MEN’S BASKETBALL AFTER THE STORM: EXTREME COLLEGE KICKS OFF SEASON DOCUMENTARY CHRONICLES TRIUMPH OF A HOME MAKEOVER: WITH FRIDAY POST– KATRINA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM THE $25 BUDGET PRACTICE PAGE 4 EDITION PAGE 6 PAGE 5 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2008 Faculty Clinton backs Senate Rick Noriega decries Senate run SAT Jade Ortego Clinton said that he and Sen. Staff Writer Clinton were still supporters of Sen. Obama and expressed DALLAS – Bill Clinton intro- certainty about Obama’s win in retakes duced the Texas Democratic November. candidate for U.S. Senate, Rick “America is not like people By Ashley Corinne Killough Noriega, at a rally of about 2000 think it is anymore. It is more Staff Writer at Thomas Jefferson High School tolerant and diverse,” she said. in Dallas Tuesday. When Clinton left office, he Along with reviewing the Several North Texas politi- said, there were 27 million new most recent tenure policy revi- cians, such as Democratic tax jobs annually. sions, Faculty Senate voiced assessor candidate John Ames “At the end of this adminis- concern at its monthly meeting and Dallas Sherriff Lupe Valdez, tration, we’ll be lucky if we have Tuesday over Baylor’s monetary introduced the former president, five million new jobs (each year). incentives for freshmen to retake who then introduced Rick Norie- We can’t afford that in a country the SAT this summer. ga. with this much growth,” he said. In a heated exchange of dia- “I bring you greetings from Clinton said that in the pre- logue, senate members passed my senator and my wife ... Hil- vious week he had gotten two a motion of disapproval of the lary sent me. Hillary is so mad “robo-calls” selling credit cards. $300 bookstore credit offered to at the DNC for not helping Rick “Is no one paying attention?” he incoming freshmen who retest- Noriega, because he could be said. ed. They also suggested that it an excellent senator,” a smiling Clinton talked about the hous- not become a recurring prac- Clinton said, his words drowned ing market and the handling of tice. out by screams. the economic bailout, which he “It’s an issue of academic hon- A n audience member said he blamed on Republicans esty,” said Dr. Georgia Green, Associated Press screamed that she loved him, chair of Faculty Senate. Former president Bill Clinton (left) and Democratic senatorial candidate Rick Noriega wave to the crowd during a rally and he laughed and said, “I hope “We think it’s fine for stu- for Noriega Tuesday in Dallas. so because I love you, too. ” Please see NORIEGA, page3 dents to retake the SAT to enter a higher scholarship bracket. What we disapprove of is giving a financial incentive to be able to say we have a higher average DEBATE SAT score.” Watch party to ‘08 On top of the $300 credit for taking the test, students who TONIGHT scored higher than 50 points received an additional $1,000 9 p.m. ET per year to their financial aid offer professor package. If a student entered a Hofstra higher scholarship bracket with University their new score, they qualified to receive the added funds. input, analysis Hempseatd, N.Y. Green said the senate motion was not unanimous, with about Moderator: five percent of members express- By Molly MacEwan “We’ll turn off the talking Bob Sheiffer, CBS ing approval for the financial Reporter heads on the TV, then Dr. Gard- incentives. ner and I will briefly become Focus: “Those who opposed the A debate watch party tonight talking heads before we open Domestic, motion were adamant and said held by two economics depart- up to the students,” Pisciotta foreign policy they didn’t see anything wrong ment faculty members will aim said. with it. They believed it helped to inform students of domes- The third and final debate the students,” Green said. tic issues will be held at Hofstra Uni- Election Of the 861 students who discussed versity in Hempstead, N.Y. ‘08 retested this summer, 151 stu- by candi- Tonight’s focus is on the candi- Countdown Associated Press dents improved their score by at dates dur- dates’ domestic policies. Hofstra University students Sean Hutchinson (left) sitting in Barack Obama’s position, least 50 points and received the ing the “The candidates will be talk- David Marzullo, sitting in John McCain’s position, and John Santucci, in the moderators 20 Days $1,000 scholarships. debate. ing about healthcare, the finan- chair, participate in a mock debate Tuesday at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. One Faculty Senate member, D r . cial situation, the recession, who wished to remain anony- S t e p h e n and how they plan to get the mous, said she was hurt and Gardner, country out,” Dr. Pisciotta said. surprised by the financial incen- p r o f e s - “McCain is obviously behind, Student points–of–view to tives. s or of so I expect him to present “I’ve never heard of another e c o n om - something new and different.” university doing something like ics, and Pisciotta Pisciotta said they decided this. It just seems so unethical Dr. John to hold the panel because of the take center stage at forum to me,” she said. “I don’t like the Pisciotta, debate’s focus on the nation’s idea of Baylor paying students to associate current situation. retake the SAT, and I was sur- professor The last two economic By Prisca K. Anuolam The forum, titled “Red or Blue: sion. prised to see that a few people of eco- information sessions held by Reporter Which Color Are You?” had a “The goal of the forum is to actually agreed with it.” n o m i c s , the business school had high successful turnout the first time help expose students to some of Faculty Senate also addressed will both attendance. With election day less than a it was held last year, the key social, polit- tenure policy revisions, which comment “My economics professor, Dr. month away and a presidential when more than a ical and economic were released in their most after the Emerson, explained to us that debate being held today, Baylor hundred students issues confronting updated form at the end of Sep- televised the candidates will be talking students will have the opportu- attended. Decision government and tember. Green said the latest d e b a t e , about their domestic economic nity to voice their opinions on This year, repre- society at this time,” version lacks policies for denied then open policies and it’s importance,” current political issues tonight. sentatives from the ‘08 Brown said. tenure candidates to make the floor Gardner said Michael Wright, a Memo- Omega Delta Phi will hold a Baylor Democrats He said he plans appeals. After a long discussion, for ques- rial sophomore. “I’m looking forum at 6:30 p.m. today in and Baylor Republi- to focus on ques- Green said Faculty Senate voted tions and discussion. forward to hearing the expert Bennett Auditorium to discuss cans will be on the panel. tions about the economy, educa- to recommend these be included The watch party starts at commentary afterward.” students’ opinions about some Dr. Joseph Brown, associate tion, foreign policy, war, 8 p.m., and will take place in of today’s hottest issues and professor of political science, Please see SAT, page 3 Kayser Auditorium. Please see DEBATE, page 3 explain each party’s policies. will moderate the panel discus- Please see POLITICS, page 3 Credit market improvements to aid in mending economy By Madlen Read lending business — one indica- Bernard Baumohl, chief global lend depends on the economic fronts — bank-to-bank lending, announced a similar move Mon- The Associated Press tor, the difference between the economist at the Economic Out- outlook. As a result, the econ- lending to businesses and con- day to recapitalize their own rate at which banks lend to other look Group. He said he believes omy’s recovery might be jagged sumers, and investment in cor- banks. The actions helped bank- NEW YORK – The govern- banks and the rate at which the financial system won’t be and gradual, as lenders incre- porate debt such as commercial to-bank lending rates tick lower, ment’s efforts to crank open the they buy U.S. government debt fully restored until at least 2010, mentally loosen up as they grow paper — to get a sense that credit and bring some optimism back credit markets have led to some remains near a 25-year high. but that he expects the economy more confident that borrowers has returned to a healthier to the stock market. mild improvements in lending But analysts believe that as to turn around in the second are on steadier ground. state. “We are seeing an improve- rates and Treasury bill yields. long as conditions keep improv- half of 2009 after the housing And, like an economic recov- Confidence in the lending ment. It’s still frayed, but not as But it will probably take ing, the economy should be able market bottoms. ery, there’s no specific piece of business grew a bit Tuesday dark as it looked last Friday,” months, and perhaps a few to grow. The problem is that the data that will signal that things as the U.S. government said it said Mark Zandi, chief econo- years, before lending returns to “I don’t think we need to have health of the economy and the are significantly better in the would spend $250 billion of mist at Moody’s Economy.com.
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