THE CITY RECORD LXX NUMBER 21070 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1942 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 135 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commis- sion for the following position: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR PROMOTION TO FOREMAN, DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR Detailed information regarding the above application may be found on 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WO 1TH 2-3490 page 4215. Published daily, at 9 a. tn., except Sundays and legal holidays. Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina• 'Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, Master and Special Electrician ; Master Plumber ; Master Rigger ; Motion mail, 15 cents). tions : 10 cents a copy (by Picture Operator ; Portable Engineer (any motive power including steam) ; Port- SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.30); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.15); List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 30 cents). able Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable Engineer (steam) ; OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Building Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refrigerating Machine Opera- Laws (in four volumes), complete, $4 ($4.10 by mail); separate volumes, each containing a certain tor (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger ; Stationary Engineer, First, Second and part of the building laws, $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Supplement to the New York City Charter Third Grades ; Stationary Fireman; Structural Welder ; Oil Burning Equipment and the Administrative Code, to July 1, 1941, $1 (by mail, $1.10); also Annual Supplement to the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code, from July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942, 50 cents Installation. (by mail, 60 cents); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Digest of Election Law License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Bureau Decisions, $1.50 (by mail, $1.55); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 35 cents); Fire Department of Information of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 18 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.15); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Manhattan. Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents) ; Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Cumulative Compilation of Rules and Regulations of New York City Agencies, through Nov. 30, 1941, $2 (by Announcements of Open Competitive and Labor Class examinations are mail, $2.10). Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Supervisor broadcast over Station WNYC at 6.15 p. m. on Mondays. of THE CITY RECORD." ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. tem at 168th and 169th streets and Hillside avenue is insufficient for the needs of the Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. great number of commuters who have no other means of egress and are obliged to wait on line in unprotected locations for buses on which to continue their homeward journey, Check must be certified. as described in this Resolution. It is obviously necessary that this aggravating condi- tion be relieved in the interest of the safety, health and comfort of the residents of TABLE OF CONTENTS Queens and others obliged to use this exit during rush hours. The proposed exit, entrance ■ =.■•■■•■■• and passenger platform will accomplish this purpose, without much additional expense to the City. Assessors, Board of—Notice to Pre- Police Department—Owners Wanted For the reasons stated, this Committee urges the adoption of the Resolution. sent Claims for Damages 4214 for Unclaimed Property 4214 Whereas, The City of New York is charged by law with making proper provision Board Meetings 4214 Public Works, Department of—Pro- for the safety, health and comfort of its citizens; and City Planning Commission—Notices posals 4215 Whereas, Proper and adequate transportation facilities are absolutely necessary in of Public Hearings 4215 Purchase, Department of— any plan for such safety, health and comfort ; and Comptroller, Office of the—Vouchers Notice to Bidders to Qualify re Whereas, There exists at the present terminus of the Independent Subway System 4214 Received October 7, 1942 4211 Contemplated Bids at 168th and 169th streets and Hillside avenue in the Borough of Queens, a situation Council, The—Journal of Proceedings Notice re Bid Forms for Hire of created by pedestrian and traffic congestion which is indescribably shocking; and Motor Trucks 4214 of Stated Meeting Held October 6, Whereas, This disgraceful condition is induced by the fact that the majority of the 1942 4207 Notice to Bidders 4214 4214 thirty to forty thousand commuters who alight from the Independent Subway during the Education, Board of—Proposals 4214 Proposals evening rush hours are required to continue their journey homeward on buses which Sales of Salvage Materials 4214 Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real cannot possibly load passengers in the curb space available, at a rate sufficient to absorb Estate— Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- the tremendous number of passengers leaving the subway terminus; and Corporation Sale of Excess 4215 mate on March 6, 1941 4216 Corporation Sale of a Lease of Whereas, The inadequate bus facilities at this subway terminus make it necessary for Supreme Court, Second Department— thousands of men, women and children to stand on waiting lines in unprotected locations, Certain Real Estate 4215 Application to Amend Proceedings 4215 Finance, Department of—Confirmation exposed to the elements in all kinds of weather with grave consequences to their health; Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to and of Assessments—Notices to Prop- File Objections 4216 4215 Whereas, This deplorable situation could be alleviated by the construction of an erty Owners Notice to File Claims 4216 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 4214 additional means of egress from this branch of the Independent Subway; and Municipal Civil Service Commission— Supreme Court, Third Department— Whereas, Such a means of egress could be provided with a minimum of expenditure 4216 Eligible Lists Promulgated October Filing Report by the erection of entrances, exits and a temporary passenger platform at 178th street and 7, 1942 4210 Transportation, Board of— Hillside avenue, to which point the tracks of the subway now extend; and 4214 Notice to Applicants 4207 Notice of Public Hearing Whereas, Such construction would not involve an extension of the subway or any 4214 Notices of Examinations 4215 Proposals appreciable additional equipment beyond that which is presently available, but would New York City Housing Authority— Proposals—Notice to Bidders 4214 4214 reduce the congestion of bus loading at 168th street and Hillside avenue by more than Proposals 4214 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 50 per cent; and 4213 Sale of Used and Scrap Material 4214 Official Directory Whereas, It has been estimated that this direly needed public improvement could be constructed for a nominal cost; now, therefore, be it THE COUNCIL Resolved, That the Council of The City of New York hereby requests the Mayor, the Board of Estimate and the Board of Transportation to take the necessary steps to STATED MEETING provide for the erection of entrances, exits and temporary platforms at 178th street and Hillside avenue in the Borough of Queens, with an extension of service thereto, so that Tuesday, October 6, 1942, 1.30 o'Clock P. M. adequate additional facilities may be provided to relieve the present congestion so that The Council met in the Council Chambers, City Hall. passengers who must board buses to continue their journey homeward may do so with The President called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call the roll. comfort and dispatch. ANTHONY Present J. DrGIOVANNA, MEYER 1GOLDBERG, WM. A. CARROLL, Newbold Morris, President of the Council LOUIS COHEN, HUGH QUINN, WILLIAM N. CONRAD, Committee on City Affairs. Councilmen Laid over. Joseph T. Sharkey, Anthony J. DiGiovanna William M. McCarthy Vice-Chairman George E. Donovan Salvatore Ninfo Res. No. 74 Peter V. Cacchione Genevieve B. Earle John P. Nugent Report of the Committee on City Affairs in Favor of Filing Resolution Re- William A. Carroll Louis P. Goldberg James A. Phillips questing the Council to Request the Board of Transportation to Prepare Rita Casey Meyer Goldberg Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Necessary Plans for the Construction of a Spur Connecting Queensboro John M. Christensen Stanley M. Isaacs Hugh Quinn Bridge to the Third Avenue "Elevated" Lines and to Amend the Capital Louis Cohen Joseph E. Kinsley Frederick Schick Outlay Budget to Provide the Monies for Immediate Construction There- William N. Conrad Gertrude W. Klein Edward Vogel for. S. Samuel DiFalco The Committee on City Affairs to which was referred on March 10, 1942 (Minutes, Excused—Messrs. Hart and Keegan. page 411), the annexed Resolution requesting the Council of The City of New York to The President announced the presence of a
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