Stye Srme- ' i Vol. XLII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Saturday, December 11, 1965 No. 19 Tor unto us' Yuletide Spirit The two long, long weeks have what folk groups sang and how finally passed and the Christmas they were organized. The tape Weekend has at last ascended upon was played in Africa, Europe, us. Saturday afternoon at 3:00 South America, and Asia, in Oc- p.m. The Shad town Trio" Plus One tober, 1965. Next year the Shkd- will present a folk concert. Satur- town Trio Plus One has a tenta- day night the Panhellenic Interfra- tive engagement to sing at / the ternity Council will present it's White House. annual Christmas Dance in Blue- And how did the group come to stone, the theme will be, "Santa's have this name? Old Alexandria Workshop." To end the holiday was once called "Shadtown", origi- weekend the Concert Choir will nating during the fishery era when present their Christmas Vespers the Shad used to swim up the Po- program in Wilson Hall at 4:00 p.m. tomac River and spawn in the harbors of Alexandria. The group "Santa's Workshop" was the Shadtown Trio for a month or so and then Jim Parker joined, The Panhellenic-Interfsaternity making the Shadtown Trio Plus sponsored Christmas Dance will be One. held in Bluestone on December 11 from 8:30 until Midnight. Some of the songs the group plans to sing include: "Western The two fraternity sweet hearts, Wind," "Sinner Man," "Hard elected from among Madison Times," "Winkin, Blinkin, arid Greeks will be announced at the dance. Nod," "House of the Rising Sun," and other folk blues, and blue The-nominees are: Alpha Sigma grass tunes familiar to this genera- Alpha, Merle Keny; Alpha Sigma tion. Tau, Pat Stover; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Linda Antol; Sigma Katfpa, The concert will be held in Wil- s*£z ."**. ^^2y&£.:.. jzz Pat Griffin; Alpha Gamma Delta, bef IT, at 3:00 p~m. The cost is" Babs Robbins; Phi Mu, Beverly "fifty cents per -person and tickets Hawks; Alpha Sigma Tau, Anne Perdue; Sigma Kappa, Tommy Cuseniano; Zeta Tau Alpha, Mickey Oyler; Sigma Sigma Sig- ma, Carol Shotirs; Alpha Sigma Alpha, Terry Toohey. Committee members from the seven sororities and their decora- tion areas are: Betty Talbot, Alpha Sigma Tau, Lobby Entrance; Sarah Dilmore, Sigma Sigma Sig- ma, Stairs and Entrance; Linn Hicks, Alpha Gamma Delta, Band- stand and Figure Entrance; Linda Coleman, Phi Mu, Center of At- traction; Carol Niesz, Sigma Kap- pa, End walls; Pat Griffin, Zeta Tau Alpha, Windows and Side Walls; and Karen Youngkins, Al- pha Sigma Alpha, Ceiling and Chaperone Areas. The Shadtown Trio Plus One may be purchased in the P. O. As a part of Panhellenic's Christ- Lobby Monday through Saturday. ..:::::;-.':...-Ai,i.-.,„.:.. .. , mas Weekend, the Shadtown Trio Plus One will give a concert. Concert Choir Our Madonna One of the group, Mickey Oyler, This week's Concert Choir per- is a Madison junior. The other formance on December 12, 4:00 members include: Mike Ward, at- p.m. in Wilson will mark the tending Ohio Wesleyan, Tom fiftieth anniversary of the group. Wood, attending Transylvania Col- The Christmas program is an an- lege, and Jim Parker. The group nual event at Madison. Did you know that three began two years ago in the sum- Madison graduates are on Madi- Featuring soloists Cindy Wood, mer of '64, and gave performances Linda Stein, Belle Landrum, Mar- All persons who plan to take son's Board of Visitors? They in Washington, D. C. at the Brick- are Mrs. Emily Spong of Ports- tha Lindsey, and Bouita Traylor, Calendar student teaching next year are skeller, The Cellar Door, and The mouth; Mrs. Kira Hammend of the concert will consist of a cere- December 11 — Campus Motion requested to come by the Stu- Crow's Toe; they also sang at the mony of carols. Christmas music Picture — The Train — 7:00 dent Teaching Office, Keezell Alexandria; and Mrs. Helen Cedar Bar in the Village. They Stuart of Richmond and Char- from other countries will lend an p.m. Wilson Hall B-2, and sign a list indicating also made two L.P.'s of political international flavor. Also planned lottesville. December 12 — Concert Choir — their subject field or grade level songs for both President Johnson are many traditional American Christmas Vespers — 4:00 p.m. for student teaching. This in- and Mr, Goldwater on Columbia songs. Wilson Hall cludes all regular and irregular labels. The Concert Choir is directed by December 13-14 — Korean Orphan juniors as well as those who I woulc like Madison stu- Last summer the group sang at Dr. Lester S. Bucher, Professor Choir — 8:00 p.m. Wilson Hall currently have sophomore rating dents to tnake a New Year's the Carapon Coffee House in Old Auditorium but who are accelerating their resolution to return to campus Alexandria. In August they made of Music at Madison. December 14 — Faculty Meeting, program and will be eligible for on time so I won't have to stay a tape for the Voice of America. There will be no admission fee 7:30 p.m., Anthony-Seeger Au- student teaching next year. up so late- -and don't miss your VOA wanted to give the European for the program, and the commun- ditorium bus! The Campus Police and Asian continents an idea of ity is invited to attend. December 16 — Assembly — YW- CA — 1:00 p.m., Wilson Hall Girls Disclose Auditorium , December 16-17 — Art Gallery, Dribble Data Alumnae Hall — THE WIL- LIAMS COLLECTION Dec. 11—Bridgewater—at Bridge- December 17 — CHRISTMAS water. VACATION BEGINS: 11:50 Dec. 15—E.M.C.—7:00 P.M. at a.m. Madison. January 3, 1966 — Christmas va- Jan. 8—Lypchburg—at Madison. cation ends and. classes begin, Feb. 9—E.M.C.—at E.M.C. 8:00 a.m. Feb. 19—Longwood—at Long- January 6 — Assembly — Honor wood. Council — 1:00 p.m., Wilson Au- Feb. 26—Westhampton—at Madi- ditorium son. January 7-21 — Art Gallery, ^ March 2—Bridgewater—at Madi- Alumnae Hall — Exhibit by The son. Virginia Museum March 5—Sweetbriar—at Sweet- January 8 — Campus Motion Pic- briar. ture — THE VISIT — 7:30 All home games will be played p.m., Wilson Auditorium at 7:00 P.M. in Keezel Gym. The Concert Choir Madison College, Saturday, December 11, 1965 Two Sounds, Smells, Sights Fill LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS , A Teacher's Song Some people say a teacher's made Hearts With Christmas Spirit of steel, Their mind can think, but their "Christmas; Humbug!" Scrooge was, of course, quite body can't feel. right. All these silly people running about doing silly things Iron and steel and hickory tea, Frowns and gripes from eight 'til for an obviously silly reason. Utter madness! three; "City sidewalks, busy sidewalks." Everyone is hurrying Teach eight full hours and what do about, rushing, pushing, complaining, smiling. There is a chill you get? Another day older and deeper in in the' air, Christmas songs are heard from every store, and debt. everyone feels the excitement 'of the season. Children's eyes Pay your dues in this and that, reflect the many lights — street 1'ights, lights in stores, lights Then for twenty-nine, days your on the giant Christmas tree. • billfolds flat. I was born one morning when it "O Tannenbaum." Memories are associated with all the was cloudy and cool. old decorations as they are being cleaned. The stand is brought Picked up my register and headed down, and all is ready. As the tree is dragged in, the smell of for school. cedar fills the room. Busy hands put on lights, hang decora- Wrote eighty-four names on my homeroom roll, . tions here, there, place each icicle carefully, and the star is put And the principal said, "Well bless on the very tip-top. Everyone stands back and the lights are my soul!" plugged in. Once again the magic spell of the age-old tradition Teach eight full hours and what touches everyone. do you get? Cuts and bruises and dirt and "Silver bells, silver bells." The sounds of Christmas are sweat. everywhere — coming from Salvation Army booths, heard in Got two black eyes and can hardly restaurants, on radios, on the lips of passers-by, sung by choirs walk. When I turned my back, then came in churches and groups of carolers. Christmas records are i> 'All f?!6HTf WHO LfFT TH' WATES HJMMllte IN TH'Sf^ClMSN TArltfS^ " the chalk. played at home, and the family gathers about the piano. _ Got eighty-four kids and forty-two "Tiny tots With their eyes all aglow." packages pile high seats, sixty of 'em talking while under the Christmas tree^" Everyone pulls out their lists and twenty-four sleep. decides whether to give Aunt Annie a shawl or a box of candy Examination Schedule I can hardly get 'em through the and knows to give Grandad Old Spice. Children who have door. And if I don't watch, the office, saved their pennies all year try to find presents for 50 cents For First Semester they'll send me more. for their mother and father. Drawers are locked and closet You teach eight full hours and shelves are covered as mysterious bundles enter the house. The following schedule for first semester exams has been eighty-four brats; Christmas wrappings are everywhere. released to the students by Paulirie Long, Registrar. There will All of them yelling like dogs and be no*classes held Thursday afternoon, January 13, 1966.
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