4, . 1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1970 ^ 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. PAGE- TWENTY iManrhifatPr lEwfntng Iffralh Bloodmobile Visits St. Mary’s ing Japan where they were Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ The Manchester Midget Foot­ ball Association Women’s Auxil­ •]\frs. Elsesser- among 8,000 delegates from 85 ters will have Its first meeting yOUR lUBlRCUlOSIS ASSOCIAIION countries attending the Baptist BUSY KILN CERAMIC Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather About Town of the season Monday at 7:45 iary will meet Monday, at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John RCPORla ^ To Give Talk World Congress. ^ >r T^e Week Ended Hie Rev. James Birdsall, rec­ n.m. in the Fellowship Room o f While in Japan, they visited a d g if t s h o p Fair, cool again tmight; low Roberts, 12 Richmond Dr. Moth­ N August 29,' 1970 tor of St. Peter’s Episcopal Center Congregational Church. shrines and temples and at­ near 50. Sunday increasing On Japanese 540 EAST m IeDDLE TPKE. MANCHESTER duirch in Wapplng, will, con­ ers of players, wives of coaches, tended Expo ’70. 'Piey were U cloudiness. Showers possible late duct a service Sunday at 8:15 The Clvitan Club of Manches­ and interested women are invit­ Mrs. Alex Elsesser of 98 Bald­ guests of Mra. Elsesser’9 in day, windy and cool. ed. Mrs. John McNary and Mrs. RAGWEED Phone 649-0201 15,367 a.m. on radio station WINF. The ter will observe Ladles Night win Rd. will be g^uest of honor brother. Col. Paul Schade, base Roland Fotter are co-hostesses. Manchester^A City of Village Cft^ >. program is sponsored by the Tuesday at Willie’s Steak House. POLLEN and give an illustrated talk on chaplain for the 5th Air Force, We are now starting new classes in the instruction Manchester Council of Churches The event will open with cock­ “ Japan’s Religious Vacuum” in Tokyo, and visited with mis­ and the Clergy Association of tails at 7 p.m. and dinner will Airman Frank 8. Berlinskl, COUNT •Tuesday at the first supper sionaries in the Tokyo area who of making ceramics. (Classified Advertising on Page IS) PRICE TEN CENTS Manchester. son of Mr. and Mr3. Frank Ber­ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 292 (SIXTEEN PAGES — TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1970 be served at 8. The Nick Gross! meeting of the Women’s Soc­ have roots or interests in Con­ Momkig, Afternoon and Evening Classes Trio will play for dancing. linskl of 42 Salem Rd.,. has re­ 14.5 iety of Community Baptist necticut. The Ladies Guild of the As­ ceived his first U.S. Air Force Church at 6:30 p.m. in Fellow­ Co-chairmen for the event are Monday to Friday sumption will have its first duty assignment after complet­ P o l l v ' ^ C o u M f /i.l.S f? t/ v'M ship Hall of the church. The board of trustees of South .1 ? 4 h o u r S .» m p /» n y Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wylie and meeting of the season Monday United Methodist Church will ing basic training at Lackland Articles from Japan will be on Mrs. Carlton Welsh. They will at 8:15 p.m. in the church hall. meet tonight at 7:30 at the AFB, Tex. A 1970 graduate of display, and Mrs. John Mc­ be assslted by members of the An installation of officers for the church. A.I. Prince Technical High SusagTo Talk Clain will conduct a devotional, Gifford Circle. Connecticut coming year will be conducted School, he has been assigned to “ A Love Gift Rejoicing.” Tickets may be obtained from Ella Smashes by Mrs. Stanley Zatkowski. Jo­ The Manchester Garden Club a unit of the Aerospace Defeilse To Contractors The Rev. and Mrs. Elsesser circle leaders or Mrs. Robert Bolton Anniversary Sale Days Teachers Arabs Reibove ers; seph Castrlcone. assisted by will meet Monday, at 7:30 p.m. Command at Duluth Interna­ spent three weeks in July tour­ Madden. Mrs. Henry Skelley, will demon­ In the Foundation room of Cen­ tional Airport, Minn. On School Wings strate “ Creative Bow Craft.” ter Congregational Church. The at England’s Hardware Marchins Refreshments will be served by Senior Girl Scout Troop 1 will M. PhlUp Susag will address Into Mexico program will be “Autumn’s Mrs. Frank A. Giorgio and Mrs. resume its meetings Monday, at Bounty," and members are ask­ the contractors division of the BROWNSVILLE, Tex. (A P )—Hurricane Ella smash- By t h e a s s o c ia t e d p r e s s Walter G. McNally and mem­ 7 p.m. at Center Congregation­ COMMEMORATIVE September 9 thru September 12 ed to bring something from Chamber of Commerce Tuesday ed into a thinly settled area of northeastern Mexico to- School operations were shut bers of their committee. The their garden to ^exhibit. Mrs. al Church. at 7 p.m. at Willie’s Steak Sherwin Williams Latex House Paint day with winds topping 125 miles per hour and torren- teacher Blow event is open bo all' women of Anthony Sherlock is in charge 0.! I walkouts in seven Connecticut the church, and their guests. of arrangements. The men of Emanuel Luther­ House. COIN AUCTION Reg. $8.99 a gal. NOW S 7 i l 9 a gal. , Commur^icatlons failed and communities ^ a y . as strikli^ an Church will tour the Yankee As chairman of the Board of there was no immediate word of ‘ eachers marched, went to court By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Atomic Power Plant in Haddam Education’s building and sites 30” McGuire Bamboo Rake Reg. $3.59 NOW $ 2 ^ 9 or . talked with ‘ school boards. A pall of smoke rose over Neck tonight. Those planning to committee, he will speak on the Whirlwind how residents fared in the fish­ Saturday, September 12 Keeney Curtain Rods 20% Off ing village of La Pesca, where In Bristol eind Milford, schools the Jordan desert today attend will meet at the church Nov. 3 referendum school items. were closed all day. and Arab guerrillas said parking lot at 6 :45. The tour is ’These Include renovations and 1:00 P.M. the storm thrust ashore from 25% Off on remaining Lawn Sprinklers the Gulf of Mexico between 6 In Middletown and New Lon­ they had blown up three sponsored by the Churchmen of additions to the Nathan Hale, Hits Venice don they were closed most of 'r> and 7 a.m. the Emanuel Church. 'The youth Robertson, and Keeney St. ON THE BOLTON GREEN 25% Off on remaining Garden Hose the day. hijacked planes after re­ La Pesca, a community of moving the passengers. Copy Cats o f the church will leave the Schools. A question and answer STERLING SILVER And in New Haven, West Ha­ church tonight at 6:15 for an period will follow his presenter Gearance on Picnic Grills — More than 30% Off Many Die small houses' with thatched ven dnd Somers, school opera­ They claimed this was only roofs and many summer cabins, HIGH SPEED COPYING AND PRINTING evening at Riverside. tion. No. 2 thru 25 Alum. Gutter Guard 25’ Roll Reg. $1.75 NOW 9 1 - 2 9 tions were curtailed. the first step of their Robert A. Glola of Glola VENICE (AP) — A short­ sits at the mouth of the Rio Soto These were some of the de­ warning to Western gov­ EXCEPT 17 and 20 la Marina. The little town of • FAST and ECONOMICAL # Manchester Veterans Council Landscaping and Contracting, Dupont Plastic Gutter Guard 25’ Roll lived whirlwind wrought de­ velopments Friday: ernments to meet their de­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at newly elected chairman of the struction and death in Venice’s Marina is 22 miles in­ — In New Haven, talks re­ CALL 647-9257 Reg. $1.95 NOW 9 1 . 4 9 mands. the Army-Navy Club. contractors division, will pre­ AND 19 and 70 IN PAIRS suburbs and on the lagoon Frl- sumed between the school board They had said previously the 341 BROAD STREET side at the first of the 1970-71 day night when it picked up a Weather bureau observers, and the New Haven. Federation AND 250 ALONE. 7 Bushel Leaf Bags —- Reg. $.98 NOW 9 ^ 9 5 . who traced the hurricane with planes would be destroyed 'With MANCHESTER. CONN. Manchester Civic Orchestra dinner meetings. crowded passenger boat "like a of Teachers. The talks had been the passengers aboard unless vrtll have its first rehearsal ftALIBft ITEMS MUST BE CASH toothpick,” spun it in the air radar, predicted it would thrust cut short at an apparent im­ 50 tb 60 miles westward before Britain, Switzerland and West Monday at 7:45 p.m. in the band and rocketed it back into the passe on Thursday, and didn’t Germany released seven Arab room at Manchester High water, where it sank In 30 sec­ beating itself to death .agaihst resume until Friday at 7 p.m. the Sierra Madre Mountains. commandos in their custody. School. onds. The education department, ' The three jetliners—a Trans Up to 15 inches of rain was LANE GUITAR & MUSIC CENTER, INC. Frogmen recovered 18 bodies, meanwhile, announced that on World Airlines Boeing 707, a Blacklet^e District Cub Scout and 30 other persons were res­ predictd today and tonight, and prj^ay 20 per cent of the teach- Swissair and a British Ov­ Leaders and Den Mothers ONE DAY-SATURDAY ONLYI cued. The others of the approxi­ heavy flooding was forecast in ers showed up In middle schools, erseas Airways Oorp.
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