Bud Light and the Houston Lesbian & GayPride Committee Present lHEFFlHE PP WITH BBANDCC! (The Fest Followingthe Pride Parade with . Bronski "Small Town Boy" Beat and CeCe "Finally" Peniston) Shoulder to Shoulder Fun "JlIII .AlIII .AIIAI Mel'Alrr PRES ENr .r --- ~ ~ l?4D~D _.un.~11 I PIlL ~ ~ Cedar Springs.. and Throckmorton .LAUREN Tickets $10 TAYLO'R available at Crossroads Market ~C SPECIAL GDES••• D.•. MAX RODRIGUEZ •. from THE ROXV This Week In Texas Magazine FREE Shuttle parking at TUACA Cathedral of Hope Metropolitan ~ ~\blCE Community Church 5910 Cedar Springs ~~,' IIli4IO~Y' Benefiting AIDS Services in Dallas II and throughout Texas P,DL~~ r ) r) [J '(•r) I \ r) ..!JJJ J~J .'l..0.r.UJ tboULIGHT® 1II ~. DANCI CLUB C'I D••• '" ., L I 1'- I with MALE DANelllS from PECS UEl1UMI1ED Ad Design: InHaus Grafix Design Studio, Brookhaven College Visual Communications Dept., 1996. Show Starts Promptly at 11:30 PM Raven Productions Proudly Presents \ The Official 1996 Mr. Southwest f Texas Pageant Wednesday, June 19, 1996 For more info, contact: Alberto James (817)753-9747, Raven, P.O. Box 826, Waco, Texas 76703 Contestants will : bejudged in the following areas of competition: FORMAL WEAR SPORTSISWIMWEAR TALENTISELF EXPRESSION Hostess & Emcee 611 RED RIVER LISA AUSTIN MARKAY Miss Mid Texas-America '96 Autograph signing at Throckmorton Mining Co. & Special Guests (214) 380-3808 [email protected] -: VOLUME 22, NUMBER 14 JUNE 7-13,1996 12 THEATRE Das Batbecu Spoofs Wagner In Austin Reviewed by Bruce Williams 16 HISTORY Texas and Amendment 2 by Don Baker 24 FRESH BEATS Marla Glen on the Verge, Elghtball on the Bounce by Jimmy Smith 38 ON OUR COVER Troy Adams of Houston Photos by Exposure Prints/Tio 41 SNAPSHOTS Texas Pride Weekend and Meltdown '96 in Austin 45 CURRENT EVENTS 59 BACKSTAGE Damn Yankees plays Dallas June 25-July 7 63 STARSCOPE A Saturn/Uranus/Pluto Sextile May Upset Best-Laid Plans 75 SPORTS Houston Chain Gang Cycling Hosts Ride Through Woodlands This Sunday 76 TEXAS NEWS Gay Republicans Sue State GOP Over Exclusion from Convention 81 SNAPSHOTS Miss Gay USofA Pageant 82 TEXAS TEA Pageants and Pride Events Across the State 91 CLASSIFIEDS 100 OBITUARIES 101 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co.. ot 3300 Reagan Street ~n Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77CXJ6Opin. ions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising In TWTIs not to be construed as any Indication of the sex- ual orientation at sold person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, 540 per half year. Back Issues available at S2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1996 by Texas Weekly Tlmes Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news. article or feature. copy or photograph from TWTis specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Goy & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR 811 Westheimer. Suite III Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texos 77006 Dallas Fox (214) 520-TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fox (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527-9111 ART DIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. B.J.Smith CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDon Boker. Chris Gray. Aaron Howard, Phil Johnson. Gory Laird. C. Lichtenstein. Susan McDonald. Brent Shockley, Jimmy Smith. Bruce Williams STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Brown. James Franklin. Robert Miller. Tio. Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. Austin - Bruce Williams (512) 473-7180 • Dallas / Fort Worth - SIeve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • Son Antonio / Corpus Christi - Mock Anthony (210) 754-5837 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Chris Gray. Houston Brian Keever/David Parnell TWT© 1996 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANE RUFFP. RESIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR Represented Notionally by Rivendell Marketing, Inc. Strip!!! . ........• , ,1-\" nu I'r-( 0-, '" i IAS Wa~er's Classic ~g' .t ti\ EriJO~ a T~ Twist In1tb·eIwanOUS'[J!1..•!~ Ill! ~~nASBARB'fCO l iu Austin'$. "Z'a. cHih,J Scott "' ' I ,Iq ~'t(rcI~ n.· RA ll{~:rhroughJune 23 i., REVIEWED BY BRUCE WILLIAMS oJ, Sullivan, Steven Bishop Seely, Felicia Din- widdie, Gretchen Kingsley and Meredith t'svery fitting that a mere five actors Robertson make a good case for decipher- Itackle the 30-plus roles in Das BarbecrJ, ing the madness at hand, and leave it to now being presented at the Zachary Scott the powerful Dinwiddie to finally encap- Theatre Center's Kleberg Stage in Austin. sulize everything in the simplest terms -, After all, the story - a modern, musical before the audience is turned loose to sit comedy updating of Wagner's famous back and enjoy itself. The story is involved opera trilogy, Der Ring des Nibelungen, but rather inconsequential; getting there can be more than a trifle confusing at provides most of the fun. Everyday woes times; so why shouldn't this game of musi- like traffic jams seem a little less frustrating cal roles also keep audiences on their toes when they're stacked up against things like and constantly thumbing their scorecards the mess Woton makes from his post as for who's who? top god or the way sister-in-law Freia is But don't sweat it Just when everything dragged off by giants. again seems a bit baffling, here come Alberich (Sullivan) has stolen the River- some more snickers and laughs and a maidens' gold and turned it into a ring that catchy tune to erase any frustrations and is both powerful and cursed. Woton (Seely) once again light up the audience with takes the ring and gives it to grandson smiles and applause. In the end, the pri- Siegfried (also played by Sullivan) who mary thing you come away with is the finds Brunnhilde (RObertson), who's been memory of what a good time you've chained to a rock of fire by her daddy had ... and a pledge not to mess with any Woton. Siegfried falls in love, frees her and dwarves. gives the ring as a proposal. Then the The opening number, "A Ring of Gold in dwarf Alberich's son Hagen (Seely) slips Texas," has the cast -trying to sort out who Siegfried a mickey in an effort to get his did what to whom for the audience, setting hands on the ring, so that Siegfried finds the atmosphere for what's to come. Dan himself engaged to Gutrune (Kingsley) while Brunnhilde becomes a love slave the ranch and the vastness of the scenes, the one-eyed god tires of the scheming and gets engaged to Gutrune's brother even as they are constantly changing. and the competition and begins to appreci- Gunther (Seely). And then things begin to John Ore's lighting and Bil Pfuderer's cos- ate the simpler things. get complicated! tumes also are superb, and the five-piece Dinwiddie is the powerful rock in such Most of the action takes place at and band led by musical director Allen Robert- roles as Woton's wife Fricka, the narrator around Rancho Gibich, the Texas spread son complements the scene and the and Erda, who's Woton's mistress and belonging to Gutrune and Gunther and moods well, though once or twice a viewer srunnhilde's mother. Kingsley as Gutrune their half-brother (apologies to anyone who might wistfully wish for a full orchestra to and Robertson as Brunnhilde are strong, gets the mistaken idea that this is a size accompany the tunes. The music is an- though secondary to the male characters; joke!) Hagen. A huge cookout is planned other slight weakness of this production, they do seize their moment to rule with for the dual weddings, with roast pig and as there are no well-known songs that grab their number "Barbecue for Two," when roast beef and a field full of fixin's; but just the audience, only catchy or promising they tackle the cookout feast doublehand- who'll tying the know with whom remains numbers like "Makin' Guacamole," "Barbe- ed. The two women pass on the hopeful up in the air. cue for Two" and "Wanderin' Man." message - as did Woton and Alberich in The Texas twang of characterizations Director Rod Caspers' cast is the strong- an earlier riverbank confrontation - that and country and western music turn the est point of this production, as his five tal- even rivals and enemies can find common opera tragedy upside-down. Jim Luigs and ented performers do a great job of defining ground on which to coexist and thrive, if Scott Warrender wrote the tale and the and differentiating about a half dozen char- they want to and work at it a bit. music for the Seattle Opera a couple years acters apiece and making each one come The audience may have to work at it a ago, and it translates magnificently to the alive. The narcoleptic Hagen, who falls bit to keep track of the soap opera-like Texas stage ... with a few local twists tossed asleep standing up and then snaps out of entanglements of Das BarbecO's charac- in for good measure. Now that they don't it in mid-sentence, and the evil Alberich, a ters and plotlines, but when one just sits have their gold anymore, the Rivermaidens shrunken Walter Brennan sound-alike, pro- back and enjoys the ride, it's a lot of fun. are reduced to working as synchronized vide comic relief amidst the intrigues, and This play is in the spirit of oldtime musicals water ballerinas at San Marcos' Aqua- Seely and Sullivan milk the roles nicely.
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