Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1963 Daily Egyptian 1963 1-11-1963 The gE yptian, January 11, 1963 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January1963 Volume 44, Issue 28 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, January 11, 1963" (1963). January 1963. Paper 12. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January1963/12 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1963 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1963 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -------------------------, ?i.e Foreign Language Department Plans Se'ries On Literature And Culture The Department of Foreign will be pictorially Illustrated. ate professor of Foreign Lan­ Languages will present a ser­ One of the objectives of the guages, uSome Aspects 01 Ies of four lectures on litera­ lecrures is to point out the Russian Culture"; and Feb. tures and culruresdurtngJan­ dIverse contributions of the 20, Luis A. Baralt, professor uary and February. Foreign Language Department of Philosophy. "Jose Mart!, J. Cary Davis, professor of to the life of the University. Patriot and Writer. " Foreign Languages, will give Dates, speakers and topics All lectures will he at 7: 3C EGYPTIAN the tbe first in me series at 7:30 for other lecrures are as p.m. In Morris Library Audi­ SH/JIl,tlfA 9ttUuJi4 1t1fiq.",~ p.m. Tuesday in Morris LI­ follows: Jan. 29, Madeleine torium. For most of these, M. Smith, CarboQdale, lIIinoi5 brary AuditorIum. He will dis­ associate professor members of the audience will CUBS uFrom A to Z: Writing of Foreign Languages, "'Tap­ receive copies of some liter­ Volume.u Fridar. January 11, 1963 Number-x( and How It Got That Way." estries and the French"; Feb. ary extracts. accompanied by All (he talks in tbe series II, Joseph R. Kupcek, assocl- transl~ti.ons. Oassroom Television Begins Spring Term * * * , ~ English, Health Ed Courses vrl Gives Beamed From WSIU Station 40 Women C lassroom television will Masterpieces of Lite rature . begin at SIU in the s pring He explained telecasts wil" quarter, when WSIU-TV will begin at five minutes aitel New Skills pipe Englis h and Health Edu­ the hour and will las t approxi· cation courses into campus mately half an hour. This wit A new group of 40 women classrooms in Old Main and be followed by discussion an( will begin a five-weeks' train­ Home Economics buildings. further comments by the reg ~ ing program Monday at VTI Video tapes are now being ularly assigned instructor. • under an Area R'edevelopment made for the s pring telecasts, Vaughan, who is coordinat­ Act training project to prepare according to Richard M. Uray. ing the television work for workers for area garment in­ WSIU-TV Operations Mana­ the Health Education Depan­ dustries, according to William ger. The closed circuit tele­ m ent, was quick to point out Nagel, VTI coordinator of ARA casts will not interfere with that Hthe aim of the program programs. regular station operation. is not to save time but to The group will complete the Instructors for tbe telecasts make a better course." currently-approved ARA pro­ are Andrew T . Vaughan, asso­ Ject allocating $12,250 to sru ciate professor of Health Edu­ A comparison of regularly for training in power sewing. cation, wbo will teach GSE-201 taught classes and those taught Thirty-·eight women finished Helpful Living, and James G. under the television program training Jan. 4 in the machine­ Benziger, professor of Eng­ Is being planned by the Health equipped center at the VTI lish, who will teach GSC-I03, Education Depanment. campus. Three area garment According to Vaughan, Ie plants--Gayer. Inc., Zeigler; Art Cla.sses Open sections will be taught undel Lyn-Gai Garment Co., Sesser; each method and at the end o f and Smoler Bros., Herrin and To Youth, 6-16 spring quaner special tests West Frankfort - - will hire will be administered for a M.SS JANUARY - Bahar Savas, a brown-hair.d, brown ..yed Youthful students, s ix to comparison of the groups. those completing the training Turldsh beauty, is The Egyptian's choice for Miss January. program. Trainees are re­ 16. may still enroll in one of Since the English course Bahar, a native of Ankara, is on interior design major. Thomp­ the three special art classes ferred by the minols Employ­ son Point residents see her often in Lenh: Holl where she is to be telecasted was offered · m ent Service. offered during the winter fall and winter quaners, a a receptionist. You'll see more of her on Page 8 today. quarter through the Extension Another ARA project to (Photo by Ken Jac::obs) general evaluation will be • train 20 persons in power Division, according to Ben made on this basis. All sec­ sewing for the Calcrest Outer­ Electronic Language: POirier, assistant dean of tbe tions of English courses GSC- we-ar, Inc •• plant in Murphys­ division. 103 will he telecasted. bOFO has been approved, Nagel The classes, held from said. SIU has been allocated Speak To Me, Baby 9:30 to II:30 a.m. each Satur­ GSE-201 w!ll be offered al $1,339 for this four-weeks' day In Room 109 at Univer­ 8 a .m. and 12 noon. GSC-\o2 instructional program which sity School, in the Industrial will be offered at 8, 9,10 a.m. is slated to stan about rnid­ In IBM Talk, That Is Arts wing, are s upervised by and 12 and I p.m. Both will January. A lice Schwartz, assistant pro­ meet three times a week for A new group of 28 persons While most people on cam ­ ducted by s ru ' s Data Proces­ fessor of art three -hour credit. staned training at Technical pus are still trying to figure Sing and Computing Center in Tape Corporation' s Carbon­ o ut how to communicate with cooperation with the Divis ion dale plant between Dec . 26 each other s uccessfully. one of Technical and Adult Edu­ Four Preps To Pep Up and Jan. 3, bringing to 95 small group is attempting to cation. those trained or in training learn how to talk to a machine. Data processor To m Pur­ under an ARA contract ap­ By comparison with other cell. in charge of the four­ pro.ved last May for training language classes, this special week course, de sc ribes Shryock On Saturday 135 workers at Technical class is actually large, school FORTRAN e 'Formula Trans­ Ticket sales for The Four T ape. Stili to be trained are officials said. Some 80 people lator") as a macbine language Preps concerts are going ex­ code allowing computer users a group of worke r s in the are enrolled in tbe ne w non­ tremely well. according to firm's polyethylene manufac- c redit course to 1ear n to write out a formula in Frank Stewan, co-chairman • turing depanment. FOR TRAN, a s pecial lingo for ordinary letters which tbe of the evenL A $13,800 program to train electronic computers. 'Co mputer then trans lates into The Four Preps, Capitol 20 welders and 42 assemblers The course is being con- its own working language. recording group, will appear for Transcraft Co., truck body M any of the s tudents are re­ for 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. shows manufacturers at Anna, has In REA Queen Contest s earchers who can u se In Shryock Auditorium Satur­ been approved but actual LaNita Louise Greer, 18, FOR TRAN in rheir s rudies. day. training will await construc ­ an SIU fres hman, will leave The language was devised In 1958. the four young men tion of the company's new Sunday for Las Vegas where by IBM. With it, researchers were brought to national at­ factory building at Anna, Nagel s he will compete in a national can converse with a variety tention in the mus ic world said. Instruction will be done R.E.A. Queen contest Tues­ of different kinds of com­ with a million-selling record in welding laboratories at VT!. day. puters. of "26 Miles." This was fo l­ lowed by other hits such as .. Big Man," "Down by the Dome Designing Prof 'Closes Gap' Station," and ULazy Summer Night." R. Buckminster Fuller, re­ s igner, mechanic, arChitect, The Four Preps are Bruce search professor in the De­ writer and philosopher, one Belland. Glen Larson, Marvin sign Department, will pre sent of the most influential and Ingram and Ed Cobb. They a public lecture on "Closing controversial personalities of h a ve appeared numerous the Gap Between Science and the machine age." times on national television the Humanities" at 8 p.m. and at top night clubs through­ today. Fuller's famed geodesic out the country. dome concept has been used in Ticket sales are being con­ The lecture will be given in more than 2,(X)() structures ducted at the Information Desk Browne Auditorium. built thrOUghout the world, in­ of the University Center. Ste­ c1)lding tbose used by the wart said tickets will be trans ­ Fuller has been termed by United States to house its ferred to Shryock at 6:15 p.m. his friend, Christopher Mor­ display at the 1959 American tomorrow and be on sale prior ley, as a "scientific idealist." National Exhibition in Moscow to tbe shows. He has also been described and the world's largest sta­ Tau Kappa Epsilon fra­ 8S "distinguished engineer, dium now under construction ternity is the sp:msoring R.
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