"THERE'S MORE OF US *> 2 split Newspaper Bingo prize — See Page 4-A BUGS INSIDE* 112th Year, No. 15 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, August 3, 1967 2 SECTIONS - 34 PAGES 15 Cents 1 . • * Sidewalks of St. Johns alive with bargains i P The "new" look in "old-fashioned" bargains is being turned out into the sunshine I in St* Johns* today and Friday so that everyone can get a good look and a good buy. 3ft St. Johns' retail businessmen are celebrating their 10th annual St. Johns Sidewalk Days Sale Thursday and Friday—a yearly event where the merchants actually turn their stores inside out with good bargains. 5*- Tables and racks and counters will be out on the sidewalks for the two days, and most of the merchandise displayed there will be specially marked—down—for Sidewalk Mi Days. It almost never rains during Sidewalk Days, but If it does, the sale will be ex­ S£ tended into the Saturday shopping hours. Even the empty stores on Clinton Avenue are likelv to have something on the sidewalks In front of them that people will want to buv. Being held in conjunction with th'e Sidewalk Days this year is'the annual toothbrush sale by members of the St. Johns Exchange Club. Proceeds will go toward-the club's youth projects. Also in the downtown area those two days will be Little League baseball players, who will offer for sale St. Johns Redwing seat cushions. Proceeds will go toward operation of Little League. All up and down the street merchants are getting their sale items ready for the sidewalk tables and racks. This week's Clinton County News advertisements give the •:•: t best look ahead at what they'll be offering. i $5,000 goes to File petitions hospital Sealed Power Corp. has pre-* sented a check for $5,000 to the Clinton Memorial Hospital Build­ annexation to DeWitt ing Fund, A check for that amount was _ - DeWlTT,—P^UUgns^se^eklng annexation of a large area on the ^ »* handed to Ink White/ chairman.of the board of directors of the southwest ,side^of^»peWift4 to the City of DeWitt were'filed with hospital, -Friday by Lawrence G. Clinton County Clerk^tuSfWakefield Tuesday morning, Sexton, manager of the St. Johns • It will now be '.up fir the couhty board of sups/visors to set a Sealed Power plant. date for an election on the question. Residents of the city and the Sexton noted that *one of the area In question wUl all vote. factors which Influenced the com­ The *two petitions filed Tuesday bear the signatures of 111 pany to establish the St. Johns persons from the township area to be annexed and 130 persons plant was the evidence of fine from the City of DeWitt, The petitions wttl be checked for legal community facilities such as the S5ftW^ft%Wft::::W^S:W:¥ftW^%W s ignatures before the county Clinton Memorial Hospital.1' board sets an election date. Such action by the supervisors won't "SINCE THE ST. Johns Divis­ Library offering come before the September ion has been in operation, these meeting. facilities have continually been The annexation drive was ini­ improved through the efforts of book bargains tiated last fall by persons living loyal community minded citi­ in the area proposed for annex­ zens," he said. In conjunction with Sidewalk ation. This includes all of the "The expansion and moderniz­ Days, today and Friday, the Be- Lake Geneva subdivision (part ation of the Clinton Memorial ment Public Library is offering of it is already in the city) and Hospital is a further indication wheelbarrows and wheelbarrows the DeWitt High School property, of the desires of the St. Johns of old, rarely read books for as well as other property. sale. •FEEFEE* GETS THE LAST (LICK, LICK) LAUGH' citizenry to provide the most MAYOR ELDEN T. SMITH of The books will cost 10 cents 1 modern and up-to-date medical DeWitt who, along with Council­ "peefee/ the black-haired, black-eyed poodle pet of Roxie Pearce, facilities for the residents of each or three for 25 cents and will man Lloyd Berkimer filed the DeWlTTAHD PROPOSED DeWITT 13, of Elsie was eating her own ice cream cone until just seconds before, St. Johns, surrounding villages be available at the library booth. petitions Tuesday, said approxi­ and the rural population of Clin­ in front of Clinton National Bank. this picture was taken. Roxie gives her pet a permissive yet distasteful *" mately 300 persons are living ton County. Junior high and high's'chool girls in the area proposed for annexa­ look as she realizes her cone, too, now belongs to the dog. Roxie and "Sealed Power Corp., in behalf will attend the stand. tion. If annexation is finalized, Southgate Center Feefee were photographed in'front of Richards Dairy last Thursday. of- its stockholders and em­ Most of the books offered will the land area of the City of De- ployees, is most happy to con­ be of the fiction or biography Witt would be at least doubled. Roxie is the daughter of Mr and'Mrs Roy Wilson of Elsie. tribute to the modernization of variety. There will be some .DeWitt has a population of this Important and much needed children's books. 1,285 on the i960 census. to be expanded 1 CLINTON COUNTS v health facilitiy." The area Involved in the annex­ . Southgate Shopping Center on South US-27 in St. Johns will ation includes that bounded by a be expanded in the not-too-distant future to make it "considerably Ewing resigns traffic deaths line south from the east city lim­ larger." * \ its to Herblson Road, west along Since Jamiary 1,1967 Details of the development weren't made public yet, but Herbison to a point midway be- Bobenal Investments, Inc., of Alma, which owns the center, said as road clerk ; • tween.Turner and DeWitt roads, Tuesday an expansion is planned. * 5 ' then south to the east-west quar­ •Southgate will definitely be expanded beyond the present R. Donald Ewing, clerk>of the County Road Commission since ter line of section 17, then west occupancy," said Alfred Fortino of Alma, secretary-treasurer Clinton County Road Commission January .1961-^311 that time as THIS TIME LAST to the west one-eighth line of of the firm. "- for the past 6 1/2 years, has clerk of the commission. Prior section 18, and then north to the LooklngjGlass River. Details of the enlargement, he said, would have to await resigned here to take a similar to that he had operated a food * YEAR: 6 final lease arrangements with prospective tenants. He expected position with the Jackson County market and frozen food locker The boundary line would then that a formal announcement of the plans would be made in the Road Commission. ' / at Bath. He has been a resident follow the Looking Glass north­ not-too-distant future. a' choice from among the five Ewing submitted his resigna­ of Bath since 1922. erly and easterly to the section Several downtown St, Johns ,merchants received letters this tion Monday at a special meeting persons who have already been line between Sections 7 and 8 of interviewed at their regular week from -Ben Simon, president of Bobenal, touching off specu­ of the road commissioners. It HE .SAID THE Jackson County DeWitt Township, The proposed lation downtown about a new shopping center. But Fortino said meeting today. city limits border would then jog will be effective Oct. 1. road job Involves a larger oper­ 4 only an expansion of the present Southgate Shopping Plaza Is Road commission employees Ewing has been with the Clinton ation than does Clinton, County, north a few feet to Howe Road planned by his company. / • and he will primarily do account­ held their annual picnic this and then run east to the present ing, although there is a. wide va­ week, and more than 200 em­ city limits. , »T» riety of other duties also con­ ployees and families and retired nected with the job. employees crowded Smith Hall. The Jackson County Road There were prizes lor all, and County's low Sqylor-Bedll, Commission is basedinjackson, safety awards were given out by and Ewing and his wife will live road commission. Chairman Paul drop-out rate in that city, Nobis. being studied Ewing has written a weekly Safety awards have been given union sign pact for nine years, and employees School officials from Clinton road report column for the Clin­ cents tp additional fringe bene­ ton County News, keeping county Ed Nobis and Clarence Thompson County have been invited to at­ Officials of XIAW Local 925 each received nine-year no-ac-- tend a meeting in Lansing today and Saylor-Beall Manufacturing fits. These are to include addit­ residents informed onworkbeing ional holidays, vacation pay, full done in various parts of the coun­ cldent pins. Eight-year no-acci­ (Thursday) focusing - on school Co, of.'St. Johns signed a new dent pins went to Leonard Camp­ drop-out problems. - three-year contract last Friday, paid Blue Cross and Blue Shield ty and the actions taken by the sickness and accident benefits commission itself. > bell and Paul Hills, while Ralph Clinton representation was in­ ending several months of negoti­ Shlnabery and Donald Smith got vited because the county is among ations. and a cost-of-living clause. seven-year pins. Five-year, the 10 in the state with the The new contract received un- The old contract expired June MEANWHILE* THE ROAD 25 but was extended on a day-to­ commission contlnueslts four-year, three-year and two- lowest drop-out percentage (3,7 year, pins" were given to-Peter Picture on Page 2-A day basis during negotiations.
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