Nov. 20, 1935] S. MIKI--NEW WATEE PLANTS ASIA . O.RIENTALIS II 773 New Water Plants in Asia Orientalis II By Shigeru Miki With 5 Text-Figures Eeceived April 27, 1935 Najas gracillima (A. BR.) MAGNUSBeitr. (1870) 23; M0R0NG in Mem. TORR.Bot. Club III, 2 (1893) 61; RENDLEin Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. V (1899) 414, et in ENGL. Pfl. Reich IV, 12 (1901) 15 ; TAYLORin N. Am. Fl. XVII (1909) 34. Syn. Najas indica var. gracillima A. BR. eX ENGELM.in A. GRAYMan. ed. 5 (1868) 681. Nom. Jap. Ito-torigemo (nov.). Blab. Honshiu : Prov. Mutsu : Aomori (U. FAURIE! Oct. 1899) ; Prov. Hitachi : Hokoda in Kashimagun (Y. TSURUMACIII! Aug. 1930) ; Prov. Mino : Gifu (K. SHIOTA! Aug. 1934) ; Yamadamura in Gunjiogun (K. SHIOTA! Jul. 1931) ; Prov. Owari : Nagoya (K. SHIOTA! Aug. 1925) ; Prov. Ohmi : Kamakakemura (C. HASIIIMOTO! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Yama- shiro : Ao et Iwakura (G. IKEO! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Setsu : Juso (S. MIKI ! Oct. 1934) ; Kamitsumura (H. UI ! Sept. 1933) ; Prov. Yamato : Saidaiji (S. MIKI ! Jun. 1934) ; Prov. Ku: Minoshima et Atsuso (S. MIKI ! Jul. 1934) ; Prov. Hoki : Matsusaki (S. MIKI ! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Bingo : Hi- roshima (W. SATO! Sept. 1933) ; Prov. Idumo : Koonan (S. MIKI ! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Iwami; Nakano in Ohchigori (T. HATORI! Aug. 1934) ; Shi- koku : Prov. Sanuki : Kaniwa (U. MIKI ! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Iyo : Nagaosa in Higashiuwagori (SAKAI! Jul. 1934) ; Idumimura in Kitauwagori (TAKADA! Aug. 1934) ; Mishoo in Minamiuwagori (M. OGATA! Jun. 1925) ; Prov. Tosa : Sagawa (T. YOSHINAGA! Aug. 1934) ; Kiushiu : Prov. Hizen : Chiwata in Higashisonogigun (S. HAMADA! Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Ohsumi : Fukushima in Minaminakagun (Y. HAGIWARA! Aug. 1934). Stem 0.5 mm. wide with 1 hypodermal layer, internodes generally 10 mm. long. Leaves subulate, usually 5 at each node; 0.2 mm. wide, 15 mm. long with about 7-10 teeth on each side. Sheath auricle truncate or rounded with about 6-7 spines at each top. Flower monoecious, usually one male and 2 female flowers at each node. Male flower inclosed in spather anther one-celled; pollen elliptical 20 X 30, t ; female flower naked, stigma two. Seed cylindrical, 0.5 mm, thick, 2 mm, long ; epidermis of testa with narrow long areolation. 774 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE [Vol. XLIX, No. X87 Fig. 6. A-L. Najas gracil'lima (A. Bati.) MAGNUS A. Flowering shoot, x . B. Top of sheath, x 20. C. Top of leaf, x 50. D. Cross section of leaf, x 100. E. Cross section of stem, x 50. F. Anthesis of male flower, x 20. G. Pollens, x 233. H. Male and female flowers at an axil, x 20. I. Young fruit, x 10. J. Seed, x 10. K. Cross section of testa, x 233. L. Epidermis of seed, x 50. M-R. Na jas graminea DEL. M. Top of sheath, x 20. N. Cross section of leaf, x 100. 0. Fruit, x 10. P. Pollens, x 233. Q. Young male flower, x 50. R. Mature male flower, x 20. s. Spathe, t. Pollen tube. This species grows in rice-field everywhere in Honshiu. At a glance it looks like Na jas graminea DEL. but distinguished by spathed male flower, narrow subulate leaves, as well as by short auricle of sheath ; from Na jas minor ALL, by having paired fruits and 5 leaves at each node. 'this species is a new addition to the flora of Japan (Fig. 6). Distribution. North America. l Nov. 20,S.193l MIKI-NEW WATER PLANTS ASIA ORIENTALIS II 775 Najas oguraensis MIKI n. sp. Fig. 7 A-L. Planta subrigida, annul submersa, cables 1 m. alti, apice ramosi, 1-1.4 mm. in diametro, hypodermate vulgo biseriato. Folia subulata rigida ; Fig. 7. A-L. Najas oguraensis MIKI n, sp. (From Oguranoike) A. Flowering shoot, scales in mm. B. Cross section of stem, x 50. C. Cross section of leaf, x 100. D. Epidermis of leaf, x 100. E. Top of sheath, x 20. F. Young male flower, x 20. G. Mature male flower, x 10. H. Cross section of male flower, x 20. I. Pollen, x 233. J. Young female flower, x 20. K. Fruits, left young one x 10. L. Epidermis of testa, x 100. M-T. Na jas minor ALL. M. Cross section of leaf, x 100. N. Epidermis of leaf, x 100. 0. Top of sheath, x 20. P. Pollens, x 233. Q. Male flower, x 20. R. Young female flower, x 20. S. Fruit, x 10, T. Epidermis of testa, x 100, s. spathe. 776 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE [vol.XLIX, No. 587 0.6-0.7 mm. lata, 3 cm, longa, foliorum epidermis duplo major quam Najas minor ALL. ; 50 X 90, t, margine denticulatus, in utrinque latere 9-15 in numero. Flores monoeci, maseulus in spatha inclusus; anthera quadrilo- cularis, pollen oblongus vel ovalis 24 X 50,u ; femineus nudus ; stigmata 2. Semen ca. 3.5 mm. longum et 0.6 mm, latum ; testae areolae latiores quam longae. Shoot branched at each node as usual. Stem 1-1.4 mm. thick, 1 m. high with 2 hypodermal layers, internodes varying tolerably in length, generally 1 cm. long in shallow water. Leaves subulate, about 0.6-0.7 mm. wide, 3 cm, long with about 9-15 teeth on each side ; epidermis of leaf large ; 50 X 90, t. Sheath auricle truncate with many spines at the edge. Flower monoecious ; male inclosed in the spathe, anther 4-celled; pollen grain oblong or ovaliform, 24 X 50,a ; female naked, stigma bifid to the base. Seed cylindrical 3.5 mm, long, 0.6 mm, wide. Epidermis of testa with many rows of elongated ladder-like areolation. Nom. Jap. Oh-torigemo (nov.). Hab. Honshiu : Prov. Hitachi : Senbanuma (Y. TsuauMAcHI ! Sept. 1931) ; Prov. Koduke : Tataranuma (S. MIKI ! Jul. 1926) ; Prov. Echlgo : Asahinuma (S. MIKI ! Jul. 1925) ; Prov. Yamashiro : Oguranoike (S. MIKI ! Jul. 1923; Aug. 1934) ; Prov. Kawachi : Pond Takaminosato (S. MIKI ! Sept. 1934) ; Shikoku : Prov. Sanuki ; Okaike in Otamura (S. MIKI ! Aug. 1923). This species grows in ponds or lakes in the southern part of Honshiu and Shikoku. It resembles a larger form of Na jas minor ALL. but distin- guished by 4-celled anther, large leaf epidermal cells twice in diameter and 2 hypodermal layers in stem; from Najas f oveolata A. PR. by having subulate leaves and ladder-like areolation in testa. Najas tenuicaulis MIKI n. sp. (Eunajas) Fig. 8 A-D. Caulis 0.8-1 mm, in diameteo, serie hypodermata unica. Internodia in parte superiore caulis spinosa. Folia 2-2.5 cm. longa et 0.7-1 mm. lata dentata in utrinque latere 2-4 in numero. Fructus 4-5 mm, longus et 1.2-2 mm. latus. Shoot branched as usual, stem about 0.8-1 mm. wide with one hypoder- mal layer. Internode with few spines at flowering shoot. Leaves 2-2.5 cm. long, 0.7-1 mm. wide, each side with 2-4 large teeth, but generally without on outside. Apex of sheath toothless or with 3 small teeth. Flower dioecious, stigma three, seed ovoid to ellipsoidal, 4-5 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. wide. Nom. Jap. Hime-ibaramo (nov.). Hab. Honshiu : Prov. Echigo : Fukushimagata et Asahinuma (S. Nor-.20, 1935] S, MIKI-NEW WATER PLANTS ASIA ORIENTALIS 11 777 MIKI ! Jul. 1925) ; Prov. Shinano : Kizakiko (M. KAwAJIRI! Aug, et Nov. 1934) ; Prov. Inaba : Tanegaike (S. MIKI ! Oct. 1923). The plant differs from Najas major ALL, by the shape of leaves and seeds and also by one hypodermal layer instead of two. Key to 8 species of Na jas in Japan except Na jas yezoensis MIYABE (Fl. Hokkaido et Saghalien II 1931, 97) in which only female flowers are known. Fig. 8. A-D. Najas tenuicaulisMIKI n. sp. (From Kisakiko) A. Flowering female shoot, x 1. B. Top of sheath, x 4. C. Seeds, x 4. D. Cross section of stem, x 50. E-I. Najas major ALL. (From Biwako) E. Leaves, viewed slightly oblique, x . F. Cross section leaf, x 50. G. Seeds, x 4. H. Cross sectionof stem, x 50. I. Floweringmale shoot, x 3. I) Dioecious ; shoot with distinct epidermal layer (Subg. Euna jas) . A) 9-11 teeth on each side of leaves, stem with 2 hypodermal layers .........................................Najas major ALL. B) 2-4 teeth on each side of leaves, stem with one hypodermal layer .................................... Na jas tenuicaulis MIKI. II) Monoecious, shoot without distinct epidermal layer (Subg. Caulinia). A) Both flowers covered with spathe, seed curved (Sect. Spathaceae RENDLE) ......................... Na jas ancistrocarpa A. BR. B) Male flower only covered with spathe (Sec. Euvaginatae MAGNUS). a) Leaves subulate. 1) Each node with 3 leaves and one fruit, epidermal cells of testa broader than long. ' Anther one -celled, leaf epidermal cells 40 x 50,u 778 THE BOTANICALMAGAZINE [vol.XLIX, No, 587 .............................Najas minor ALL. ~` Anther 4 -celled, leaf epidermal cells 50 x 90, t ......................... Na jas oguraensis MIKI. 2) Each node with 5 leaves and 2 fruits, epidermal cells of testaa longer than broad.......................... .................. Na jas gracill ima (A. BR.) MAGNUS. b) Leaves thin, epidermal cells of testa distinctly hexagonal . ................................ Na jas f oveolata A. BR. C) Both flowers naked, sheath with long auricle (Sec. Nuda.e RENDLE) ..............................Najas graminea DEL. Ceratophyllum submersum var. manschuricum MIKI (nov.) Fig. 9. Pla,nta aquatica submersa. Caulis 0.7 mm. latus, internodia ca. 5-7 mm, longa. Folia 6-7 verticillata; ca. 2.5 cm, Tonga et 10 mm. lata., 8-11- Fig. 9. CeratophyUum subme:rsum L. var. manshuricum Nimi (nov .) A-B; Leaves, x 1: A, from Tsitsiharu, B, from Tetsurei. C. Leaf magnified, x 20. D. Cross section of leaf, apex, x 100.
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