nr J TIMES. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. 7 THE WASHINGTON - , mmm - - ... -JJ SOLONS PLAN BUYS AERIAL WAR w. EQUIPMENT W- StoreNewsofLansburgh&Brq. FOR TIFF KB FRiDi- - rr 3. jjmmmmmWWimMs The British embargo on American Two Lob 1 goods and efforts, apparently de Editorial Modes In Fine Spring Suits ; New signed to gobble American trade, will Wash Goods Republl- - An enthusiastic merchant be used by "high rotection" wrote a to his former cans Congress an argument for letter in as office boy who had just got- Remnants . tariff up- Chic Fashions for the Spring Appealing in Silhouette and immediate revision of the 'Mm ten back from France ask- Specially Priced ward. to call and see about Tariff legislation probably will be HIh ing him Exemplary in Tailoring among measures present-- 1 mm his old position. Included in these two lots of the earliest ;lSb JRv in walked ed when the Republicans takft the A few days later high-cla- ss white and col- industry b&mH?- - mm in officer's Suits fresh from the tailors hands. They reins in Congress. American the younjf man These are wash goods are thou- niust be helped over the readjustment i uniform two silver bars on ored Kepuu special collection fashion period and then protected, tne i ' Klfe-JH- his shoulders. represent a that our sands of yards all ia $ood lieann arnm. Tentative drafts of a -' lengths and best qualities. new law already have been assembled for early Not only tariff Both employer and employe salon customers. -- made. ' "confused. They consist of voiles, resumes discus-- , were net a little When the Senate do show the smart new lines and touches poplins, . pongee, crepes, sion of Senator Weeks' resolution di- It was so absurd to think of they recting the State Department to In- asking a CAPTAIN to be- xof models, they very foulards, ginghams, ma form the Senate what steps have been come an office boy. But the the advance spring but are suitings, cotton British embargo. dras, and taken to meet the boy cleared the situation by silk mixed Senator King, of Utah, will oppose it stating that he had no inten- extraordinary values. materials. There on the ground that it Is "a slap at - , .. - - -fl are also white dimities, -- i going back into the " tion of an ally." . .IXft-.l- 'ii.' by! j.a' same work. much if you will discover anything voiles, longcloths, pique, TCinc will move to amend it ROT U. CONGER, We doubt very eliminating the statement that the nainsook, cambrics, ba- nephew Edwin had found himself on the . embargo is a direct violation of Presi- of New York, of He quite to equal them in this city at the prices. Also dent Wilson's third peace term, that H. Conger, United States minis- battle fields of France, and tiste and others. against economic barriers. ter to China at the time of the was going to make some- white and colored outings. "The President moant discrimina- purchased thing of himself. tory such measures." said Boxer rebellion, has No matter what goods you tariffs and government King. "The British action applies from the British the There will be thousands of $29.50 to $55.00 most prefer, there is an uniformly." entire aircraft equipment, cost- boys back from the war who assortment here to satisfy ing more than $10,000,000, used will want something better Navy' blue and black are the two most popular colors as yet, but your wishes. "WAS COLUMBUS A by Canada In training air fight- than they had. we have plenty of other shades for those who prefer them. On Table No. 1, values to TOPIC ers. JEW?" IS GORDON'S The price of the deal has not We hope they get it. $1.00 per yard, for 39c been made public, but it is known Materials are Tricotines, Serges, per yard. Christopher a Jew?"' ?400,000 was pre- "Was Columbus that an offer of - On Table No. 2, values to and "is the United States headed for viously rejected by the British Gabardines, Poiret Twills- and Poplins 5oc per yard, per Hard Times?" are two of the ques- government. for 25c tions that will be discussed tonight at It will give us decided pleasure to show these to you. yard. the "question drawer" conducted by First Floor. Lansburgh & Bro. the Rev. Dr. James I Gordon, at the Second Flooi1 Lansburgh & Bro. First Congregational Church. Tenth SOLDIER TELLS OF and G streets northwest. Dr. Gordon has prepared a list of twelve questions bearing on current events and on Issues of tho war, whicii Opening of For meeting-Othe- Be New Section tonight's r HOLD-U- Work For Boys Can't Comfortable Trill be discussed at SEEING P quej-ie- s to be discussed are: "What kind of a gift did the Pope present to President Wilson?" Without Warm Clothing "How does.it happen that so many Misses' Hats ex-scho- ol Embroiderers and Children's of the war workers are After an all-nig- ht search, police of They are' out of doors a great deal of the time or they teachers?" the Ninth precinct today are without "Will not bone-dr- y prohibition re- We really shouldn't say "work," ought to be ana tney must a greater use of drugs and to- a clue to the identity of two negro Cute little straw pokes and mushrooms sult in young to pro- bacco?" highwaymen who held up three because our stamped goods is have the right clothes trimmed with ribbon rosettes, white men at the point of a pistol on a to kMH K tect them. It means comfort Brentwood road, near the District so dainty that it's pleasure streamers, and small bunches of ,. y line, last night. sew on them. and it means health. flowers and wreaths. i HAIR COWING OUT? j The hold-u- p was reported by Carl twenty-tw- o years sol- Three are mentioned here: i n Klein, old. a i i t Suits, $6.98 Also fine milan pokes with ribbon ,1Lil dier, living Mt. Rainier, Md. Klein irrita- at Infants' Gertrudes, of fine nainsook Made of heavy winter fabrics of brown Dandruff causes a feverish told the police as he and his sis- around the crown and streamers in tion of the scalp, the hair roots that stamped in dainty new designs. and gray mixtures. In trench and Nor- shrink, loosen and then the hair ter. Miss Pauline Klein, were on their Each S1.00 and S1.25. folk models, full lined. Knicker trou- combination colors. comes out fast. To stop falling way to this city in an automobile last Hand-mad- sers. Suits will wear well and iio-i-r once night they saw a masked highway- e Children's Dresses of that si wiu get aZ 18 years. Hats designed for the little folks and which every particle of dandruff any man holding three young white men extra fine material, stamped in please the boy. Sizes 7 to 2411 bottle of Danderine at bay point a pistol on will attract instant attention. ittle at at the of :irusr store tor a iev ceu, dainty designs. Sizes 1 to 4 in your hand and rub it into Brentwood road. years. Each 1.25 to $5.00. Mackinaws, $6.98 the scalp. After several applica- Klein told the police that as he Prices are $2.00 to $750. tions the hair stops coming out stopped his car a second robber ap- Dresser Scarfs, lace trimmed, in Made of heavy plaid mackinaw cloth, with you can't find any dandruff. peared and told him to drive off. Po- convertible collars, patch pockets with A wonderful variety in a special department. Galpin, of Ninth precinct, cluny effects. New patterns to liceman the from. Size 18 by 45 inches. flaps, buckled belts and storm cuffs. went to the scene of the reported select overplaids. Watch our Window Display. hold-u- p. Choice of popular bizes but could find no trace of Each $1.25. - 8 to 18 years. Second Lansburgh- &. Bro. , either the highwaymen or their vic- Third Floor. Lansburgh & Bro. Fifth Floor. Lansburgh & Bra Floor BEIS tims. None of the three victims of the alleged hold-u- p has reported the inci- n dent to the police. ,FEM Linoleums, Cretonnes, Draperies, Etc., In 39c Sale RIBBONS B TO GIVE SOLDIERS 10c Yard IF GONSTIPATED At For One Day Only Here is a miscellaneous lot of Prices Are Way Below Wholesale ribbons, namely grosgrain Look at tongue! Then give THEIR OLD U. S. JOBS with gold or silver edge, 79c Sunfast Plain Potter's Quality 74c moire with loop edge, gros- fruit laxative for stomach, grain with metal stripe, 5-i- nch satin in a few shades. liver, bowels. Linoleum 39c Sq. Yd. Some of these ribbons could an- Potter's The Civil Service Commission Madras Table Oilcloth be used to good advantage all civil serv- I "California Syrup of Figs" nounced yesterday that V iMV- VH as hat bands; others will be up posi- ' - mm Mill this famous ice employes who gave their ZfSSZs. lengths of many pur- tions to enter the army or navy !jgPVk found to fit other can't harm children and felt-bac- would be reinstated upon being dis- k linoleum, in poses. You will be delight- they love it. charged. Yard At Yard ed at the quality for the Calling attention to an order issued 39c fC Aff21 xMX AeJvA 5 wood, tile or conventional 39C small price. Take your by President Wilson last July pro- choice of the entire lot A any designs.
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