Addenda and Corrigenda to Checklist of the Subfamily Panagaeinae Hope, 1838 of the World (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Addenda and Corrigenda to Checklist of the Subfamily Panagaeinae Hope, 1838 of the World (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 9 (2): 249‑256, 2013 Addenda and corrigenda to Checklist of the subfamily Panagaeinae Hope, 1838 of the World (Coleoptera: Carabidae) MARTIN HÄCKEL1) & Jan Farkač 2) 1) Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 1176, CZ‑165 21 Prague 6, Czech Republic e‑mail: [email protected] 2) Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 1176, CZ‑165 21 Prague 6, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] Coleoptera, Carabidae, Panagaeinae, checklist, addenda et corrigenda Abstract. addenda and corrigenda to Checklist of the subfamily Panagaeinae of the World (Häckel & Farkač 2012) are presented. The cut‑off date is July 2013. At the last count the tribe included 387 species in 29 genera. INTRODUCTION All added and/or changed data are presented in the following text. All added and/or changed data obtained from the literature cited are also presented in the text below. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Panagaeus chalcocephalus Wiedemann, 1823 and Panagaeus chlorocephalus Kollar, 1836 belong to the genus Callistomimus Cahudoir, 1872 (Carabidae, Licininae, Chlaeniini, Callistina). ABBREVIATIONS USED AS - Asia CHI - The People’s Republic of China / provinces Jil - Jilin AU - Australia and territories in southwestern Pacific Ocean AUS - Australia / federal states Act - Australian Capital Territory PANAGAEINI Bonelli, 1810 genera: 19; species: 281 CRASPEDOPHORUS Hope, 1838; T: Carabus reflexus Fabricius, 1781 microspilotus group (Kirschenhofer, 2000): 32 philippinus Jedlička, 1939 se AS: PHI: Luzon Is.; s CHI: Gax, Hai, Yun; s IDN: Nusa 249 Tenggara Prov.: Flores Is. [sn. 128 oxygonus (Chaudoir, 1861b) Epicosmus wc AF: GAB; Gulf of Guinea: Louwerens 1953]; VIE n coast: BEN, CAM, GHA, 33 qiongensis Pang & Tian, 2012 AS: s CHI: Qiong (=Hai): LIR, NRE, RCI, SLN, TOG; Jiangfengling nature Reserve DOC: Bas‑congo, Katanga, ungrouped species (Oriental & Palearctic): Orientale Provinces 55 laosensis Kirschenhofer, 2012b se AS: n LAO: “Luangphabang 134 reflexus (Fabricius, 1775) Carabus “Coromandel“ [=se IND (in Ppov.“ [=Louang Prabang error sn. Chaudoir, 1878 =w Prov.], Mt. Phou Phakhao, AF: Gulf of Guinea: n coast: Namtag vill. GBI, GUI, RCI)]; ne DOC: 65 notabilis Xie & Yu, 1991 AS: s CHI: sw Yun: Cangyuan Orientale Prov. [County =Lincang City Pref.]; 135 regalis (Gory, 1833) Panagaeus w AF: SEN; Gulf of Guinea: n 1000m coast: GBI, LIR 68 obscurus Xie & Yu, 1991 AS: se CHI: nw Fuj: Chongan =pseudoreflexus Basilewsky, 1954b “Suzana“ [Reg. = GBI] [=Nanping Pref.: Wuyi Mts.] 137 rikatlensis (Péringuey, 1896) Eudema s, se AF: “Mozambique ungrouped Afrotropical species: (Rikatla)“ [=s MOS: Maputo 76 benoiti (Basilewsky, 1953b) Epigraphus ce AF: “Parc National de Prov.]; se DOC: Katanga, ľUpemba“ [=se DOC: Katanga Nord‑kivu Provinces; ZAM Prov.] 80 bouvieri Rousseau, 1905 c, w AF: CAM, CON, ne DOC, DISCHISSUS Bates, 1873; T: Dischissus mirandus Bates, 1873 (species: 21) GHA, GUI, s NRE, RCA, Indo‑australian ungrouped species: TOG 10 bisemilunatus Xie & Yu, 1991 AS: s CHI: nw Gax: Longlin ssp. iturianus Basilewsky, 1956a “Congo‑Belge: Ituri“ [=ne [County =Baise Pref.], s Gui: DOC: Orientale Prov.] Luodian [County =Qiannan 87 clasispilus (Alluaud, 1915a) Eudema c AF: “Fort‑crampel, sur le Pref.] haut Chari, dans le Congo 16 notulatoides Xie & Yu, 1991 AS: s CHI: sw Yun: français [=c RCA: Nana Menghun [=Menghai County, Grébizi Pref.: Kaga Bandoro]; Xishuangbanna Pref.] Fort‑Sibut dans le Dar Barda Afrotropical species group: meridional [=Kémo Pref.: 17 angularis (Schaum, 1863) Craspedophorus w AF: “Guinea (Gaboon)“ Sibut]; Congo‑belge: haut [=Gulf of Guinea: n coast: Ouellé, riv. Dongou; 1100m; BEN, BFO, CAM, GAB, GBI, entrée Defi lé et la riv. Dongou“ GHA, GUI, LIR, NRE, RCI, [=ne DOC: Orientale Prov.]; SLN, TOG]; DOC: Kasai‑ Kasai‑Occidental, Katanga Oriental, Katanga, Maniema Provinces; ne ANG: Lunda Provinces Norte Prov.; CAM, CON 20 pradieri (Chaudoir, 1869b) Epicosmus cw AF: GAB; w DOC: Bas‑ 117 leprieurii (La Ferté‑Sénectère, 1850) Panagaeus s, cw, w AF: “Sénegambie Congo, Katanga Provinces portuguaise“ [=GBI]; CAM, GUI, RCI, SEN, e ZIM EPIGRAPHODES Basilewsky, 1967b; T: Epigraphus congoensis Burgeon, 1935 =laticollis Péringuey, 1904 JH of Chaudoir, 1869b “Southern Rhodesia (Umtali)“ (species: 3) [=e ZIM: Manicaland Prov.: 1 congoensis (Burgeon,1935b) Epigraphus c AF: e, se DOC; ZAM Mutare] ssp. congoensis s. str. “Elisabethville; =peringueyi Csiki, 1929 NN [=Lubumbashi]; Kafakumba; for C. laticollis Péringuey, 1904 Mufungwa‑Sampwe; Lukafu 250 251 [=se DOC: Katanga Prov.]; =communimacula Fiori, 1883 nc ITA Kinda [=Kasai‑Occidental =borrei Csiki, 1929 Prov.]; Watsa [=Orientale =piacenzae Dellabeffa, 1983 nomen dubium Piacenza [=n ITA: Emilia‑ Prov., type of E. c. orientalis Romagna Prov.] Basilewsky 1967b]; s ZAM TEFFLUS Leach, 1819; T: Carabus meyerlei Fabricius, 1801 (species: 15) EPIGRAPHUS Chaudoir, 1869; T: Isotarsus amplicollis Schaum, 1854 13 carinatus Klug, 1853 c, e, s AF: se DOC, MAW, (species: 7) MOS; TAN, ne RSA, e ZAM, e 6 fuscicornis (Kolbe, 1883) Eudema sw AF: nw ANG: Chinchoxo ZIM (sn. Quedenfeldt 1883b); CAM, ssp. carinatus s. str. “Senna“ [=s MOS: ne DOC: Bandundu, Bas‑congo, Sofala Prov.: Villa de Sena]; Katanga, Kinshasa, Orientale, Inhambane Prov.; DOC, Nord‑kivu Provinces MAW, TAN, RSA: KwaZulu‑ Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga EUSCHIZOMERUS Chaudoir, 1850; T: Euschizomerus buquetii Chaudoir, 1850 Provinces; e ZIM (species: 15) buqueti group (Kirschenhofer, 2000): PELECIINI Chaudoir, 1880 subtribes: 2; genera: 8; species: 90 2 buqueti Chaudoir, 1850 w AF: “Guinée“ [=Gulf of AGONICINA Sloane, 1920 genera: 2; species: 17 Guinea: n coast]: CAM, GUI, AGONICASloane, 1920; T: Agonica simsoni Sloane, 1920 (species: 4) DOC: Katanga Prov.; STP 1 ovalipennis Sloane, 1920 AU: se AUS: c, w Tas: Lottah 7 nobilis Xie & Yu, 1991 AS: sw CHI: sw Yun: Ruili 2 simsoni Sloane, 1920 AU: se AUS: c, w Tas: Zeehan [County =Dehong Pref.] 3 sloanei Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: ne Tas: Blue Tier [Forest Reserve]; c.2000´ MICROCOSMODES Strand, 1936 NN for Microcosmus Chaudoir, 1879 4 victoriensis Moore, 1963 AU: se AUS: e Vic: Warburton; (species: 24) Mt. Donna Buang 20 symei (Murray, 1857b) Craspedophorus w AF: “Old Calabar“ [=se NRE]; SEN; Gulf of Guinea: n PSEUDAGONICA Moore, 1960; T: Pseudagonica nitida Moore, 1960 coast: GBI; nw DOC: Équateur (species: 13) Prov. 1 aberrans Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: Act: Blundells, Ck. 3km e of Picadilly Circus; PANAGAEUS Latreille, 1802; T: Carabus cruxmajor Linnaeus, 1758 (subgenera: 850m; 35.22S, 148.50E 2; species: 14) 2 alpina Baehr, 2012 AU: “Aust. Alps“ [=se AUS: e PANAGAEUS s. str. Vic]: mts. 2 bipustulatus (Fabricius, 1775) Carabus EU: “Anglia“ [=se GBR: 3 amblyops Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: se Nsw: Monga England]; ALB, AUT, BEL, S. F., 3 km e of Monga; 36.37S, BaH, BUL, BYE, CRO, CZE, 149.55 E DEN, EST, FIN, FRA, GER, 4 incerta Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: e Vic: Cement GRE, HUN, ITA, LAT, LIT, Creek, n of Warburton; 625m; LUX, MOL, NED, POL, ROM, 37.43S, 145.42E RUS: Cet, Not, Sot; SLK, SLO, 5 latibasis Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: e Vic: Mt. Donna SPA, SVE, SWI, TUR, UKR, Buang, n of Warburton; 1200m; YUG; nw AF: MOR; w AS: 37.43S, 145.41E IRN, ISR, TUR 6 longipennis Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: se Vic: Bonang 7 macrops Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: e Vic: Belgrave 252 253 8 minuta Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: Act, e Vic Mill; 1145m; 37.51S, 146.15E; ssp. minuta s. str. se AUS: e Vic: Myrtle Gully Mt. Worth NP, Trevorrows Res., NW Warburton; 1000m; Mill; 300m; 38.17S, 146.00E; 37.43S, 145.38E; Cumberland Mt. Donna Buang; 1060m; Ck., 13 km ese of Marysville; Mt. Stirling, Circuit Rd. s of 37.45S, 145.35E; Warburton, Telephone Box Jct.; 1270m; 2,2 km ne on Ancheron way; 37.07S, 146.28E 320m; 37.44S, 145.43E; Ben Cairn, ne sl.,nw Warburton; PELECIINA Chaudoir, 1880 genera: 6 species: 73 960m; 37.43S, 145.37E; DISPHAERICUS Waterhouse, 1842; T: Disphaericus gambianus Waterhouse, Cement Creek, n of Warburton; 1842 (species: 18) 670m; 37.43S, 145.42E; 9 katangensis Burgeon, 1935b c AF: “Kapiri; Elisabethville 37.34S, 145.42E [=Lubumbashi, se DOC: ssp. elongata Baehr, 2012. se AUS: Act: Black Mt., s sl.; Katanga Prov.] 600m 13 quangoanus Quedenfeldt, 1883b c, sw AF: n ANG, DOC ssp. errimundrae Baehr, 2012. se AUS: e Vic: Errimundra NP, ssp. quangoanus s. str. “Quango“ [=n ANG: Lunda Coast Range Roads 8,8 km e Norte Prov.] jct. Gunmark, Rd.925; 1200m; ssp. upembanus Basilewsky, 1953b “Parc national de ľUpemba“ 37.17S, 148.57E “ [=se DOC: Katanga Prov.]; 9 montisfusci Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: se Nsw: Brown Kasai‑Oriental, Katanga, Mts.; c. 3000ft Orientale Provinces 10 nitida Moore, 1960 AU: se AUS: se Nsw, e Vic ssp. nitida s. str. se AUS: e Vic: Beech Forest; DYSCHIRIDIUM Chaudoir, 1861; T: Dyschiridium ebeninum Chaudoir, 1861 Otway Ranges (species: 4) ssp. gracilior Baehr, 2012. se AUS:se Nsw: Rutheford 1 concinnum (Péringuey, 1926) Spanus s AF: “Natal (Durban)“ [=se Creek: Brown Mountain RSA: KwaZulu‑natal Prov.] ssp. major Baehr, 2012 se AUS: e Vic: near Lorne ssp. moorei Baehr, 2012 se AUS: e Vic: Bonang: Mt. REFERENCES Emerald ssp. orientalis Moore, 1963 se AUS: se Nsw: Mt. BAEHR M. 2012: A revision of the Australian carabid subtribe Agonicina. Spixiana 35 (2): 209‑236. Kosciuszko and Kiandra BERTOLONI G. 1857: Illustrazione dei prodotti naturali del Mozambico. Disertazione VI. interno ad Insetti Coleotteri. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Fisiche 8: 297‑321. 11 obscuripes Baehr, 2012 AU: se AUS: Act, se Nsw Hä c k e l M. & Fa r k a č J. 2012: A checklist of the subfamily Panagaeinae Hope, 1838 of the World (Coleoptera: ssp. obscuripes s. str. se AUS: Act: 3 km n of Carabidae). Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series 8 (1‑2): 67‑116.

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