7/26/78 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 7/26/78; Container 86 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf ',_, o'' .� , · " WIT,H6RAWAL�HEET (PRESI!DENTiAL LIBRAfUEs)·.· ·'!)'' "(' 'FORM 0F DOCUMENT ..,GOR�E SPONDENTS OR TITtE RESTJ31CJION . lj" �) "H ""'i , �-· ·?'· ,, ,.". r!,�, t o . , • Meno Blumenthal to PrE!s,:. :7qirte�,.. w/'atta,ch:Irtents .7·. pp., · r ; r to.�Sovi¢t · · e ·Expo ts lJnibn 1 9 • < u· , 'l" lf' ' • .."· " ·' FILE LO�ATION Car;t,er Presidenti�l Pa:gers:-?taff Offices,· Office of �Et Staff Sec.-Presidential !fandwriting, 'File, 7 /?.6/78 Box" 96· · · RESJ"RICTION CODES •• 0 1 ' (A) Closed by 'Executive Order 123Sa'g�verning accesS ton'i!tional security information. (B) . · · Closed �y statute,of:by the agenc'lwtlich·originated the document.. •. · •. .• (C) Closed in accordance_with restrictibns contained in tne donor's d� of gif,t. ....: - NA FORM 1429 (6-85) TilE PRESIDEN'l'' S SCHEDULE Wednesday July 26, 1.978 8:15 Mr. David Aaron The Oval Office. 8 :4 5 Mr. Frank Moore � The Oval Office. 9:00 Photographs with Democrati� Congressional Candidates. ( 15 min.) (Mr. Frank Moore) The Oval Office. 9:30 Pres�ntation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (10 min.) to Honorable Arthur J. Goldberg - The Oval Office. Mr. Jody Powell The Oval Office. 11:15 Meeting to Discuss Health Issues. (Mr. Stuart (20 min.) Eizenstat) The Cabinet Room. 12:00 . Lunch with Congressman Richard Bolling - Oval Office. (30 min.) _... 1:15 Meeting with Governor Jerry Apodaca. (Mr. Jack (20 min.) Watson) The Oval Office. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI.NGTON July 26, 1978 Jerry Rafshoon The attached was returned in the President's outbox: It is forwarded to you for appropriate hand�ing. Rick Hutcheson cc: Hamilton Jordan Tim Kraft Jody Powell FUNDRAISING -l ·I .FOR STAFFING FOR INFORMATION / FROM PRESIDENT'S OUTBOX LOG IN7TO PRESIDENT TODAY IMMEDIATE TURNAROUND NO DEADLINE LAST DAY FOR ACTION - - ADMIN CONFID CONFIDENTIAL z 0 SECRET H EYES ONLY E-iH u·� ,:X:� VTCE PRESIDENT EIZENSTAT -- --- JORDAN ARAGON -- KRAFT BOURNE LIPSHUTZ BUTLER MOORE H. CARTER CLOUGH .WATSON COSTANZA WEXLER CRUIKSHANK BRZEZINSKI :FALLOWS MCINTYRE FIRST LADY SCHULTZE GAMMILL HARDEN HUTCHESON JAGODA LINDER MITCHELL .MOE PETERSON PETTIGREW PRESS I/' RAFSHOON SCHNEIDERS VOORDE WARREN WTC::'C'I THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 7/25/78 Mr .. President: Hamilton concurs with Jerry. Jody's comment: "If the President w.on' t Ie.t it be a salute to him, what about Ham�· ·Lester Maddox and me. -We all have birthdays a:bout the same time. " Tim Kraft is out of town. Rick Jll,�· loll.._... •• JU tflsP 511• ... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON J\illy 25, 1978 \_ MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT fD FROM: JERRY RAFSHOON � As yo\il know, the DNC plans a large fundrai.sing dinner on September 27 in Washington. Evan Dobelle has asked me to get some .taleat for this and we are trying for Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, s,teve Martin, Alan King, among others. We are planning for two performers and then you. The best way to make this a real success is to bill it as a Birthday Salute to the President. Before you say no (you killed this idea last yea:r), I want to say it would not be a public media event as much as it would be a Democratic Party function. It will be covered but would not be a TV special as we talked about last year. It would enhance tickets sales as well as g.et top flight talent to come and perform. It is close to your bili'thday and I am sure its success would be equated with your popularity and would help in many ways. · { I told Ev:an that I would get an answer as soon as possible. ___ ______________Approve _______;Disa pprove .· •: ·.-. ::iF·.·_·�r • . • THE \VHITC: H-OUSE: deAN· 2Jf, LTuly 19 7 8 ��t­ ;V��_.f) �,lENOEANOUL·! FOR THE PHESIDENT J6o� -i�re; FRO>l: JERRY R..i\FSHOON � ..,.,-;:::;.�=· ==""'*""- Q f� As you knmY", the DNC plans a large fundraising dinner on Sept;errber 2 7 in I·lashington _ Evan Dobe lle has asked me to ge t some talent for this and ;,;;e are trying for Barbra S·treisand, Dian a Ross, Steve Nartin, Alan King, aBong others. He are planning for ttvo performers and .then you. The best way to make this a real success is to bill is as a Birthday Salute to the President. Before you say no (you "" I l killed this idea last year), want to say it would not be a public media event as much as it tvould be a Democratic Party function. It will be covered but would not be a TV �pecial as Me talked about last year. It would enh�nce ticket sales as well as get · top flight talent to come and perform. It is close to your birthday and I am sure its s uccess would be equated ;,.;i th your popularity and would help iB many i.•Tays. I told Evan tha t I -.:.·rould get an answer as soon as possible ... � • .L .L Disapprove oorove ------ ,41,IJ#I'tJ;£ �u� THE WH.ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON L ;; 4,JU A.A.)c .kl' I</ /A/#�4 :) . ry .. :.:· u# � . ·x�, " m · . �-; : :�;�!:; : , � :. .. <J) !];_; Z-0 . �'/� ,di<-6-- { �..:.::.-::� '":�(· :z_ . ·. · 4-- /!��', .fo·�/ �- .J�· .; 4'1d �� jl)/ i� ,tf p/; ... I•"' ,- ..Jl . ,· . ,• . ' I ,. \ . :!!['? \ .i�l:,: }J;,'- . W : . .. · . ' :·.= )> . .·. · . •: ':." :, ·.::- , . ... .· · .. � ... .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON L 7: 4J?e. M )c };_,/ � /A!Nab-4 "' medrj ,P � ) • S'"' {z- • �- ,41Lc/-- � �/ � 4� . --. ��A d'�- .}')/ Mj, tf du,. - . �,d�/d -JO . Wi¥L . .. �:. f2W- 3-mr] Vod.oL .. THE WHITE HOUSE WAS H 'I N G T 0 N July� 26, 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: JERRY RAFSHOO SUBJECT': DINNER W.ITH EX .CUTIVES -QF NBC AND JACK GERMOND AND JULES WITCOVER WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1978, 7:00P BACKGROUND: This is the second in a series o.f informal dinner.s that you have agreed to host for national media figures. This group is composed o·f the executives of NBC and Jules Witcover and Jack Germond. PARTICIPANTS: Mr. a:r:td M:r:s. Fred Silverman (Kathy) Fred Silverman was named President of NBC about six months ago and assumed the position two months ago. He replaced Herb Schlosser. He came to NBC from ABC where he was head of , · \( programming. Silverman is in his mid'-40�s and has spent his entire career in tele�ision. He �s very research-or�ented and has done a lot of work i:n the area of public attitudes toward television. He began his career as head of daytime programming for CBS; was promoted to head of programming at CBS; and then moved to ABC. Silverman is the "bigg.est talk" in television today. He brought CBS to #1 in entertainment; then brought ABC to #1.; and has. now moved to NBC. He is bhe trendsetter in television. He's a "street fighter" type and a maverick. Mr. and Mrs. Les Crystal (Toby) Les Crystal was named President of NBC News about six mon-ehs · ago. Silverman has decided to keep him in that position. He began his television career as Executive Producer of NBC News. Mr. and Mrs. John Chancellor (Barbara) John Chancellor began his career in television in 1950. He served as head of bhe Voice of America during 1966 and 1967. He became anchor for·the evening news in 1970 upon the retire­ ment of Ch.et Huntley. He was joined by David Brinkley as co­ anchor in June 1976. .. � . :·.·.··.- Mr. ana Mrs. David Brinkley (Susan) David Brinkley began his career with.:NBC,radio in 1943. He became the local Washington reporter on the John Cameron Swazey report. He gained prominence when he covered the 1956 Democratic and Republican conventions, and in Oc-tober 1956 he_Jw��t;:.l on the air with the evening news with Chet Huntley. After Huntley's retirement in 19 7 0 Brinkley le.ft the news to do special commentary. In June 1976 he joined John Chancellor as co-anchor for the NBC Nightly News. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Germond (Barbara) Jack Germond and Jules W.itcover began their syndicated column March 1, 1977. They are syndicated by the Chicago Tribune/NY News. Mr. and ·Mrs. Jules Witcover (Marian) Author of MARATHON. Began syndicated column with Jack Germond in March, 1977. cc: Mrs. Carter Gretchen Poston 1- - . JUNE 21-28, 1978 +- -- Conversation with Michael Harrington James R. Gorman Ethics, Economics and the Farm Protest �mothy Miller Disarmament and Public Support Church Women United's - - Urban Causeway INDEX: JANUARY-JUNE, 1978 81 .. 11111........ 1 ·. 1f r"" tlrfl • sr••• a••• THE WHITE HOUSE WAS H I N· G T 0 N MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: TIM KRAFT JIM GAMMILL j....._{,- SUBJECT: Appointment with Governor Jerry Apodaca July 26 at 1:15 p.m. You are scheduled to meet with Governor Je-rry Apodaca because of a memorandum to you of June 13, 1978 concerning The Pres'ident' s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in which you approved his appointment as Chairman of the Council, and you asked to see him. You should ask Governor Apodaca to serve as Chairman of the Council, and explain that you need him to devote twenty or twenty-five days a year to this activity. You also migh.t wish to discuss the types of members that you each would like to see for the fourteen member Council, as well as any particular areas that you would like to see the Council emphasize, such as preventative health care or recreation in the inner .·y cities.
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