'I - w y , ^TUESDAY, JtJTE 27,1989 THE tYBAHlEB ------ -Si AY’CRAGE p.AILY CnCXJLATlON £Im trftrArr Snnttno H rraUt Foreeaet of U. S. Bealber itareau for the mboth ot May, IMS the board to team if the same rate Partly doiHly with eboware to- EMKIUIKNCY DOCTOIW j C O m p i E E S SELECTED per ton would hold If the achool 6,238 nlgtat; Tbunday partly cloudy, not Kemp’s ^m era I MEETING TODAY board purchased 84b tons Instead ot phyalclana of the Manchester! I Member ot the Audit ■nodi ehango In temperature. the 1,640 aa called for in the bM- Medical aasoclation who w ill' “ Gontesi^ Bureau of Ctrculattoos G. E. WUlli haa replied that the rate respond to emergency calls t^ FOR MASONIC OUTINC j Wed. A . M. Specials^ MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLi^tGE CHARM Oeater Church choir will h»v» ■ i OF JOINT BOARD would be the same. ' j / rahcuul and party thii cvrnlns at rhorrow afternoon are Dr. A. B. Tbg joint achool board this after- j T o'clock at the home o f Mr*. Jennie Siindqulat and Dr. W. L. Conlon. store Closes At 12:30 P. Mt W ednesdaya.____ noon, a* far as the selectmen are (Claaatfled .Adverttstig on Page |4) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, Jl^'E 28. 1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS B. Abom of iJcNall itreet. Three pifferent Groups Join concerned, will suggest to the school i VOL. LVIIL, NO. 229 To Hold Outdoor Party At board that the question of paying ~ Sanitex Layette Cloth ■ w llisa Dorothy Toat of Hi^laon Mary Byahnell Cheney auxiliary Villa lAiuise On July l.'i. Selectmen, School Directors •6.000 for a change over in the cen- j atroat haa Invited member* of Mu member* and copjaade* of Ward tral heating plant be referred to a BlCma Chi aoclety of the Seronil Cheney camp. U. S. W. V. will hold town meeting for final action Instead ' GOWNS and KIMONAS New Lease On iJfe For Alice OongTCEatlonal church, to hold an the final get tojelh er of the aeailnn Committee* have been named to To Discoss Budget; Mat­ of having the joint achool board paas IMAN DROWNS for bablea. Absorbent and comfortable C ■ » _ ouUnx Saturday, July 8, at the ohore tomorrow evening, rain or ahine, at take charge of the joint outing t)e- on the question. SHEA PROSECUTOR eottace of her family. Thoae Infrr- the home of.Mra. Ethelyn Lewla of ter Of Coal Coming Up. This Is' the reason that the con- -eaay to Uunder and dry quickly. CB-. WILL START PARLEYS eatad In Ifolng are reqiicated to Vernon atreet. Cara will be pro­ Ing aponaored by ^Ihree Maaontc tract,haa not been signed. bodlea at the Villa lymlae In Bolton ' AFTER JUMP contact Rlchaid Smith, dial C272. aa vided for all who need tranaporta- ' . Baby Shop. aooo a* poaalble ao that tranaporla' tlon If they will be at the State Ar­ on Satiinla;.'. July 1ft. The Maaonic mory at 6:IS. group* taking part are Mani beater G.\E. Wlllla A Sons, who were AS BOWERS NAMES tlOR may be provided. tyslge of Mnaona: Della CTiapter, the lo^blddera for the furnishing of Regular 39c, 16 ” x 43” Hand Blocked \ I FROM BRIDGE Mrs. I-ouls Marte and ehlldren. Koyal Arch Maaona; and Nutmeg ON TIENTSIN DISPUTE; Mra. Daniel Flliiferald of W ater­ 1.640 of soft coal for the locj^l Marjorie and Paul of B«-nton atreet, Forest. Tall Cedars of Lebanon. 1 ford 1* iq>endlnit a few daya with her aehoola hAd not aa yet been advlaed F. E. BRAY will leave tomorrow fcir Clant’a The committee representing thn mother. Mr*. Mary Deggett of 38 by the H c l^ l Board that he will be CRASH SCARFS TOWN COURT AIDES N8ck, where they will apend the Maafinle Irxlge nonalirta of ftoy Nor­ JEWELER I Leaves Car Registered in Waahlngton atreet. given the eivntrart. The reason for month of July at the Barber Cot­ ris. William Hiinnlfotyl and Albert thla la that the decision will he made Stale Theater Building tage. Mr. Marte will join hla fam .MrLean. The (Tiapter committee la While niey Laat: Mlaw-caves Ur. and Mr*. Oacar Johnoon of at the joint n\Mtlng o f'th e achool 737 Main Street 1 9 c ea. ««*••• WIFE HKLP8 DBNTIRT , Name Of Louis Y. Gaber- TOKYO TO BE SCENE lly.for the week-end*. Ray Warren, Willard Horton and Summit atreet were gueata of honor iKiard and aelei\men to be held, late Herman Yules As Assistant GET CHANTE TO FISH Herlierl I.eggett. The Tati Cedar* -1 at a aurprlae celebration of their Tennla Inatructlon. will be given by today at the aelAdman's office. , Juat the thing for Summer use. Smart floral patterns in eommlltce la compo'-ed ,if Boliert In addition to \he school budget Mexican and rfovelty designs for efery room In the house. Guar­ Cheyenne. Wyo., June 28.— IIP, j man To Phmge Into Con- WORKMEN, NOT THIEVES, 30th dreddl'ng annlveraary laat night Howard Hniwn to Tennla club mem- Ilongan, Joseph Lilt* a.nd\ Janies at theihome. of their aon in-law and Ilf $.372,91S on whicti the joint board Watch and Jewelry anteed faat colot. Prosecutor, Edward C. —Dr. Floyd C. Naegell wouldn't RE.MOVEH IRON STAIRS Chamberlam Annooncet tiera at the Y M. C. A. court to­ DUka>>n. / .daughter, Mr. and Mra. Sherwood T. will act there la alao'a recommenda­ - miss any chance to flah for trout. JAPS TO POSH night at 7 o'clock. • Any member of the Masonic fra­ nectiimt River At Hartford Culumbla-, 8. C„ June 28.—(Aft— Smith. The relative* and fplemla First-prize wlnnc^ for the founUi tion from the board \hat 36,000 be ' Repairing At Domestic Department. : That’s why Mrs. Neegell. aubum- ternity la ^ordlally lnvlte<l to at- Elliott, Jr., Probation Of­ I haired mother of two eons, took Police thought It strange when a gotiatioDs Will B e ^ Ie k ' preaented them with a handanme The Ijidlea' Aid aorlety of the week in Kemp'n Camera content appropriated for the Ranging over I ten;l the outing. A fulp sport* prci- of the heating lyatera In the central an examination for a_dentlrt'a li­ frantic home owner reported, Chippendale mirror. Mrs. Carl H- North Methodlat church will meet submitted by MarKnret KltzKeralfl FOR SUPPORT gram la planneit and an excclUnl heating plant on Hchool Htreet from Reasonable Prices Stamps Given With Ca-sh Sale.s. cense. someone had stolrit his iron | Peteraoh aaalated the hoateaa. there tomorrow afternoon at 2 of the Mancheater Ktectrlc Co. Ha.TX.tnrd, June 28.— (PI—L-eavtng mediately; Assumes J a ^ ilinner will be aerveil. Tickets may coal to oil. The board haa estimated ficer; Take Office July 1. ' "Of course I like dentistry my­ stairs. They weighed 1,000 o ’clock to complete work la forc the lie secured from any iiiemlier of' .-i car which police *sld waa register­ pounds. I The Sunday .School teacher* and ■ ’lat such a change would mean that Step In and See One of Man­ self,”. she Bald, "and the doctor aummer vacatlim. the eommltteea named nb»ive. ugalnat iM her G. M^erH, 32, of 401 ; IK) ton* nf soft coal would not have IS the only dentist in Jackson ed in the name of Loiila T. Gaber- O F C n E N C y Investigation disclosed work­ offlcera o f the Emanuel Lutheran chester’s Largest Selections anese Soldiers’ Treatmeik church will hold their regular (/enter atreet and Joaeph Uriola, 40, I u> be used. Attorney rjiysiond, R. Bowers, (pop. 700.) Soiwben he's Ashing man, assiatont U. S. attorney, a man men sent out to remove some A aon waa horn Saturday at St *>^113 Spruce atreet. monthly meeting tonight at 7 I Rate Would Be Hama of Greeting Cards for All Th€ J W .H A L C CORP. who will become judge -of the Town I’ll be there to Ax the tooth- leaped Into the Connecticut river stslrs had gone to the wrong Franela hnapital to Mr. and Mr- C^>ntinucd to Friday waa the non i Following the meeting o f the j aches.” house. Of British Subjects W 9 o’clock. The committee In charge Frank Scarlato of Hartford, forniei- Occasions. MANCHESTER COHN* Court of Man- hesti'f’ on Saturday, from the Bulkeley Memorial bridge of the congregational picnic wdll support caae nf Gummr JCoaejidahl. I school board a, week ago yeateruay "I won’t have a bothering con­ Determined To Jncinde Ques­ ly of thla town. POLICE COURT July 1, today atinoutlced hla court today and drowned. meet at 8 o'clock. 2M, ofNfcfUit Hartford. • , Superintendent tiling waa asked by science out on the lake,”- beamed Cease; Cabinet Recehret j Found guilty oT a . rharjce nf. off Inals aa follow s:' ^hef husband. , Detective Capt. Andrew J. Wil­ tion In Negotiations On The Dlacuaalon Club of the Ijidlea' I .«|>ee<lln|f Inat n(f(bt In town court \ ' Pmaecutlng Attorney, William J. liams said that "all Indications ” Auxiliary to the A.O.H. will meet HOSPITAL NOTES I Henjamtn ^Ttkewlj^. 27. of 15 Main Bhea. * - point to the identiflcatlnn of the vic­ CHURCHILL ALSO News Of Japan’s R ea£ tonight at 7:30 r^clock In the kinder­ Wllllmantfe. waa fined $15 A.iaiatant Pr<’.erntlng Attorney, tim aa Gaberman, but said police Arbitration Of Tientsin garten room of St.
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