Mn »« II THURSDAY, JULY 21, 196^; I f PAGE EIGHTEEN 11 mattflygHter lEngning Ijgrato Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the' Wedc Ended linear park, from Case Mt. to Fair, cool tonight, low nead The Young Adult Club will Group to Walk 8. Main St., and to run under, July 9,1966 60; coiitiiiued eunny aaid plena- have a dance tomorrow from' 8 Church Delegates Back and around the relocated Rt. 6, P.A.C. aaik tonM»row, hdgh in Um 90a. About Town to li:3 0 p.m, at the Teen Cen­ Proposed Park Whether the group walks all Robert D. McGarlty Jr. of ter on School St. The “ Msm- the way to S. Main St. or only 14,231 247 Hollister St., president of chester Knights,” a recently Low-Cost Renewal Housing ‘‘Bring your, walking shoes.” to Gardner St. is a matter of Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm the Manchester Jaycees, will formed Manchester band, will Housing could be co-operative That is the advice of Town conJecture. However far It PRICE SEVEN CEN1B attend a leadership training play for dancing. The group, for Manchester church represen- , MANCHESTER, CONN., PRIDAY, JULY 22. 1966 (Claaeifled AdverUalng on Fnce Bl)] or rental, depending on the Planner Joseph Tamsky, who walks, it will get an idea of VOL. LXXXV, NO. 248 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) seminar tomorrow and Satur­ those 17 to 21 years of age, is thtlves are interested in form- town’s needs. the walkways, bridle paths and day at the University of sponsored bv the Recreation ing a sponsor corporation that will lead a host of town and rest areas Which Tamsky has BINGO He noted the main stumbling Bridgeport, conducted by the and Park Department. would investigate building mod- state officials and Just plain p. A. C. BALLROOM block is getting the money to proposed, and which the State 'Connecticut Jaycees. ____ erate rental housing in the start the proJect. He said his townspeople oil a "Walk- Highway Department has 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE World War I Veterans and North End redevelopment area. Through” tomorrow at 10 a.m. agreed should be coiutructed in Ronald E. Jodoin of 40 function was to' "take the non Auxiliary wili have a hot dog ®2.5*cliurch'^^)re^ organizaUon through the The group will meet at the the area. EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.M. Green Rd., a sophomore at Highland Park Spring and will So, get, out those walking Racial Violence Erupts Worcester <Mass.) Polytechnic T r ^ T e f s n r i S ^ ^ ie n t a t iL at a meeting sponsor- red-tape of Uncle Sam.” at Center SP""gs ^dge. Mem ^ Manchester Interfaith Hirshon ^ s worked w th sev- walk the route of a proposed shoes and Join in the fun. Institute, and Kent Rothammer ” J^ ^~J^^r a binwS^e Social Action Council (MISAC). eral non-prof t organizations in- of 518 W. Middle Tpke., a canned goods for a bingo game. ^ jhis type proJect. freshman at the school, were on the honor roll list for the spring ----- , - „ Tmtnr of hhe Idea to build mod- He said he would be happy term. o! S .n.t. ™„t., SPECIALS Sites of Race Trouble The churches Involved are ^ i g h t a 223 Kelly development Agency Informing Center Congregational, North Mrs. John Spring, K.eiiy them__ of their interest in North MethodMethodist St. James, St Mary s THURS.-SAT. Rd., Wapping. End redevelopment land. Second Congregational, Sou h ; m c K Martial Law .indents at Representatives from the sev- Methodist, and Temple Beth E U B lf S A C K JULY 21 ■ 23 Negro B oy Three en churches now will discuss the Sholom. southern Connecticut State churches. I f ------------------------- t Is Asked by College. New an,ev agreement is reached, steps will Is Killed in ;/»GRASSHOPPER CAN T JUMP deans list at t ® ® ’ Z be taken to form a sponsor cor- Piiblic Records 'UNLESS THE TEMPERATURE IS are Miss Linda J. Orfitelli of Brooklyn Councilman AT LEAST 62 DEGREES 2 Village St., a freshman, Representatives expect to Warrantee Deeds FAHRENHEIT,. , CLEVELAND, Ohio Deborah A. Bates o ^ M i.. meet with the redevelopment— r ......... Ulysses S. Violelte and Doris NEW YORK (AP) — 2 ner St., a sophomo e. __ as'encv before their next sched- (AP) — Demand for mar­ ner St., agency before their next sched- m . Violelte to George H. Birge Hundreds of residents of a Janet D. Nicholl of WA uiari mooHnp- SSent 28. Mnrv R Rire-e. nrooertv at uled meeting Sept. 28. and Mary R. Birge, property at ORADE A— Ht£SH DRESSO) tense, racially mixed tial law came today even You"* can’t keep Baby. St., a Junior. The representatives’ proposal 273 Ludlow Rd. as National Guardsmen pa- came after William R. Hirshon, Green Manor Estates Inc. to Brooklyn slum area battled Happy unless you keep Miss Jean Daley of 16 troled the East Side riot executive driector of the Great­ Gerald A. Compasso and Isabel WAYBEST each other and police (AP Ytaototaa) Drescher Rd. and Miss Cecily areas, wracked by four er Hartford Housing Develop- T. Compasso, property on Rich­ Thursday night with giins, Hot Weather Comfort Hull of 34 Marion Dr. left yes­ days of violence that has ment Fund, outlined and ex­ bottles and rocks. An 11- Astronaut Michael Collins waits in raft for Gemini seven and one-half miles from 'Iftie prime reewery terday for a 10-day vacation at mond Rd. gone from shooting and Needs Handy . We plained steps which the church­ Robert Barton and Cynthia year-old Negro boy was ship, the USS Guadalcanal, completing a million- Martha’s Vineyard. looting to hit and run fire 10 command pilot John Young to be helped out of es, as sponsoring agency, would B. Barton’ to Herbert E. W ol­ killed, apparently by snip­ the capsule after their splashdown yesterday af­ mile, 43-orbit journey around the world. bom bings. carry All Famous Brand have to take. fram and Thelma N. Wolfram, er fire. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crandall A Negro councilman, M. Mor­ ternoon. The spacecraft landed in the Atlantic only _ ___ If the proJect is locally ap- property at 165 Thompson Rd. Uve violence broke out in the Baby Products Mothers of 115 Summer St.S . willwi have an proved, the agency would apply , L-itlle to warren v. CHICKEN ris Jackson, asked Mayor Ralph John Little to Warren C. Bast New York section, a tene­ S, Locher to ask that martial ment neighborhood that for Trust! Phone 643-4136 law be declared and said he . months has been the scene of ham, properly at 158-160 Pearl would go directly to Gov. James anniversary. ____ gage to finance the housing. sporadic fighting Eunong ne­ St, WHOLE A. Rhodes or President Johnson _ _ t, The FHA supervises the proJ- groes, Puerto Ricans and Ital-. The VFW Auxil ary has can- Judgment if he doesn’t get action. Moon Guidelines Set lan-Amerlcans. celed its card party this week. eligibility accord- John Little against heirs, as­ Locher, meeting with National At midday, Mayor John V. The e^ n t is usually sched^ed signs, representatives or cred­ Guard officers, was not avallay Undsay appealed to the public each Fnday night at the post | itors of the late Mary Bieber, ble for comment; In Colum'bUs, generally and to Brooklyn resi­ Hirshon said the two biggest property on Pearl St the govenor’s office said at this Marriage Licenses dents in particular to "stay problems involved are land and point there was no indication Thomas Craig Ashley, 51 calm and keep conversations sponsors. He noted that land that martial law was contem­ By Gemini’s Suceess Lenox St., and Evelyn Mary going.’’ He urged peaceful dial­ will be available in Manchester plated. Weeks, 423 Summit St., July ogue, “ particularly among the through redevelopment at a Jackson’s ward Includes the 30. St. Bridget’s' Church. races.” "proper market price” and that i Hough section, hardest hit by INSTANT James Henry Gifford, Suf- Undsay also said he would the FHA “looks favorably” on confer with the police commis­ the rioting. field, and Beverly Ann Towne, i church-sponsored groups. sioner later today about the dis­ An uneasy clam settled over, 217 Union St., July 30, Second Hirshon said the sponsor’s turbances. Ihe mayor praised the Hough Negro slum area. At State News ICs Official Congregational Church. EARNINGS responsibility is "basically mor­ the “ professionalism and the dawn, a Negro was fatally shot Young and Collins Philip Frederick Ottone, 72 We're Falter al” and not legal. "No one is g re a t skiU" displayed by the waiting for a bus three miles Broad St., and Sheila Joy Shu­ going to take the church to poUoe force Thursday night. from the riot area. Before he Foundation WASHINGTON (AP) — man, 72 Broad St., July 30, St. court if it is low on its pay­ Ten policemen, four firemen died, Samuel Winchester, 54, The government announced Returned to Florida Bridget’s Church. and three residents o< the area said he was hit by gunfire from today what most of us al­ ments,” he said. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — Slash^ broad Proper proJect management Building Permits were reported inJured, none se­ a white man In a passing car. Help Asked ready know: Americans are was a second responsibility, he C. Gambolati & Son for Ox­ riously. The shooting occurred in a getting fatter. Fatter than smiles, the Gemini 10 astronauts flew back to Gape Ken­ ford Stores, alterations to store racially mixed area where no explained.
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