The Sunday Steward St. Luke Catholic Church 7575 Holliday Drive East Indianapolis, IN 46260 contact us: Phone: 317-259-4373 Fax: 317-254-3210 Web: www. stluke.org Mass schedule RosaRy 5:30 PM Saturday (Anticipation) 7:45 AM Monday - Saturday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM Sunday 4:45 PM Monday - Friday 8:15 AM Weekdays: lituRgy of the houRs Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 AM Monday - Saturday Thursday, Saturday 5:15 PM Monday - Friday 5:30 PM Weekdays: confession Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 2:00 PM Wednesdays Thursday, Friday 10:00 AM Saturdays 6:00 PM 2nd Tuesday of Month coMMunion seRvice euchaRistic adoRation 7:30 AM Monday - Saturday 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week ~ Walking With God ~ Dear Community of St. Luke, recent dialogue, go to the web site for Deanery as of this last week: Fathers the United States Conference of Catholic Jim Farrell and Peter Marshall (St. Pius Let us join with our brothers and sisters Bishops. X), Father Steve Jarrell (Christ the in our neighboring Diocese King), and our own parish son, Father of Lafayette-in-Indiana as Recently, I’ve been reading a wonder- Tom Schliessmann (St. Lawrence). they welcome the Ordina- ful biography of Flannery O’Connor, the tion of their new bishop, noted American Catholic author. The We will begin a new practice during Timothy Doherty, STL, book, FLANNERY: THE LIFE OF FLAN- parish funerals. At the conclusion of PhD. We pray for his NERY O’CONNOR, authored by Brad the funeral liturgy, family members will new Episcopal ministry Gooch, gives a wonderful portrait of this be invited to come forward and light a in Indiana, and surround important Catholic author from Geor- votive candle from the Paschal Candle, him with our prayers and good wishes. gia. I recommend this book for summer and place it before the statue of the Bishop Doherty was Ordained on Thurs- reading. Blessed Mother. A candle will burn day, July 15 in St. Mary Cathedral, Lafay- for thirty days reminding us when we ette presided over by Archbishop Daniel I have no- come to church to pray for our recently M. Buechlein, OSB as the Metropolitan ticed, and deceased parishioners and friends. Our Archbishop in Indiana. apparently 16th Sunday in sacristans will maintain the candle dur- from the ing this time. On an ecumenical note, the latest Roman comments Ordinary Time Catholic-United Methodist Dialogue took of parish- July 18, 2010 It’s hard to believe that we are past the place in Washington, DC at the end of ioners so midway point in the summer. I will be June. The focus of their interest was the have others away for some vacation time from July effect of the respective churches celebra- noticed, the significant improvement in 28 through August 12. I’ll be scaling tion of the Eucharist and the subsequent the climate of the church following the Mount Everest in a leisurely manner, of impact on caring for God’s creation. The installation of our new dehumidifiers in course, all the while studying my Gaelic Roman Catholic church is in regular dia- our HVAC system. vocabulary cards. Right. logue with many of the mainline churches of the Reformation, Orthodoxy and a Please remember in prayer priests of Sincerely yours in the Lord, number of the non-Christian faith tradi- the Archdiocese who have taken up their tions. For further explication of this most new parochial assignments in the North Fr. Noah , 2010 , Stewardship... A Way Of Life What Does Welcoming Have To Do With Stewardship? This weekend we have New Parish- back. What a sad thought. sits in your pew. Don’t frown at July 18 July ioner Registration. So it seemed them for being late or making you very fitting to run this article again. Hospitality and welcoming should be move. If you need to be at the end, every parishioner’s responsibility as a get up with a smile and let them in Every weekend we have people member of the St. Luke community. the pew. attend St. Luke for the first time. Here are four helpful tips to making These visitors may have just moved St. Luke a welcoming parish. 4. Remember, hospitality is not into our area or passing through on just for guests and new mem- vacation. They may be dissatisfied 1. Smile! Smile! Smile! We all run bers. If you realize that someone with their current parish or coming late at times. We all are recovering who is always at the same Mass you back to the church after many years from getting our loved ones and our- attend hasn’t been there in a while, of being away. What was their en- selves ready for Mass. We all have give them a call, see how they are counter like? places to be after Mass. But don’t doing. What a nice way to minister forget to smile. Smiles are conta- to a fellow parishioner. Even if they Their perception of our parish is gious. have changed Masses or parishes, determined at that first Mass. Did what a good feeling you will leave someone greet them or at the very 2. At least twice a month intro- with them knowing someone cared least receive a smile from some of duce yourself to someone you enough to notice. our parishioners in the Narthex? don’t know. It may be a newcomer St. Luke Catholic Church Did the people sitting next to them or it may be a long time parishioner. People remember how we made in the pew give them an acknowl- Either way it has long reaching posi- them feel. By being a welcoming edgement with a smile, nod and/ tive reactions. parish we are expressing God’s love or a genuine Sign Of Peace during to each person who walks through Mass? If they perceive St. Luke as 3. Be inviting when sitting in the our doors. Isn’t that what it is all unwelcoming, they may never come pews. Again, smile when someone about? Adoration Chapel Wednesday Family Nights! Our God is not far away. He visits us daily in the Only Two Wednesdays Left! Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and remains hidden in Only two more Wednesdays left to enjoy the most the consecrated species of bread and wine. All famous, mouth watering, grilled to perfection hot day and all night He waits for us in the Blessed dogs on the Northside of Indianapolis! In addition, Sacrament. Is the Lord still waiting for you? To we offer an outstanding evening of fellowship! make your commitment to an hourly visit in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each week, call The tradition has continued thanks to the Scouts, Sandra or John Behringer, 251-9731. PTO/School Commission, the Good Samaritans and the Welcoming Committee! July 21 Stewardship Comm. July 28 Sandy and Friends Readings for the Week of July 19 Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Mt 12:46-50 Please bring a dish to share Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10/Mt 13:1-9 and join us in the Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 North parking lot at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays. Friday: Jer 3:14-17/Mt 13:18-23 Hot dogs and fixings, fun and fellowship provided. Saturday: Jer 7:1-11/Mt 13:24-30 Next Sunday: Gn 18:20-32/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-1 The Sunday Steward is a weekly publication of St. Luke Catholic Church. Please submit articles to [email protected] as a Word document attachment. The deadline is Friday at 12:00 Noon, one week prior to publication. 2 Youth Ministry Rest In Peace Mary Barnstead, Youth Minister 259-4373, x257, [email protected] Please pray for the repose of the souls of parishioners Youth Masses Ana Villanueva, We are starting to plan our Youth Masses. If you are interested in playing Marian Galdabini an instrument, contact Mary for information. Enjoy your summer but don’t forget to thank the One who created it just for you. Al Capuano, Sr. and Bernard Guerrettaz, How About King’s Island? father of parishioner Karen Guerrettaz Lorentz. Is summer boring and you have nothing to do? Join us at CYO King’s Island Day, July 28. All 7th -12th graders are invited to attend. The bus will leave Christ the King parking lot at 7 am and return about Midnight. Cost is $60. All permission forms are due into the Youth Ministry Office now. Chaperones are invited. Banns of Marriage Sunday Morning Religious Education There is a promise of marriage between SMRE Catechists Needed Megan Bouse of Noblesville, IN We are looking for adults 18 and older to serve as Catechists for the Sunday Morning and Michael Agugliaro of Religious Education Program. We have several positions open: St. Luke (I) 4 & 5-year-olds 9:00 - 10:00 AM Kindergarten 10:10 – 11:20 AM 4th grade 10:10 - 11:20 AM 8th grade Team Member 10:10 - 11:20 AM We try to have 2 -3 adults per room, so catechists can have a more flexible schedule. Classes begin September 12 and end May 15. All books and materials Welcome! are provided for catechists. Please contact Diane Schafer if you are interested at 259-4373, x256. New Parishioners About SMRE and Registration Information Our preschool program is open to any child age 3 to 5 who is potty trained. Classes Please welcome to our community: are held 9:00am to 10:00am.
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