COUNCILOF Brussels,16October2006 THEEUROPEANUNION 12120/06 VISA 203 COMIX 697 NOTE from: GeneralSecretariat to: VisaWorkingParty Noprev.doc.: 12357/05VISA230COMIX586+REV1(en,de)+REV2(es,fi) Subject: CommonConsular Instructionsonvisasforthediplomaticmissionsandconsular posts -Updateof Annexes3,4,7,9,12,15and18 COMMONCONSULARINSTRUCTIONS ONVISASFORTHEDIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ANDCONSULAR POSTS 12120/06 AMS/lm 1 DGH I EN Contents ANNEXESTOTHECOMMONCONSULAR INSTRUCTIONSONVISAS 3. Jointlistofthirdcountrieswhosenationalsaresubjecttotheairporttransit visarequirement, whereholdersoftraveldocumentsissuedbythesethirdcountriesarealsosubjecttothis visarequirement ........................................................................................................................ 3 4. Listofdocuments entitlingholderstoentrywithoutavisa .................................................... 16 7. Reference amountsdeterminedannually bythenationalauthoritiesforthe crossingof borders................................................................................................................... 72 9. Informationtobeentered bytheContractingParties,ifnecessary, inthe"comments"section ....................................................................................................... 73 12. Feestobechargedcorrespondingtotheadministrativecostsof processingvisaapplications .................................................................................................. 108 15. Specimenharmonisedforms providing proofofinvitation,sponsorshipand accommodationdraftedby theContractingParties ............................................................... 111 18. Tableofrepresentationforissuinguniformvisas ................................................................. 124 12120/06 AMS/lm 2 DGH I EN A N N E X 3 Joint list of third countries whose nationals are subject to the airport transit visa requirement, where holders of travel documents issued by these third countries are also subject to this visa requirement. ∗ The Schengen States undertake not to amend Part Iof Annex3 without the prior consent of the other Member States. If a Member State intends to amend Part II of this Annex, it undertakes to inform its partners and to take account of their interests. ∗ It is not necessary to consult the central authorities for the issue of an airport transit visa (ATV). 12120/06 AMS/lm 3 ANNEX3 DGH I EN Part I: Joint list of third countries whose nationals are subject to the airport visa requirement (ATV) by all Schengen States where holders of travel documents issued by these third countries are also subject to this requirement. 1 2 AFGHANISTAN BANGLADESH CONGO (Democratic Republic) ERITREA 3 ETHIOPIA GHANA 4 IRAN 5 IRAQ NIGERIA PAKISTAN 6 SOMALIA SRILANKA 1 ForalltheSchengenStates Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - flightcrewwhoarenationalsofaContractingParty totheChicagoConvention. 2 Forthe Beneluxcountries,theCzechRepublic,Estonia,Spain,France,Hungary,Slovenia andSlovakia Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - holdersofdiplomaticandservice passports. 3 For Italy Onlywherethenationalsarenotinpossessionof avalidvisaorresidence permitfora MemberStateoftheEU oraState partytotheAgreementontheEuropeanEconomicAreaof 2May1992,Canada,SwitzerlandortheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 4 ForGermany Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - holdersofdiplomaticandservice passports. 5 ForGermanyandCyprus Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - holdersofdiplomaticandservice passports. ForPoland Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - holdersofdiplomatic passports. 6 ForGermany Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: - holdersofdiplomatic passports. 12120/06 AMS/lm 4 ANNEX3 DGH I EN These personsshallnot besubjecttothevisarequirementiftheyholdoneoftheresidence permits ofanEEAMemberStatelistedinPart III (A)ofthisAnnexoroneoftheresidence permitsof Andorra,Japan,Canada,Monaco,SanMarino,SwitzerlandortheUnitedStatesguaranteeing an unqualifiedrightofreturnandlistedinPart III(B). Thislistofresidence permitsshall bedrawnup by mutualagreementwithinWorkingGroup II's Sub-GrouponVisasandverifiedregularly.Shouldproblemsarise,theSchengenStatesmay suspendthesemeasures untilsuchtimeasthe problemsinquestionhave beenresolvedbymutual agreement.TheContractingStatesmayexcludecertainresidence permitsfromthisexemptionif indicatedinPart III. Exemptionsfromtheairporttransitvisarequirementforholdersofdiplomatic,serviceorother official passportsshall bedecidedbyeachMemberStateindividually. 12120/06 AMS/lm 5 ANNEX3 DGH I EN Part II: Jointlistofthirdcountrieswhosenationalsaresubjecttotheairporttransit visarequirement bysomeSchengenStatesonly,whereholders oftraveldocumentsissuedbythesethirdcountriesarealsosubjecttothisrequirement. 2 11 4 3 4 5 10 1 BNL CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT HU MT AT PL PT SI SK FI SE IS NO Albania X Angola X X X X X X Armenia X Azerbaijan X Burkina Faso X6 Cameroon X6 X Colombia X X Congo X Côte d'Ivoire X X X6 Cuba X X6 Egypt X X7 Gambia X X X6 Guinea X X6 X Guinea Bissau X X Haiti X X 12120/06 AMS/lm 6 ANNEX3 DGH I EN 2 11 4 3 4 5 10 1 BNL CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT HU MT AT PL PT SI SK FI SE IS NO India X8 X12 X X X6 X Jordan X13 Kazakhstan X (North) Korea X Lebanon X X X X7 X Liberia X X X X X X Libya X X Mali X X X6 Nepal X Northern Marianas X Philippines X Rwanda X Senegal X X6 X X X Sierra Leone X X X X X Sudan X X X X X X X X Syria X X4 X X X X6+9 X 12120/06 AMS/lm 7 ANNEX3 DGH I EN 2 11 4 3 4 5 10 1 BNL CZ DK DE EE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT HU MT AT PL PT SI SK FI SE IS NO Togo X X Turkey X14 X X Vietnam X 12120/06 AMS/lm 8 ANNEX3 DGH I EN 1. Alienssubjecttotransitvisaobligationsdonotrequireanairporttransitvisa(ATV)fortransit viaanAustrianairport providedtheyholdoneofthefollowingdocumentsthatisvalidforthe lengthofthestaynecessary forthetransit: – aresidence permitissuedbyAndorra,Japan,Canada,Monaco,SanMarino,Switzerland, theHolySeeortheUSA whichguaranteestherighttoreturn; – avisaorresidence permitissuedbyaSchengenStateforwhichtheAccessionAgreement has beenbroughtintoforce; – aresidence permitissuedbyaMemberStateoftheEEA. 2. Onlywhennationalsare notinpossessionofavalidresidence permitfortheMemberStatesof theEEA,Andorra,Canada,theUnitedStates,Japan,Monaco,SanMarinoorSwitzerland. Holdersofdiplomatic,serviceorspecial passportsandflightcrewmembersholdinga FlightcrewMember's Licenceor aCrewMember CertificateissuedundertheChicago ConventionshallalsobeexemptfromtheATVrequirement. 3. Holders of diplomatic, official and service passports are not subject to the ATV requirement. The same applies to holders of ordinary passports residing in a Member State of the EEA, the United States or Canada, or in possession of an entry visa valid for one of these countries. 4. Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: – holdersofdiplomaticandservice passports; – holdersofoneoftheresidence permitslistedinPart III; – flightcrewwhoarenationalsofaContractingParty totheChicagoConvention. 5. Only when nationals are not in possession of a valid residence permit for the Member States of the EEA, Canada or the United States. 6. Only when nationals are not in possession of a valid visa or residence permit for a Member State of the EU or a State partyto the Agreement on the European Economic Area of 2 May 1992, Canada, Switzerland or the United States. 7. Only for holders of the travel document for Palestinian refugees. 12120/06 AMS/lm 9 ANNEX3 DGH I EN 8. IndiannationalsarenotsubjecttotheATVrequirementiftheyareholders ofadiplomaticor service passport. IndiannationalsarealsonotsubjecttotheATVrequirementiftheyareinpossessionofavalid visaorresidence permitforacountryoftheEUortheEEAorforCanada,Switzerlandorthe UnitedStates.Inaddition,IndiannationalsarenotsubjecttotheATVrequirementiftheyare inpossessionofavalidresidence permitforAndorra,Japan,MonacoorSanMarinoanda re- entry permitfortheir countryof residencevalidforthreemonthsfollowing theirairporttransit. Itshouldbenotedthattheexceptionconcerning Indiannationalsinpossessionofavalid residence permitforAndorra,Japan,MonacoorSanMarinoentersintoforceonthedateof Denmark'sintegrationintoSchengencooperation,i.e.on25March2001. 9. AlsoforholdersofthetraveldocumentforPalestinianrefugees. 10. Holders of diplomatic and service passports are not subject to the ATV requirement. 11. Thefollowing personsshall beexemptfromtheATVrequirement: (a) holdersofavisaoranyotherresidence permitfor anEUMemberStateoranotherState partytothe AgreementontheEuropeanEconomicArea,and (b) holdersoftheresidence permitsorotherdocumentslistedinPart III(B). AnATVdoesnotconstituteavisaforthe purposesof(a). 12. Holdersofdiplomatic passportsarenotsubjecttotheATVrequirement.Furthermore,anATV isnotrequiredof Indiannationalstravellingonan Indianpassportor adocumentinlieuofa passportwithavalidvisaorotherresidence permitforCanada,SwitzerlandortheUnited StatesofAmericatothe Statethatissuedthevisaorresidence permit,orof Indiannationals who,after anauthorisedstayinCanada,SwitzerlandortheUnitedStatesofAmericaare travelling backtoIndia.Note11alsoapplies. 12120/06 AMS/lm 10 ANNEX3 DGH I EN 13. HoldersofJordanianpassportsordocumentsinlieuof passportsarenotsubjecttothe ATVrequirementifthey areinpossessionofavalidvisaforAustralia,Israel,Japan,Canada, New Zealandorthe UnitedStatesofAmericaandaconfirmedairlineticketorvalidboarding passfora flighttothecountryinquestion,orarereturningtoJordanafteranauthorisedstayin oneoftheabovecountriesandaccordinglyholda confirmedairlineticketorvalidboarding
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