Priceinformation for Cajutan Delicasies Art. Product Qty. Price Herring CI-1 Cajutan´s Onion Herring ca:200 g 189 CI-2 Cajutan´s Tomato Herring ca:200 g 189 CI-3 Cajutan´s Curry Herring ca:200 g 189 CI-4 Cajutan´s Matjes Herring ca:200 g 189 CI-30 Cajutan´s Sherry Herring ca:200 g 189 CI-22 Cajutan´s Mustard Herring ca:200 g 189 Dips, salad and pickles CD-9 "Gubbröra" ca:200 g 199 CD-11 Skagen mix ca:200 g 179 CD-17 Salmon Mayonnaise Salad ca:200 g 229 CD-10 Herring Salad ca:200 g 199 CD-7 Potato Salad ca:200 g 149 CD-14 Pizza salad ca:200 g 139 CD-13 Coleslaw ca:200 g 139 CD-24 Tzatziki ca:500 g 199 CD-8 Beetroot salad ca:200 g 159 CD-5 Aioli ca:120 g 129 CD-18 Lemon Aioli ca:120 g 129 CD-15 Cajutans Bearnaise sauce ca:500 g 249 CD-16 Cajutans Hollandaise sauce ca:500 g 249 CD-27 Kebab sauce garlic ca:300 g 129 CI-14 Pickled Beetroots ca:450 g 149 CD-8 Beetroot salad ca:200 g 159 CI-27 Pickled Chantarelles ca:200 g 399 CI-8 Sweet Pickled Cucumber ca:420 g 149 CI-21 Salt Pickled Cucumber ca:420 g 149 CI-7 Cajutans Lingonberries ca:200 g 199 CI-19 Strawberry Jam ca:200 g 149 CI-20 Blueberry Jam ca:200 g 149 CI-26 Raspberry Jam ca:200 g 169 CD-6 Salmon Sauce ca:130 g 199 Meat and sausages CK-1 Liver Pate ca:160 g 229 CK-6 Cocktail Sausage (Prinskorv) 10 pcs. 169 CK-10 Falukorv 720 - 920 g/pc. 1 st. 595 CK-11 Isterband 200 - 240 g/pack 2 st. 229 CK-13 Cooked Ham (sliced) ca: 500 g 399 CK-8 Meatloaf 1 kg 399 CK-14 Cabbage rolls 4 st. 169 CK-19 Patties 100 g 2 st. 99 CK-27 Kebab Meat from pork 500 g 439 CK-5 Fine ground mince, beef & pork 50/50 1 kg 449 CK-24 Fine ground mince beef 500 g 279 CK-25 Fine ground mince pork 500 g 189 CK-21 Swedish Meatballs 500 g. ca:500 g 255 CK-3 Swedish Meatballs 1 kg. ca:1 kg 455 Fish & Seafood CF-5 Gravad Salmon ca: 100 g 175 CF-4 Smoked Salmon ca: 100 g 175 CF-20 Smoked Eel 1 pc. 249 CF-19 Boiled Crayfish 12-15 pcs 1195 CF-21 Imported Artric Prawns (Greenland Prawns) 1 kg 945 CF-1 Jansson´s Temtation ca: 150 g 169 Others CX-1 Brown Beans ca:360 g 199 CX-2 Pancakes 3 st. 119 CX-5 Small fresh potato kg 199 Bread & Cookies CB-27 Swedish bread "Tea cake" 4 pcs. 119 CB-39 Swedish Thin Bread 5 pcs. 100 CB-20 Pearl Sugar for Cinnamon Bun ca:500 g 350 CB-15 Apple Cake & Vanilla sauce ca:200 g 169 CB-3 Homemade Brownie ca:100 g 199 CB-36 Punsch-roll 2 pcs. 129 CB-24 Strawberry Surprise 4 pcs. 4 pcs. 120 CB-10 Chocholate ball 4 pcs. 100 CB-6 Gingerbread 20 pcs. 189 CB-17 Blueberry Cupcakes 5 pcs. 159 CB-18 Apple Cupcakes 5 pcs. 159 CB-4 Cinnamon Buns 5 pcs. 170 Cheese & Dairy CD-1 Garlic Butter ca: 100 g 99 CD-2 Herb Butter ca: 100 g 109 CB-23 Curdled Milk ca:2,5 dl 99 Herb CH-1 Dill Seeds 30 g 89 CH-2 Kebab Herb 30 g 89 Gift P-4 Poolshot glass 1 - 9 1 set 950 P-14 Lady glass 1 pc. 150 P-15 Cheese slicer 1 pc. 339 P-16 Plastic Tray Easter 1 pc. 159 P-17 Iphone Lighter 1 pc. 399 P-18 Salt miniature 1 pc. 29 P-19 Pepper miniature 1 pc. 29 P-22 Bag clip Ladybug 1 pc. 99 P-23 Flapper 1 pc. 39 P-24 Easy Whisk 1 pc. 399 P-26 Starter kit straw 1 pc. 169 P-27 Single set metal straw 1 pc. 89 P-28 Single set bamboo straw 1 pc. 89 P-29 Single set glass straw 1 pc. 89 P-30 Tootbrush bamboo 1 pc. 89 P-31 Cotton buds bamboo 1 pack 49 P-11 Mosquito Soap heart in a tin 1 pc. 95 P-12 Mosquito Soap heart in a box (big) 1 pc. 129 P-13 Miracle oil 1 pc. 195 Lunch Boxes Standard Size LU-1 Sausage Stroganoff with mashed potatoes 1 box 189 LU-38 Baked potato with Skagen mix and salad 1 box 189 LU-17 Marinated Salmon with dill potatoes 1 box 189 LU-39 Oven baked Falukorv with mashed potatoes 1 box 189 LU-12 Potato pancakes with fried bacon and lingonberries 1 box 189 LU-40 Fried pork with onion suace and boiled potatoes 1 box 189 LU-9 Meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes and lingonberries 1 box 189 LU-36 Fried vegetables on a bed of salad (vegetarian) 1 box 189 Lunch Boxes Viking Size LUV-1 Sausage Stroganoff with mashed potatoes 1 box 249 LUV-38 Baked potato with Skagen mix and salad 1 box 249 LUV-17 Marinated Salmon with dill potatoes 1 box 249 LUV-39 Oven baked Falukorv with mashed potatoes 1 box 249 LUV-12 Potato pancakes with fried bacon and lingonberries 1 box 249 LUV-40 Fried pork with onion suace and boiled potatoes 1 box 249 LUV-9 Meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes and lingonberries 1 box 249 LUV-36 Fried vegetables on a bed of salad (vegetarian) 1 box 249 Sandwich cake etc. CSM-1 Fish & Seafood Sandwich Cake (4 person) 4 person 995 CSM-2 Fish & Seafood Sandwich Cake (8 person) 8 person 1955 CSM-3 Ham & Cheese Sandwich Cake 4 person 995 CSM-4 Ham & Cheese Sandwich Cake (8 person) 8 person 1955 CSM-5 Mixed. Half Ham & Cheese, half Fish & Seafood 8 person 2155 CSM-6 Salmon & Seafood Pastry 1 st. 289 CB-37 Princess Cake 10-12 pers. 1575 Imported Products Art. Product Qty. Price IO-3 Fjällbrynt Creamed Shrimp Cheese 250 g 279 IO-4 Fjällbrynt Creamed Crab & Lobster Cheese 250 g 279 IO-5 Fjällbrynt Ham Cheese 250 g 279 IO-9 Fjällbrynt Creamed Bacon Cheese 250 g 279 IO-10 Fjällbrynt Creamed Salami Cheese 250 g 279 IO-25 Fjällbrynt Edamer Edam Cheese 250 g 279 IM-2 Felix Smörgåsgurka 370 g 179 IM-3 Felix Bostongurka Original 375 g 199 IM-15 Felix Rårörda Lingon 410 g 289 IM-4 Felix Ketchup 500 g 219 IM-9 Felix Gulasch Soppa 560 g 299 IM-10 Felix Köttfärssås 560 g 299 IM-11 Felix Chiliconcarne 560 g 299 IM-16 Felix Ravioli med köttfärsås 560 g 299 IM-21 Felix Köttbullar med gräddsås 560 g 299 VIL-1 Mackerel in tomato sauce 3x125 g 269 IM-5 Felix Potatismos 420 g 299 IM-35 Ekströms Nyponsoppa 1 kg 169 IM-47 Knorr Soldiers Pea soup 570 g 419 IKE-6 Cloudberry jam, organic 425 g 479 IM-48 Ekströms Quick Marsan 7 portion (vanilla sauce) 91 g 159 IM-49 Torrjäst, Crown 100 g 89 IM-24 Grebbestad Ansjovis 125 g 289 IM-25 Abba Löksill 240 g 249 IM-27 Abba Skärdgårdsill 240 g 249 IM-26 Abba Brännvinsill 240 g 249 IM-31 Abba Inlagdsill 240 g 249 IM-6 Felix Caesar dressing 370 ml 219 IM-19 Felix Garlic Dressing 370 ml 219 IM-18 Thousand Island Dressing 370 ml 219 IM-50 Blåband Bearnaisesås 69 g 199 IM-51 Blåband Hollandaisesås 75 g 199 IM-63 Felix Senap Original 430 g 239 IM-64 Felix Senap Stark 430 g 239 IM-65 Felix Senap Sötstark 430 g 239 IKE-7 Wholegrain mustard, organic 190 g 169 IM-57 Abba Fiskbullar i Hummersås 375 g 239 IM-71 Abba Fiskbullar i Dillsås 375 g 239 IM-72 Abba Fiskbullar i Räksås 375 g 239 IM-43 Estrella Dipmix Dill 20 g 119 IM-44 Estrella Dipmix Holiday 26 g 119 IM-45 Estrella Dipmix Tortilla 28 g 119 IM-46 Estrella Dipmix American 26 g 119 IM-69 OLW Dipmix Fresh Island 24 g 119 IM-54 Santa Taco Spice Mix pack 149 IM-68 Royal D electrolyte pack 7 MAK-9 Saltletts Brezel 150 g 139 IM-67 Rite Wafers 100 g 79 IM-39 GBG Kex Gold Marie 200 g 199 IM-59 Digestive Biscuit pack 129 IM-53 Mandel beskvier pack 229 IM-55 GBG Wafers Wheat Big pack pack 219 IM-60 Oboy Chocolate pack 399 IM-61 Leksands Knäcke Brungräddat 1 paket 199 IM-8 Leksands Knäckebröd 1 paket 199 IM-41 Wasa Crisp Bread Frukost 260 g 249 IM-42 Wasa Crisp Bread Husman 240 g 249 IM-62 Wasa Crisp Bread Sport 240 g 249 Cooled Imported Products IO-1 Allerum Grevéost cheese 500 g 500 g 595 IO-6 Allerum Xo Prästost cheese kg 1190 IO-11 Allerum Herrgårdost cheese kg 1190 IO-12 Allerum Whisky Mackmyra cheese kg 1190 IO-29 Allerum Svecia cheese kg 1190 IO-7 Glimminge Port Salute cheese kg 1190 IO-18 Emborg Havarti cheese kg 790 IO-17 Edamer cheese ca:500 g 395 IO-20 Emborg Danish Red Cheddar kg 890 IO-21 Emborg Danish White Cheddar kg 890 IO-19 Paysan Breton Camembert cheese 125 g 169 IO-24 Grana Padano Parmesan Cheese kg 495 IO-22 Emborg Danish Blue 100 g 195 IO-23 Emborg Semi Soft Havarti 200 g 195 IO-28 Maasdam Cheese 500 g 395 IO-26 Edam Red Ball Cheese 500 g 495 IO-27 Gouda Cheese 500 g 455 IM-1 Kalles Kaviar Original 190 g 219 Candy & Snacks IG-1 Ahlgrens Bilar original 125 g 179 IG-37 Ahlgrens Bilar Saltlakrits 100 g 179 IG-2 Polly original 130 g 219 IG-4 Malaco Gott & Blandat 160 g 149 IG-5 Malaco Gott & Blandat Salt 150 g 149 IG-7 Malaco Djungelvrål 80 g 149 IG-8 Malaco Colaflaskor 170 g 149 IG-9 Malaco Zoo 80 g 149 IG-11 Malaco Fruxo 80 g 129 IG-13 Hallon-Lakrits Skallar 100 g 149 IG-14 Salt Skallar 100 g 149 IG-15 Hallon-Lakrits-skalle skum 90 g 149 IG-16 Cool Cola skalle 90 g 149 IG-17 Sur skalle 90 g 149 IG-29 Marabou Milk Chocolate 200 g 299 IG-30 Marabou Schweizernot 200 g 299 IG-31 Marabou Fruit & Almond 200 g 299 IG-32 Kexchoklad 60 g 139 IG-25 Cloetta Plopp 50 g 139 IG-19 Bounty 57 g 119 IG-20 Dajm 56 g 119 IG-24 Cloetta Center 50 g 129 IG-33 Lakrisal 25 g 99 IG-34 Dumlekolor 220 g 299 IG-43 Dumlekolor 91 g 219 IG-23 Fazer Licueur fills 100 g 79 IG-18 Maynards Bassetts MiDGET GEMS 120 g 139 IG-35 Läkerol Original pack 139 IG-36 Läkerol Licorice Seasalt pack 139 IG-38 Läkerol Cactus pack 139 IG-39 Läkerol Salvi pack 139 IG-3 Turkisk Peber 120 g 199 IG-41 Polkagris.
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