BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 Item Applicant Parish Reference No. No. 1 MMC Norfolk Ltd CASTON 3PL/2015/0147/F 2 Bernard Matthews Ltd NORTH PICKENHAM 3PL/2015/0378/F 3 Melton Farms GREAT ELLINGHAM 3PL/2015/0441/F 4 Mr Matthew Gibbard ATTLEBOROUGH 3PL/2015/0485/F 5 Raemoir Properties Ltd ATTLEBOROUGH 3PL/2015/0546/O 6 Mr Liam Burke LITTLE ELLINGHAM 3PL/2015/0682/F 7 Mr S Gray ATTLEBOROUGH 3PL/2015/0698/O 8 Mr & Mrs Burrows BANHAM 3PL/2015/0775/F 9 Mr P Howell NORTH ELMHAM 3PL/2015/0783/F 10 Tredwell Developments Ltd SPORLE 3PL/2015/0788/F DC131_new BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 ITEM 1 RECOMMENDATION : APPROVAL REF NO: 3PL/2015/0147/F CASE OFFICER: Gary Hancox Full LOCATION: CASTON APPN TYPE: Land East of Walnut Tree Cottage POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Attleborough Road ALLOCATION: No Allocation CONS AREA: N TPO: N APPLICANT: MMC Norfolk Ltd LB GRADE: N Willow Tree Barn Attleborough Road AGENT: Mr Stephen Bush The Corner Lodge 2 Church Lane PROPOSAL: Erection of 4 dwellings (amended from 8 dwellings) KEY ISSUES Principle of development Impact on character and appearance of the area Amenity Highway safety Trees and ecology DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This full application (as amended) proposes the residential development of the site to provide four detached dwellings, access and garaging. The proposed dwellings include two storey houses and chalet style bungalows with rooms in the roof. The majority of existing overgrown vegetation on the site is to be removed. The native hedges to the boundaries of the site will be supplemented with additional planting. Access to the site would be via a newly constructed private drive off Attleborough Road, and this takes account of Members' previous recommendation. Dwellings would be constructed in facing bricks and flint with traditional pantiles to the roofs. SITE AND LOCATION The application site is located at the eastern end of the village outside but adjacent to the defined settlement boundary. The overall site area is approximately 0.28 hectares and comprises paddock/grassland with overgrown shrubs and bushes across the site and more mature trees on its boundaries. Beyond the site to the east is a stream, and as a consequence part of the site lies within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Taking into account these constraints, the developable area of the site is approximately 0.18 hectares. DC131_new BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 EIA REQUIRED No RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2002/0374/O - Erection of 2 dwellings - Refused June 2002. Appeal dismissed. 3PL/2006/0018/O - Residential development of 8 dwellings - Withdrawn. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The following policies of the adopted Breckland Core Strategy and Development Control Policies and the adopted Site Specific Policies and Proposals Document, including the Proposals Maps, have been taken into consideration in the determination of this application. The provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework have also been taken into account, where appropriate CP.01 Housing CP.10 Natural Environment CP.11 Protection and Enhancement of the Landscape CP.14 Sustainable Rural Communities DC.01 Protection of Amenity DC.02 Principles of New Housing DC.14 Energy Efficiency DC.16 Design NP Neighbourhood Plan - None applicable NPPF With particular regard to paras. 7, 8, 12, 49, 58, 59 and 64 NPPG National Planning Practice Guidance CIL / OBLIGATIONS The developable area of the site, excluding the flood zone and the root protection area of the protected tree adjacent the site, amounts to 0.18 hectares (total site size 0.28 hectares). On sites of of more than 0.17 hectares where less than five dwellings are proposed, Core Strategy Policy DC4 requires that 40% of the dwellings proposed be affordable. (One dwelling in this case.) However, given that the developable area of the site is only just over the 0.17 threshold, and taking into account site constraints and the edge of village location, a requirement for a single detached affordable dwelling is not considered justifiable. Furthermore, a development of four dwellings is not an attempt by the applicant to avoid providing affordable housing; it is an attempt to make best use of the land available having regard to its context and taking on board comments from Members of the Planning Committee. CONSULTATIONS CASTON P C - Overview The parishioners of Caston would prefer that this plot be developed in linear format with a maximum of three properties (or two semi-detached) and no backfilling of the plot. Caston is DC131_new BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 predominantly a village with linear development parallel to existing roads. The parishioners do not wish to see available plots being developed with back-filling. Parish Council Decision After consultation with the applicant Caston Parish Council, by majority decision, are in support of this proposal subject to certain conditions, which have been agreed between Caston PC and the developer, being imposed on the development. These are: 1. Service roads to be of sufficient width to enable service vehicles, such as refuse collecting wagons, to be able to access the properties. 2. Low hedging to be placed along the border with the existing pavement to encourage vehicular use of the service road and deter parking on the main road through the village. This should also deter people from stepping across from the pavement onto the service road. 3. All property boundaries to consist of hedging maintained at low level to the property fronts. No hard fencing to be used on any properties, front or rear. 4. Covenants to be placed on all the houses to prevent further extensions being added to the buildings. 5. The finish facing of house exteriors to be sympathetic to a Breckland village such as stone and / or / with flint finish in whole or in part. General Comment Caston Parish Council have concerns regarding the continuing development of the village in that the settlement has few facilities, a pub, a church and a village hall. Transport links are poor and there are no support services other than those already over subscribed in the town of Watton some four miles distant. There are already development proposals that will provide a further eleven dwellings within the village. NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS No objection, subject to appropriate conditions. TREE AND COUNTRYSIDE CONSULTANT No objections subject to conditions in respect of tree protection. CONTAMINATED LAND OFFICER No objection. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY No objection, subject to conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS DC131_new BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 No objection. ECOLOGICAL AND BIODIVERSITY CONSULTANT It is considered that there are no likely ecological issues in regards to the above application, provided the mitigation measures, set out in the Section 6 Recommendations and Ecological Enhancements of the Ecological Appraisal (Aspect Ecology, April 2015), are adhered to. HOUSING ENABLING OFFICER Breckland's adopted policy DC4 requires affordable housing provision where the site is 5+ units, or exceeds 0.17ha. As this site is 0.20ha, it falls within DC4 and affordable housing is required, in the form of 1 unit of onsite provision. To provide affordability in perpetuity, this should be transferred to an RP at a price which assumes no public subsidy is payable, secured by a S106 agreement, and built to HCA standards. EAST HARLING I D B In the absence of sufficient information to review the drainage proposals, and information on the Sequential Test, the Board OBJECTS to the proposed development. The development is shown as being immediately adjacent to the watercourse, the Boards bylaws prohibit development within 7m of the river bank without the Consent of the Board. CRIME REDUCTION & ARCHITECTURAL LIAISON OFFICER There is one area of concern. Plots 1, 3, and 4 do not have any surveillance onto the individual car parking plots from active windows. The National Planning Policy Framework requires that: 'Planning policies and decisions should aim to ensure that developments: create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion'. PRINCIPAL PLANNER MINERAL & WASTE POLICY - No Comments Received ANGLIAN WATER SERVICE - No Comments Received REPRESENTATIONS Original Plans: 13 letters of objection received - drainage concerns - not in keeping - would set a precedent for additional expansion - over-development - unjustified development - traffic impact - impact on amenity of adjoining dwelling DC131_new BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 19-10-2015 Amended plans: To be updated at Committee ASSESSMENT NOTES 1.0 Background 1.1 This application was deferred at Planning Committee on the 24 August 2015. Whilst accepting the principle of development on the site, Members resolved to defer the application to allow for amended access proposals to be considered and agreed. The application has been amended by the applicant and now includes an internal service road to serve the site utilising the same access point onto Attleborough Road. The number of dwellings proposed has increased from three to four. 1.2 The application is referred to Planning Committee as a departure from the Development Plan 2.0 Development Plan 2.1 For decision making purposes, as required by Section 38(6) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Development Plan comprises the Adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document, together with the Site Specific Allocations DPD. Material considerations in respect of national planning policy are the NPPF and the more recently published National Planning Practice Guidance. 3.0 Principle of development (Sustainability) 3.1 The application site is located outside the defined settlement boundary. For this reason the proposal conflicts in principle with Policies DC2 and CP14 of the Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (2009), which seek to focus new housing within defined Settlement Boundaries.
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