OLS TO HOST CELEBRATION OF POLAND’S ANNIVERSARYPOLISH OF CHRISTIANITY AMERICAN JOURNAL — PAGE • MARCH 2 2016 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1911 MARCH 2016 • VOL. 105, NO. 3 | $2.00 www.polamjournal.com EASTER (THE GREAT NIGHT) IN OLD POLAND • MIXING UP YOUR ŚWIĘCONE MENU • ŚWIĘCONKA AND DYNGUS DAY KARSKI’S LIFE TOLD IN ILLUSTRATION • STUDY IN POLAND THIS SUMMER • PAHA 2016 AWARDEES NAMED DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER VISITS STATES • END OF AN ERA IN TOLEDO’S POLISH VILLAGE • KUBIAK’S SUPERBOWL He Is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Wałęsa Newsmark SCHEDONI, BARTOLOMEO.THETWO THE MARYSTOMB. 1613. OIL AT ON CANVAS. GALLERIA NAZIONALE, PARMA fM SAYS POLAnd nEEdS u.S. SuPPORT (RADIO Under Attack POLSKIE) Poland’s new Law and Justice government Backers insist the needs the support of the U.S. and other NATO allies as it Solidarity legend must presses for a beefed up presence by the military alliance not be tarnished on its eastern fl ank, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszc- zykowski said. Detractors say Poles In a piece published by the New York Times on its edi- have a right to know torial pages, Waszczykowski said: “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Poland’s eastern neighbour, is a problem” historical truth. for both Warsaw and Washington. by Robert Strybel With Poland preparing to host a NATO summit in July, WARSAW–Former Soli- Waszczykowski reiterated Warsaw’s calls for a permanent darity leader and Polish presence by the military alliance in Poland. president Lech Wałęsa again “Only a meaningful forward presence — including in- soared into world headlines frastructure, military ground units and advanced defense recently over allegations that systems — can give Poland and other allies in the region he had collaborated with Po- the level of security we need,” the Polish foreign minister land’s communist-era secret said in his article. police. Such suspicions have “Such a presence isn’t a radical departure — NATO has circulated for decades, and already conducted exercises and pre-positioned equipment on more than one occasion and vehicles in several Eastern European states,” he added. he himself had admitted to “But we need the United States to go further, to take “signing something” just to the lead in making a forward presence on NATO’s eastern get secret-police investiga- fl ank a multinational endeavor.” WHEN THE SABBATH WAS OVER, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Sa- tors off his back. lome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the fi rst day This time, however, the KAPuSCinSKA EndS HER ASSignMEnT. Paulina of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each National Remembrance In- Kapuścińska, Consul General of Poland in Chicago, an- other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” stitute (IPN), a body that in- nounced to her Midwest constituents But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled vestigates crimes against the that on January 30, 2016, her diplo- away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on Polish nation, produced fairly matic assignment has been complet- the right side, and they were alarmed. convincing evidence that be- ed. She thanked the Polish, Polish “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. tween 1971 and 1976 Wałęsa American, and non-Polish commu- He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and had been a paid secret-police nities for three years of support, co- Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’” informer codenamed Bolek. operation, and enthusiasm in being (Mark 16:1-7). See “Wałęsa ...,” page 6 American partners with Poland. She emphasized her satisfaction that proj- MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING ects that she promoted were success- fully accomplished with her American partners. As of now, Blessing Baskets at the a new Consul General of Poland in Chicago has not been BBC Sensationalizes named. (GBC) Lord’s Tomb — Why? PHOTO: PAP / WOJCIECHPHOTO: / PAP PACEWICZ Longtime Friendship inCREASES PRESEnCE. NATO Secretary General Jens VATICAN CITY (CNA/EWTN NEWS ) — Stoltenberg said that defense ministers are expected to Experts and friends of Pope St. John Paul II re- agree to beef up the military alliance’s presence on its east- sponded quickly to a BBC promotion of a docu- ern fl ank, Poland’s PAP agency reported. mentary about his friendship with Polish-born “Effective deterrence and defense requires both forward female philosopher Anna-Te- presence of Allied forces, and our ability to reinforce them resa Tymieniecka — ques- quickly,” said Stoltenberg. tioning some of the por- Beefi ng up NATO in Central and Eastern Europe is trayals of their friendship a key goal for Poland, which considers Russia, its giant and outright dismissing neighbor to the east, a major potential threat to its security. others. Warsaw is to host a NATO summit July 8-9. “John Paul II’s friend- ship with her was neither dEMOCRACY PROBE undERwAY. The head of the secret nor extraordinary,” said Venice Commission has met with Polish president Andrzej Poland’s national library, Duda and members of the judiciary to probe the state of FROM THE SAME CLOTH. Though we may be generations away from which hosts Tymieniec- democracy in the country. our ancestral roots in Poland, we share the spirituality and customs of ka’s letters from the Gianni Buquicchio, the president of the Venice Com- Easter in the same fashion. The above photo — taken in the Cathedral of Pope. mission — the Council of Europe’s human-rights organi- St. John the Baptist in Lublin — could be used to described Holy Satur- “The state- zation — met Polish President Andrzej Duda to discuss a day blessings Polish church in the United States, Canada, or elsewhere ments made in decision to elect new members to Poland’s Constitutional outside of Poland. the media have no Tribunal. basis in the con- by Rev. Dr. Czesław M. Krysa pianos or radios, today iPads and en- In the wake of a BBC docu- “It was a very good, substantive meeting between two tent of the letters Recall now, the church or place tertaining smart phones lie dormant. mentary, the Vatican, Po- lawyers,” said a spokesman for the presidential offi ce, of John Paul II to to which you take your family for The mouth of God has been shut by land’s National Library, the Marek Magierkowski, following the meeting. Anna-Teresa Ty- the Easter food blessing. If you at- executioners and sealed in a tomb. Pope’s biographer and oth- Buquicchio praised the decision of Polish Foreign Min- mieniecka, which tend a PolAm Church, most likely All creation weeps silently, gath- ers speak out in his defense. ister Witold Waszczykowski, who invited representatives are in the National there is a devotional depiction of ering at the Lord’s Tomb in a holy of the Commission to Poland, Magierkowski said. He Library of Poland’s archives,” the library said, the Lord, buried in a Garden Tomb vigil before the Resurrection. added that the fi ndings of the Venice Commission are not according to Agence France Presse. nearby, covered with exuberant pot- Yes, the Son of God who spoke binding. On Feb. 15, BBC News discussed letters and The European Commission launched an inquiry into ted spring fl owers, and branches, Gospel, Good News, is clamped various meetings between the Pope and Tymien- whether Poland is upholding the principle of the rule of where families kneel and light vigil shut by death. As Isaiah the prophet iecka, saying that the letters showed a close rela- law and whether controversial legislation pushed through candles. proclaimed: like a lamb led to the by the country’s new Law and Justice (PiS) government In Polish spirituality, Holy Satur- slaughter, he opened not his mouth. tionship. The BBC story said there is no sugges- violates EU standards. day is the quietest day of the year, Every shepherd in the Middle East tion the Pope “broke his vow of celibacy.” both in church and at home. Once See “Blessing Baskets,” page 5 See “Longtime Friendship,” page 6 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • MARCH 2016 ALMANAC VIEWPOINTS Going, Going ... Follow us on Facebook or visit us on the internet at: Wesołego Alleluja! polamjournal.com When it comes to childhood, most possible to push Christ out of Christ- people have vivid memories of certain mas, focusing on the presents, parties, March Q Marzec events and, among them, undoubtedly, and “festivity” to the exclusion of the “We have a large public that is are Christmas and Easter. Traditions “reason for the season.” very ignorant about public affairs and practices cultivated in one’s early and very susceptible to simplistic years have tremendous staying power, ... don’t go gently into slogans by candidates who appear keeping us young long after the mirror that night of secularism. out of nowhere, have no track re- tells us otherwise. Celebrate Easter! Celebrate cord, but mouth appealing slogans” For those who grew up in Polish the Resurrection of Jesus. — Zbigniew Brzeziński or Polish American homes, those two (born March 28, 1928). feasts were characterized by special It’s harder to do that to Easter, which is probably why it’s typically 1 1634.
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