Public Document Pack SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL THURSDAY, 21 DECEMBER, 2017 Please find attached the Public Minutes in respect of Item 8 on the agenda for the above meeting 8. Committee Minutes (Pages 3 - 142) 5 mins Consider Minutes of the following Committees:- (a) Civic Government Licensing 20 October 2017 (b) William Hill Trust 25 October 2017 (c) Audit & Scrutiny 26 October 2017 (d) Tweeddale Locality 1 November 2017 (e) Planning & Building Standards 6 November 2017 (f) Executive 7 November 2017 (g) Local Review Body 8 November 2017 (h) Hawick Common Good Fund 8 November 2017 (i) Eildon Locality 9 November 2017 (j) Police, Fire & Rescue and Safer Comms 10 November 2017 (k) Audit & Scrutiny 13 November 2017 (l) Hawick Common Good Fund 14 November 2017 (m) Teviot & Liddesdale Locality 14 November 2017 (n) Lauder Common Good Fund 15 November 2017 (o) Civic Government Licensing 17 November 2017 (p) Local Review Body 20 November 2017 (q) Executive 21 November 2017 (r) Community Planning Strategic Board 23 November 2017 (s) Selkirk Common Good Fund 28 November 2017 (t) Audit & Scrutiny 30 November 2017 (u) Planning & Building Standards 4 December 2017 (v) Executive 5 December 2017 (w) Jedburgh Common Good Fund 6 December 2017 (x) Kelso Common Good Fund 6 December 2017 (y) Standards 7 December 2017 (z) Galashiels Common Good Fund 7 December 2017 (aa) Innerleithen Common Good Fund 12 December 2017 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8 (a) Civic Government Licensing 20 October 2017 (b) William Hill Trust 25 October 2017 (c) Audit & Scrutiny 26 October 2017 (d) Tweeddale Locality 1 November 2017 (e) Planning & Building Standards 6 November 2017 (f) Executive 7 November 2017 (g) Local Review Body 8 November 2017 (h) Hawick Common Good Fund 8 November 2017 (i) Eildon Locality 9 November 2017 (j) Police, Fire & Rescue and Safer Comms 10 November 2017 (k) Audit & Scrutiny 13 November 2017 (l) Hawick Common Good Fund 14 November 2017 (m) Teviot & Liddesdale Locality 14 November 2017 (n) Lauder Common Good Fund 15 November 2017 (o) Civic Government Licensing 17 November 2017 (p) Local Review Body 20 November 2017 (q) Executive 21 November 2017 (r) Community Planning Strategic Board 23 November 2017 (s) Selkirk Common Good Fund 28 November 2017 (t) Audit & Scrutiny 30 November 2017 (u) Planning & Building Standards 4 December 2017 (v) Executive 5 December 2017 (w) Jedburgh Common Good Fund 6 December 2017 (x) Kelso Common Good Fund 6 December 2017 (y) Standards 7 December 2017 (z) Galashiels Common Good Fund 7 December 2017 (aa) Innerleithen Common Good Fund 12 December 2017 Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL CIVIC GOVERNMENT LICENSING COMMITTEE MINUTE of Meeting of the CIVIC GOVERNMENT LICENSING COMMITTEE held in COMMITTEE ROOMS 2 AND 3, COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, NEWTOWN ST BOSWELLS on Friday, 20 October 2017 at 11.00 a.m. Present:- Councillors J. Greenwell (Chairman), J. Brown D. Paterson, N. Richards, S. Scott, R. Tatler, E. Thornton-Nicol, G. Turnbull, T. Weatherston. In Attendance:- Managing Solicitor – Property and Licensing, Licensing Team Leader, Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officers (Mr I. Tunnah and Mr M Wynne), Democratic Services Officer (F Henderson), Inspector T. Hodges and PC C Lackenby- Police Scotland. 1.0 MINUTE 1.1 The Minute of the Meeting of 22 September 2017. DECISION APPROVED and signed by the Chairman. 2.0 LICENCES ISSUED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 2.1 Miscellaneous Licences issued under delegated powers between 13 September and 11 October 2017. DECISION NOTED. 3.0 PRIVATE BUSINESS DECISION AGREED under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the business detailed in the Appendix to this Minute on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 12 of part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Act. SUMMARY OF PRIVATE BUSINESS 4.0 GRANT OF TAXI DRIVER LICENCE – PAUL MASON 4.1 The Committee agreed to refuse the application for a Taxi Driver Licence submitted by Paul Mason. 5.0 RENEWAL OF TAXI DRIVER LICENCE – DAVID McCUDDEN 5.1 The Committee agreed to grant the Renewal of a Taxi Driver Licence submitted by David McCudden. 6.0 RENEWAL OF TAXI DRIVER LICENCE – ALAN WATT 6.1 The Committee agreed to continue the application for the Renewal of a Taxi Driver Licence submitted by Alan Watt to a future meeting. Page 5 7.0 MINUTE 7.1 The Private section of the Minute of 22 September 2017 was approved. The meeting concluded at 11.50 a.m. Page 6 SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL WILLIAM HILL TRUST SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES of Meeting of the WILLIAM HILL TRUST SUB-COMMITTEE held in the Convener's Office, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells on Wednesday 25 October 2017 at 11.00 am. Present:- Councillors D. Parker and K. Drum. Apologies:- Councillor T. Miers. In Attendance:- Capital and Investments Manager (K Robb), Principal Solicitor (H MacLeod), Democratic Services Officer (P Bolson). 1. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM MELROSE FESTIVAL EXECUTIVE 1.1 The Chairman explained that the meeting had been convened in order to consider further the Application for Financial Assistance from Melrose Festival Executive which had been submitted to the Sub-Committee on 21 September 2017. There had been copies of an excerpt of the Minute of the meeting of 21 September 2017 along with a copy of the outcome letter to Melrose Festival Executive and their response. Mrs Evelyn Oliver and Mr James Marjoribanks were in attendance in support of the Application. 1.2 The Chairman thanked Mrs Oliver for the updated information provided in relation to the Financial Application and discussion followed in relation to other funding options which might be available in addition to Melrose Common Good Fund. Members noted that no application to the Community Grant Scheme was possible during the current financial year as the budget within that Scheme had been fully allocated. Members confirmed their support for the Application for Financial Assistance and agreed in principle to funding the Application in full. The Chairman suggested that the Festival Executive could submit an Application to the Community Grant Scheme for consideration at the beginning of the 2018/19 financial year and that this would still fit the timescales for the purchasing of the items in advance of the Melrose Festival 2018. Mr Marjoribanks confirmed that the Festival Committee would be happy with this. It was therefore agreed that a payment from the William Hill Trust Fund in the sum of £4,400 be made at the beginning of the financial year 2018/19. With regard to the balance of funding required, it was further agreed that the Melrose Festival Executive would submit an application to the Community Grant Scheme at the beginning of the financial year 2018/19 and that the William Hill Trust Fund would meet any shortfall in the financial application at that time. The Council’s Grants Co-ordinator would assist with the application to the Community Grant Scheme. DECISION AGREED that :- (a) financial assistance be granted at the beginning of the financial year 2018/19 to Melrose Festival Executive in the sum of £4,400 to assist with the purchase of new seating, frames, trolleys and bunting; and (b) following confirmation of the outcome of a funding application to the Community Grant Scheme at the beginning of the financial year 2018/19, the William Hill Trust Fund would grant further funding to meet any shortfall in the financial application at that time. 2. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM GATTONSIDE COMMUNITY TRUST Page 7 There had been circulated copies of an Application for Financial for Assistance on behalf of Gattonside Community Trust. The Application explained that the Community Trust was looking to acquire an area of meadow within Gattonside Conservation Area for the purpose of increasing its biodiversity, facilitating education on the flora and fauna of the area and on sustainable natural development. The Community Trust was hopeful that this project would benefit local residents, school children and tourism in the area. The Application was in the sum of £2,500 to cover the costs for land surveys and associated legal expenses. During the discussion that followed, Members raised concerns about the lack of information relating to the Application and the longer term aspects of the project such as maintenance of the area, responsibility for the land etc. In addition, officers raised questions about whether the Application met the criteria required by the Trust Deed. No representative from Gattonside Community Trust had been able to attend the meeting therefore it was agreed that the Sub-Committee write to the Trust to request further information about:- its plans for land surveys; what the legal expenses would cover, what actions were required prior to purchase of any land and what progress had been made in terms of a feasibility study. Following a response, the Sub-Committee would consider the Application at a future meeting. DECISION AGREED:- (a) to write to Gattonside Community Trust to request further information about its plans for land surveys; what the legal expenses would cover; what actions were required prior to purchase of any land and what progress had been made in terms of a feasibility study; and (b) that following a response from the Gattonside Community Trust, the Application for Financial Assistance would be considered further at a future meeting of the William Hill Trust Sub-Committee. The meeting concluded at 11.25am Page 8 SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MINUTES of Meeting of the AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE held in Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells on Thursday, 26 October 2017 at 10.00 am Present:- Councillors S.
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