Jana BELIŠOVÁ Ancient Roma Songs Mek me jekhvar kamav kaj zdravo te avav, kaj me pro la dvori smutna te giľava, kaj man mri daj, mro dad odoj te šunena. Imar na bijina, chodz te bi merava. Phurikane giľa ancient Romany songs © Žudro Project was supported / O projektos šigitinde Next Page Foundation Open Society Foundation First edition 2005 / Jekhto avri diňipen All rights reserved / Savore resipena hine avri thode Editor / E editorka: © Jana Belišová © Jana Belišová, Zuzana Mojžišová Romany parts of book / Romane kotora andre genďi Translation / Thoviben andre aver čhib: František Godla Proofs of translation / Čhibakri korektura andro čhibakro thoviben: František Godla Proof of songs / Čhibakri korektura pal o giľutne lava: Milan Godla, Daniela Šilanová English parts of book / Angličaňika kotora andre genďi Translation / Thoviben andre aver čhib: Mária Nováková, Marián Gazdík Translation of songs / The thovel andre čhib le giľengre lava: Daniela Olejárová Proofs / Čhibakri korektura: Gail Ollsson Photos / O fotografiji: © Daniela Rusnoková, Jana Belišová Ilustrations / O ilustraciji: © Jaroslav Beliš Design / O disajnos: © Zuzana Číčelová, Calder – design community ISBN: 80-968855-5-3 Ancient Romany songs Hoj de pro cintiris bari brana, hoj de na ľigenen mri piraňa. Jaj, de ma ľigen la mek Romale, hoj de na sik avľom, na dikhľom, sovav. Jana BELIŠOVÁ Ancient Romany songs Marián VARGA lavutaris the sthovel o bašaviben Pal oda sar šilales ile lesk ro koncertos andro Manchester, the pal o dujto čho-neskro bašaviben andro Berlin, pro agor apriľiske andro 1904 berš visaľiľas o Bela Bartok pale khere Budapeštate. Leskri voďi sas nasvaľi olestar savi reakcija leske kerde o Angličana, vaš oda geľas andre gemeriko regionos kaj dživelas 5 čhona u odoj pes jekhtovar andro peskro dživipen arakhľas varesoha, so leskro forutuno intelektualno thoviben našťi diňas, oda sas autenticko folkloris. O Bartok sas but fascinimen. Phundraďas pes leske o vudar andro dži akor prekal leste na džanľi, but šukar folklorna giľengri luma, save ile opral leste peskeri zor pro igisno leskeri dureder buťi pal e muzika. Maj pal oda leske avľas andre leskeri goďi oda, hoj o phurikane giľa save giľavenas imar ča o phure džuvľa šaj pal o na but berša našľon andro bisteripen. Sar avľas pale andre Budapešta mangľas prekal peste štipendija, pal o skidipnaskro drom. Ale vazdipnaha leskero profesijonalno subtilnone, na but saste manušeskro dživipen, chudňas trin dimenziji – sthovľarďi, interpretačno the skidipnaskri. Bari loš savaha pes mukhľas te kerel sako jekh lendar, šaj elas dosta pro jekh manušikano dživipen. The te zoraleder pes interesinelas pal o etnikano folkloros andre bari Ungriko, leskre skidipnaskre droma denašenas buter dromenca andre sasti Europa: Andal e Škandinavija dži e Afrika, andal e Portugalija dži o nomadengre pochtanengre tabori andre Turkija, paš oda nadaralas but mište te sikľol rumuňiko čhib, te sikľol berberiko, kobilsko, perzijakri, the o slovanska čhiba..., hoj te šaj feder achaľol, te skirinel the te sor- tirinel o giľa. Le skidipnaha chudňas pro aver ňilaj Silaďicende andro Nitrakro regijonos... Mangav, te omukhen mange vaš ada, šaj dinďardo angluno lav ki e charňi pointa. No sar dikhavas andro miro sakoďivesutno skiripen, važnones the pheraseha, no maj but bare manušikane achaľuvipnaha, sar peske leperavas pro dukhade-asabnaskre momenti, andro adaj ramosardo, skidipnaskro giľengro materijalos andal o romane gava (osadi) andre vichodno Slovakija, andro refreni miro dumipen pes arakhelas paš o Belas Bartok, savo anglo šel berša, sar phirelas pal o paňale the čikale droma – nadroma, pale Upruňi Ungriko, Sedmohradsko, the pal o Balkanos... andre dživelas ipen ajse situaciji, ipen ajso dujeserengro šokos. Avka sar akanutne Roma, the akorutne na džanle pindrange gadže, ladžaha the daraha avenas ki o fonografos, but zvlaštno mašina, andre savi jekh terno raj andal o foros len ispidelas te giľavel, na devleskere, vaj sthode giľa, kamelas te giľaven so maj phurikane giľa. Andro 1928 berš o Bela Bartok diňas andre Slovaťiko Matica prekal e Čechoslovakijakri ambasada andre Budapešta, agorutno kotor andal o skidipen 3000 slovakijakre manušengre giľa, the le fonografenca the pheňibenenca sar oda avri te ramosarel. Andro dovakeriben pes e Slovakijakri Matica phandľas te del avri ola giľa dži o štar berša. O Bartok muľas deš the efta berš pal oda, no le giľengro avridiňipen pes na do džidžiľas... Gondoľinav hoj adi publikacija hiňi, the te na but buchľi, no šaj avel peskera zoraha na džanľi, paťiv sikaďi le ungrikone artistoske so le Slovakenge andre arakhľas maj bareder kotor lengra voďakro ačhipnaskro, avka sar oda akana Slovaka keren prekal o romano etnikum. 9 Marián VARGA musician and composer At the end of April 1904, after the cold reception of his concerts in Manchester and a month and a half stay in Berlin, Béla Bartók returned home, to Budapest. Depressed by the misunderstanding shown by the English audience, Béla spent the next five months in the Gemer countryside. That may have been the first time in his life that he experienced authentic folklore, something his intellectual civic background could never have offered him. Bartók was fascinated. Folk songs significantly affected his later creations. The door of an unexplored and wonderful world was suddenly open to him. At the same time he realized that those ancient songs were rarely sung and mainly by elderly women, threatening them with early extinction. Immediately upon his return to Budapest, he applied for a scholarship to enable him to begin a collecting exursion. This decision changed the professional life of a subtle man of weak health and enriched it in three dimensions: composing, interpreting and collecting. His enthusiasm and the depths in which he immersed each of them could have taken an entire human life. He was most intensively engaged in the ethnic folklore of Hungary. Nevertheless, his collecting expeditions led him to the furthest reaches of Europe: from Scandinavia to Africa, from Portugal to nomad camps in Turkey. His intense interest would not allow him to hesitate in learning Romanian, Berber Kabylian language, and Persian or Slavic languages... so that he might be able to precisely comprehend, sort and record songs. The following summer he began collecting songs in Siladice in Nitra County. I apologize for my fairly long foreword to make short point. As I thumbed through the journal, in which objectively and also humorously, but most of all with deep human understanding, the sad-and-yet funny circumstances of the collection of the hereafter published songs from Romany camps in Eastern Slovakia are described, my mind regularly returned to Béla Bartók, who, a hundred years ago, had wandered muddy roads and paths in Upper Hungary, Romania, the Balkans... and had probably experienced the identical situations, the same mutual culture shock. Those confused and ashamed, barefooted peasants approached the strange device of the phonograph and a young man coming from the town, who did not make them sing into it religious or composed songs, but the most ancient ones. In 1928, Béla Bartók submitted the last installment of the collection of 3000 Slovak folk songs along with the phonograph records and detailed printing instructions to Matica slovenská through the Czechoslovak Embassy in Budapest. According to the contract Matica slovenská promised to publish these songs within four years. However, when Béla Bartók died seventeen years later the songs had not yet been published in Slovakia. I assume that this book, however small in size, yet great in significance, is an unintended honour and a payment of the debt to the Hungarian composer who saved the most important part of Slovak spiritual and cultural heritage in the same way as the Slovaks do at this time for the Romany people. 10 Jana BELIŠOVÁ ANGLUNO LAV PAL ODA, SOSKE AVĽAS AVRI KADI GENĎI Romane bašavibnaha dživav ciknedere vaj baredere ačhibenenca imar dešuštar berš. Pro čačipen talam the buter, ča pal oda na džanavas. Prekal o prazdňini phiravas paš e miri phuri dajori Žehňate – andro gav paš o Perješis, kaj o Roma bešen andre romaňi osada so pes vičinel Hurka. Hurka andre slovaťiko čhib pes vičinel Hôrka (romaňi osada pro partos pal o gav) romanes (goj). Ňilaje sako rat pal e Hurka šunďolas baro šukar bašaviben the giľavipen. Me pes varesave romane čhavorenca počoral khelavavas. Počoral vaš oda, bo te oda džanľahas miri lačhi phuri daj, bares pre mande rušelas. Te ľikerel pes le Romenca sas baro binos, ipen ajso sar te ľikerel pes le chuliganenca. Oda pes ľidžalas sar vareso nalačho. Akor mek na džanavas te phenel či oda hin lačho, vaj na. Lavas oda sar faktos. Akana imar pro oda dikhav avre jakhenca. Čačipen hin, hoj andro mire dinďarde bala pal o romane prazdňini sas pherdo džuva, vaš oda aňi mira dajora na sas andro lakro jilo than prekal o mire romane amala. Akor the odoj varekhaj pes oda igisno ačhiľas. Chudelas man jilestar sar šunavas romane giľa so peske giľavenas o romane čhavore. Sakovar kana giľavenas, giľavenas čačes, jilestar, na ča avka varesar. Miri phuri daj imar nadživel, me napreačhiľom te phirel pal o Roma. Akana phirav buter sar angomis, phirav pal o romano autenticko bašaviben. Sigeder sar skirinďom adi genďi, buterval phiravas avre manušenca, maškar save sas o študenti pal e socialno buťi andal e Katedra pal e romaňi kultura Ňitrate, the o externa študentki pal e socialno buťi Bratislavatar save hine adoptivna daja romane čhavorengre, lekhaďi, scenaristka, romaňi aktivistka, fotografka the vitvarnička, o kolegas andal e buťi, o rom the vitvarňikos andro jekh manuš. Oda, prekal soste phirahas pal o Roma, hino garudo andro lava – Phurikane giľa. Pašal o giľa, kidahas the oda so maškar o Roma predžidžiľam u so sas prekal amende ajso zoralo, hoj kamľam jekhetane le giľenca avri te del the oda so predžidžiľam. Se o giľa avenas (vaj na avenas) jekhetane oleha so predžidžiľam. Oda sa amenge ačhiľas andro amare jile, the andro amare šere, diňas amenge orientacija kaj o autenticko giľutno kampel te buchľarel the pal o sako ďivesutno, vaj pal o dromengro skirimo? Jekhto sako ďivesutno spontanno ramosarďas e Zuzana Mojžišova pal o jevendutno prinďaripen pre Spiša.
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