Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers 7-23-1942 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1942-07-23 Embry-Riddle School of Aviation Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1942-07-23" (1942). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 184. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/184 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EMBRY RIDDLE ··srICK TO IT .. VOL. IV JULY 2:1, 1942 NO. 14 THE 11"STRl CTOR,S Cl.,l/B A.T CLEWISTOS FIRST lATID·AmERIEAD EADET ElASS GRADUATED AT TEEHDIEAl DIUISIOD First Clal's of Latin-Amt•rican Cadets studying aviation mt•chanics under an inter-American good-will progrnm at l':mbry-Riddle School of A vial ion completed its training :\Ionclay with graduation exercises at the Tl•chnical Schuol. which were attended by Army, Navy and civilian officials. ..,. -- --- -- - . f th Ecuador; Consul L. 0 l' of Hon- I n t l'•·na t 1ona 1 s1gn111cam·e. .,., o e I L. Lt t · 't d b tt duras, ancl Consul Edunnlo lkr- t\ven . 1s w1 ~ess~ y a en<1 ance nan<lt•;r. of Cuba. of must of M1an11',; consular repre- . D :st•ntalives. The program, under . 0 aruu•r- anc-t• . .· . Diplomas were pre>'t'ntccl by John \\ h1<'h Lnt m-Ame1 1can ;:\ouths are p I n· I II 'd f h s h 1 i. ~ · t · d · h U 't S t au 111 e.pres1 ento t c.c oo. ""mg rame m t e ni e• 1 ta es . Following the exercise•.,, n chnner- as service and mstruC'tor nH·chanics. cl • h f th I anct' m onor o c gnu ualel' pilot~. and aeronautical l~ngineers, wa,; hl'ld at the !\1acfadden Deau­ has bl'en characterized by Washing- ville. !\lore than 150 of lht• Inter­ ton officiah; as "an outstanding ex- CLEWISTON-One of the nicest things thot's hoppened to the Riddle Field gong recent· Amel'icans Cadets, tht•ir guests, amph• of the good-ndghbor policy." ly was the acquisition of the above pictured mansion which is being converted into o ftiends and instructors l•njoycd the club for instructors, Aight, ground school and link. Ideally situated on the shores of Gue~t~ of llo11or lake Okeechobee, just o few blocks from the center of town, the house boosts o large e.XCl·lll•nt dinner, dandng, a super liviog room, screened porch, d;ning roam, kitchen and servants' quo11en on the first Guests of houor at the gradua­ floor show from the Kitty fJavi:< Aoor ••• on the second Aoor there is a game room and two large bedrooms (with tion r xc•rcbes whirh took place at Continued 011 ['age 12 showers) which will be conver1ed into dormitories for bachelor instructors. Being capably run on o combined country.cfub·froternity·house set of rules, already 75 members hove been "signed up" and the gong is looking forward to many on afternoon and evening of friendly comradeship among pleasant surroundings. Incidentally, we understand mem· bership privileges ore extended to wives and girl friends, so we con expect many bridge and Red Cross sewing por1ies in addition to bar-be-cues and such. Club president is Roy Morders, Vice-President, C. W. Bing, with Fronk Veltrie holding down the job of recretory and lr•o:urer. union EITY DEWS LETTER Larr) I. W11Mc•11 , Jr., Editor J umes F. GloH•r, (,c•orgt> ~· .Jone~ we look forward to hi:s coming Ken StiH:r~o n , A/ C II. G. Arnold this way often. And bed-time 4 p.m. at the School included Bl'ig. A&1wC'iatf'11 stores, phooey. I'll lb ten to Mr. Genernl Ralph H. Wooten, head of NOTICE! Povey's account:; of his past ex­ the Arm:-' Air Forces Training periences any day. Command at l\f.iami Beach; Capt. Those who are planning to at­ We, too, swell with pride when tend the regularswim-supper­ Luncheon Party Grnnville B. Hoey, chit•f of staff of we mention the fact that Mr. John the Seventh Naval Distl'ict; Col. dance party at the Deauville Paul Riddle visited our school here While here, Mr. Riddle was host Chiules G. Mettler, Major Reginald in Miami Beach this Satur­ in Union City last week. We love to a luncheon in the Mess Hall V. Waters andEnsignPen·yBrown, day please note that a special for guests from the \'arious civic sn:AK DINNER will be served to remember thoi;e pleased expres­ Jr. organizations, newspaper, and also Civilian officiab lnciuded :\1ayor instead of the usual buffet sions he exhibited while viewing members of the city government. Cliff Reeder and City Manager A. supper ... at NO increase in the various departmnts of this nice The fine meal was arranged by B. Curry of Miami and Mayor J oe price to you-all! That is, the set-up. Captain Povey was also Mr. A. L. Baker and his efficient Whitley and City Manager George swimming, steak dinner and here to accompany him on the in­ help. Shaw of Coral Gables. Other guests dan('e will cost, as usual, only ~'pection tour and honestly, fel­ My apologies to Mr. and Mrs. were .Mrs. Clark Steal'ns, interna­ $1.50 per couple, despite the lows, we can't suggest a better Charlie Sullivan for leaving their tional president of the Pan Ameri­ fart that the usual cost of team than those two when they names out as being hosts of the can Lt>ague; Consul V. ~1. A. Lo­ such a dinner is more than are together. party given at the home of Mr. sada of Venezuela; Consul Ja,·ie: this PER PERSON! Because We appreciate more than any­ and ;\lrs. T. N Simpson as men­ Valdes of Chile; Consul Dr. J. M. the~e steaks must be cooked thing the visit of both and were tioned in the Fly Paper week be­ Rent>do and Aben de Almar of Nica­ to order, PLEASE be in the more than glad tht•y could arrange fore last. Mr. Sullivan p;ets around, ragua; Consul Dr. Jose Horta and Deauville Room promptly at to be here at the same time. !\fr. but I do wish someone would ask Vice Consul Adolpho Menezez of 8 p.m. Don't Miss It! Riddle is "tops" in every way and Conlillul'd 011 Page 6 Brazil; Consul John Clevdand of July 23, l!l-12 Page 2 EMBRY-RIDDLE FLY PAPER "Stick To It" EMBRY- RI DOLE den is nothing tll'W to him. Xot l EARLSTROm FIELD, R. A. I. DEWS a few times have we been the Jack Hobler, Editor recipient of the garden's fruits, FLY PAPER and we'd like to advise all nnd "STICK TO IT" Undoubtedly the biggest story of the ot her nii.rht. First summon­ sundry that Jake's wilcl tomatoes thb week concerns the inspection ing the guards, :<he e:--sayed to - lu:<cious little red miniatures of Published Weekly by visit of Major General Yount to cntch the "offonderette" herself. the more ordinary tomato - arc Carlstrom. Accompanied by his ::lh•eting the figure on its return, EMBRY-RIDDLE a treat indeed. staff of almost a dozen colonels, she was greatly relieved (and ~7 lieutenant-colonels, majors, cap­ greatly mortified, we'll bet) to find According to their grower, one tains, and a correspondent for that it was none other than Lt. of tht-:<e tiny, marbk•-sizecl deli­ RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL TDIE magazine, General Yount Suttcrlin. It seems that, after cacies packs more tomato flavor INSTITUTE arrived here in a converted DC-3, gelling into bed, he had remem- than two of its larger prototypes. formerly used by American Air bered that his car wasn't parked And now we arc greeted t•ach morn­ Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Florida in the right place, so he donned Lines, at about 10 :45 a. m. ing by a row of stately sunflowers, his trenrhcoat and went forth to • • • lifting their yellow hl'llds to old ln ~pcction conect matters. In the dark his RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL The field had been cleared of coat must have looked quite like Sol and early-shift flight ancl INSTITUTE nil PT's landing and taking off, u skirt, sinre his face wasn't ground school inst1·uctors. From Dorr Field, Arcadia, Florida as the regular routine of the ca­ cleurly visible, and our switch­ information we've gathered. there • • dets was temporarily suspended. board girl took no chances. Here­ will be some type of plant or flower Guided by Boss Riddle, Len Povey, with Wl' present Joe Williami-' ver­ blooming all the time in the plot, EMBRY-RIDDLE SCHOOL Captain Ola, Sid Pfluger, Captain sion of the episode in cartoon regardless of season. \\''C can OF AVIATION Nethery, Xate Reece, Captain Hart form: hardly wait to see the freshly Miami, Fla. and Jack Hunt, the general's party planted hibiscus burst fo1·th to was conducted on a tour of in­ RIDDLE-.McKA Y AERO color the pattern RAI that Jake INSTITUTE OF TENNESSEE spection of the entire post, while has set them into the ground. Embry-Riddle Field Charlie Ebbetts hovered about Union City, Tenn. flashing his camera. Rt•trit'H'r ! RIDDLE-McKAY AERO From the Flight Line the group Our new Canteen mana~eress, COLLEGE went into the repair and main­ :\Irs.
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