•" The principle I state and Who is it spehks of defcaH mean to stand upon is:—that" I tell.yoira cause like ours: Is greater than defeat can theehtire ownership of Irelarid. ' . .know— moral and material up to the it is the power of power*. sun and down to the cent re is. As. surely as the earth rolls vested of right in the people round, of Ireland." As surely as theVloriwiiTTiiln 15rift«s the preal world, union —James Pintan l.alor. Edited by Jim Larkln, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925. PRICE TWOPENCE. MOTERMEN Lawior was ;i good targ.-t agiiju^t which Uniijh illegally; l-'oran, who lirld{buck to direct his stacks on tin! Trades' Council, £7,5UO front .the*.women ;md children- of DON'T-USE SHELL-MEX PETROL. exposed Lawior and, though not successful the^nieu whojwert; Ipcked oiu^in 1913. in driving him out of the Trades' Coulnci, '^Members of tlie Municipal Workers' Scabs Again Given Transport Cards. was successful in destroying any. remnants • Union, it is not Lawior who is'to" blame of character remaining. And this same or" the stoOl-pigeOns . with ^whorn he A strike has broken out in the Shell- O'Brien has now taken the unblemished associates. So it i - not Lawior—it is you, Mex, Petrol Company, North Wall Ex- one . under his wing and Lawior has the members, : the rank and file.. , You tension. and some thirty men are out. expressed his willingness to act as%.a pay the piper and you .must "call tin tunc. The strike arose over the refusal of political degenerate for William, because If Lawior is to rentain among you and the men to allow the wages of one of William has to deliver the 'goods. Ho act for you, then' you ,must be self- their comrades to be cut. This man, dare, not stand himself as a candidate accused'of aiding and abetting 'the scab McDonald, had worked up a ' good after his last attempt, when tlyj Dublin providers, the „ blood-money takers and custom in the Ssouth side of the city, workers showed him. what they thought i the child star vers. If ygti wish to be men and-..... ."- Napoleon " Jones. the of him. Lawior has sunk so low in public and associate with men, then your duty manager, transferred him to a new dec.'iicy- that ho" is only too willing to .is plain. Relegate Lawior to th»- obscurity round in the North side in order to become a puppet to.be used by Johiison from which lu> shouldjjn.ver have_b<^ work it up, thus automatically reducing and .his junta, johnsqn, the creature allowed to emerge. T his wages. The men refused to allow who admitted took £700 from Sir this thing to go on. and struck on Malcolm Lyon and whostygroup includes^ Friday. such creatures as O'Brien, who admits* he treated the monies of the, Transport WANTED When the men announced their in- tention, "Nap." Jones jumped up on SCABS TO ATTEND TIVOLI a heap of rubbish and Routed out: THEATRE ON EASTER MONDAY. " Any Transport men-there? Constant jobs for Transport men who stay in" ; The Tivoli Theatre is'Vlue to r-'-npen -and-Uie Transport Union was so well The Alarm Clock of Labottir. on Easter Monday. This is the thcatr • represented that their members were in which" a strike has boon in proim*s. conspicuous by their absence. for some months, and in which soni'- The strike closcd down the whole dozen Working men aud women hare plant and tied up the oil tankers been victimised. During.the period r! pumping oil * into the shore tanks. the strike the theatre has been run In* Immediately the men' struck. Jones scabs, the majority of'whom are two- rang up the Transport Union and job persons, working* elsewhere during ask<?d for scabs, but Ole Bill couldn't -the day- i"'d attending at the theatre at night. „ > supply them himself and rang up his good friends vffio have filled the" breach When the theatre re-opens on East in times past. These bould heroes Monday it will still be istgffcd .by sqat^- marched down at\ dinner. time in whilst the original stftff are still walk- ing the streets.1 military formation, 300 strong, where Jones, selected the brightest specimens We heartily urge, all scabs, blackleg" 1 and .stool pigeons to attend.this fir<: and the remainder returned to their headquartci-s again. performance on Easter Monday. ' 71 </ scab theatre will provide -fitting enter- At 6,30, the scabs who'were taken taiiimen.t for the scabs who may atf'iid. on were loaded into a motor lorry and the scabs will provide still mor* driven by one—Bolster—who left the fitting entertainment for the ffiousAtids Workers' Union and went to the of unionnien and women in Dublin'who ' Transport Union because the Motor wilj give the Tivoli a wide berth. Irsf Section asked him some question about even from a, distance, eonWiin'ntion a load of petrol delivered to a firm 1111 irli f twi fiiiiilii where a strike was in progress. This lorry-load of .scabs. driven by Bolster, were brought to 42 York Street," office of the Transport Union, and there cards Truth Will Out were issued out to these scabs. Thus the old .allies come together EMMET HALL FILLED UP AS SCAB again' and the trinity of scabs is again HEADQUARTERS, formed—the Transport scab suppliers, Headers will remember that <luring thT- the boss requiring scabs, and the Inchicore Strike blacklegs were engaged scabs. to-take the place of the men on strike. To all motormen who purchase .We charged O'Brien, I'oran and Kavanagh Shell-Mex Spirit we warn them that it with hcljring the employers to defeat the is being pumped, being * loaded and men by collecting blacklegs for tile railway being distributed by scabs, and ,no Qompany, and now,, after the strike is decent man will use it until the strike practically forgotten, we have obtained .is settled. Motormen, stop using definite proof that our charges were trur sfe*b Shell-Mex petrol; there is plenty in substance and fact. of other firms to supply petrol, worked Last week a view of the iitsid. ot by unionnien. Emmet Hall. Inchicore, was obtained' by a member of a trades tinioir wHftSe work Shell-Mex petrol is scab petrol. gave him right of entry. This is the, hall, which was lxmght with the money, of the Motormen! don't .use it. Inchicore workers and which was forcibly -taken from them last'year by-.the' C.I.D., who handed it over to" O'Brien. And ia BARRY OF THE B. & I. TAKES that hall was'a complete store of straw WATER. The alarm clock of the Irish working class is again ringing in ltfud and mattresses, tin ware and knives and forks, strident tones, calling on every man, woman and child who earns his or her which had been placed there by the At a meeting of the Dublin Em- railway company for the use of the scabs- ployers' Federation, held last Tuesday daily bread by the sweat of the brow io Organise. " Unity is Strength " which the Transport^'nion-. had arranged week, Mr. Barry, of the B. & I. Ship- must be our slogan in the future," and unity on the industrial field can only -to supply, ping Co., called a well-known Dubliu be achieved by organisation. If the working class of this land desire to ' Such is the way in which O'Brien aqd master carrier a "free labourer " and rise out of the mire into whicfy economic conditions have forced them during I'.oran have-been-using the trades* union' told him to get out of the room. the past years, they must Organise. Organise by getting into your Union. movement as a cloak to hide their The Chairman of the meeting insisted nefarious schemes, and their sole object upon a~ withdrawal by Mr. Barry and Be a Unionman. A Unionman is a class soldier; a non-Unionman is a class in all this t^ck^ry and'betrayal i<fthe- hope of -amassing, larger and' greater sums of that the carrier should remain in the traitor,-and class-treachery is the lowest (form of treachery. Don't be a class money than they coujd possibly hope to room. After some delay, Mr. Barry traitor; get into a Union. If your Union' won't fight, then make it fight; "obtain in ordinary ways. " ' •withdrew his statement. but be in a Union and ofganise-Organise-ORGANISE. • We -wonder how long are . the unions " So what's the matter with David? affiliated to the Trades' Unjon Congress He's alright! "• When free labourers going to.stand for this kind of scab- are wanted to act as blacklegs and proyiding. Are they going' to allow scabs at the B. & I., Mr. Barry is quite THE ARAB'S STRIKE. Previous to" the day fixed for the huge meetings, and the Authority im- unions to- be used as machines through equal to the occasion; but it is a hors^ strike, protest meetings were held in mediately retaliated by dismissing the which employers can obtain scabs and all parts of the country, which were (jivil servants who spoke at the of another colour when David is hoisted The protest strike called by the # blacklegs, or are they going to insist, with his own petard by one of Arabs in Palestine against the British addressed by speakers of ever^i. class meetings. - . " upon all union? in this country living up his fellow-members.
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