1 Blackburn Ewood Earcroft Darwen Egerton Bolton 1 Blackbu

1 Blackburn Ewood Earcroft Darwen Egerton Bolton 1 Blackbu

X X X X X X X X X X What’s changed? 1 Blackburn Ewood Earcroft Darwen Egerton Bolton 1 Blackburn Ewood Earcroft Darwen Egerton Bolton Montague St Higher From 1st September 2013 Blackburn Eanam Mondays to Fridays Saturdays Bottomgate The timetable is revised to offer a more frequent service. On Mondays to Fridays, service 1 is increased to operate up to every 15 minutes to Bolton. Frequency is also improved on Sundays with service 1 running Whitebirk Road, Bus Depot 0526 ----------------- Blackburn Bus Station * 0611 0641 0701 0721 0736 0746 0756 06 16 26 36 46 56 1706 1716 1726 Lower Audley St Audley Range Whalley Banks Lambeth St Park Rd Park Queen’s LincolnRd North to Bolton every 30 minutes. Evening services are improved with buses Blackburn Bus Station * 0532 0602 0619 0634 0648 0706 0721 0728 0736 0742 0751 0758 0806 0815 0822 0830 0837 0845 Ewood The Aqueduct 0617 0647 0707 0727 0742 0753 0803then 13 23 33 43 53 03 1713 1723 1733 Asda running between Blackburn and Darwen every 30 minutes along with the Ewood The Aqueduct 0538 0608 0626 0641 0655 0713 0728 0735 0743 0750 0758 0805 0813 0822 0829 0837 0844 0852 Earcroft Boundary 0622 0652 0712 0732 0747 0758 0808 18 28 38 48 58 08 1718 1728 1738 Road at Grimshaw Park Rd introduction of later journeys to and from Bolton. Earcroft Boundary 0541 0611 0631 0646 0700 0718 0733 0740 0748 0755 0803 0810 0818 0827 0834 0842 0849 0857 Darwen Bus Station arrive 0633 0703 0723 0743 0758 0809 0819 29 39 49 59 09 19 1729 1739 1749 Bolton Rd bus these station Darwen Bus Station arrive 0550 0620 0642 0657 0711 0729 0744 0751 0759 0806 0814 0821 0829 0838 0845 0853 0900 0908 Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart - 0707 0727 0747 0802 - 0823 mins - 43 - 03 - 23 until --1753 RoyalThe Mall Hollin Blackburnshopping Frequency Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart 0551 0621 0644 0659 0713 0731 0746 - 0801 - 0816 - 0831 - 0849 - 0904 - Darwen Cemetery - 0711 0731 0751 0806 - 0827 past - 47 - 07 - 27 --1757 Hospitalcentre I Mosley St Bank n f & market i Rockcliffe St each r Darwen Cemetery 0555 0625 0648 0703 0717 0735 0750 - 0805 - 0820 - 0835 - 0853 - 0908 - Egerton Cross Guns - 0716 0736 0756 0811 - 0833 - 53 - 13 - 33 --1803 mar Old Bank Ln Between Blackburn, Darwen and Bolton, buses on service 1 run every hour y Egerton Cross Guns - 0631 0654 0709 0723 0741 0756 - 0811 - 0826 - 0841 - 0859 - 0914 - Astley Bridge The Pineapple - 0725 0745 0805 0820 - 0842 - 02 - 22 - 42 --1812 Haslingden Rd 15 minutes during the day on Mondays to Fridays, every 20 minutes R Park Lee Rd d Astley Bridge The Pineapple - 0640 0705 0720 0735 0753 0808 - 0823 - 0838 - 0853 - 0908 - 0923 - Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station - 0740 0800 0820 0835 - 0857 - 17 - 37 - 57 --1827 Laxey Rd during the day on Saturdays and every 30 minutes during the day on Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station - 0650 0720 0735 0750 0808 0823 - 0838 - 0853 - 0908 - 0923 - 0938 - Sundays. Roman Rd Between Blackburn and Darwen buses run up to every 7-8 minutes during Blackburn Bus Station * 1736 1746 1800 1815 1830 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2300 Blackburn the day on Mondays to Fridays, every 10 minutes during the day on Blackburn Bus Station * 0852 00 07 15 22 30 37 45 52 1500 1507 1515 1522 1530 1537 1545 Ewood The Aqueduct 1743 1753 1807 1822 1837 1907 1937 2007 2037 2107 2137 2207 2307 Ewood Rovers FC Saturdays and up to every 15 minutes during the day on Sundays. Ewood The Aqueduct 0859then 07 14 22 29 37 44 52 59 1507 1514 1523 1530 1538 1545 1553 Earcroft Boundary 1748 1758 1812 1826 1841 1911 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2311 Higher Croft Blackamoor Rd Earcroft Boundary 0904 12 19 27 34 42 49 57 04 1512 1519 1529 1536 1544 1551 1559 y at Darwen Bus Station arrive 1759 1809 1823 1835 1850 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2320 Wa Blackburn Boulevard Closure in September 2013 r Branch Rd e Darwen Bus Station arrive 0915 23 30 38 45 53 00 08 15 1523 1530 1541 1548 1556 1603 1611 Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart --1825 - 1851 1921 1951 2021 2051 2121 2151 2221 2321 k these l a W Blackburn Boulevard Bus station is due to close on 22nd September G Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart 0919 mins - 34 - 49 - 04 - 19 until - 1534 - 1554 - 1609 - Darwen Cemetery --1829 - 1855 1925 1955 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225 2325 k c r e a e J n Milking Ln past Roman Rd 2013 to allow redevelopment of the Catherdral Quarter. A new Darwen Cemetery 0923 - 38 - 53 - 08 - 23 - 1538 - 1558 - 1613 - Egerton Cross Guns --1834 - 1900 - 2000 - 2100 ---- b a n each Lower k Egerton Cross Guns 0929 - 44 - 59 - 14 - 29 - 1544 - 1604 - 1619 - interim bus station will open on Brown Street, on the site of the old Astley Bridge The Pineapple --1843 - 1909 - 2009 - 2109 ---- T Sandy LaneDarwen r Astley Bridge The Pineapple 0938 hour - 53 - 08 - 23 - 38 - 1553 - 1613 - 1628 - Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station --1858 - 1924 - 2024 - 2124 ---- market, at the same time. Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station 0953 - 08 - 23 - 38 - 53 - 1608 - 1628 - 1643 - Blackburn Rd M65 Rd Lwr Eccleshill Darwen This is refl ected within the timetable information within this leafl et. D U C rail station K However, for the fi rst three weeks of this timetable before the e W l Av BURY ST O al R Blackburn Bus Station * 1552 1601 1610 1617 1625 1633 1640 1648 1655 1703 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1800 1815 1830 H E T K H N temporary bus station opens, buses will continue to start and fi nish at h O D c ns R S R r li T ST T S Sundays i l d A o A T D L H N library T Ewood The Aqueduct 1600 1609 1618 1625 1633 1641 1648 1656 1703 1711 1718 1728 1738 1748 1757 1807 1822 1837 B IO S R A N T Blackburn Boulevard instead. Once the Boulevard closes, buses on U & theatre Y A t M W Earcroft Boundary 1606 1615 1624 1631 1639 1647 1654 1702 1709 1717 1724 1734 1744 1754 1802 1812 1826 1841 S T A S Town IL ve E G R service 1 will still stop on Railway Road, in both directions, for any o K A r LIC R R Blackburn Bus Station * 0800 0830 0850 0910 0930 0950 05 20 35 50 1405 1420 1435 1450 1505 1520 E E Lynwood Ave G PO E T Hall s Darwen Bus Station arrive 1618 1627 1636 1643 1651 1659 1706 1714 1721 1729 1736 1746 1756 1806 1813 1823 1835 1850 in N S oll Holden Fold S T stand 4 market customers who prefer to use this location rather than Brown Street. H leisure T Ewood The Aqueduct 0807 0837 0857 0917 0937 0957then 12 27 42 57 1412 1427 1442 1457 1512 1527 Hawkshaw Ave stand 3 Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart 1624 - 1639 - 1654 - 1714 - 1724 - 1737 - 1757 1809 - 1825 - 1851 Duckworth St centre stand 2 New bus stops will be introduced by the Adelphi for journeys towards Earcroft Boundary 0812 0842 0902 0922 0942 1002 17 32 47 02 1417 1432 1447 1502 1517 1532 D at Earnsdale Rd RD stand 1 Darwen Cemetery 1628 - 1643 - 1658 - 1718 - 1728 - 1741 - 1801 1812 - 1829 - 1855 H G U Darwen and Bolton. O Darwen Bus Station arrive 0820 0850 0910 0930 0950 1010these 25 40 55 10 1425 1440 1455 1510 1525 1540 R Egerton Cross Guns 1634 - 1649 - 1704 - 1724 ---1747 - 1807 --1834 - 1900 O BR Avondale Rd B D I R B D Harwood St O G Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart 0821 0851 0911 0931 0951 1011mins 26 41 56 11until 1426 1441 1456 1511 1526 1541 E E V LTO S B Astley Bridge The Pineapple 1643 - 1658 - 1713 - 1733 ---1756 - 1816 --1843 - 1909 A T R G N C past L RD More information will be made available during September, so please Darwen Cemetery 0825 0855 0915 0935 0955 1015 30 45 00 15 1430 1445 1500 1515 1530 1545 DELL Tockholes E R SU B Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station 1658 - 1713 - 1728 - 1748 ---1811 - 1831 --1858 - 1924 Road D Egerton Cross Guns 0831 - 0921 --1021 each - 51 - 21 - 1451 - 1521 - 1551 watch out for posters and on our website. Astley Bridge The Pineapple 0837 - 0927 --1030 hour - 00 - 30 - 1500 - 1530 - 1600 1 Darwen Sudell Rd Bolton Moor Lane Bus Station 0847 - 0938 --1044 - 14 - 44 - 1514 - 1543 - 1613 Redearth Rd Bolton Rd Blackburn Bus Station * 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2300 * Operates to/from Blackburn Bus Station on Brown Street once opened in late September * Operates to/from Ewood The Aqueduct 1907 1937 2007 2037 2107 2137 2207 2307 Blackburn Bus Station * 1535 1550 1605 1625 1650 1710 1730 1800 1830 1900 2000 2100 2200 Belgrave Rd Blackburn Bus Station Slough Rd Earcroft Boundary 1911 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2311 2013. Until then, buses continue to serve Ewood The Aqueduct 1542 1557 1612 1632 1657 1717 1737 1807 1837 1907 2007 2107 2207 Blackburn Boulevard. on Brown Street once Darwen Bus Station arrive 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2320 Earcroft Boundary 1547 1602 1617 1637 1702 1722 1742 1811 1841 1911 2011 2111 2211 opened in late September Grimshaw St Cranberry Lane Darwen Bus Station arrive 1555 1610 1625 1645 1710 1730 1750 1820 1850 1920 2020 2120 2220 Darwen Bus Station, Stand 1 depart 1921 1951 2021 2051 2121 2151 2221 2321 2013.

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