Newsday's Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative team spent six months probing into matters of public policy and private concern in connection with investments end activities of former Exclusive Sen. George A. Smathers (D-Fla.) and Charles G. (Bebe) Re- bozo, and their relationship with President Nixon, who main- report . tains a Florida White House in Key Biscayne. In the course of their reporting the team examined more than 20,000 records and conducted more than 400 interviews. How U.S. land deals favor Nixon friends Rebozo, Smothers (C) 1971, Newsday Charles G. (Bebe) Rebozo, President Nixon's closest friend and the only private citizen living in the Florida White House compound on Key Bis- cayne, received "kid glove" treatment when the U.S. government bought land from him for the Biscayne National Monument in 1969. Reims) and his associates quickly received Melee-to-appraisal prices an an island plat guests of Rebozo and his close associate, while other landowners were being offered fanner Sen. George A. &withers (D-Fla.). tower prices on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. The government bought Adams Key from the Rebozo group for $550,000, Subsequently. Rebozo. through an attorney, then demand- Rebozo's biother-in-law was ed ,put dri `the- fed- — and received — higher-than-appraisal end payroll as a caretaker-watchman on the price on a second piece of property. island, the ,same job he had held for Rebozo The principal property in question, Adams and his associates in a private capacity. And Key, was the home of the Cocolobo Cay Club. one of Rebozp's partners, his lawyer, Thomas a lading resort which over the years had ac- Wakefield. rented the caretaker's cottage commodated such visitors as Presidents Hard- beck from the United States for $350 a year— ing and Hoover and Presidents-to-be Johnson foe personal use until such time as the monu- o mt The loner two were there as ment opened for puhin. use inursoay, t.xtober /, I,/ I Chubb G. (BeisitiRatose irifthft' Ahtte President Nixon, received ploy to" treatment when he sold Florida is- lands to the •U.S. A profile of 11.6 Rebozo, Page 16 A. E. N, Westcott, an Army Corps of Engl. seers official who negotiated the land awe, said be was given to understand at a meeting of corps officials that Rehm should be "wowed with kid gloves" because hiali-rank- Mg persons in his department felt that "we WS* supposed to be dealing with someone who was an intimate of people in high places" .Aeseaer Official said:that speedy iimUlling Turn to EWA GEORGE A. SMATHERS (1.1l( AGO SUPT - TIMES, Th.4;t 1771 Bebe Rebozo A day in the life of Key Biscayne's 'mayor 1971, Newsday are famous for the same rea- hotel or the Sonesta Hotel. ?ley Biscayne is a small, qui- son that he is able to occupy From there, on most da ■ :. et and pretty place in the Flor- the only one of five houses in- he travels to a small bank ida sun. It has one bank, one side the presidential com- nearby, a bank of which he is yacht club, several hotels and pound, guarded by the Secret the board chairman and presi- a multitude of palm trees. Service, not used by official dent. The time at which he Many of its residents know personnel. makes that trip generally 1,, each other. He is Charles Gregory Re- changed from day to day to If Key Biscayne were to bozo, known as Bebe, and he avoid encounters with the press. have an unofficial mayor or enjoys the very important po- If, on his way to the bank, he unofficial leading_ citizen, that sition of closest friend to the passes any of the many local man might very well be a local President of the United States. residents who he knows, he millionaire of Cuban descent, Privately public will give them a friendly wave who has worked his way up To most of them, he is a Rebozo is at once one of the from poor boy to world celebri- friendly but shy man who most public and the most pri- ty. helps out in community activi- vate men in America, His face That one local bank is his. ties. has adorned the cover of Life That yacht club is in his debt and prominent spots in other Once in his office at the bank - (since he rescued it from fi magazines. His name regu- that he founded, where pic- nancial disaster), and his is larly appears in news articles tures of President Nixon and the most celebrated boat • at its around the world. He enjoys former Sen. George A. Sma dock. nobnobbing with faMous politi- thers (D-Fla.) hang on the He makes his first appear- cal figures, relaxing with the wall, he goes to work. ance in the Key Biscayne sun- President, and receiving some Hard-driving businessman shine in the early hours of most of the attentions that such stat - A study of Rebozo reveals mornings, emerging vigor- us can bring. But he maintains that he is a hard-driving busi- ously from one of the houses in a shell of privacy around all nessman, shrewd, and usually die well hedged and closely but the most formal aspect of tough and exacting in making g u a r de d presidential com- these activities, and also a deal. He has been described pound. He is a chunky man, around his personal life and as an ultra-conservative in about 5 feet 6 inches tall, 58 business. business matters by one asso- years old, and well tanned, By 7 a.m. of most mornings, ciate, who jokingly says that with black hair silvering at the Rebozo has started his busi- Rebozo is "so careful that be temples. Ho is always neatly ness day. Re has left the presi- wears a belt and suspenders." dressed **Hal compound and is often Rebozo is capable of great He is nelthrr vavernment to be found at a conference tact and charm, many of his employe nor A 80 , cri;,ilent ut breakfast- at the Royal Bis- friends say. Donald Berg, own- tidal. But his name and face cayne Hotel. the Key Biscayne er of Key Biscayne's Jamaica President Nixon and his host, Bebe Rebozo, board Rebozo's houseboat at Key Biscayne for a cruise to the Florida Keys in August, 1968, three months before Mr. Nixon was elected. Dockmaster is at right. Inn, a favorite Rebozo water- bartender at the Jamaica Inn men around him. Later, it Was ing spot, decribes him as "a said that he could be "arro- Mr. Nixon and Smathers and real gentleman and a very gant and demanding." the political figures that Sma- kind man." .Rebozo enjoys many forms thers brought down to' Florida One middle-class couple that of relaxation. He likes to boat, retired to Key Biscayne fish, drink at Toots Shor's in for a few relaxing days In the recently gushed: "He's so New York and be seen with sun. democratic, he'll always come sports personalities. He be- Rebozo is proud of a over to your table at the yacht came a friend of the late wristwatch that was presented club and smile and pass a few heavyweight champion Rocky to him by Lady Bird Johnson, words — publicity hasn't Marciano and attended fights and he has entertained her turned his head." with him. And in IMO he teamed husband and other Washington The other side up with A t 1 ant a restaura- figures in company with Sma- He also is capable, however, teur Harry Hester and other thers. And he has occasionally of quick flashes of anger, an undisclosed partners in an entertained Sen. Rhssell B. occasionally demanding atti, abortive bid to get the Miami Long (D-La.), the former Sen- trade and of throwing his franchise from the American ate whip. One of Rebozo's fa- weight around, particularly it Football League. vorite pre-Nixon pictures was he thinks he is being picked But the study of Rebozo in- taken in 1955 and shows him on his boat with his guests: John- upon. A waitress in a Key Bis- dicates that he most prefers cayne Wei ...remembers how the company of politicians and %on, smathers, the late Sen. Richard Reboso trtedao have her fired businessmen who Russell (D-Ga.). for- move in po- ' Pr Ce.,1 Carle Clements when she told him that she re- litical circles. .1a the early (D- sented his attitude, a former years, it was Smathers and the Turn to Page 17 The:::..keys- to-Bebe-Re ,unoutiru 1l will .fragr of Reboia' had been Urged because- -- su~i "we didn't want to embarrass an incoming President." Rebozo, the son of immigrant Cubans, at- Miami tended Miami High School with Smathers and joined Smathers' political organization after World War II. He coupled management of fi- nance companies with investments with oriter • Smathers' associates. "I don't think he ever operated alone," one man who had business dealings. with Reba= said. Rebozo is said to have atcustitadlid:a net worth estimated at more than $1 million eyn—ialley today. — It was Smathers who introduced Rebore W. Richard Nixon. Adams Key was one of the Rehm in- vestments; land in an area called Florida Fruit Lands was another. Examination of Re- bozo's dealings in these two cases illuminates his method of operation and sketches the close relationships that sometimes exist be- tween businessmen, politicians and govern- ment.
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