") Rossville WUJAL WUJAL ABORIGINAL SHIRE COUNCIL Lakeland ") Bloomfield ") Wujal Wujal ") Thornton Beach ") Daintree DOUGLAS SHIRE Wonga ") COUNCIL Newell ") Mossman ") ") Port Douglas Mount Carbine ") ") Oak Beach ") Julatten ") Wangetti ") Mount Molloy ") Buchan Myola ") ") Kuranda Redlynch ") Yarrabah ") ") Biboohra ") Thornborough ") Cairns Mareeba ") CAIRNS REGIONAL COUNCIL MAREEBA SHIRE COUNCIL Aloomba ") ") Walkamin ") Dimbulah ") Electric Ant Biosecurity Zone Suburbs Aeroglen East Palmerston Lamb Range Port Douglas Aloomba East Russell Little Mulgrave Portsmith Atherton ") Bellenden Ker Arriga East Trinity Lower Cowley Ravenshoe ") ") Yungaburra Atherton Eaton Lower Daintree Redlynch Babinda Edge Hill Lower Tully Rockingham Bamboo Edmonton Maadi Rocky Point ") Babinda ") Bramston Beach Bamboo Creek El Arish Maalan Sandy Pocket ") Malanda ") Barrine Ellinjaa Macalister Range Shannonvale ") Herberton Barron Ellis Beach Machans Beach Shell Pocket Barron Gorge Etty Bay Malanda Silkwood ") Bartle Frere Eubenangee Mamu Silky Oak Irvinebank Basilisk Euramo Manoora Smithfield Bayview Heights Evelyn Manunda South Innisfail Beatrice Feluga Mareeba South Johnstone Millaa Millaa ") Innisfail Bellenden Ker Finlayvale Maria Creeks South Mission Beach ") Belvedere Fishery Falls Martyville Southedge Bentley Park Fitzgerald Creek McCutcheon Speewah Biboohra Fitzroy Island Mena Creek Spurgeon Mourilyan ") Bilyana Flying Fish Point Merryburn Stewart Creek Valley ") d Ravenshoe x m Bingil Bay Forest Creek Miallo Stockton . ") 2 Moresby V Birkalla Freshwater Middlebrook Stoters Hill _ s e Bloomfield Friday Pocket Midgenoo Stratford Mount Garnet n o ") z o Bombeeta Gadgarra Midgeree Bar Sundown i ") Cowley Beach B Bonnie Doon Garners Beach Mighell Syndicate _ 2 ") 0 Boogan Garradunga Millaa Millaa Tam O'Shanter Japoon 0 8 1 Bramston Beach Germantown Millstream Tarzali ") _ Silkwood A E \ Brinsmead Glen Allyn Minbun Thornton Beach s e n Bulgun Glen Boughton Mirriwinni Tinaroo o z ") o Bungalow Glen Ruth Mission Beach Tolga El Arish i B 2 Butchers Creek Goldsborough Mona Mona Topaz ") Bingil Bay 0 0 8 Cairns City Goolboo Moomin Trinity Beach 1 _ Cairns North Goondi Mooroobool Trinity Park ") A E \ s Mission Beach t Camp Creek Goondi Bend Moregatta Tully c e j o Cape Tribulation Goondi Hill Moresby Tully Heads r P Caravonica Gordonvale Mossman Tumoulin ") _ Tully ") A E Cardstone Granadilla Mossman Gorge Upper Barron South Mission Beach _ 1 0 Carmoo Green Hill Mount Carbine Upper Daintree 6 0 \ s Carrington Green Island Mount Mackay Upper Daradgee ") t n A Cassowary Gulngai Mount Molloy Utchee Creek _ c i Tully Heads r t Chewko Herberton Mount Mulligan Vasa Views c e l Clifton Beach Holloways Beach Mount Peter Walkamin E _ 6 0 Coconuts Hudson Mount Sheridan Walter Hill \ s e c Comoon Loop Hull Heads Mourilyan Walter Lever Estate i v r Cooroo Lands Hurricane MouMnoturilyan Harbour Wangan CASSOWARY COAST e S l a i Coorumba Innisfail SurpMrioswebray Wangetti t ") a REGIONAL COUNCIL p Cooya Beach Innisfail Estate Mundoo Wanjuru S \ t TABLELANDS r Coquette Point Jaffa Mungalli Warrami o p p Cow Bay Jaggan Munro Plains Warrubullen u REGIONAL COUNCIL S m Cowley Japoonvale Murray Upper Watsonville a r g o Cowley Beach Jarra Creek Murrigal Waugh Pocket r P \ Cowley Creek Jubilee Heights Mutchilba Webb ") Cardwell Q E S Craiglie Julatten Nerada Westcourt \ C C Cullinane Kaban New Harbourline White Rock Q B \ Currajah Kairi ETHENeRweIlDl Whitfield Q GE B \ Dagmar Kalunga Ngatjan Whyanbeel : G SH Daintree Kamerunga NgIaRtjaEn Wondecla d x Danbulla Kanimbla No 4 Branch Wonga Beach m . ETHERIDGE 2 Daradgee Kewarra Beach No 5 Branch Wongabel V _ s Daveson Killaloe No 6 Branch Wongaling Beach e SHIRE n o z Dedin Kimberley Noah Woopen Creek o i B Deeral Kirrama North Johnstone Wooroonooran Abergowrie _ ") 2 0 Desailly Koah Oak Beach Woree 0 8 1 Dingo Pocket Koombooloomba O'Briens Hill Wrights Creek _ ") A E Diwan Kooroomool Packers Camp Yorkeys Knob 8 1 Djarawong Kuranda Paddys Green Yungaburra 0 LEGEND 2 / 6 0 Djiru Kureen Palm Cove / 8 0 Earlville Kurrimine Beach Palmerston Electric an t bio security z o n e East Barron Lake Barrine Parramatta Park j a t ± s East Feluga Lake Eacham Peeramon CHARTERS TOWERS a b : East Innisfail Lake Tinaroo Pin Gin Hill Lo cal Go vern m en t Area 0 25 50 y b REGIONAL COUNCIL d e c u d o Kilo m eters r P Electric ant movement restrictions If yo ur pro perty is with in th e bio security z o n e, th en yo u m ust n o t m o ve electric an t carriers fro m yo ur pro perty to an o th er pro perty ELECTRIC ANT BIOSECURITY ZONE MAP eith er with in o r o utside th e bio security z o n e un less yo u eith er: 1) Mo ve th e carrier directly to a waste facility th at accepts electric an t carriers (facilities are listed o n th e Departm en tal webpag e); o r 2) Apply fo r a bio security in strum en t perm it to m o ve th e carrier. Yo u can co m plete a bio security in strum en t perm it request o n lin e EA02 15 June 2018 at www.an th un t.daf.qld.g o v.au o r by callin g 13 25 23. Electric ant carriers are: ! po tted plan ts ! so il ! cuttin g s fro m plan ts ! turf Contact the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries ! fruit fro m plan ts ! m ulch for more information or request a biosecurity instrument permit at ! a th in g th at h as co m e in to co n tact with th e g ro un d, ! baled h ay, straw, o r co m po sted m aterials exam ples– bee h ives, an d g arden furn iture ! an im al m an ures www.anthunt.qld.gov.au ! a pro duct o r by-pro duct o f m in in g o r quarryin g . or call 13 25 23 D is c l a im e r : W h ile e ve ry ca re is ta k e n to e n su re th e a cc u r a c y o f th e se d a ta se ts, a ll d a ta c u s to d ia n s a n d /o r th e S ta te o f Q u e e n sla n d m a k e s n o r e p re s e n ta tio n s o r w a rr a n tie s a b o u t its a c cu ra cy, re lia b ility, c o m p le te n e ss o r s u ita b ility fo r a n y p a rticu la r p u rp o se a n d d iscla im s a ll re sp o n sib ility a n d a ll lia b ility (in clu d in g w ith o u t lim ita tio n , lia b ility in n e g lig e n ce ) fo r a ll e xp e n s e s , lo ss e s , d a m a g e s ( in c lu d in g in d ire ct o r co n se q u e n tia l d a m a g e ) a n d co sts to w h ic h yo u m ig h t in c u r a s a re su lt o f th e d a ta b e in g in a ccu ra te o r in co m p le te in a n y w a y a n d fo r a n y re a so n . R e p lica tio n s o f m a p s a n d /o r d a ta co n ta in e d w ith in a re s u b je c t to a u th o r isa tio n b y th e S p a tia l In fo rm a tio n M a n a g e m e n t O ffice r, B io se cu rity Q u e e n sla n d C o n tro l C e n tre . A c k n o w le d g e m e n ts © T h e S ta te o f Q u e e n s la n d - D e p a rtm e n t o f N a tu ra l R e s o u rce s & M in e s 2 0 1 8 . © T h e S ta te o f Q u e e n sla n d - D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ricu ltu re & F ish e rie s 2 0 1 8.
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