IRIX™ Device Driver Programming Guide Document Number 007-0911-050 CONTRIBUTORS Revised and rewritten by Gary Sloane Production by Gloria Ackley Engineering contributions by Rich Altmaier, Rick Avila, Brian Berg, Brad Eacker, Lara Fabans, Bruce Johnson, Ben Mahjoor, Jay McCauley, Rick McLeod, Huy Nguyen, Neal Nuckols, Dave Olson, Alex Petruncola, Duncan Poole, Bhanu Prakash, Joyce Richards, Sarah Rosedahl, George Smith, Robert Stephens, Jean Tsai, and Steve Whitney. Reviewed by David Cortesi, Dan Hachigian, Bill Fisher, Irene Kuffel, Tom Mitchell, Jim Putnam, Kathleen Roy, Mike Shannon, Bob Shaw, Jeff Smith, Kris Solem, Chris Wagner, Bill Warner, Ted Wilcox, Julie Yen, and Joe Yetter © Copyright 1989–1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.— All Rights Reserved This document contains proprietary and confidential information of Silicon Graphics, Inc. The contents of this document may not be disclosed to third parties, copied, or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/ or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or in the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights are reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. Silicon Graphics and IRIS are registered trademarks and IRIX, IRIS 4D, Indigo, Indigo2, Indy, Crimson, CHALLENGE, Onyx, POWER CHALLENGE, POWER Onyx, POWERchannel, POWERchannel-2, and POWER Series are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPS, R2000, and R3000 are registered trademarks and R4000, R4200, R4400, R4600, and R8000 are trademarks of MIPS Technologies, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IRIX™ Device Driver Programming Guide Document Number 007-0911-050 Contents Introduction xv About This Guide xv Audience xv Document Overview xvi Related Documentation xvii Reference Material xvii Notation and Syntax Conventions xviii 1. Introduction to Device Drivers 1 Driver Overview 2 Device Types 2 Levels of Device Drivers 3 System Hardware 4 Hardware Platforms 5 Bus Interfaces 15 System Software 18 2. Writing a Device Driver 21 Creating Device Drivers 21 Creating User-level Device Drivers 21 Creating Kernel-level Device Drivers 22 Device-special File 22 Creating Device-special Files 23 Major and Minor Device Numbers 23 Device-special File Example 24 Configuration Files 25 Including a Device Driver in the Kernel 26 iii Contents Driver Entry Points 28 Missing Driver Entry Points 29 Character and Block Entry Point Driver Routines 29 Writing Other Driver Routines 42 STREAMS Driver Entry Points 51 3. Writing a VME Device Driver 57 VME-bus Interface Overview 58 VME-bus Adapter 59 VME-bus Address Space 59 VME-bus Read-Modify-Write Cycle 60 VME-bus Adapter Requests 61 VME-bus Interrupts 61 Distribution of VME Interrupts on Multiprocessors 62 Choosing a Driver Model 63 User-level VME-bus Device Driver 63 Kernel-level VME Device Driver 64 Kernel-level General Memory-mapping Device Driver 64 Writing User-level VME Device Drivers 64 Example VME Device Driver 66 Using mmap 72 User-level DMA Library (udmalib) 75 Writing Kernel-level VME Device Drivers 78 Determining VME Device Addresses 78 Including VME Device Drivers in the Kernel 79 Writing edtinit() 82 VME Interrupt Handler 87 Programmed I/O (PIO) 88 DMA Operations 91 VME Devices with Scatter/Gather Capability 93 Using DMA Maps 95 DMA on A24 Devices with No DMA Mapping 98 DMA on A32 Devices with No Scatter/Gather Capability 102 iv Contents 4. Writing an EISA Device Driver 105 EISA-bus Interface Overview 106 Initialization 106 EISA-Bus Locked Cycles 107 EISA-Bus Request Arbitration 108 EISA-Bus Interrupts 108 EISA-Bus Data Transfers 108 EISA-Bus Address Space 108 Byte Swapping 110 Choosing a Device Driver Model 110 When to Write a User-level Device Driver 110 When to Write a Kernel-level Device Driver 111 When to Write a Kernel-level Memory-mapping Device Driver 111 Writing a User-level EISA Device Driver 111 User-level EISA Special Files 112 Using the mmap Operating System Function 112 Writing a Kernel-level EISA Device Driver 113 Configuring a Kernel-level EISA Device Driver 113 Determining ISA/EISA Device Addresses 114 Including EISA Drivers in the Kernel 114 Writing edtinit() 122 I/O and Memory Space Initialization 124 Dynamic Resource Allocation 125 EISA Locked Cycles 129 DMA Address Mapping 129 EISA DMA Utility Functions and Structures 130 5. Writing a SCSI Device Driver 131 SCSI-bus Interface Overview 132 Choosing a Driver Model 132 User-level SCSI-bus Device Driver 133 Kernel-level SCSI Device Driver 133 v Contents User-level SCSI Device Drivers 134 Creating Device-special Files for User-level SCSI Drivers 135 dsreq – User-level Driver Communication Structure 136 dslib Routines Description 143 SCSI Open and Close Driver Routines 144 SCSI Function-Building Routines – Group 1 145 SCSI Function-Building Routines – Group 2 148 Using the dslib Routines 156 Kernel-level SCSI Device Drivers 157 Configuring a Kernel-level SCSI Driver 157 Writing a SCSI init() 159 SCSI Device Interface Overview 159 Using the SCSI Access Routines 168 SCSI Device Driver Example 171 6. Writing Kernel-level GIO Device Drivers 177 GIO-bus Architecture 178 Determining GIO Device Addresses 179 Including GIO Device Drivers in the Kernel 180 Creating a System File 180 Creating a Master File 182 Creating a Boot File 182 The GBD Example 182 Writing edtinit() 183 GIO-specific Functions 187 setgiovector 187 splgio0, splgio1, splgio2 188 setgioconfig 188 GIO Interrupt Handler 189 Programmed I/O (PIO) 190 DMA Operations 192 Memory Parity Workarounds 193 GIO Devices with Hardware-supported Scatter/Gather Capability 195 vi Contents DMA on GIO Devices Without Scatter/Gather Capability 198 Device Driver Example 200 7. Writing Kernel-level General Memory-mapping Device Drivers 213 Including a Memory-mapping Device Driver in the Kernel 214 Mapping and Unmapping Functions 214 Sharing Kernel Memory with a User Program 218 Example Program 219 Returning Opaque Handle Data 221 8. Writing Multiprocessor Device Drivers 223 Preliminary Considerations 224 Shared Data between Upper-half and Interrupt Routines 225 Protecting Shared Data Among Upper-half Routines 226 Semaphore and Spinlock Calls 227 Multiprocessing STREAMS Drivers 231 STREAMS Monitor 231 STREAMS Example 233 9. Writing Network Device Drivers 235 Preliminary Discussion 236 IRIX Kernel Networking Design 236 ifnet Driver Interfaces 238 Multiprocessor Issues 239 Compilation Flags for MP TCP/IP 240 Input Queueing Example 241 Interrupt Handler Example 242 ifnet Device Driver Example 243 vii Contents 10. Driver Installation and Testing 269 Using the Kernel Debugger 270 Making a Debuggable Kernel 270 Making an ASCII Terminal the Console 272 Invoking symmon 273 Displaying and Changing Registers 274 Using symmon Commands 277 Using symmon’s Kernel Print Command 296 Multiprocessor Debugging 301 Configuring the System Software 301 Preparing the System Hardware 301 symmon and Multiprocessor Debugging 302 Forcing System Memory Dumps 303 11. Kernel-level Dynamically Loadable Modules (DLMs) 305 Module Configuration 306 Using a Dynamically Loadable Kernel Module 307 Load 307 Register 308 Unload 309 Unregister 309 List 309 Master File Configuration 310 Auto Registration 310 Auto Unload 310 Kernel Configuration 311 Module Entry Points 311 Module Initialization 312 Edt Type Drivers 312 Library Modules 312 Loadable Modules and Hardware Inventory 313 Run-time Symbol Table 313 Debugging Loadable Kernel Modules 314 Load/Register Failures 315 viii Contents Example 1 316 Example 2 317 A. System-specific Issues 319 CPU Types 320 Data Cache Write Back and Invalidation 321 Flushing the Write Buffer 324 Registers and Register Optimization 324 Reliable Multiprocessor Spinlocks 324 VME Slave Addressing 325 VME Master Addressing 326 VME-bus Space Reserved for Customer Drivers 329 POWER Indigo2 and POWER CHALLENGE M Drivers 330 Sharing Data Between CPU and Peripheral Devices 332 Using mmap() 332 B. SCSI Controller Error Messages 333 Introduction 334 Sense Key Information 335 SCSI Driver Error Messages 340 SCSI Driver Debugging Messages 342 SCSI States and Phases 344 C. Device Driver Migration Notes 349 Introduction 349 Intended Audience and Prerequisites 349 Background 349 Migration Overview 350 ix Contents IRIX 4.x to 5.x Migration 352 SVR4 API Changes 352 STREAMS Changes 352 DDI Changes 352 DKI Changes 353 CHALLENGE/Onyx Family Support 354 Kernel Configuration Issues 356 Equipped Device Table (EDT) Changes 356 IRIX 5.2 to 5.3 Migration 359 Standard Device Drivers 359 STREAMS Modules 360 ifnet Drivers 360 Migration to IRIX 6.0 366 Virtual Page Size 366 ioctl Support 367 Glossary 369 Index 393 x Figures Figure 1-1 MIPS 32-bit Virtual Address Format (MIPS II Mode) 8 Figure 1-2 MIPS 64-bit Virtual Address Format (MIPS III Mode) 9 Figure 1-3 Architectural Block Diagram of Address/Data Flow 12 Figure 1-4 MIPS II Virtual Memory Map 13 Figure 1-5 MIPS II 32-bit versus MIPS III 64-bit Kernel Mode Address Space 14 Figure 1-6 Device Driver Position in
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