Ww mogal (5a_?ite tmb Colonist Hatty INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 17—NO. 174 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM IMPERIAL CONFERENCE AT WORK APPOINTING COMMITTEES HOOVER SIGNS THE TWO EXTENSION OF CENTRAL GENEVA CONFERENCE ! POLITICAL RIOTS GO ON IN THE POSITION OF THE MILLION RELIEF BILL GOVERNMENT PACKING GOING AHEAD GERMANY IRISH FREE STATE Farmers and Shippers Meet Hoover's Scheme Causes a Proclamation of Martial Law Irish Delegate Stresses Dino Grandi Appointed to Lon­ to Discuss Question Split in Opinion Has Little Effect Co - operation Desire FRANK DISCUSSION ON GENEVA. July 22- Maxim Lit- BERLIN, July 22.—Two men were QUOTA PRINCIPAL URGED BY vinoff, Soviet Russia's representa­ killed and a number injured in don Ambassadorship SOME VITAL PROBLEMS tive at the World Disarmament. political riots in Germany in spite NEW ZEALANDER Conference, emerged yesterday as of martial law and the new dic­ The establishment of packing an advocate of the basic principles tatorship. A Communist was shot OTTAWA. July 22:—The open­ houses at Southampton, Paget, in President Hoover's programme dead and a number were wounded ing speeches at the Imperial Con­ OPTIMISTIC REPORT FROM Smith's and (when needed) at St. calling for a one-third reduction at midnight when an emergency ference inauguration yesterday last­ George's was advocated at a joint in all armaments. Mr. Hugh squad fired upon a group of 20 ed two and a half hours. After the AMERICAN INDUSTRIES meeting of the farmers and shippers Gibson, chief of the United States Communists who gathered in opening declarations of policy the held at the City Hall^Hamilton, on delegation, appeared in the role of south-eastern Berlin to protest Conference passed swiftly to the Thursday afternoon. The same opponent. against the martial law decree. consideration of methods of work. meeting 'passed a resolution of The Russian demanded that the Another Communist was slain The heads of the various delega­ German Aviator Takes Off for Chicago—"Bonus" emphatic ^disapproval of the pro­ declaration which is to be adopted by police during a Communist- tions met and decided to appoint posal to make St. George's instead of before the Conference adjourns un­ National Socialist battle at Weiss- five committees as follow: 1, Pro­ Army Given Two Weeks to Leave Washing- Hamilton, the shipping port for til the Fall be revised to include a wasser. Saxony. Several were in­ motion of trade within the Com­ ton—Bolivia Declares State of Siege- produce consigned to Canada. specific recommendation for arms jured in a three-cornered clash monwealth; 2, Customs adminis­ More than ninety shippers and cuts of one-third. He forced a roll at Homberg, in which Nazis. Com­ tration; 3, Commercial relations Cotton Strike Called for Today—Televi­ farmers were present, and the chair call and. with some members ab­ munists and Reichsbannermen with foreign countries; 4, Monetary was taken by Mr. O. R. Loblein. staining, the amendment was de­ participated. At Buer. in the Ruhr, and financial questions; and 5, sion for Paris Telephone Users M.C.P. There was a decided opin­ feated by 30 votes to 5. Subse­ Nazis fired upon a group of "Iron Methods of economic co-operation. ion that the function of the Board quently the United States dele­ Fronts" (Republican supporters.! No appointments to the committees of Agriculture and the Department gate's vote was explained by the seriously wounding three. were made. Each delegation is meeting separately to decide on of Agriculture is an educational assertion that he already had been The new military rule prevented X OOVER SIGNS $2,000,000 RELIEF GERMAN AVIATOR TAKES OFF its nominees. Formal appointments one—to show the farmers What to committed to the draft text of the Communist and Nazi meetings BILL FOR CHICAGO will then be made. plant, when to plant and the best declaration. scheduled for last night at Luck- way of tending their crops. After enwalde. in the Province of Brand- WASHINGTON. July 22.— Pre- LOST ISLAND OF SYLT. July This text was assailed from many OPENING SPEECHES this, it is felt by shippers and far­ enberg. In a speech at Bremen Th.e speeches of Premier Coates of sident Hoover has signed the $2,- 22.—Captain Wolfgang von Gronau. quarters, but important portions mers, it is the responsibility of the Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, expressed New Zealand and Premier Bruce 000,000 Relief Bill. the German Aviator, took off from of it calling for substantial reduc­ grower to care for his shipments or his satisfaction over the dictator­ of Australia, which followed that * * * here at 11 a.m. today for Chicago. tion in air forces and land arma­ have someone he trusts ship his ments survived intact. Sections ship established in Prussia and of the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, "BONUS' ARMY GIVEN TWO He was accompanied by a crew of produce on his behalf. of the declaration asserting that Bradenberg by the von Papen leader of the United Kingdom de­ WEEKS TO EVACUATE WASH­ three —a second pilot, a mechanic the primary objective of the Con­ legation, showed the willingness INGTON and a wireless operator. His route Continued on Page 2 will be substantially the same as BOARD'S FIRST SCHEME ference was to reduce the means of these two countries to join in an of attack, to prohibit air attacks CO Empire scheme. Australia, said WASHINGTON, July 22.—The that followed in his two previous This much has emerged from against civilians and to abolish Premier Bruce, had devoted many au riorities here have ordered the flights in 1930 and 1931, by way of IRISH FREE STATE SEEKS RE­ recent discussion of a letter the all aerial bombardment (with cer­ months' investigation to the pro­ "bonus army" to evacuate the Iceland. Greenland and Labrador. Board of Agriculture sent to . ..>')- tain reservations) were among those j CIPROCAL TRADE WITH blem and was ready to make a c i ;. \\"i t hin two weeks. His first stop was planned for Ice­ land. Montreal will be his first pers on July 19th. This letter read: approved. Tlie conference is going contribution to the desired end. "I am directed to inform you that CANADA stop in North America. anead with other details of the Premier Coates said New Zea­ U.S. and ARGENTINA NEGOT­ it is the intention of the Board to declaration. Tiie most dramatic land was prepared, where possible, * * * OTTAWA. July 22. The Irish IATING RECIFROCIAL TAR­ make a charge on a percentage basis criticism of th: 'l.claration came to increase the margin of British KAYE DON'S PLANS FOR HARMS- Free State offers a. wide market IFF CUTS for the following services which from Signet i.uio Balbo, ItaUan preference. He favoured the quota WORTH TROPHY RACES for Canadian Hour and bacon, and it proposes to perform, next season: Air Minister, who. on behalf of principle for governing the im­ in return for reciprocal advantages BUENOS AIRES, July 22.—The LONDON, July 21. Kaye Don grading, packing, carting and ship­ Mussolini; characterised it as en­ portation of non-Empire products. U li.ed States aad Argentina are will sail with hisIboat.Miss England ping vegetables to Canada. in .he Canadian matket for certain tirely inadequate and announced commodities the delegates of that This quota should in no ease be negotiating reciprocal tariff re­ 111. on August 10th for the United "Shipping will include paying thai he was abstaining from fur- I applied to Empire products. ductions. States and the Harmsworth Trophy freight and other charges and mak­ country would be prepared to grant ther discussion and voting. this Dominion substantial pre­ The British tariff measures dir­ + * * Races at Detroit from September ing the individual account sales to oo ected agai.vi the Irish Free State 1st. to 5th. He says the coming test farmers whose vegetables have been ferences. Representations along DINO GRAND! APPOINTED these lines will, it is understood, were alluded to by Mr. O'Kelly ITALIAN AMBASSADOR IN will be the hardest he has ever shipped. The percentage charge CANADA'S U. S. EXPORTS IN in a speech in which lie expressed faced, but his new boat was built will be made known shortly. In form the case of the Free Slaters LONDON JUNE OUTWEIGH EMPIRE at the present Imperial Conference. the Free State's desire for friendly especially for the race and not cases where farmers present to the co-operation. "Special difficulties Board orders for the payment to On the other side of the slate are P„OME. July 22.- In fulfilment merely for straightaway speed runs, EXPORTS have arisen affecting 85 per cent named shippers or other creditors the reciprocal beneflits which the of ci s general prophesies, Signor as was the ill-fated Miss England 11, of the Free State's external trade," of their sales or pari of the same, Free State will ask for its woollens. Dino Grandi. who resigned along which turnedfover with Den in the OTTAWA. July 22. -Canadian he said. "Thi i might involve sub­ such payments will be made by the its liquors and nialt beverages. with four other Cabinet Ministers Trophy competition last Fall. domestic exports to Australia have | stantial changes i_ tne form a KI Board in the terms of the orders." The understanding here is that two days ago. has been appointed made a remarkable increase in the j the delegates will ask that Canada direction of our trade as well as in Italian Ambassador in London. "TECHNICAL" ARREST OF IN­ past three months, the aggregate > grant certain advantages to Free the internal economic structure The appointment is a popular one.
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