librarian) B. Grimm & Co. Hammond, A. H.... McFm·land Typewriter Co., Ud. Hn,nhart, J. K. B. Grimm & Co. Healey, E. Siam Architects, H.ajadamre Ro11d. Hermanns, R. H. ... Windsor & Cu. Hermet, Dr. P. French Dispensary. Hicks, J. Hicks Lane. Holland, Sir Robert, K. C. I. E. 28 Empire House, Alexeucler Square, · London, S. W. 3. House, C. J. (Ron. 'rreasurcr) Department of Science. Indra l.Vlontri, Phya (President) Rajaprarob Ro11cl. ,Japanese Legation Rajaprarob Hoad. Jolanutrk, Phya ... Dep11rtment o£ Agriculture. Karpeles, Mlle S. Bibliotheque Royale du Cl1111bodge, Pnompenh. P'l'. 1] 91 Kn.viltL, Cl1all Dt)pltrtmuut of: Public Workii. Ki111 Po11g '!'Ill mg 'I' Iuwh ... .Ltwnrad Co., Ltd. K11ox. E. L McFttrhml 'J'ypewriter Co., Ltd. L:tlll ing, l\lt·s. R 0. Bisnnlok H.ottd. Luipt~ig· University Liln·:try Boothovmmtrasse 6, Leipzig, Germany. Lo\·y, ( t G. Levy & Co., Anuwongse Road. Liug:tt., H. A ppen,l Cumt. LoRch, 0. German Legation. l\Ianfrmli, K Cole Avenue, Bang Kapi. 1\litHopitkom, l'hyrt e/o Sialtlese Consnlate, Penang. ,, 1\la1·Lin, H. !<~. l\l. ... efo Hongkong & Shanghai Banking 'I:' Corporation, London. f 1\by, 1'. w. G (Jneen Anne's Gardens, London, W. 4. MeFnrlaml, Dr. U. R. Holyrood, Sathom Road. .Mmlhi, Lnang Foreign C:tuseH Court. Minuigurotk, II. U. Ameriean Legation. 1\lomu, R. Arley ( Hon. Sum·etn.t·y) Bangkok 'l'irneH Press, Ltd. 1\'Ittndiu, W. II ( Vinu- l'l·osidont) Bnngkok Times PreRR, Ltd. Neilson I by::; Liln·ary 8uriyavnngRe H.oad. Non·is, 11. L. A !llerieu,u Legation. Uitkluy, ])r. 'l'. C. BritiHh Dispensary. Oug Thye Oheo .. , OvorHoa-Chinese Banking Corporation. l'ltllttlllte]l!Jl'll, J:'Jty11 Forest Department. Ponrlldon, Dr. H. L. Dopttrtment of: Agricultme. Perkins, E. A. SiameHe Consul, P. 0. Box '760, Manila, P. I. Piehou, LL.-Col. French Military Attache. Pi::;tono, F. City Engineer's Office. PlantoroHe, B.ellly do Legislative Council. Plion, R French Legation. Pmbhtt Kt1r11wongH, Phya Soi Sap Lane. Prachun.h Bunnag, N ai ... Department of Science. Pradib:1ddlm Bhubal, Phya Klong 'l'oi. Princeton UniverHity Library Princeton, N. J., U. S. A. 92 MEliiBbiHS!Ul' [voL. nx Rajacla Bisl)s, H. S. I-I. Prince Ministry of Pub1ic Im:tn10tion. Rajawangsan, Phya Sinu1ese Legl\,tioll, Lundon. Hangoon Univen:ity Library Rangoon. Reeve, W. D. Custmns Dupa.rtmm1t. Reuterberg, E. Sit1ltl Electric Corpomtiou, Ltd. H.icharcl, J. Sittm Electric Cul'poration, Ltd. Sakol, H. S. H. Prince Ministry of Interior. Salyavedya, Col. Plm1 Phya Thai JHilittM'Y Hospital. Samau Vomkit, Lnaug ForeHt Depn.rtm ent. Sarasastra, Phya ... oft' HU:nut IV Hmul Saroj, Plmt Department of Fine Arts. Schweisguth, :D'. Pnompenb. Schwend, Dr. 0. Bangkok DispenAary. Sehested, Steen Kuala Lumpur, F. M. B. Seidenfaden, Major E. (Vice-President) 148 Phya 'l'lmi Road. Siribaed, Luang ... Department of Public Health. Srishtikarn Banchong, Phya Royal Sta,te B,o,ilways. Swanson, James ... Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd. 'l'aylor, W. G. Asit1tic Petroleum Co., Ltd. 'l'havenot, A. F. N. Ministry of Justice. 'l'havil, Luang 2030 G0ttsehe Hoacl. van Rijsewijk, J. B. fL1verkorn Holland-Siam 'l'ntcling Co., Ltd. Varn vaiclya, H. S. H. Prince Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Vernay, A. S. 51 Berkeley S!ruare, London, W. 1. Viwat, H. S. H. Prince CuHtoms Department. Wattttna Wittayo, Acu.demy Bang Kttpi. Wei·geni, '1'. Banclou. Wester, Junr., J. D. Inter1mtional Engineering Co., Inc. Winit Wanaclorn, Phytt Forest Department. Y oug Hoontmkul, N ai B~1ngkok Manufacturing Co. Ziegler, 'l'h. Wincll':lor & Co. Zielcr, Iclor EaRt Asitttic Co., Ltd., 'fakuapa. Zimmerman, W. Y. JYL C. A., Vorachakr Road. PT. r] l\lE:IlllEHHll!P 98 Boher, (Hev Pere) E. 1)e t't1 · >Jelnmnu·eC" • • 'l'J 1eopl ] 111ne Venard, Beouprean (1\f. & L.). Deignan, H. G. Di \'isio11 of Birds, U. S. National l\fnsemn, Wa;;hington D.O., U.S.A . Hilaire, (Hev. Bl'other) .Assmuptiou College. Irwin, (Rev.) R ... .J.54 W. Seventh Street, Claremont, Onl., U. S. A. lI [Publislwd for the Sirtm SJciety by F. H. Giles, E:litor, and printed by W. H. Mundie, at the Bt1ngkok 'l'imes printing office, 593 Bongkong Bank La,nn, Ba,ngkok, in AugnFJt, 1937.] .
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