ROME (UPl) — A new message purporting to come from the Red the ruling Christian Democratic Par­ Brigades guerrilla group today ty. named 13 ultra-leftists whose The Moro case has created nearly freedom was demanded for the life of unbearable tension in Italy and has kidnapped ex-Premier Aldo Mpro. set rival politicians fighting (or the The message received by life of the president of the ruling newspaper offices in Rome, Milan Christian Demoqgatic Party. It has a large and Genoa, did not set any new Hop, then “Five deadline after the Red Brigades let a Today's communique was the first Inglish, and the previous death ultimatum elapse in word from the Red Brigades since ‘Redeemable at silence. the Saturday deadline passed, k Street...” This "If this is not done, we will im­ despite pleas from Pope Paul, the term “Antique mediately draw the due con­ United Nations Security Council, the erid use. sequences and execute the sentence Italian Socialist Party and Moro’s that has been passed on Aldo Moro,” wife. ained from the the new message said. Ige, NJ 07028- But an attorney for Red Brigades It demanded the release of Red leaders on trial in Turin said Sunday Brigades founder Renato Curcio and he was sure that Moro was still alive. several others standing trial on terrorism charges trial with him in lortheast Stamp Turin, plus some members of a runners were shown as they began the trek. —See Puge Ten-A i Civic Center More than 300 persons from Connecticut and out-of-state Genoa terrorist cell and Cristoforo participated in Bolton’s first five-mile road race Sunday. The )ected to bring (Herald photo by Pinto) Piancone, a member of a commando ost offices and group who was wounded in the fatal iembled in this ambush of a Turin prison guard last isual UNPA and week. Russian The message, “Communique No. 1. Admission is 8," was the first time the Red lace to park. Bolton road race draws 600 Brigades have named the prisoners they want released in return for satellite Jay Rubinow of Manchester was> By DONNA HOLLAND division for those age 60 and over had awarded to the first place and other Moro. Investigators said they nd tomorrow at Herald Correspondent the oldest runner in the race. He is 66 six entries. winners. believed the message to be genuine. years old and finished in 45:38 liddle Turnpike. More than 600 persons participated The division winners were Robbie Only about a dozen registered Answering the ruling Christian clowned minutes. : 30 today and 10 in Bolton’s first five-mile raod race Carbray of Norwich, sub-junior, run­ runners did not finish the race. Democratic party’s demand that the Nick Camposeo of Bolton was the Although most of the runners were eted covers and Sunday either as runners or spec­ ning for the Mohegan Striders, 39:43; kidnapers make their terms known COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo, youngest runner. He is 6 years old from Connecticut several gave their )rating aviation tators. Chris Chisholm of Farmington junior through the Roman Catholic relief (UPl) — A non-nuclear Soviet and finished in 51:20 minutes. hopie addresses as Massachusetts. 'right brothers’ Phillip Woolheater set a course running for Farmington High School, oganization Caritas, the communique satellite re-entered the earth’s at­ New York, New Hampshire, Maine record of 25:54.5 minutes, and in There were seven divisions. The 28:20; Steve Gates of Manchester, said: mosphere late Sunday and either rizes, exhibits, and Washington. dealers and doing so, beat a field of more than sub-junior division was for those age open, running for the Hartford Track “As things stand now, we don’t burned up or fell Into the ocean south 300. Woolheater is affiliated with The race was sponsored by the need any mediator or middleman. If , unfortunately, 12 or younger and had 13 entries. Club, 26:31. of Africa, scientists said today. tne United States Coast Guard There were 28 entries in the junior Bolton Athletic Association. The the Christian Democrats are appoin­ A spokesman for the North miss the dulcet Also Rick Krause of Maine, sub­ Academy and lives in New London. division for persons age 13 to 18. The Bolton Woman’s Club, Bolton Lions ting Caritas International as their American Air Defense Command’s Gamache. master, running for the Central Steve Gates of Manchester finished largest number of entries were in the Club and other Bolton residents representative and authorizing it to Space Defense Center said the Maine Striders, 27:06; Eugene second at 26:31 and Larry Woykorsky open and submaster categories. The helped from the beginning through to negotiate the issue of political satellite, one of 4,550 orbiting the of Manchester finished third at 26:50. open category was for persons age 19 McMerriman of Norwich, master, the end. prisoners, let them do so explicitly earth, re-entered the earth's at­ Jane Millspaugh of Unlonville was to 26 and had 103 entries and the sub- running for the Mohegan Striders, Residents who live along the and publicly” mosphere about 5:30 p.m. MST Sun­ course had unplanned water stops for the first female finisher with a' time tnastecjgr persons age 30 to 39 had 28:13; Dr. Charles Robbins of The Red Brigades terrorists, who day. Middletown,' grandmaster, running the runners. of 36:13. She rah unattached. i04 entries. abducted Moro 40 days ago after '"There were no visual sightings so there I was, The first Bolton runner across the for the New York Pioneer Club, Both the runners and spectators shooting and killing his five we don’t know if any pieces of It museum steps finish line was Samuel Bastarache The master division for those age 30:30; Parker Holt of Glastonbury, appeared pleased with the smooth bodyguards, let pass a 3 p.m. EST came down in the ocean or not,” said ind I overheard with a time of 32:03. Bastarache 40 to 49 had 43 entries, the grand­ supermaster, running for the Hart­ race. Plans should be starting soon Saturday deadline they set for the Capt. Tom Koch. "It Is quite possible ing, and one of master division for those age 50 to 59 ford Track Club, 41:50. ran unattached. for Bolton's second annual five mile release of political prisoners in sn’t that Alexis had 17 entries and the supermaster Trophies and medals were road race. return for the life of the president of —See Page Ten-A the other said, der what she’s rhe implication loUywood star Court nixes :ss being inter- •t museum.” ew York, she Hearst plea Relief plane K>d stars can go ms. Or librar- WASHINGTON (U P l) - The ace else. Supreme Court today opened the way for Patricia Hearst's return to prison back in Seoul s for robbing a California bank in 1974. Imanac The 23-year-old newspaper heiress contended that her 1976 trial had SEOUL, South Korea (UPl) - A 33, was taken to a hospital from . Canadian b e^ marred by many errors of the Korean Air Lines relief plane carrying Haneda airport, accompanied by his minister of trial judge ahd unfair prosecution 47 passengers and crew members father. ’eace Prize tactics, but the justices rejected her Nobuki Okii, 23, who was wounded s of 1956. from the ill-fated jetliner that appeal without comment. strayed over the Soviet Union and in the shooting, said on reaching big-voiced 'This makes final a judgment last was fired on by MIG fighter planes Tokyo, "I felt I was in the middle of a starred on November by the 9th U.S. Circuit landed in Seoul today. movie. What I feared most was that J on the life Court of Appeals affirming the con­ The Boeing 707 relief plane, which the plane might go down. For two version for viction. first stopped at Tokyo on the flight hours after the forced landing on the (1968). Her When formal notification of the home from Helsinki, Finland, also lake nobody showed up and I feared :ar Day You Supreme Court action reaches the carried the body of one of two anything could happen." e." lower courts. Miss Hearst will be passengers killed in the shooting inci­ For the survivors it was the end of a nightmarish journey that began in Newport called to continue serving the seven- dent over the Soviet Arctic Friday, ihick Webb year sentence imposed by U.S. The flight to Seoul carried 34 Thursday when their KAL Boeing 707 ice as an District Judge William Orrick of San Koreans, two Britons and 11 crew took off from Paris for Seoul flying nging style Francisco. members of the Korean Air Lines jet the polar route via Anchorage. }ected and She would be eligible for parole in that was forced to land on a frozen "Some hours after the plane left 14 months. lake after a Russian jet fighter Paris we spotted a Jetfighter. The ), naturalist Her lawyers said there is no opened fire over a remote northwest red star mark on its side was clearly f America" prison in the country where Miss area of the Soviet Union. visible," said Yoshlo Otani, a 50- Hearst would be safe from fellow in­ The plane also carried the body of year-old photography shop owner, i). the 18th f the Union mates because of her "well-known Bang Taw-hwan, a 36-year-old —.Sec Page Ten-A latox Court cooperation with the authorities." Korean construction worker who was Civil War.
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