RAHtAT PUBLIC LIBRARY 117$ ST.G ORGES AVE. RAatAT.NJ. 07065 CP 'A Voice for All, an Echo for None' VOL. 22 NO. 1" CLARK, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1988 \ USPS 115-760 25 CENTS Mayorreviews achievements, p by Pat DiMaggio the "minimal rise" in the tax previous 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.," With the ;help of the township dump. "We have the road improvement pro- rate during 1987. said Nucera. Board of Chosen to know what to do with gram moving, to expand the Mayor George G. Nuce- Nucera also listed the Although admitting to Freeholders, the senior the household trash and leaf senior citizen and recreation ra's state of the township road improvement and problems with the township citizen program has been clippings," he said'. u I departments and to main- address on January 1 in- storm drain programs as yard located in back of the expanded to'include Clark challenge the council to tain tax stability, Nucera cluded references to accom- continuing for the benefit of municipal building, Nucera residents in the Meals-on- resolve the garbage problem wished residents "a suc- plishments in the past year taxpayers. He pointed to said it remained open most Wheels program for 1988, with a plan that will help cessful, prosperous and and a challenge to the coun- fl^w contracts with of the year for residents' Nucera stated. He also the taxpayers." healthy 1988." cil to work on unresolved employees which would be household trash and that pointed to the recreation After promising to keep problems. "beneficial to both the' the township's clean-up department's expansion to The financial position of township and the week was a success. He add- include activities for young Clark has never been employees." ed that the recycling pro- and old. better," said Nucera, poin- *These contracts will gram has been successful Mayor Nucera challeng- ting to the $120,000 realiz- enable the taxpayers to enough to offset the cost of ed the council to resolve the ed by the township in in- have services from 8 a.m. to the salaries of the personnel problems of leaf collection terest on investments and 5 p.m. instead of from the hired for it. and the closing of the PRESIDENTIAL FAMILY ,.. Fred Eckel. Pictured with his daughter Helalne, left, and wife. Phyllis, will serve as Clark's Municipal Council President for 1988. Clark Council announces New council president appointees, other decisions IN THE NAME OF THE LAW ... Allan Sherb, second from left, a lifeJong Clark resident, has been sworn in by Mayor George Q. Nucera as a Patrolman, effective cites achievements by Pat DiMaggio Frank E. Suplee was ap- The council also ap- Matthew Cassidy; Class IB, Clark's Municipal Coun- pointed township auditor, pointed the following January 4. Pinning badge on Sherb Is Joseph Com- by Pat DiMaggio organization meeting held exercise class or a professor Paul Streckfuss and Paul arata, Director of Public Safety. Looking on are (right Councilman-At-Large cif took.<care of business for and a temporary budget of special law enforcement of- Friedberg. on January 1. from Union County College • the new year of .1988 at a $1,531,609.74, a dopt ser- ficers for 1988: Class II, center) Police Chief Anthony Smar and (right Fred Eckel was elected Starting his eighth year giving classes for the seniors Steven Rekhman was ap- foreground)! Mayor Nucera. council president at Clark's meeting held on January 1. vice budget, interest on William Hofschheider, pointed an alternate on the council, Eckel has on American History or Depositories for the bonds of $95,000 and an James Gillfch, Thomas Cur- member to the Board of Ad- served on various commit- Current Events or trips to township and pool utility emergency note of 545,000 tis, Joseph Antennucci, justment for * two-year tees including the safety, Atlantic City or to theaters were designated and The' were adopted. Ernest Pauliny, Patrick term, and Councilman Car- public works and finance or a Saturday night dance. Rahway News Record/- A temporary budge* for Dameljo, Alexander Miller, mine Cristiani was ap- committees and has served We gave our seniors a place Clark Patriot and The Daily the swimming pool utiljf Harry* Mathis, Bernard pointed a$ tba oouncjl' as liaison to the police to call their center." JournaLwere selected as of- £ E+fc department and the Board Observing that, prior to ficial newspapers. Salvatore Ruggerio, and of Education. He also serv- the lease of Brewer School, ed as council president in there was little or no recrea- 1984. Eckel has been a tional program for the member of the Newark youth of Clark, Eckel went Police Department for 25 on to list present programs years. including roller skating", a ' "Four years ago I served teen lounge on Friday as council president, and in nights, gymnastics for my remarks that day, I children, a wrestling pro- listed certain projects that I gram, arts and crafts for would strive for and hope to • children from kindergarten see them become a reality," to fifth grade, open gym said Eckel programs, a teenage dance Among the projects were everjrotherrnonthvaTnen's— the dredging of Jackson over-30 basketball league, Pond and the installation of women's volleyball, aero- a new traffic light on bics for women, indoor soc- Madison Hill and Raritan cer and plans for a summer Roads, completed in 1987, program. Eckel noted. "The year ahead holds "The most successful of great promise, and, as all projects took place when elected officials, it is the du- the vacated Brewer School ty of each and every one of became the new municipal us to put aside our petty dif- complex," said Eclcel, ad- ferences and work for the ding that the usage cost was A PRIVILEGED PEEK... Douglas Turner (left) and Kristie Vieira, seniors at the Arthur betterment of Clark," said SI for a twenty year lease. Eckel. "I intend to work L Johnson Regional High School in Clark, were among 52 students from 24 county "Come to Brewer on any high schools participating in "Youth in County Government Day." sponsored by the towards that goal and ask given day and find our in- my colleagues to do the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. The program enables youngsters to get a structor running our senior close look at the Inner workings of government on the county level. same." EDUCATED QUE8S... Ken Satoo (center), • student at . Kropinlckl (left) had quit smoking prior to the "Guess the the Arthur L Johnson Regional High School, accepts Former Smoker" contest during the observance of the congratulations frjom ALJ_Prlnclpal_PayW Carl (right) for "Great American Smokeout" at Johnson Regional. guessing that Industrial Arts teacher Mr. Chester ttttttttflffttffffffffflff jM A The Clark Business* and Professional Womeiv" will hold trittir monthly dinner meeting-at the Raiflftda Hotel, in Clark on Tuesday, January 12 at 7 p.m.'• ' !'r Patricia McCusker,'of the XcCusker Dance Studio in. "Clark will discuss fitness and exercise, for .women. > • _ Clark BPW is a new organization of business and professional women in the Clark and Cranford area and is part of The Na- ttohal Federation of Business and Profesriohal Women, The Clark group % seeking'new members arid SMOKE BUSTERS ... Pictured are sofas of the invites all interested women Second row. Mrs. Kathryn Zlgmbnt, Corey Todres, Un- tb attend. students and teachers from the Arthur L. Johnson da Burtew, David Lampman. Anthony Rufolo, Jimmy MVPs... The Arthur L. Johnson Regional High School (Boys' Soccer) and LesRe Hamett (Girls' Soccer). Rational High School m Clark who recently participated For reservations or infor- Brown and Eva Antako. Third row, Mr. Doug Fetter, mation, contact Winnie Booster Club recently honored the Most Valuable Coach Steve Ctecotem, whose Varsity Footbal team in the "Adoet-A-Smeker" activity during the American Candy PruchnteW. Dana DeSanto. Kin* YVafrch. Jerry Players of the school's varsity teams at Its Fall Sports set a Johnson school record for victories In a season by Cancer -Society's nationwide "Great American Pumo, Usa VendRto and Mrs. Susan Dougherty, During Canavan at 382-2500. Tickets are $14.50. Awards program. The A.LJ. FaH season M.V.P.s are, winning nine of 11 games this Fal, presented the team Smekeout." They are, front row from left, Jeanette the "Adopt-A-Smbkar" activity; non-amoWng students from left: Hilary Altman (Girls' Tennis), Donna Black Most Valuable Player awards to aH 13 seniors on this Zambell, Nicola WlDlama, Amy MacVtear, Mr. Paul and teachem^'adopted" a smoker for the day to con- (Girls' Cross Country). Karen Halleck (Gymnastics). year's Crusader squad. Kaiser. Joe Mtoacta, Chart* Lacey and Nick Kjetsaa. vince him or her to quit smoking. Robert Green (Boys' Cross Country), Joe Burkhard R4B1XT FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1175 ST. GEORGE AVE. RAHIAT, H.Jt RAHWAY "•>«.. ersey's Oldest WeeklyJNewspaper-Establis bed 1822 • VOL. 166 NO. 1 BAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1988 USPS 454-160 25 CENTS Mayor cites city services, warns of garbage "tax by Pat DiMaggi> just one of those things I Rahway has had developers pursuing the Mayor Martin also Mayor Dani'l L. mentioned will eat up one foresight, however, in ap- project, said Martin. A honored retiring Chief of Martin's annual .nessage, out of. every three tax proving construction of a "blue ribbon panel" will also Police Ted Polhamus, who delivered January 4 at City dollars paid by the tax- resource recovery facility to be appointed .to develop a will retire this month after Hall, included *> reflection payers for' municipal pur- solve the garbage crisis, said plan for better parking in 29 years of dedication in on services the municipality poses."' Martin.
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