Financial Needs and Resources O F Small

Financial Needs and Resources O F Small

FINANCIAL NEEDS AND RESOURCES OF SMALL. INDUSTRIES IN ALIGARH DISTRICT THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN COMMERCE By Oi^LDBlJB Under the Supervision of PROFESSOR Q. H. FAROOQUEE Dean, Faculty of Commerce FKCULTY OF COMMERCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (Uttar Pradesh, India) 1973 T1339 p 0, J y M |f,„.t.„^ ACKNOSSi^iOAJiiMSNT • *« • « •« a immmGnoH • •« « • ft i CHAmS 1 EOl£; OF miJU '^CaLE. m X aCONOSaC DIVEWKSHT OF ADVA«CSi) and 4km* mmm n PBOSLS?© AKB PROSPISCtS OF 55 uCAm M ium.A un R^Wwi^HQii to Qttm CHAH'iia III mm OF aHU uo fH&IR li^AQt QH iCObOi-'ElC to AuaAHH m^micf* QiAPm IV imnmnoHAi' muuc^s or cumt m i47 iriiujmi^ii in INUIA - CHAfTaa V FIKAKwlAi- tii^hm OF XNDUiffa^iS IH AUO/tfiH BI^miCT • A HAm JlMm CHAPTER VI dUfWiir OF Af^ OONaOl^lOlU m appendix 1 aoopi^U FOR omkinim VI INFORMATION ABOOT TOE imnKLAL UNITJ JllUATi&B xn auuahh. Bisuomumx • •• • •• ix m¥»pmmm - tn wFitim tills <*Fin»tsoi«3. ana aodourciia of aina-U laduatriea in a^^^S) District^, X have tsJ^tatXy bon6i'it-64 by my to varloito parte oJT India, where I opjporInanity ojT stuping apot tho Qyatm ol* iiorkiiig at^i I'inanein^ o£ smll fhia i«ave csq an into of I'inaneo mieh ^vo been i'acod in many part» ol* country and ar« aaora or oimiiar in their faa§nitud« in Aiifeet^ &iatri@t too* Moreover« lay intQr«at in the sub4oct hao tieiped m in underatandin^ btio probieiaa* The proaent mek ia m attempt to atudy the i»orking and ITinaneiai neoda and reaourooa ^ amali industries* In vriting thia titeaia I received vaiuabie heip and encourageoient ^om {^ny of i«y weii^ahera* At the outeet* 1 owe a deist of profound i^atitude to Profeaaor l arooiaeei Head of the Departotont and Dean of the Faculty of Coiomeroei under vthoae ouperviaion thia theaia haa been coupleted» lie extended me all help and encourai^ement in apite of hia very oany preoccupationa that noroiaily «nt:^a4.e the attention of a man of hia caiibre* I have no heaitation to eonfeaa that thia theaia Mould not have been completed Mithout hia encouraiji«aant» help and able auperviaion* 2 Am aXao tndebted to Or* mhCoosur athman who heaped m a iot in eoi^ction of f hsnd imttoriaJL and uritins of the tlitsls. X shaU fa&Ung in duti«8 iT £ do not mjf thit»li« to m* a«ti«r«l Man^S^rt tho U«P« FisAfioiAl Gorporstimit Etti^ur, ir« Adhok M^ftjani P»E«0«« th« Ssmli Induatri^o Cor$>oratiot%t Ea^ur, V.EtH. raimltr oT ijia«i»fa«uititutOt liydersbadt Ba^iuwitdfttt ^uarupi Motriot ZAduntrioa Oi'i'i^^i m^nmr IMmWiitl Katat«f Aiifiarls* for th«ir vaiuftDXo ttnd f urniahifig fir^t hand inCoTiiatioii to ma^o tho thesl® lAp^to^dato* I am tftiaiM'ttX to tm^ mm^ entroircfiouro partio^iarV pt&pti9%m'& of Eoae i^oek^i Kuisar Mttai Aiigarli and fraderst Aiii^hi «dio not mly aJJLoinod mm to koop into actuai. workiiig of th« oonci^iio but aiao »dth mo probiema of thtir induotrioo jprosaent orio«@. fhia Xiat» howover* ia not exhuusitivo* X ono « great debt of to aU the authors «iio»« n^orko havo inominated w thinking on tho I am ip>ateftAi to mf friend j>f!3hd« Ea^earch soholar« Fadul^ty of Coomarcot AUsafiii for going through the typa aoript. X also thanlcfyi. to b^ room partnara mM H* MrtaJ» ^aiaam mmo&t ^^hiaad and aassir tiavitid £(xr thair eontinuod aaaiatanoo*, ia;»t but not tha ioaatt X alao axpraao ^^ratituda to Mr* Hafaat Ahiaad, who typad tha aanuacript and tha tablaa in tha minitsun poaaibia tlmo* A hi ft A, R H' ^ ( H"a B X a ) Oaoaob ar 197}• k'AQULn OF -(a)- MMMJmm imMj. mMms I $mU Bmtmm i'iJtm In thm U.^.a. ^ I mtorifiiti ciup£>li<}4 tlt# tl.P. SeaU Iiidudtriea Oorporatioiif Kanpur* Xll rroduetioii SmU UMta diKiar 90 Q&mmr^Ul fr®® 19^-69 t© W^l^Z* Vi Stiiip^es li^ ^mll Intetriai ynlto itii<l«ir 93 V Qvmm olT AeMd^dft^ umaU 9? ImimtFlm itom 4961 fl 9t ^mH 90 VII Ioar«a»« um^ of wU IQQ m tl.f* ^m thm iMti^triw* MtfMrlU- I iiMlier of iiav« II riiiii Proviaionn for frataatlon SstabU^^t af Xtidustrial £0tat«d* III AC^'iranets % Coaua^elAi aanko for detUng I»<litatri«l Estates* IV f»ii0itioii of imrntrirnl ikQ%&tm» U^ in u.F* V Position oi' InAmwXikl gatatna 134 mArMti.v, I BmH Bminea* Fimtwii By Financial Inaititiitloiia In Jepaii IX smll Susiae^a Fimme4 By iimmiskl 154 In At The of III Cr^it !r«@(iii ^lul fiiftir $otret9 For 3aaU Unita IV l^lct TrtnO® W f By Fliianei&i Corporcitiono fo VI aidburaeci ftt* U«r« 173 VIS Saiall Units Financed By fiit aank 179 If»ii« AnA tub^if^^iea* nil A^v&mm By Banlc Of India iint its 180 ianko to $mll ^oalo In^uatiriGa, II aois^arativ^ Position of mohine* gtii^itlied M7 fiio HaUonal Ssiall Inducttri^* Corporation /ind Financial gorporaUona, Loana Outstanding mth fiie ^loall scalo Uidto* X ^oteadulod Cojamoroial Banko i^dvancea to IW se«l« Xnduatriati* H ^dvaneaa By fho Publio doctor BanHa fo 1% Agricultiiiro 4>id Ottitr Hitliorto U1 By fh« Qoummmt ynd«r stute Aid Induatriaa To Small aealo industrial ^i©ctor# XIII foaitioit of loana Advanead By fho Stato aov@*nm«nt ftorou^ Tho i^tata Financial Corporation. Kanpur* i Cliaaification Of Industrial Unlta On fho Baaia Of min product. II Oroivtti Of ;lRiall Unita K«giat«red Undar l^actoriea In ma Aliftarh Diatriot yroai to 1973 • A in ijusbor Qi t}M«a msrnrmt aatfligoritfi aM Their Unlta* XV of &y sffiaU. Unit^ Durjujg ¥ Of VJork«ri» in ynit awriug i.97-2-73 Cfta^rery}* fll Prodttctivltf H«ti« la uuiermt marnwi^ Ouring W2-73. VIIX Production By SiosU Units iiuriDg X972*73* IX im^ or SsIqs ami cio»ing stock or {ioa« iiock Factory* I Working aoottUe OJt Tra(ier«» XI Per Unit GaMtal 8«aisir«mwat Of SttU so&i* I«tiiiatiri«s ©f ^li^m UUtf-tet Jror AW^-io (Eotifnatottj« ai i^toriiii* supplied t»y ftaw Mattel. Dopot ii^a Dwrini nil lliotrict AIKI TIteir E«oovery ^imw Upto l.9<»6**67« XIV fotRl By f}atio»aXii!»«t4 aommsrciaa. Bank a^S To ^onJUi Of ikU^^ i^i^triot, x¥ f& smll upto ^$9 XVI daocirioatioa Cooperative sooiotioa Functioning III Hit Didtriet or i^Ui^arh During 1972^73* ^69 xnx Hiwbtr of fi%imm In Diri:«ront Couroos* 270 XVIII ;$u8Kaiiry or mo Various H«lp« Sxtontioci ay Oirrorent 272 tto ^aaU Unita or fiio District of AU^grti Durim W2*73# iaJLBJLBJL£JLlJLM fh« wisrk mtitX^d, ^FlmmlBl m^ <»f irnuati^lm In ift ioiiJlfJiir m thm propoeitlcm that sisali indti^iry appiiee labour in^nntiivo a»a aaving Its role vital in the inaustrial oC A OGimtrjr ir^res'poctlv* of its t»£ iconofaie • XI t)tiO» all the aoroi a otrat«igic role to play in 4«ir«Xopin& eountrlm liic« tndi» vi^m'9 infm*atruotur« ia iind<ir*d«v«lop»it and tli« peopl« Ar« eiq»€ri«iiot4 cibaat tho . of big ASa^Mi in theae oountriea th«ro is a geni»riil pftucity csf fund*! ituproved tochnology aii^ aophiaticattKi oachlnory and equipaunt «tc» thu»i osi«ll induatr^r ia «iiit«d for dovoloping «eono{3il«a to frovido Jofo opportunitiM to adUiona of paopla wtio ar« eitiiar uneaiployad or undar"Employad* zn tha ultimata analyaio» it ffiobiliaaa acattarad riral aavin^a and puta theei into sroduatiira ohaonala and can bo oat up in rural araaa* Apart irm tti« importano^ o£ dmctii intiudtrieei mueh oC t^ • 4i«»aa)s»ioii ha»f howeircrt been r«i«te4 to %ii«ir finaneial* and ifUS' a cloar under** of th0tr i'laaneiai r«%ulr«s}«nt;i end reaourcdo III tli0 alrcumtaRced OJT rising irlcea All^^arii aa a a&mpln Dii« o£ the country Ihere ar« bound to Vdriatlono in l^e ^oeio«eooiiomle cultural up of OiiTer^t r«gion»« Utm% mf tru« in one rogiosi (nay not exactJi^ bd appiicabXo in other regions* to tine roie oT oiaaH^ ifidustr)^ AUgarh hm been aoi^ted bfteau^e this diistrict has ^mparatiirel^ better infraatruotiire easenUai Tor ^e grotwth of email utilta than oth^ leaa developed di@tricte oC During the ia^t I'ive yeisra the dldtri(it has developed various inl'ra<»4tra«!ture and, thue, em loolt i:orv.ard for e bright future* The rindin^e thie thoeie underMne that iiuoh industriee can be a healthy mmm eeonooHo developmont provided their financial re<|uiremente are properly aet* the present wiorliii ie therefore* deei«^ed to exat^ne the fioaasial needs ot these industriee in relation to their increaein^ role* The rinanoial ref^uirementsi it hae bem noted* are increaain^^ aubatantially due to spiralling f^icee of all the factors of production in and outeide the country, the theaia ia divided into alx chaptera* •(ill)- ftmae cHapter^ar* in^opdndaiit m m^Xl as with «a6h otn«r p!tmm% a mmpomitm mymmm. or,, M J^m/Oii Atnans variolic ^ourae® wed i'wr atuilyt mention coay be made of the oC India, Beaervii Bank ol" India 0itU#tiii» State fiAiik ^ Xn€iiii««i MontHiy reviewt IJank 0i iarofil^s vie«kl|f rmlmt saaii Infilu&triee in an«S ^mH yeara ot pm&r%m9 teehno* econoitiia s^Vey ^ {^•P* and otfitr stated« eensii® of fnanuTac^^t I»eireio|8ii0nt Comi^taionora* office « Planning end ^naiyMa Beporta* r^porta and pariocHeaXst inaua^iai pot entile a onrey oS Uttar Pradealii and PXfins of ^ptirts of the aecretariatf <k»v«mmenii oC U.p, and many other liooka and pul»JLi€ation^ Jdated in^the biblio^a^hy* Itie oritiinai data are eoiieeted tiirouisli peraonai vi^iita and iati^ioMa %«itli the oJCticera of t^e I U«P« iitate Staail Induatriaa Corporation^ the U*P« State Finanoiai Corporatioa« the diatriet directorate of Industriea Aiissrhi and the i&nftineer Hftna^ert IndU3triai Kacatea Aiigarh and Kathraa and the prosiiiient induetriaiidta of the diatriet* The reauita of the enquiry are baaed on analytical aa well aa iapiricai oiethoda* immmMjm mmm XHe first ^eaia with lli« role g£ units in tti« irocitda &£ eeoitomie deveiopmitKit oC ifiititiitrisXir eomm'lm lili« ttm and «lapiaii* Xhia ^imp^mr a mmhi&Wtt ptQt£ iiiat amU Heir® mu importat^t ro^ in €0isiitri«3 and 60fi^il>i9i%<»l mi^rmomly in inereasing ^oaa m% natl0i»ai produetiony Grmt®^ Jol} and hav« of of Iti spitt of ifi^us^iaJt adoption giant orsai^^anionst th© of mali^ mml^ hmtmm lmmm%m in ^mm eQmWtm* fo addid iis|i0ttt& to th^ of unit6 ir@rioii3 institutional.

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