With Read The Post Save Time, Money For ews hop in Newark Of People You Know TH NE K PO·ST Firs t \ OL. XLll N 1\1 BER 20 The N ewark Post, Newark, Delawal'e, Thurs d ay, September 4, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS REFERENDUM WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 , Chrysler Invites Residents To Council Denounces Mayor's Message To Freeholders IPlan To Send City IProperty Owners Vote Tuesday See Patton Tank Demonstration 01: Tuesday, Septembel' 9, you will vote on a refel'endum requested by 0 P d B d 1 n Il City Council on a bond issue for $500,000. 11 ronose on ssue 0 r 0 S Kids HOIne At 4:30 This as you know is to be used to extend OUr sewer and wrule.r facilities. r , 'Newarl( Neighbors Day' 'et ~or September 27 B~ T a nl{ T.he expansion of Newark due to (lUI' industrial, business, and housing To Be Open 7·30 A M To 7 P M Phnl Manager, R. T. Keller; S IX Se()arate S hows 10 I A,dopts )Resoltltion. CH.lting For demands necessitates this request for authority to borrow this money to be •••• • uesd for the necessarl Utility expansion. B~ Presenled For P u b lic Between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Recon s ide ration of Matter; Calls Plan " Death Trap" neet~ste~~~ n~1Csl~~~ :~'dfas~:~~I: se~I;:n~i:~~ti~::rZ~~~n~o~~: u~: '~'N~~~;~e:;:s; .l, Francis Neid e, C ity E n g ineer, Outlines Program All invitalion Lo s ea demonstr ation of Patton 48 medium Newark ~ Counci l on the need is lIl'ger.t for sewers and water sel·vice. To lle Accompli hed With 5500,000 R eques ted U y tnnk s in action ov I' a s peciall y. construc.ted obstacle cour~e at the T u esday nig ht adopted a reso­ Each su mmer poli0 is a dread disease in OUr community. If we are sur-C it y Officials For S ewer, \\Ia t er Improvem ents Chrysler Tank PlanL h e r c was Issued t hiS week to a ll r eSIdents of rounded by cesspool ovel'flow, causing contamination of OUI' entire city by _______ lution denouncing the p la n of Newark iJ.I' R. T. K II r , g e ner a l manage r of the Lank p la n t . y' N ew ark public sch ool a u­ ;~iae:~ ;SO~~ ~I~tO~S\~~~/i.~t~:· ~~~~;~~:;t~ ~e~~n~a~~:~i a~~·s;.at~~ ~~r.~~i S dread d i- N exL Tu s day t h e proper ty owners of the c ity will go to the ~rr. Keller sa id t h a t aturday, September 27, has been ? es.lg­ Sl thorities to h ave city c hildren Sanitary sewers and a pure water supply will do much to control the spread poll ' Lo vote on the proposed $500,000 bo nd issue to p l'ovidc for nalcd as "~c\\'a l' k N e ig hbors Day" and exp l' e. ss~d appreCIatIOn of polio and other dread di seases. the iml rove m ent and extens io n of t h e city w aleI' and sewer I- in the first a nd second grades There are those who will OPPOSe the bond issue but r am sure that in- y .tems. Army Ordnance fo r ~ranting C hrysle r perml 810n a llow a ll I. to to attend sch ool f!'Om 12: 30 till persons h~\"iJ:g Nc.wark malltng add-® Voting wi ll take p lace in t h e Acad my lluilding betwcen th 4 :30 in the afternoon during ~~~~;e~~tu! ~~ U;~1\;~~~I~v~00 ~~: ~11~~i\~:~'Ot~l e~~\~Vi~~ efa~;t~t~e~~~h o~n~eo~~~~~ rrsses an opPOrtullIty t? see the Ne:v- PIIOne COlnpany e · ark.built tanks oc the Single day deslg- t h e comling sch ool year . munity with an open mind. hOUI'S of 7 :30 a.m. and 7 p.m., ea ·tel'l1 day li ght time. Each in- :"1' 1 If you want to fi ght polio right here at home and wish to contribute to dividual and corporatio n ownjng p r operLy in the city will be en- C ity offic ials directed that s t naled.In an effort to accommodate every Adds E{Iuipment greater community weliare (without propert.v tax iccrease) then come out ----¢titled to olle vote. The matter will be :I. ' copies of the reso lu t io n be sent and vote for the bond issue. YOll1' conscience will tell you how to vote. A vote Newark J'l'siricnt at the P attor. 48 d cicled by a majority of those voting. In Newark Area to t h e board of education of the for the bond issue will help you, your children, and their children. New ColleO'e Park demonstratIOn on September 27, SIX I urge you to vote as a freeholder, and every freeholder is entitled to a t:l In a statement this week, J . Francis separale' lank shows have been sche- ewark district a well as to vote. Don't depecd on the other fellow, but do it yourse lf. The few who arc Development Sales Neide, city engiJ:eel', pointed out Ihe duled , bej(lIlning at 9:00 a.m. The other Local S erv ice Now Includes Superin tenden t Wilme r E. S hue . against it will be there, you can be sure, so let all wJ10 are fOr the fight • • importance of th se improvemenls to five arc scheduled for 10:30 a.m. ; 12:00 4,542 Telephone ', H a d Only Council refeITed to the plan for aga·inst po li o and other diseaSe due to unsanitary conditions, come out on OffIce WIll Opell Newark resid nts and uI'ged that all noon; 2:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m.; and 5:00 p.m. 1 ,678 Ten Years Ago releasing the small r.hi ldren at 4:30 September 9 and show that you are for a better and healthful Newark. fre hold rs vote on the ma ltCI'. Or.ly abollt WOO persons can be ~ d- p.m., whe:1 city trarTic is at its peak, WALLACE M. JOHNSON "In the past. " said Mr. Neide. "the mitted at the sume time and adn:,lsslon The Diamond State Telephone Com­ as "setting a dealh trap for our chH­ Ma yor of Newark Firs t 100· Home Section city has been able to extend its utili­ to the Chrysler tan k show on New- pany has completed an addition to the dl'f'n.'t Of 'JOO-Home Development ti es with money from the general fund, but clu e to the large ir.crease in popu­ ark eighbors Day" wil l be by ticket dial equipment in the Newark cer.- The resolution pointed out that it 0 0 LOB Old 0 To lle Offered Sept. 6 la ion which has, and is expect d to L im possible for the C0U ll li! to pro- on~;'sonal leiters of invitation were tral otrice, which will improve local OUVlers Ul lng ccupatlon take place hel'e, this fund is no long­ mailed this week by Mr. Kell er to all service and enable the office to ~erve Grovel' SllJ'I'att, loca l representative er sufficient. ,persons listed in the N wark te lephone approxIm ately 1,000 new subscnbers, ~:.~~ aa~e~~~!e ~~~I:ec;i~~ t~tr~~~lo~:il~ Sl d Del 0 0 1 of Hanby-WolTal! and ASSOC ia tes. urged the board of education to l' _ " " It has been stimated," he con­ directory. A reply po tal card was en- It was announced today by Albert E. ate ~' or omp ,etlon cl. Inc., announced this week that the cor.sider its decision. tinued," that by 1957 Our poulation closed or. which recipients of the let- ' Rose, Stat: .manager of the. co~npany . fi rst section of th e 400-odd homes in should reach 13,000. In 1962 it should The resolution is as [ollows: Moving into the DuPont Company's ters are asked to state how many tiC- I The project cost apPloxlmately visiol: of the engineering department. the College Pal'k developmen't lo­ reach 20,000 to 25,000 and by 1972, II d sire and for which of the $92,000 and the company IS also sper.d- Wh ereas The Council of the City Louviers BuildiJ:g at Milford Cross­ As a section is completed, an entir cated on Elkton Road will go on 30,000 to 40,000." of Newark has leal'lled {rom a press roads-already in progress for two ~~ts sc;,7cIUI~d tank perf .)rmances. ing $35,000 more this year in the ~ ew- group, sometimes as many as 50 per­ sa le ·this Saturday. The remair.der of the city engi­ c ·~ Ir . Keller stated tI- is week that ark area for new cable and wire !tnes, release to the local newspaper that weeks-is scheduled for completion sons, is moved into it. The sa les office for this group of the Board o( Education of the New- October 1. ne r's message to the property owners any person having a L.Jcwark mailing h e said. The moves are being made at ni ght 100-odd JlOmes buill by Casselmac, is as fol lows: 9 ark Special District has provided for The first of 2,150 membcrs of the add ress who did not receive a letter The new faC IlIties permit the lIlstal­ and ovel' week-ends so as cot to in­ Inc., will be located on the site situ­ "Consulting engin cel's were reta in­ split classes in the first and second company's engin eering department, of invitation may obtair.
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