Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 4-1-2005 The iH lltop 4-1-2005 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 4-1-2005" (2005). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 235. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010/235 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Studen t Voice of Howard Un iversity ; VOLUME 88, NO. 58 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2005 WWW.THEHILLTOPONLINE.COM FRIDAY RNC Chair Visits Students Protest At I I. NOfEJOOK , I Howard University RNC 1Chair Visit I BY KEVIN HARRIS BY KEVIN HARRIS ::~=~=~CH:= Nation & World Editor Nation & World Editor THE RUNWAY FIND OUT Republican National Committee H0ward University students who HOW, OR Chairman (RNC) Ken Mehlman paid a were outraged by the visit of Republican IF, THE visit to Howard University's campus last National Committee (RNC) Chairman SERENDIPITY night and said his party 'must do more Ken Mehlman, staged a small pro~ FASHION to attract African-American voters. test outside the Carnegie building last SHOW "Ifthe part:Y of Lincoln does not have night. MATCHED UP African Americans come back home Holding signs that ~ead "Not On TO ITS DEFI­ then we can't call ourselves a majority," Our Campus, We Know Our History" NITION OF Mehlman said. "The only way to do that more than a dozen students assembled 'MAKING FORTUNATE DIS­ is to listen and hold dialogue with the outside the event hosted by the Howard COVERIES BY ACCIDENT.' community." University College Republicans. PAGE2 Mehlman, who has been chairman of Many said they were denied the Republican Party for less than a year, entrance iilto the event after they ques­ NATION & WORLD came to Howard as a part of the RNC's tioned why..their questions for Mehlman TERRI SCHIAVO LOSES ; "Conversations With the Community" had to be submitted beforehand. The : · series. The series aims to promote an FIFTEEN-YEAR BATTLE Rev. Lennox Yearwood, chairman of the ; open dialogue between the Republican Hip Hop Caucus, managed to get by Party and African Americans. security and briefly disrupted the event The event was hosted by the Howard when he charged in with a bullhorn yell­ University College Republicans and took ing at Mehlman "tell us the truth." place in the Carnegie building. College He was quickly apprehended by Republicans Chairman Brandon Brice campus security and taken outside said it was necessary for Mehlman to where he continued to protest. "The come to Howard so that blacks will have RNC has had a history of inti1nidat­ more options in the political pr_ocess. ing black voters and now they want to THE TERRI SCHIAVO SAGA "I think his visit was necessary come here, to Howard University and CAME TO AN END YES­ because it is very important for students try to embrace African-American vot­ TERDAY WHEN THE BRAIN to have a second look at the Republican ~fayu Gillian1- Senior Pholo £di1or ers," Yearwood said. DAMAGED WOMAN, WHOSE Party and not go with the first thing they While RNC Chairman, Ken Mehlman's visit was in progress, students gath­ "They have had a history of this for FEEDING TUBE WAS RE­ hear," the senior international business e red outside of the event and protested his presence on campus. over the last 20 years and we just want MOVED NEARLY TWO WEEKS AGO, DIED IN A FLORIDA See RNC, News A3 See PROTEST, News A3 HOSPICE. PAGE 4 SPORTS DOWN TO THE FINAL Medical Students Tight FOUR THIS WEEK­ END THE Lipped About Protest NCAA TOUR­ School of Business School of Law NAMENT WILL CONTINUE AS THE MEN Executive President · SBA President AND WOM­ EN'S FINAL ..._t Floyd Mitcell Elizabeth Matory FOUR TEAMS• PREPARE TO Executive Vice College of Medicine MATCH UP. SEE WHICH SCHOOL MAY President President HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN Lenora Robinson Macallus Hogan NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES IN BOTH THE MEN AND THE WOMEN'S TEAMS. Executive Secretary Graduate School of PAGE9 Elyse Ambrqse Business HU CALENDAR Executive Treasurer Consortium Relations April 8 Ashley Williams Chair LAST DAY TO DROP A CLASS Joel Mcintosh April 28 Corporate Relations FORMAL CLASSES END ~f :,rl cnc Hawthro1H•· StutT Pho1ogrophtr Representative <: Approximate ly 40 medical students stood outs ide the Administration Building on _,,,.. _,,,, __ ,,,_ _, _ _,, _ ,,,_ ,,,_ ,,_ , __,,_ ,, ..... ~·---··-....·-- ......- .... Thursday. They would not comment on their reasons for protesting. Pearl Davis . ' WEATHER . .. TODAY School ·of Business Cuts Ribbon on New Lab PM showers High:65 BY LAURE N STEPHENS with next year's freshman class. Low:50 Hilltop Staff Writer "Starting next year, students in fresh­ man orientation will learn to operate and SATURDAY Students in the School of Business function on the machines; MBA students Rain, Thunder have a new learning and research tooi to will be using them," Harvey said. "Each High:56 help them adjust to professional life after principles of finance course, as well as Low:39 graduation. other students from other schools and col- On Wednesday, students, faculty and · leges throughout the university." SUNDAY representatives from Fortune 500 compa­ University officials are also looking Mostly cloudy, wind nies gathered for the ribbon cutting cer­ forward to the added benefits of the lab for High:58 emony in the Stimulation, Learning and students _interested in pursuing careers in Low:45 Research Laboratory on the fourth floor of various aspects of business. .. ' the School of Business. "It is a major achievement with The lab will feature multi-line phones, broad opportunities for students, faculty computers, wireless networking capabili­ INDEX .' • · and staff," University Provost Richard A. • ..,. j •• ties and dual plasma terminals, ainong English said. "We look forward to great ' ,' t . ' • .. ' . other amenities to help students prepare CAMPUS . ............... ,............. ...... .. .. Z benefits that will come from the opportu­ careers in financial markets. nity to have such equipment available." NAT I ON , &~WGRLD ,__ . " ....................... 4 Administrators in the School of EDITORIALS &PERSPECTIVES ................. 7 The equipment donated for the SLR Business are appreciative of the benefits was funded by corporate sponsors includ­ LIFE & STYLE ..................... .. ......................... 8 and are looking forward to the training SPORTS .. : ... .. .... ,.... ... ........ .. ... 9 ing: Morningstar, NASDAQ Educational that the new facility will offer students in Foundation and the Goldman Sachs the future. Group, among others. "We aim to engage our students in real Industry professionals believe that the life financial trading that would stimulate lab will give students real life experience sound investment decision making," Dean ·with long- term benefits. of Howard University's School of Business Barron Harvey said. "We are very proud "This is a great Opportunity for the . Court<sy or University eommunic:ition' theqry ef the clas~rooi_n to play out ~n Tiesha Sargeant, Firmwide Divers ity Recruiter, Credit Suisse/First Boston; to have such facility to educate our stu­ dents about the importance of the debt front of you; seeing it here ~rst. Wlll (not shown) Edith Hunt, Managing Director, Human Capital Management, only enhance the marketplace, Tiesha Goldman Sachs and membe r, School of Bus iness Board of Vistors· and equity markets and its role in creating wealth." Sargeant, Firmwide Diversity Recruiter, Provost Richard A. Englis h, Ph.D.; Cecil Flamer, Chief Administrati~e Credit Suisse/First Boston, said. Offi cer, Brown Capital Management, Inc .; a nd President H. Patrick Swygert The room will be in full use beginning offi cially cut the ribbon opening the tra,ding room s imulation laboratory. ' ' 1 .( > 'I • \ ' A2 CAMPUS THE HILLTOP· APRIL 1, 2005 Serendipity Brings Drama to the Runway BY KAIA KARAMOKO gushed out of the speakers of remained lively and out of their Robert L. Patterson, Jr. Contributing Writer Cramton Auditorium. seats. Between the scenes, the "I expected greatness; Howard students were audience followed the journey of because this is Howard, but I treated to another night of fash­ three youngsters, Diva, Harlem, had no idea," said Eric Yancy, ion, Howard style at the spring and Logan, in a contest to win a sophomore undecided major. fashion show: Serendipity, on record deal; as they visited New "The Caribbean dancers made Thursday. York, a formal Gala, Trinidad & my heart jump." Sponsored by the Tobago, the church, and lastly, "Nice touch," said Daniel Undergraduate Student the club. Shannon sophomore econom­ Assembly, Serendipity left many The clothes showcased were ics major, wlien asked about the audience members completely extraordinary, not your usual hip show. He explained that the ecstatic to see models of all sorts hop inspired threads. "Vintage: music selection was incredible present the hottest, new spring I love it. Because usually it's hip and that he enjoyed the DJs for fashions. hop and modern styles; it was au the night, DJ Get 'Em Kid and BY MERCEDES WHITE "I am looking forward to van guard," said DoreenVernon, DJ Vegas. Contributing Writer another exciting night of fashion a fashion professor at Howard. Such positive comments here at the Mecca," said Jahdai Designers such as Azzure, were multiplied when the danc­ In his free time, Robert Locksley Dawes II, junior pre­ S. Carter, Sephora, Macy ers of the X Faction dance team L. Patten.on, Jr. can be physical therapy major. Gray, Indigo Red, Commander strutted their cool dance moves, found on the side of the Durant Brown, senior adver­ Salamander, Bernini, and many on the stage for the second half Burr Gymnasium swin1- tising r.iajor, had just that in upcoming student designers of the show.
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