AY«nfC Dafly >Iet PrcM Rain r k a r n m t h n F«r tiM Week IM M m m la v, 9. Wmtim y Nov. me m t mieia 13,04« V M # m m fyuutr. W en i> 'itaBlMr of tko AwHt " . Bnnoa of Olrealotloo. M m eheiter-^A Cky of Village Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO, 54 V (TWBNTT PAGRS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSOAV, OECEMBER S, 1559 (UlMolfMf A ^w m oig M ERlaE FIVE C E t m iators Agree S t e e l S e e n o n Nartford, Dec. 8 (A>>—M an-tn^ord, leridon. Southington jRact Term s and Manghester'nnu vote through­ agement and union^negotia- out the-day on accepting, or re­ Washitigton, Dec. 8 (/P)— tore ^ nac^ied e-^-' tentative jecting, the terms reached. mwnrteel in^try'g chief ne­ Frejus, France, Dec. 8 (g^-r-K maMlve wall of water re- agreement on a new contract Pa^dd Frasser, president of In­ gotiator indicate^ today the leased by thd thundering eollaplilaiwe of a dam left a slnice-of for Pratt 4 Wfiitnejr Aircraft dustrial Aircraft Lodges Itdd and industry wouldn’t necessarily death, allt and deatructfon today along the rich Reytan River early thia mbniing. ■' 17S6-A ^Representing PSeWA work- valley in the French Riviera. *nie agraement between a nego­ ^ew, reported that “Improvements stand pat on its latest df|er to tiating team from lilted Al^ *^have been made in bote economic the uni^n for a contract a^eef-f At least 184, persons are dead, and 160 missing. IJnoffidid craft Corporation headed by (wage) and non-eoonbmic condi­ ment. estimates said, the final toll would reach 300, tin F, Burke, vice president/;ror tions." Asked by newsmen whetheo- the Millions of tons of water backed up behind- the 185-foot ' ' induatriai realtors, and represen­ However, it was learned that the current industry proposal Is its high Malpasset dam by flve day# of heavy r^ n were loosed tatives of District 91, ■ Intematiqn- contract offer calls'for, a S per anal one, R. Conrad CVmper said: upon the peacefully sleeping fartn 'valley laat night. ~ il Association of Ifachinists, AFLp, cent pay boost for white collar em­ T'“"rhis 'is urn' offer'we think is the water smashed* houses, uprooted.treeB, rolled over Mg' trueka, , CIO, canie after nearly 17 hours ployes at PAWA, and Increases in proper one that should be accept-: V of intensive meetings at the Stat- th V ll labor grades as follows: / ed." derailed trains and broke telegraph and telephone Doles. Hilton, starting early Wednes- . Orade 1, 12 cents; grade 2, 11 Cooper' talked b ri^ y with re^ Hours after-r-aa rescuers began arriving and the waters ^ y morning and. e x t e n d i'n g cents; "grade's. Id cehts; grade 4, porters as he was entering a, new subsided into the Mediterranean—the full disastMr became . through to around S a.m. nine centiK grades 5-7, eighty cents, session with governm^t mediators. apparent. The 4-mfle wide valley 16 milea aouthwest of The end of the contract talks and grades'8^1, seven cents. To'.a question as <to w het^h he was Cannes was a jumbled canal of wiSEkage and ailt. «ame 'three hours beyond the of­ These p i^ boosts would take ef­ optimistic, .Co<mer,’ Bteei ficial termination hour (midnight) fect Dec. 7. executive, replied; w : . The rushing waters partly flooded thia town of 184500 ' of the oldx contract. Other provlsionS\«portedly in­ *T am alwmjv hopeful—I wouldn’t whic,h was founded by Julius Caesar in 49 B.C.,.and was Terms of the new pact were clude a liffe insurmice increase use the wofd optimistic." one of tlm landing points in the Allied invasion of soothem not Officially' revealed' in accord­ from $4,000 to $0,000, and that the In sum. Cooper’s remarks seemed France jn' 1944, , ance with union desires, until they day "before ChrisOnaa be­ to leave the .door open for a pos^ The old Roman amphitheater, the town’s 'main tourist a t­ are presented to members in come a permanent holiday. slble new industry offer sometime meetings being held today. The before the industry's “last offer" traction, was under water. "n . ' membership from pHmts in East (ContliBned on Pago Eight) is to be submitted to the eteel- Lines of bodies lay in the morgues of Frejus and nearby woHters in a govemment^eld poll towns* ... * ih WidAlanuary unlese there is an ■'i Wh is how the Malpasaet^'Dam appeared before it broke. 'agreement meantime. Pieire Seraud, watchman at the dam, was picked up wHh Tl^O^qurreRt proposal osliq Ssr a. his wife by helicopter this morning. $-y«ar Coiitraot \)ith wage-beiV ' “About 9 o’clock I heard a terrific cracking,’’ he,said. "I gains valued by the industry at screamed to my wife, 'We must save ourselves, the dam Is cents an hbUr and by the uoioh breaking,’ Forty-nine milliott ciibfc meters of water (nearly at 94 cants pOr hour. Latest avail­ able govemmen;"'i^irnings Aguras 10 billion gallons) broke lose at one blow, cairyinff every­ for ' steelwofkera ritpw $3.11-an- thing with it. My wife and I were able to get to high ground hour averag.e includihg overtime where we spent a. hmrrible night.” , and other premhiina. - Sauver Gil. a railway worker, said he heard a m igh^ rger Wi7asltington, Of)—^ThvOnicatioha act provides for crlfinal . During present government and the next thing he knew “My door waa burst ofien by the Federalleral Qnnnuijbmmunlcattons Chmfnts- penalties''Up to $10,000 line or one mediation efforts, .intion president surging water.” ' aton today ordered every broad­ year lmp«wcinment, dr both for David -.T. MeDogald h is cflhteiidijl casting station 4p the country to "wilfur violations of any of its the Industry was taking an in^ By the time I got out of. bsd:^tlie water waa a t iny aheoL report promptly Whether any payi- sections. " ders,” he continue. “My mother, apd | ebpif to a pla practice has figUred in its op­ The n^w FGC action “growing mattresa. The water kept comtfvmitd the.faeaM we were erations during the out of investigations into rigged pressed agatast'tlrr l - l s The dlfective.went odl tn S.SSii ahbvflrpdyiriditor.to'' dllic Mauy bodies were djaeovetSd |u a lea of teud on Verdun stations. It covers both opmidorclal Jockeys ro plug IS, and hon­ esty An TV_ advortlsihf. precedes MAR Extends Avenue in Frejus; and educational outlets in "the public hearings the FCC will be- Fifteen persona, including two ehlldr«a, dtjog to a shudder­ standard radio, FM radio artd tele^^^ mn Monday on Us powerd\to-regu­ ing old mill through the night And were Saved just before vision fields. - • ' late the content of broadedat pro­ jPnlse Taking The FCC order requires that the g ra m the building collajMed. stations fUa^ sworn statemants not Another- ageny,, the Federal ..'TTgaiiie The French, government proclaimed the valley a disaster later than Jan. 4. covering station Trade CMmmiasion is making an 5. Via.*'-*-'.'**-*- ia J U J . 81*6 A • operations since Nov. 1, 1958. extensive inveatigation of alleged . _ ' ____ The Frcsich sireraft cairler Payola is a farm covering pay­ payoffs by recording corapi^les to Sulphur Springs, W.Va.. Lafayette, formerly the UBS Lang: ments for promotlhg records. di.se Jockeys to promote their rec-| 3 Nelson A. Rocke- ley, served s* a floating, hospital Officials said ,th« object of to­ and flight dpek |o r 15 reeoue heli- Bnfletliis day's order Is tp trace down the coptm . The UB„, Air Tore* of­ from the AE E^irw handling of "sneaky commetcials" fered to parachuete aid if tieoea- ..... —plugs on the air which are' paid bv i^ * " «>i»ql08ing his presidential in- sary.. • - . for but not,so identified. Top French ofitciala ruehed to BENBON Df B O S m ’AE. The officials noted that the Fed­ television and radio disc Jocke^ p “ “ ' A"* the scene to assess the,need for re­ Vraohlagton. Dws. S eral Communications Act ,spe- Several sections of the country are A Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and lief. The Navy p«-eparod toitially reiaiy of Agrtcaltoro Ezra Taft cl^cally requii^es that all matter being -checked, he said, naming •rida are being added to a filial to feed 10,0000 people. Army engi­ Bensen win undergo an put'^n the air for which a re­ New Tfork, Philadelphia, Cleveland pul^erfeeling tour which already neers loaded equipment on boats Ean tOr removed of Ue gaU hia#> muneration has been paid to any­ and Chicago as iinong them. included Indiana. Minnesota and to get emergency houaing started. der sit Walter BOed Anay Hoo« Wlaeonsih,,^ >Sj\ one m ust'be Identlfled as a com-' 'Kintner iald “commercial brlb- The French radio appealed -fm pltal tomorrow. The homiHal merclal. erv” has bee rgeogniaed 'as a vip- A fellow'''.^publican governor, money for relief. ^ aaaOaaeOd the fltoerelaRLABter* ' 'Penalties for. violations could laElon of the 9*TC Act In several who didn’t want his name used, Unidentified rescuers remove body of flood 'victim at Frejus, France. court cases. The Navy prowled the shore of ed the heopttal go tm ^ n nge from a epmmiaslon repri­ said he has a hunch' that Rocke­ the Mediterranean, which was lowing a pmod ^ artenalttent mand to a license reyocation pro­ feller’s decision srtil be ..against aento sttacffii^ef gaU bladder (Oontinned on Fbga Eleven) ' - TTfc »a e A • * strewn for milesmile* wMwith wreckage, ceeding.
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