Boeing 737600 ^ EIDCL Ryanair i Boeing Colours Leeds Bradford 28 January 2006 Andrew Edwards CHAIR Cliff JAYNE tel: 0113 249 7114 SECRETARY Jim STANFIELD tel: 0113 258 9968 TREASURER David VALENTINE 8 St Margaret's Avenue and MEMBERSHIP Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RY tel: 0113 228 6143 01 Saturday Assistant Treasurer Pauline VALENTINE GJEDU DHC8 400 0807 0846 GJEDM DHC8 400 0817 0901 MAGAZINE EDITOR Cliff JAYNE 27 Luxor Road, Leeds LS8 5BJ GJECL DHC8 400 0859 1011 PHOFB Fokker100 0925 1029 tel: 0113 249 7114 GWOWB DHC8 300 0933 1034 CSDHM Citation Bravo 0956 1033 email: airvorkstaaol.com 1009 1135 EIDLE Boeing 737/800 1027 1117 Assistant Editor Sheila JAYNE ECGXU MD83 GFRYI King Air 8.200 1035 1106(02) GRJXi EMBUS 1042 1129 MEETINGS COORDINATOR AlanSINFIELD tel: 01274 619679 GRJXL EMB135 1132 1506(02) N249SR Hawker 800A 1152 1730 email: alan smfieldgjairyorkshire.orquk GSTRJ Boeing 737/300 1217 1319 EIDAC Boeing 737/800 1606 1647 VISITS ORGANISER Paul WINDSOR tel: 0113 250 4424 PHWXA Fokker 70 1613 1723 GNIVA Eurocopter EC. 155 1642 1240(02) HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT MikeWILLINGALE SEDZi Boeing 737/800 1831 2042 PHOFB Fokker100 2056 0626(02) COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lavi/rie COLDBECK, John DALE, Clifford HADWIN. GRJXF EMB145 2136 0701(02) 20052006 Denis STENNING, Geoff WARD 02 Sunday ECGOM MD83 0853 0956 GZAPU Boeing 757 0901 1039 GMIDR Airbus 320 0925 1044 PHOFB Fokker100 0932 1033 PA31 Chieftain 0945 1905 GRJXI EMBUS 1102 1350 Air Yorkshire Code of Conduct: a memt)er should not commit any act which would bring GLIDE 1303 1357 GJIVE Hughes 369E 1340 1407 the Society into disrepute in any way. GJEDL DHC8 400 GBYAK Boeing 757 1345 1550 GJEBE BAe 146/300 1347 1435 1417 1455 GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1457 1513 Disclaimer: the views expressed in articles in the magazine are EICSC Boeing 737/800 1614 1716 GCCFC Robinson R.44 1641 1700 not necessarily those of the editor and the committee. PHWXD Fokker 70 GRJXC EMBUS 1647 1743 GMAJI 41 1650 1739 GRJXi EMB145 16S3 1747 GRJXE EMBUS 1718 1800 GRJXL EMB135 1727 1813 GMIDR Airbus 320 1809 1923 GWOWD DHC8 300 1841 1930 GJECL DHC8 400 1929 2004 EIDLF Boeing 737/800 1958 2045 GRJXL EMB13S 2009 0715(03) At our May meeting we had the pleasure of welcoming Tim Jeans, Managing Director of Monarch GMAJH 41 2011 0701(03) GJEAJ BAe 146/200 2022 2109 Scheduled Services. GRJXi EMBUS 2050 0710(03) PHOFE Fokker100 2100 0623(03) RJXE EMBUS 2103 0718(03) GMIDR Airbus 320 2154 0659(03) It was very interesting to hear of Tim's previous aviation experience, having worked for Manchester GSTRJ Boeing 737/300 2209 1004(03) GRJXC EMBUS 2222 0748(03) Airport, Ryanair and Mytravel. He gave us some insight as to how low cost airlines operate, 03 Monday costing out. preparing new services, introducing other airports. CSDFT C.560 Citation XLS 0727 0848 GJEDL DHC8 400 0741 0821 GWOWB DHC8 300 0843 0925 GRJXi EMBUS 0917 09S7 Monarch has a mixture of aircraft, Boeing and Airbus. Monarch and other airlines regret the GRJXE EMBUS 0919 1511 GMIDR Airbus 320 0927 1037 decision of Boeing to cancel production of new 757s, a valued aircraft, so useful for many low Fokker100 0930 1030 GMAJH 41 0934 1015 cost and scheduled services. We reviewed the prospect of the new Boeing 787 aircraft for the PHOFE 0937 133S GRJXL EMB13S 1007 1045 future, longer routes, better fuel consumption, 20% less, so more beneficial, GMAJD 41 VPCLD C.SSO Citation 2 1013 1323 EIDCH Boeing 737/800 1024 1109 EMBUS 1118 14S8 GRJXI EMBUS 1143 1349 Tim had kindly agreed to a question and answer session, and some interesting questions were GRJXC 1214 14S4 GJEAW BAe 146/200 1217 1251 posed. He was thanked for a most enjoyable and entertaining afternoon he had certainly GIMGL King Air B.200 GBXYT PA28RT Arrow 1238 1632 brightened the very wet May day outside. GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1225 1425 GMAJH 41 1247 1423 GRJXL EMB135 1312 141S GJECE DHC8 400 1404 1451 We had thirtynine members present and were very pleased to see Eric Martin MBE who had GMIDR Airbus 320 1318 1446 brought the scroll for us to read, signed by both the Queen and Prince Philip, but the medal itself GFPLB King Air B.200 1503 1825 GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1548 1 644 is away at the moment, being mounted with other awards. We gave him a round of applause and GJEBC BAe 146/300 1603 1705 EICSW Boeing 737/800 1611 1701 presented him with our Air Yorkshire CDM {Eric will be sharing this with his wife, Renee, as PHJCT Fokker 70 1615 1722 GMAJH 41 1648 17S9 Cadbury'8 Dairy Milk Is one of her favourites!). GCCYH EMBUS 1650 1739 GRJXi EMBUS 1658 1754 GRJXL EMB135 1708 1801 GRJXE EMBUS 1717 1803 GDBCA Airbus 319 1744 1854 GWOWC DHC8 300 1835 1911 Lawrle Coldback CSDFR C.560 Citation XL 1934 2047 GCCYH EMB145 1937 0726(04) GRJXE EMBUS 1950 0827(04) GMAJD 41 1953 0659(04) GJECG DHC8 400 2001 2033 GMAJH 41 2003 0718(04) CHAIR Cliff JAYNE tel: 0113 249 7114 SECRETARY Jim STANFIELD tel: 0113 258 9968 TREASURER David VALENTINE 8 St Margaret's Avenue and MEMBERSHIP Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RY tel: 0113 228 6143 01 Saturday Assistant Treasurer Pauline VALENTINE GJEDU DHC8 400 0807 0846 GJEDM DHC8 400 0817 0901 MAGAZINE EDITOR Cliff JAYNE 27 Luxor Road, Leeds LS8 5BJ GJECL DHC8 400 0859 1011 PHOFB Fokker100 0925 1029 tel: 0113 249 7114 GWOWB DHC8 300 0933 1034 CSDHM Citation Bravo 0956 1033 email: airvorkstaaol.com 1009 1135 EIDLE Boeing 737/800 1027 1117 Assistant Editor Sheila JAYNE ECGXU MD83 GFRYI King Air 8.200 1035 1106(02) GRJXi EMBUS 1042 1129 MEETINGS COORDINATOR AlanSINFIELD tel: 01274 619679 GRJXL EMB135 1132 1506(02) N249SR Hawker 800A 1152 1730 email: alan smfieldgjairyorkshire.orquk GSTRJ Boeing 737/300 1217 1319 EIDAC Boeing 737/800 1606 1647 VISITS ORGANISER Paul WINDSOR tel: 0113 250 4424 PHWXA Fokker 70 1613 1723 GNIVA Eurocopter EC. 155 1642 1240(02) HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT MikeWILLINGALE SEDZi Boeing 737/800 1831 2042 PHOFB Fokker100 2056 0626(02) COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lavi/rie COLDBECK, John DALE, Clifford HADWIN. GRJXF EMB145 2136 0701(02) 20052006 Denis STENNING, Geoff WARD 02 Sunday ECGOM MD83 0853 0956 GZAPU Boeing 757 0901 1039 GMIDR Airbus 320 0925 1044 PHOFB Fokker100 0932 1033 PA31 Chieftain 0945 1905 GRJXI EMBUS 1102 1350 Air Yorkshire Code of Conduct: a memt)er should not commit any act which would bring GLIDE 1303 1357 GJIVE Hughes 369E 1340 1407 the Society into disrepute in any way. GJEDL DHC8 400 GBYAK Boeing 757 1345 1550 GJEBE BAe 146/300 1347 1435 1417 1455 GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1457 1513 Disclaimer: the views expressed in articles in the magazine are EICSC Boeing 737/800 1614 1716 GCCFC Robinson R.44 1641 1700 not necessarily those of the editor and the committee. PHWXD Fokker 70 GRJXC EMBUS 1647 1743 GMAJI 41 1650 1739 GRJXi EMB145 16S3 1747 GRJXE EMBUS 1718 1800 GRJXL EMB135 1727 1813 GMIDR Airbus 320 1809 1923 GWOWD DHC8 300 1841 1930 GJECL DHC8 400 1929 2004 EIDLF Boeing 737/800 1958 2045 GRJXL EMB13S 2009 0715(03) At our May meeting we had the pleasure of welcoming Tim Jeans, Managing Director of Monarch GMAJH 41 2011 0701(03) GJEAJ BAe 146/200 2022 2109 Scheduled Services. GRJXi EMBUS 2050 0710(03) PHOFE Fokker100 2100 0623(03) RJXE EMBUS 2103 0718(03) GMIDR Airbus 320 2154 0659(03) It was very interesting to hear of Tim's previous aviation experience, having worked for Manchester GSTRJ Boeing 737/300 2209 1004(03) GRJXC EMBUS 2222 0748(03) Airport, Ryanair and Mytravel. He gave us some insight as to how low cost airlines operate, 03 Monday costing out. preparing new services, introducing other airports. CSDFT C.560 Citation XLS 0727 0848 GJEDL DHC8 400 0741 0821 GWOWB DHC8 300 0843 0925 GRJXi EMBUS 0917 09S7 Monarch has a mixture of aircraft, Boeing and Airbus. Monarch and other airlines regret the GRJXE EMBUS 0919 1511 GMIDR Airbus 320 0927 1037 decision of Boeing to cancel production of new 757s, a valued aircraft, so useful for many low Fokker100 0930 1030 GMAJH 41 0934 1015 cost and scheduled services. We reviewed the prospect of the new Boeing 787 aircraft for the PHOFE 0937 133S GRJXL EMB13S 1007 1045 future, longer routes, better fuel consumption, 20% less, so more beneficial, GMAJD 41 VPCLD C.SSO Citation 2 1013 1323 EIDCH Boeing 737/800 1024 1109 EMBUS 1118 14S8 GRJXI EMBUS 1143 1349 Tim had kindly agreed to a question and answer session, and some interesting questions were GRJXC 1214 14S4 GJEAW BAe 146/200 1217 1251 posed. He was thanked for a most enjoyable and entertaining afternoon he had certainly GIMGL King Air B.200 GBXYT PA28RT Arrow 1238 1632 brightened the very wet May day outside. GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1225 1425 GMAJH 41 1247 1423 GRJXL EMB135 1312 141S GJECE DHC8 400 1404 1451 We had thirtynine members present and were very pleased to see Eric Martin MBE who had GMIDR Airbus 320 1318 1446 brought the scroll for us to read, signed by both the Queen and Prince Philip, but the medal itself GFPLB King Air B.200 1503 1825 GCCXJ Cessna 340A 1548 1 644 is away at the moment, being mounted with other awards. We gave him a round of applause and GJEBC BAe 146/300 1603 1705 EICSW Boeing 737/800 1611 1701 presented him with our Air Yorkshire CDM {Eric will be sharing this with his wife, Renee, as PHJCT Fokker 70 1615 1722 GMAJH 41 1648 17S9 Cadbury'8 Dairy Milk Is one of her favourites!).
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