The Rail Gunner Newsletter VOLUME 5 THE RAIL GUNNER NEWSLETTER ISSUE 1 Inside this issue Message from 2 RG6/RG9 Small Community Big on 3 Giving Celebration of Lights 4 41st Fires Bde. celebrates 5 St. Barbara Dalhart Texas Honors 7 Veterans Del Harris visits with 8 Rail Gunners Rail Gunners Return 9 Home Settling into Home 10 Teen receive extreme 11 Capt. Clifford Pullig, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery commander, 2nd Battalion, look into Army life 20th Field Artillery Regiment, 41st Fires Brigade, hands off a box of toys donated to the Families of the brigade by the communities within Leon County, Texas, Dec. 12. Ft. Hood fighter no 13 lightweight Story and photos by Gary Maples and his wife Sgt. Garett Hernandez Susan transported the trucks full of 41st Fires Brigade, PAO toys. The Maples drove the 240 mile The Rail Gunner Leon County is located about round trip three times with the help Monthly Staff half way between Houston and Dallas of a few of their friends. Commander on Interstate 45 and has a population The second load of donated COL William E. McRae of approximately 16,000 people, ac- toys contained over 5,000 toys. The Command Sgt. Maj. CSM Antonio Dunston cording to the 2010 census. Wal-Mart Distribution center in Pal- Rail Gunner PAO The people of that county came estine, Texas, donated the toys to NCOIC together to donate thousands of toys Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), SGT Garett Hernandez to the Soldiers of the 41st Fires Bri- explained Gary. The VVA then heard gade, Dec. 12. they were donating toys to the 41st Continues on pg. 3 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 THE RAIL GUNNER NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2013 Rail Gunner 6 & 9 Send private, we must to be relentless in our pursuit of excellence. Command Sergeant Major Dun- ston and I have every confidence that our Soldiers and Families will meet and exceed established standards. I am confident that, because of the time and energy put in here at home station, the Soldiers that we send out will be able to succeed at any mission they are given. I know every Rail Gunner will make us proud. Again, welcome back and con- tinue to press hard in our enduring pursuit of excellence. RAIL GUNNER STRONG! Colonel Command Sergeant Major William E. McRae Antonio Dunston 41st Fires Brigade CDR 41st Fires Brigade CSM Rail Gunners, Family and Friends, Happy Hopefully everyone had a good New Year! holiday season. Col. McRae and I would Command Sgt. Major Dunston like to wish everyone in the Rail Gunner and I would like to welcome everyone Family a happy New Year. back to work. We hope you were able to Now that the half day schedule enjoy the holidays and spend some time has ended it’s time to train again. It’s time with Family and friends. With the holi- for the Noncommissioned Officers of the day season behind us, it is time to move brigade to start kicking their training forward with a “hit the ground running” schedules into high gear. It is up to our mind set. Combat readiness is my number fine NCOs to ensure that the Soldiers one priority! meet the training objectives. I am certain that this New Year I would challenge every one of will be both a challenging and rewarding our NCOs to strive for excellence and to time for our extended Rail Gunner Team help your Soldiers achieve excellence. as different elements prepare for upcom- After all, your Soldiers are reflections of ing deployments and rotations to our you. Help your Soldiers reach their full Combat Training Centers. In order to set potential whether that means going from the conditions for success, it is imperative passing their APFT to maxing it, or train- that as an organization, we continue to ing your Soldiers in duty positions that hone our skills and build upon the already are new to them. As an NCO you should solid teams we have formed. also be willing to improve yourself. This will often require long We, as an organization, can’t hours and lots of hard work. Now is the maintain excellence if we don’t continue time to regain our focus and composure to improve. Once again the Colonel and I when it comes to training and individual would like to welcome you back and wish readiness. This holds true for every you a happy New Year. member of the team. Across the organi- zation, from the Brigade Command Ser- RAIL GUNNER STRONG! geant Major and myself to our newest The “Rail Gunner Monthly” is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of the “Rail Gunner Monthly” are not necessarily official views of or endorsed by the U.S. Government, Department of De- fense, Department of the Army or the 41st Fires Brigade. All editorial content of this publication is prepared, ed- ited, provided and approved by the 41st Fires Brigade Public Affairs Office. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions contact the 41st Fires Brigade PAO office at 254-287-0739 or email ga- [email protected]. Check out the unit’s Website at http://www.hood.army.mil/41stFires or on Face- book for additional information. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 THE RAIL GUNNER NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2013 Soldiers from across the 41st Fires Brigade sort toys first by gender then by age before dividing the toys between the battalions of the brigade, Dec. 12. The toys were collected by the communities within Leon County, Texas and donated to the Families of the 41st Fires Brigade, Dec. 12. Fires Bde., and gave them the Bde. mond Griffin, a Field Artillery toys to donate, explained Maples. The toys and money for Automated Tactical Data Systems Gary and Susan are Veter- the toys were collected by busi- Specialist with Headquarters and ans Service Officers and work as nesses in Leon County, Texas, Headquarters Battery, 41st Fires a team to help veterans of Leon Gary Maples explained. They Bde., who received toys for his County gain access to their bene- collected over $3,500 to buy toys five children. fits. Both Gary and Susan Maples for the unit. “It’s something that we served in the Navy. The toys were given to just want to do to give back. You Col. William McRae and the Soldiers who have children guys are on the frontlines, fight- Command Sgt. Major Antonio throughout the brigade to en- ing for our freedoms and we just Dunston, commander and com- sure the kids would have a want to support you,” said Mr. mand sergeant major of the 41st merry Christmas. Maples. Fires Bde., were both on hand to “It makes me feel good The Soldiers of the Rail receive the toys for the unit. seeing that people do care…it’s Gunner Brigade send a huge This is the sixth year that nice knowing that people care thank you to all those who do- the communities of Leon County enough to take the time to buy a nated gifts and their time. have come together to donate toys gift and donate to Soldiers. It is to the Families of the 41st Fires a good feeling,” said Spc. Ray- VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 THE RAIL GUNNER NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2013 (Left) Soldiers and civilians light candles on menorahs during the seventh night of Chanukah. Soldiers from across Fort Hood and community members from the surrounding area gather at the Spirit of Ft. Hood Warrior and Family Chapel Campus for a Chanukah celebration, Dec. 14. (Right) Chaplain Capt. Karyn Berger, the Ft. Hood Rabbi, 2nd Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, 41st Fires Brigade leads the congregation in prayer after lighting seven candles on menorah. Story by the temple. Instead of waiting for have a much larger congregation,” Sgt. Garett Hernandez more oil to be made, the Macca- said Spc. Daniel Najera from A 41st Fires Brigade, PAO bees lit the menorah and rededi- Battery, 26th Field Artillery Regi- cated the Temple that day. The ment (Target Acquisition Bat- The Jewish Congregation oil miraculously lasted all eight tery), 41st Fires Brigade. “This is of Ft. Hood held its annual Cha- nights, added Berger. my first time being away from nukah party at the Spirit of Ft. The celebration started Family celebrating Hanukkah.” Hood Warrior and Family Chapel when the lights were turned off in The services were not only Campus, Dec. 14. the room. Then one by one the open to Soldiers and their Fami- Chanukah, the Jewish candles were lit on the menorahs. lies, but also open to anyone in celebration of lights, commemo- As the candles were being lit the surrounding communities rates two miracles, explained Rabbi Berger began to sing. As that wanted to attend. Capt. Ber- Chaplain Capt. Karyn Berger, the the room filled with candle light it ger is one of only 12 Rabbis Ft. Hood Rabbi, 2nd Battalion, also filled with song as more and within the Army. 20th Field Artillery Regiment, more people joined in singing. On “Without the Army we 41st Fires Brigade. The first is this night seven candles would be would not have a congregation the victory of a small group of lit on the menorahs marking the here,” said Aaron Beal who came freedom fighters, the Maccabees, seventh day of the celebration. from College Station visiting his who prevailed against over- Following the lighting of parents. whelming odds to defeat an op- the menorahs there was Shabba The congregation has over pressive regime and took back the Services after which the food was 20 members, made up of Soldiers Jewish temple.
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