FREE THE 18 ! VOL. V i l i — No. 41 NEW YORK, N. Y„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1944 Roosevelt, Tobin Roosevelt Stalls Labor's Demand Scheme To Deny Freedom For 18 To Modify Little Steel Formula "Holding the Line" By Joseph Keller Allied Leaders Byrnes Upholds Wage Freeze While two months have passed without a decision from the president on the pardon petition of the 18 imprisoned Trotsky­ ists, evidence is accumulating that Roosevelt. Attorney General Biddle and A FL Teamsters czar Daniel J. Tobin are continuing Seek To Trick As WLB Opens Mock Hearings their conspiracy which led to the frameup of the Socialist Work­ ers Party and Minneapolis Truckdrivers Local 544-ClO leaders General Motors and U. S. Steel Corporation in the Minneapolis Labor Case. Italian People Endorse Government's Wage-Freezing Policy A series of recent events, in­ volving these leading figures in By James Cowan By R. Bell the prosecution of the 18, indi­ Decision Held Up Alarmed by the growing radi- The administration, aided by Roosevelt’s labor cates that Roosevelt and his fel­ calization of the Italian masses, low conspirators are taking con­ which proceeds ever faster as the lackeys, is making a political football of the demand certed measures to counteract On Pardon Appeals conditions of their life become by workers for wage increases commensurate with the tremendous tide of protest in more intolerable, Roosevelt and labor’s ranks against tile frame- Churchill have resorted to a the rise in the cost of living. With the national elec­ up. After the presentation of For Imprisoned 18 the pardon appeals on August 2, transparent trick to deceive the tions in the offing, there has taken place a series of Daniel M. Lyons, U. S. Pardon Tobin had lunch with the Pres­ rebellious population of south­ maneuvers, spiced by a flurry of rumors, designed to Attorney, in reply to an inquiry ern Italy into believing that im­ ident. His magazine, The In te r­ from the Civil Rights Defense national Teamster, has intensi­ provements are on the way. create the impression that Roosevelt is favorably con­ Committee, has written to CRDC fied its campaign of slander In a joint statement issued National Secretary George Nov- sidering an upward revision of the wage-freezing against the imprisoned opponents Sept. 26, the imperialist statesr ack that the pardon applications men announced that, following Little Steel formula. Two special panels of the War of his reactionary and dictator­ of the 18 Minneapolis Labor Case ial union policies with scarcely- the recent Quebec conference, prisoners are “still under con­ Labor Board have submitted a “fact-finding” report they had given the Italian ques­ concealed lynch incitations sideration.” The pardon petitions against the Trotskyists. tion consideration and had de­ were presented on August 2 and to the WLB sustaining the contention of the CIO and cided : WORK TOGETHER have been before the President AFL that the cost of living has risen beyond the now for two months. 1. To hand over to the puppet The intimate political relations Lyons’ letter, dated September Bonomi government “ an increas­ figure established by the government’s Bureau of between Roosevelt and Tobin, 29, stated th a t "th is case is s till ing measure of control... subject which early in the case the Amer­ Labor Statistics. A report by the economists of the under consideration, and I am of course to that Administration's ican Civil Liberties Union point­ unable at. the present time to proving that it can maintain law OPA establishes that on ed out as one of the m otives be­ act, Mr. Byrnes’ statement could indicate with any degree of ac­ and order and the regular admin­ hind the prosecutions, was re­ the basis of tlieir earnings not have been better timed.” Xhe curacy how soon final action w ill istration of justice. To mark emphasized last week when the editorial then makes the perti­ be taken.” this change the Allied Control the steel corporations can President, in accordance with his nent inquiry: “Is Mr. Byrnes Commission will be renamed the custom, opened his election cam­ The pardon petitions for the well afford to grant a wage speaking authoritatively for tha ‘Allied Commission’.” paign by addressing a banquet of 18 Socialist Workers Party and De Gaulle Advances ‘Radical’ increase with an increase Administration, or is he merely AFL Teamster leaders in Wash­ Minneapolis Truckdrivers Local 2. To in s tru c t the U nited speaking for himself?” ington. 544-CIO leaders, who have been Nations Relief and Rehabilita­ in the price of steel. in prison since Dec. 31, 1943 tion Administration conference DIVISION OF LABOR A little over two weeks ago, charged with violation of the in­ “to declare for the sending of Program To Sidetrack Masses In a number of speeches made It is extremely improbable that Attorney General Biddle, who or­ famous Smith “Gag” Act, are before recent conventions of vari­ ganized the prosecutions and con­ medical aids and other essential Roosevelt’s first assistant would supported by over 300 labor and supplies to Italy.” By Ralph Graham ous CIO unions, Philip Murray ducted them through his Minnes­ make a public statement on inu civil rights organizations, rep­ dropped the “hint” that Roose­ ota prosecutor, Victor Anderson, 3. To take “ firs t steps... to ­ portant questions of administra­ resenting some 3,000,000 mem­ In a deceitful move, taken with the clear intent of hood­ Inside Germany velt intends to scrap the Little addressed by invitation the state ward the reconstruction of an tion policy without the prior bers. winking the French workers and diverting them from the road “In Magdeburg there was Steel formula and therefore labor convention of the Minnesota Fed­ Italian economy... These steps knowledge or consent of hia In his letter, Lyons gives no of revolutionär}' struggle to end the capitalist system, Gen. trouble among foreign workers must reaffirm its no-strike pledge eration of Labor. While in Min­ should be taken primarily as m il­ “chief.” Past experience ha6 reason for the unusual delay in Charles de Gaulle has “ committed himself and his Government two weeks ago,” cabled the N. and support the candidacy of nesota, he conferred with Ander­ itary aims to put the full re­ shown the existence of a division Roosevelt's pardon decision. It Y. Times correspondent from “their friend” for reclection. AFL sources of Italy and the Italian to the creation of a new economic system in France — a system of labor between Roosevelt and son. Anderson himself has been is clear, however, that the Min­ Stockholm on Sept. 30. “In President W illiam Green has also people into the struggle to de­ of planned economy under the direction of the Government, his first assistant. While on many lending a hand to Tobin and the neapolis case presents an embar­ quelling the disturbances the let it be known that the White feat Germany and Japan. For as he described it.” issues of importance to the lahof Stalinists in their attempts to rassment to Roosevelt in view of Gestapo found evidence that House was favorably disposed to­ m ilitary reasons we should assist De Gaulle announced this dustry, the General hastened to movement Roosevelt remains si­ sabotage support for the 18 by the pending presidential election. the foreigners had staged an ward the granting of a wage in­ the Italians in the restoration of “ new” program in a speech at add that his scheme for a “ planned lently in the background, Byrnea writing letters at their request, The U. S. Supreme Court last insurrection in accord with crease. In the midst of these op­ such power systems, their rail­ economy” definitely did not ex­ has come forward as ihe spokes­ itemizing the frameup charges December three times refused to Lille, the capital of the indus­ German fellow-workers. From timistic rumors and reports, ways, motor transport, roads and clude “ the stimulus of just profit man of reaction and has used the which helped send the 18 to fed­ consider the appeal of the 18. Now trial north of France, on Oct. this incident one can reason­ James F. Byrnes, Roosevelt’s War other communications as enter and initiative.” This means that tremendous powers of his office eral prison. Roosevelt, who set in motion the 1. It followed by only a few ably deduce that Germany has Mobilization Director, more com­ into the war situation,” etc. under de Gaulle there w ill be no to put across the program of Big Biddle's appearance on the AFL frameup of the 18, is apparently days De Gaulle's action in “ tak­ been divided Into two camps monly known as the Assistant real planned economy. “ Just profit Business. This division of labor platform was undoubtedly engin­ trying through this unwarranted ing over” the French coal mines regardless of the nationality President, exploded a bombshell HOLLOW MOCKERY and initiative” means the con­ has occurred on a whole series eered by Tobin and his agents delay to continue to keep them to avert a threatened general of the residents, namely Nazi in the form of a radio address tinuance of capitalist private of measures involving wage-freez­ who have considerable influence behind bars in violation of their A more hollow mockery of the strike of miners. The Renault and anti-Nazi.” in which he emphasized that the desperate Italian people could ownership, the continuance of the ing and price-gouging, cutbacks in the top circles of the Minnes­ democratic rights. automobile factory in Paris was And also into two class government must continue to and reconversion, job-freezing scarcely be im agined.
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