Jce& k£iM e AigA£oHcL. ivAeteW is oteri Burns VOL. 1 NO. 5 R A N G E LE Y LAKES, M AINE — July 18, 1957 PRICE 10c Maine Millionth V isitor Again Two Band Concerts Teen Agers Narrowly Escape Death Comes To Rangeley Region Scheduled The Rahgeley-Oquossoc Region for himself in Washington, D.C. Sunday, July 21, The Old Crow is again honored to be chosen to Mr. and Mrs. Caillouet are the Indian Band of Farmington will entertain the years millionth vis­ parents of two daughters. How­ play a concert in the City Park itor for the second consecutive ever they are not accompanying at 8 p.m. year. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Caillouet their parents on this trip. Sunday, July 2 8th, The Megan- (pronounced Jon -Ki-u-et) of Mr. and Mrs. Caillouet have tic Band of Megantic, Quebec, Washington, D.C. have been se­ visited Maine several times but Canada will present their con­ lected this year by the State Pub­ never have been to the Rangeley cert also i.n the City Park at licity organization to receive the Region. “ The more is the pity” •8 pun. entertainment awarded the mil­ because they are the most ardent These concerts are sponsored lionth visitor. They will be in fly fishermen. by the Chamber of Commerce of R'angeley the 28th and 2 9th of We have the last minute flash the Rangeley Region. July. They will stay at Saddleback also that Mr. Caillouet is an An­ Lodge during their visit to Ran­ napolis • raduate and a Command­ geley. Mr. Caillouet is a Public er in the Naval Reserve. More de­ Practice Air Raid Relations Consultant in business tails next week. Description of Events at Rangeley For Operation Twenty - Second Annual Flower Alert 1957 On July 12th at 2:00 P.M. you Show Next Wednesday see a flash like heat lighting and a column of smoke rising to some 10-15 miles within a few minutes Oar A Total Wreck and spreading into a hugh um­ brella-shaped cloud over Presque Six Rangeley young people had right side of the road with the Isle, 20 'minutes to half an hour a narrow brush with death last front end while skidding side­ later you hear a rumble as of Saturday afternoon when the car ways. This threw the car around distant thunder and feel a tremor in which they w'ere riding over­ so that the rear end next struck in the air. turned on the hill above Sam-O- the bank. Then the car began Set camps on the South Rangeley to roll over and over dow'n the At 2:22 P.M. the same thing is road. Eddy Lowell was driving road. When it stopped rolling, repeated from the direction of Clayton Philbrick’s Studebaker it was on the left side of the Augusta. sedan. Riding with him were road again lying on the smashed At 2:28 P.M. there is a repe­ Linda Lowrell, Barbara Judkins, in top. Apparently five of the tition from the direction of Port­ Carl Searls, Christian Richard, youngsters were still in the car. land and at 2:34 P.M. from the John Brackett. According to eye Barbara Judkins was thrown out direction of Portsmouth. witnesses, the car was going at a and lay in the right hand ditch If the weather is not clear, high rate of speed "when it started about 40 feet from the car. Two or your airline distance is much down the hill. About half way of the young people were taken over 100 miles from these tar­ down young Lowell lost control to the hospital in Farmington im­ gets, you might miss one or more of the. car, swerving, first to the mediately, Barbara Judkins with gd these bombings, but you cer­ far left side of the road then head injuries and a severe lace­ tainly, in the absence of other back tow'ard the- right in a skid. ration of the left leg, and Carl (Continued On Page 12) The car struck the bank on the (Continued On Page 12) RECORD VOLUME TELEPHONE SALES IN RANGELEY The New England Telephone He hopes to stay in Rangeley line. It’s a nine mile hike each and Telegraph System announced for several years. It is the fish- way and with the 60 lbs. of equip­ recently that Barney Marquis, in'g, hunting and snowshoeing ment and supplies that must b® that Barney finds most attractive. packed, it’s a good day’s work telephone service man for the A trip he looks forward to each on snowshoes, especially if a per­ Rangeley Region h a s been year is a two day snowshoe trip son is not used to snowshoeing awarded a citation for selling to Kennebago in the middle of regularly. more telephones in the month of the winter to clear the telephone very happy to live in Rangeley. June than anyone in the State. Not only has Mr. Marquis sold more telephones for the month, he also has the highest average so far for the year 1957. The Look At That Rose ! sales include telephone service and extention phones. The total On Wednesday, July 24th the sections, Horticulture, Composi­ volume of new business sold for Rangeley Lakes Garden Club will tion and Arrangement. The Horti­ the month of June was $1043. hold its twenty-second annual culture section, with Mrs. Arthur annuel revenue. Most of this, flower show. The show will be Kelley and Mrs. Phillip Priest according to Mr. Marquis was held at the Rangeley Lodge Hall acting as consultants will have for telephones in. new homes and between 1 and 8:30 p.m. In classes for specimen varieties of camps. Mr. Marquis known to charge of this year’s show' are co- marigolds, one stem roses, one everybody as Barney, wishes to chairmen, Mrs. Robert B. Noyes stalk roses, one stalk delphinium, thank people for their patience and Mrs. Shelton Noyes. petunias, begonias and general when there is delay In getting The entries cofnmittee is Mrs. speciments. There will also be phones installed. Barney -works John Wurts and Mrs. Charles classes for african violets and fol­ alone and last week he put in Durgin; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert iage house plants. 83 V2 hours, a good -week's work Gogan, Mrs. Atherton Mitchell, Under Compositions, there will for anybody. and Mrs. Otis Oakes are in charge be five classes. There will be four Born in Farmington o the decorations. The show will niches with a Flowers and Books be staged by Mrs. Donald Morton, theme with Mrs. Clyde Penney as Barney comes from Farming- Mrs Edw'and DeMar, und Mrs. consultant. Mrs. Vance Oakes is ton, where he was born and Clyde Penney, and refreshments the consultant for arrangements raised. His parents are Mr. and will be handled by Mrs. Henry with an oriental influance, and Mrs. Firmin Marquis of Farm­ Badger, Mrs. Ray Lisherness, and Mrs. George Fletcher and Mrs. ington. Barney has been work­ Mrs. Stanley Haley. The clean-up Kenneth Hinkley are co-consult­ ing for New England Tel. & Tel. committee are Mrs. Frank Levi, ants for a children's class. In this for 4 years and came to Rangeley Mrs. Joseph Toupin, Mrs. Karl using- nursery rhymes for a theme a year ago last February. He Oakes and Mrs. Reed Ellis. class there will be compositions lives with his wife and seven The show will consist of three (Continued On Page 12) children on Allen Street and is KENNEBAGO BOB SAYS: CRUISES MOONLIGHT — SCENIC Poverty is no disgrace — but it’s no great honor, either. $1.00 Per Person b ig s t e e l c r a f t c r u is e r •. Phone Wanita Wanda Barney Marquis II PAGE 2 RANGELEY HIGHLANDER — Rangeley, Maine JU LY 18,1957 I what Chef Jack calls a “ Steam- Mountains of Food j ship Round.’’ This la the whole The Mercers And The M anor ! hind quarter of a prime beef For Mountain | roasted in one piece and given ! the place of honor on the buf- Appetites ' fet table. I guess the reason Chef Jack Campbell of the they call it “ steamship” is be­ Rangeley Inn is not kidding when cause it is as big as the Queen he talks about Mountains of food. Mary against a row-boat in com­ The table at the Tuesday night parison to other roasts. And the Buffets is so long that you can aroma that ascends from that tre­ get hungry walking from one end mendous dish! Umm-m-m-m- An­ of it to the other. The delicious­ other interesting roast at the Rev. Clayton Richard Pastor ly prepared salads, entrees and Rangeley Inn Buffet was a big Services 9:00 a.m. Sundays desserts are beautifully displayed turkey roasted and covered with throughout the summer on the buffet and calculated to some kind* of pale green sauce rouse the most sluggish appetite. with Rangeley Inn spelled out FIRST CONGREGATIONAL The Chef, called Jack by every­ in chips of carrot across his CHURCH OF THE body, is a very pleasant young breast like a neon lighted tuxedo RANGELEY REGION man who has had years of ex­ shirt. Added to the delightful Rev. Mr. Baughman, Pastor perience in the best kitchens of food is the spacious and plea­ 10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Spe­ the east. During the winter Chef sant atmosphere of the Rangeley cial service for Dedication Sun­ Jack becomes Prof.
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